22 research outputs found

    Daun Sepejam adalah Mikrohabitat Sarang Tawon Kertas: Kasus Indralaya

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    Marisa H.  2022. Hypolytrum nemorum leaves as the nest host of pollinator paper wasp Ropalidia fasciata. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 61-66. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Sepejam is vernacular name for Hypolytrum nemorum, a member of Ceperaceae family, but their visual leaves looks like Pandanceae. This plant usually growth at swamp side or ponds side area. Survey on 26th June, 2022 at Sriwijaya University ponds, found a sepejam plant. Study on the top leaves of this sample plant, found the paper wasp (Ropalidia fasciata) nest hanged there. Ropalidia fasciata had reported usually made their nest at sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and wild grass (Miscanthus sinensis) in Japan, but the nest commonly exist at Cocos nucifera in Taiwan, and often found hung at twigs and leaves of broadleaves tree in Sumatra. But now, it is found Ropalidia fasciata paper wasp, made their nest under Hypolytrum nemorum leaves, at pond side, Indralaya, Sumatra. The nest made at central vein of lining leaves, at the top of twig, close to the inflorescence. Leaves host was 15 cm length, 2 cm wide, 90 cm height from the ground surface. There are 5 individu of H nemorum clumped, and 10 inflerescences, which the pH of soil about 6.5–7 and light intensity 2000 lux at daylight, and soil humidity about 30-40 %. So, it is need to consider, protection of H nemorum in South Sumatra, as the nest habitat of pollinator paper wasp, R fasciata

    Bellucia pentamera, Naudin., in South Sumatra: Up Date of Distribution Data and Insect Host Role

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    Distribution data of B pentamera, had been published, and it is found in Palembang, Ogan Ilir, Muara Enim and Pali residences. This month, December 2023, distribution data of this plant be up date by tracking the last samples and find the new trees. Survey, literature study and citizen information are collected and analysed in this article. Two trees, close to SMA 1 Indralaya , Ogan Ilir, and the other one, at Talang Taling roadside, Muara Enim, have died, no more trunk, may be are cut by the owners. But it is found 6 trees in Sigam, Muara Enim,; 4 trees at Bitis, Muara Enim; 2 trees at Indralaya, Ogan Ilir; some trees at Tanjung Baru village, Northern Lampung, some trees at Hutan Harapan, Jambi,  some trees at Lais, Musi Banyuasin, some trees at Sungai Lilin,Musi Banyuasin, a tree at Green Paradise Hotel Park, Pagar Alam; at last at Lubuk Bintialo and Pangkalan Bulian villages, Musi Banyuasin, as published by a research institute.  Investigation on the insects that use B pentameraas their host, found four species namely Delichoderus thoracicus (small black ant), Xylocopa sp (carpenter bee) and Oecophylla smaragdina (Asian weaver ant) and Melanoplus diffrentialis (spotted legs grasshopper)

    Domestikasi Hewan Liar Zona Sub-optimal Rawa Lebak Indralaya, Sumatera Selatan: Kasus Berang-berang (Lutra sumatrana)

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    Marisa et al, 2019. Domestication a Wild Animal Species of  Sub-optimal Zone, in Indralaya Swampy Area, South Sumatra; The Case of Hairy Nosed Otter (Lutra sumatrana). pp. 376-383. An observation had been done to publish a success domestication  of a wild animal in Indralaya swampy area, (sub-optimal agricultural zone) , South Sumatra at last September 2018. A pair of hairy nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana) had een care during three years, with 3.2 – 4 kg weight,  50 – 60 cm bofy  length,  and consumed 1 kg food (hens/cock heads), never overcome sick, and looks like commonly pet.  These otters would come back to their home, even be released to the nature

    Effect of Soursop Bark Extract (Annona muricata L.) as a Botanical Insecticide on Cockroach (Periplaneta americana L) Mortality

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    The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) be an insect which are disease vectors for humans. The control of American cockroaches be often carried out by the community by using synthetic insecticides, however the use of synthetic insecticides can have a negative impact on both humans and the environment. Therefore, natural alternatives are needed that are safer for the environment and humans by using vegetable insecticides. Soursop bark contain active compounds that have potential as vegetable insecticides. This study aim to determine ability of soursop bark extract as vegetable insecticide on mortality of adult American cockroaches, to determine LC50 value of soursop bark extract, and to determine compounds present in soursop stem bark. This research conduct from August 2022 to February 2023. Research this research use experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments (control (-), 1%, 3%, 5%, and control (+)) and 5 repetition. Average American cockroach mortality calculate after 24th, 48th, and 72nd hours. Data that obtain analyze using One Way ANOVA. Results show that soursop bark extract be effective as nabatic insecticide against American cockroach mortality with LC50 value of 2.89%. Bioactive compounds that contain in soursop bark extract be alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, and tannins

    Activity Tests of Bioactive Material of Salung Leaf (Psychotria viridiflora Reinw. Ex. Blume) against Salmonella thypi Bacteria In Vitro And In Vivo

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    Activity test of bioactive material of Salung leaf (Psychotria viridiflora Reinw. ex. Blume) against Salmonella thypi in vitro and in vivo has been carried out. Bioactive material was obtained from the maceration and followed by fractionation of liquid-liquid fractionation. Antibacterial activity test performed in vitro to determine the value of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and in vivo to determine the ability of bioactive cure diarrhea in in rats (Rattus norvegicus) infected by Salmonella typhi. Treatment of bioactive material given is 0, 10, 50 and 100 mg kg-1 of weight. The results showed that the MIC of salung leaf’s bioactive material to Salmonella typhi was 250 μg mL-1. Bioactive ingredient at dose of 10 and 50 mg kg-1 were able to decrease the number of bacterial colonies to 4.14x106 cfu g-1 and 5.4x105 cfu g-1, less than 5.04x106 cfu g-1 as control. Bioactive material in weight of 100 mg kg-1 of weight could reduce the population of Salmonella typhi to zero after 12 days of treatment. The ability to reduce the amount of bacterial colonies of the bioactive material 100 mg kg-1 of weight is equal to the ability of positive control chloramphenicol 10 mg kg-1 of weight.Telah dilakukan uji aktivitas bahan bioaktif dari daun Salung (Psychotria viridiflora Reinw. ex. Blume) terhadap bakteri Salmonella thypi secara in vitro dan in vivo. Bahan bioaktif diperoleh dari proses maserasi dan dilanjutkan dengan fraksinasi secara fraksinasi cair-cair (FCC), Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan secara in vitro untuk menentuan nilai konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) dan pengujian secara in vivo pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) untuk mengetahui kemampuan bioaktif menyembuhkan penyakit diare yang diinfeksi dengan Salmonella typhi. Perlakuan bahan bioaktif yang diberikan 0, 10, 50 dan 100 mg/kgbb. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KHM bahan bioaktif dari daun salung terhadap bakteri Salmonella typhi yaitu 250 μg/ml. Bahan bioaktif pada dosis 10 mg/kgbb dan 50 mg/kg mampu menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri menjadi 4,14x106 dan 5,4x105 cfu/g, lebih sedikit dibanding kontrol 5,04 x 106 cfu/g. Bahan bioaktif 100 mg/kgbb dapat menurunkan populasi bakteri Salmonella typhi sampai nol setelah 12 hari pengobatan. Kemampuan bahan bioaktif 100 mg/kgbb sama dengan kontrol positif kloramfenikol 10 mg/kgbb

    Antioxidant compounds and activity from the leaf of the mistletoe (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) on Duku plant (Lansium domesticum Corr.)

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    Mistletoes or benalu in Indonesia is a parasitic plant that can live on a variety of hosts. In this study determined the antioxidant activity of mistletoes living on Duku (Lansium domesticum Corr.) was Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.  The aim of the study determine antioxidant activity used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol water fractions, and determine the compound groups and the IC50 values. The research methods used were extraction by maceration, fractionation by liquid fractionation method, isolation by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) and column chromatography, and antioxidant activity test with DPPH. The results showed that the n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions which had antioxidant activity and the methanol fraction were inactive. From the n-hexane fraction, the isolates NH.1 and NH.3 were obtained, the former of which belongs to terpenoids, while the latter belongs to flavonoids. From the ethyl acetate fraction, the isolate EA.3, which also belongs to flavonoids, was obtained. The isolate NH.1 has an IC50 value of 151.35 g/mL with weak antioxidant activity, while the isolate NH.3 has 96.64 g/mL, and EA.3 has 78.37 g/mL with moderate antioxidant activity

    Struktur Kandelia candel (L.) Druce di Pulau Payung Sungsang, Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    K. candel (L.) Druce, including one of the rare mangroves that need unique management. This study aimed to determine the vegetation structure, habitat, and abundance of K. candel. Determination of stations and points of research transects using the line transect method at five observation stations with each observation station consisting of three transect lines. The results showed that 13 species from 8 families were divided into primary, minor, and association mangrove categories. K. candel habitat in Pulau Payung was found at observation station 2 with a salinity of 0 ‰ and a clay substrate type. K. candel was also found at observation station 4 with a 0% salinity and a sandy clay substrate type. The vegetation that dominates on Payung Island is the A.alba BI type. seen from the Importance Value (NP) at the tree level of 77.77%, sapling level of 86.67%, and at the seedling level of 65.52%. The significance value of K. cande at the tree level was 30.59%, the sapling level was 47.33%, and at the seedling, the level was 24.48%. This suggests that the abundance of K. Candel is limited

    Preliminary Study on Phaeomeria SP Economic Potency

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    Experiment to show influence of Phaeomeria sp rhizome extract treatment to germantion of soybean and green peanut had been done at Laboratory of plant ecology, Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Sriwijaya, Indralaya, South Sumatera, Indonesia during February 2008. Data analysis shows that Phaeomeria sp had potency on herbicide, ornamental and medicinal plant