348 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 6, 1944

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    Drive extended to obtain $2000 for fighter plane • Navy plans to continue college training program • Dr. W. D. Fuller will speak at forum this Wednesday • Twenty-five graduated at mid-year exercises; Philadelphia surgeon speaks • Thirty colleges to hold model United Nations conference March 30 • Educated women needed now in armed forces, later in post-war work • Navy men shifted to other units • Wilmer Knight \u2741, killed in action on Italian front • Dr. Garrett discusses France Forever conference • Loraine Walton appointed assistant editor of Ruby • May pageant deadline set; rules announced by dean • Warning to men: Lorelei is March 18 • French Club hears lecture • Army-Navy qualifying test will be given at Ursinus • Betty Tyson to review poetry • Hart and Hudson lead services • Pre-meds to hear doctor • Need for Christianity stressed at vespers • Girls\u27 basketball team ties Penn with foul shot in closing seconds • Ursinus deadlocks Bryn Mawr after trailing, 8-6, at halftime • Second team trims Bryn Mawr sextette • Girls\u27 third team defeats Main Liners by two points • Groups plan semester work at Y retreat yesterdayhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1725/thumbnail.jp

    Os efeitos da cross-education na recuperação da força do quadríceps, senso de posição articular do joelho, e funcionalidade após a reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior: revisão bibliográfica

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: a Cross-education (CE) ou treino unilateral do membro não afetado é uma estratégia terapêutica comummente utilizada no ganho de força no membro contralateral. No entanto, os efeitos da CE em pacientes com reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) são ainda pouco conhecidos. Objetivo: verificar os efeitos da Cross-education na recuperação da força do quadríceps, senso de posição articular do joelho, e funcionalidade após a reconstrução do LCA. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa computorizada nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science e PEDro, no sentido de identificar estudos randomizados controlados que avaliassem os efeitos da CE após ligamentoplastia do LCA. A qualidade metodológica foi analisada através da escala de PEDro. Resultados: foram incluídos 6 estudos com uma classificação média de 6.17/10 na classificação de PEDro, num total de 262 participantes de ambos os géneros, dos 15 aos 60 anos de idade. A CE não se mostra efetiva no aumento da funcionalidade, e os resultados não são consensuais no ganho de força do quadríceps. Porém, existe uma melhoria da perceção do senso de posição articular do joelho em amplitudes extremas. Conclusão: não é possível verificar, de forma consistente, uma melhoria significativa de todos os parâmetros avaliados após a implementação da CE. Mais estudos serão necessários para validar a CE como adjuvante de um protocolo de reeducação.Introduction: Cross-education (CE) or unilateral training of the unaffected limb is a commonly used therapeutic strategy for gaining strength in the contralateral limb. However, in patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, the effect of EC is unknown. Objective: to verify the effects of Cross-education on quadriceps strength recovery, knee joint position sense, and functionality after ACL reconstruction. Methodology: a computerized search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and PEDro databases, in order to identify randomized controlled studies that evaluated the effects of Cross-education after ACL ligamentoplasty. Methodological quality was analyzed using the PEDro scale. Results: 6 studies were included with an average PEDro score of 6.17/10, with a total of 262 participants of both genders, from 15 to 60 years of age. CE is not effective in increasing functionality, and the results are not consensual in the gain of quadríceps strength. However, there is an improvement in the perception of the sense of joint position of the knee in extreme amplitudes. Conclusion: it is not possible to consistently verify a significant improvement of all parameters assessed after the implementation of EC. Further studies will be necessary to validate EC as an adjuvant to a re-education protocol.N/

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 13, 1943

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    Successful ball has Christmas setting, breakfast at 11 p.m. • Seasonal programs to end with candlelight service • 1-A engineers may join Army corps • Girls fill positions on Weekly staffs • Ursinus choir to join with N.Y. soloists in traditional Messiah presentation • Dr. Nevin Harner speaks to students about faith • Thespians try out for Jupiter Laughs • Y has Christmas tea; students entertain • Mrs. McClure to entertain college women next week • IRC to admit new members • Students may give blood to Red Cross this week • Men and women will have annual banquet together • Student contributions help war fund go over the top • French Club will feature Christmas program tonight • Women begin basketball practice; first team loses three players • Bill Shope\u27s club rises in intramural standings • Basketball varsity downs slower faculty quintette • Second team has hopes for successful season • Nat Hogeland played on all teams while a Phys. Ed. major at Ursinus • Freshmen report for girls\u27 basketball • Mid Halbruegge heads jayvee net-swishers • Coeds make plan to have interdorm games this year • Phys. Ed seniors discuss camps, playgrounds, schools • Do you need to relax? Try rec center - tonight • Students see collection of old editions of books • Devotions well attended • Mrs. Helfferich gives talk • Sergeant Gensler marries Jane Burton of Wyncotehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1721/thumbnail.jp

    Contacts de langues dans les SMS 'sourds'

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    International audienceLa communication électronique est un domaine privilégié de prospective linguistique car elle offre un lieu de création, de variation, de jeu sur la langue et sur la graphie. Par ailleurs elle permet d'explorer le rapport entre oral et écrit dans la mesure où, comme l'oral a priori, l'écrit électronique est un usage de proximité et, comme l'écrit en général, c'est un outil de communication à distance. En contexte plurilingue, la communication électronique offre également un panel de formes en contact. Nous explorons ici plus avant le potentiel de ce type d'écrit et regardons ce qu'en font des scripteurs qui évoluent dans un plurilinguisme multimodal : les scripteurs sourds

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 20, 1944

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    Hudson stresses Christian division from rest of world • YM-YWCA to welcome frosh and Navy at Holiday Inn • Lorelei scores a hit with everyone as girls catch men for dance dates • List of new students includes 13 civilians and 9 fleet sailors • Delta Tau pledges twelve new members • Freshman girls get colors at ceremony • Girls vote tomorrow for 1944 May queen • Y\u27s to present musicale with theme of holy week • Mr. D. L. Helfferich heads post-war planning group • WSGA launches drive for Red Cross here • Old man experience gives pointers to both sexes for next turn-about • Betsy Schumaker \u2746, leads Wednesday Lenten service • Ursinus debaters to meet Moravian men on Friday • Justine Richards to report on pan-American highway • German Club will have banquet at Kopper Kettle in April • Coeds down Drexel in low-scoring tilt on Ursinus court • Basketball girls win close contest with college of Chestnut Hill team • Sextette will meet Temple team Thursday • Shirley Klein paces J.V.\u27s against Chestnut Hill • Captain Halbruegge leads second team in easy win • Shreiner and Glenwood win in intramural basketballhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1727/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 13, 1944

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    Girls grab gobs for gala gathering as leap-year Lorelei looms at last • Y will entertain at spring reception • Students sell $13,744.70 in war bond drive as Eileen Smith wins second individual prize • Dr. W. Fuller explains CED work after war • Rex Gregor is awarded silver star for bravery • Chaplain tells students progress is inevitable • Senators to direct Red Cross drive here • Curtain Club to give three one-act plays • Marian Martin becomes IRC secretary-treasurer • Freshmen to receive colors in ceremony on Thursday • World Student Service Fund helps Chinese students solve problems • Delegates to be chosen for Penn State conference • Coeds to hear Mrs. Mooney • Carpenters, painters give new face to rec center • Dr. Oppenheimer speaks to pre-medical society • Lt. Norris A. Johnson \u2736, Navy radioman, writes from southwest Pacific about Air Corps duties • Frosh end sorority blues • Loyal Irish to praise St. Patrick on Friday • Improved girls\u27 team upsets Beaver after deadlocking for three periods • J.V.\u27s take Jenkintown six; Mid Halbruegge sets pace • Baseball team practices indoors under Heffernan • One-act play will be given at Women\u27s Club session • Betty Tyson reviews poetryhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1726/thumbnail.jp

    Dynamiques temporelles de la pandémie de grippe A/H1N1 dans la presse écrite francophone

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    National audienceLe projet cherche à étudier les représentations et les politiques sanitaires associées aux épidémies contemporaines dans une perspective d'interprétation croisée : sociale, psychologique, spatiale et historique. Ainsi, il propose de développer une approche pluridisciplinaire en combinant des méthodes et des orientations épistémologiques complémentaires à partir de l'épisode de grippe A (H1N1) de 2009-2010. Cet épisode de crise constitue une entrée particulièrement intéressante pour étudier le risque épidémique dans la mesure où il est associé à la mise en place de politiques sanitaires particulières et fait circuler des représentations spécifiques de la maladie. Il permet en outre d'interroger les différentes échelles d'action impliquées dans la construction sociale et spatiale des deux épidémies. Son analyse peut par ailleurs permettre une dimension comparative en cherchant à appréhender les pratiques des différents acteurs et les modèles de prévention et de lutte qu'elles ont pu diffuser

    Politiques et représentations des épidémies. Analyse comparée de la construction d’un problème de santé global: La pandémie de grippe A/ H1N1 et les campagnes de vaccination à travers les presses écrites francophones et anglophones

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    Politiques et représentations des épidémies. Analyse comparée de la construction d’un problème de santé globalA partir d'un corpus en langue française généré via l'agrégateur de presse Factiva, nous développons deux types d'analyse textuelle à l'aide des logiciels Alceste et Tropes. L'objectif de ce rapport est d'étudier la dynamique temporelle du discours de la presse sur la pandémie de grippe A/H1N1 et la campagne de vaccination associée (2009‐2010). Interroger la temporalité du discours nous donne la possibilité de mieux appréhender la cohérence temporelle des espaces de débat associé à la crise de la grippe A/H1N1. Cette perspective nécessite de mieux appréhender les dimensions globales et locales de la description du discours.A partir d'un corpus en langue française généré via l'agrégateur de presse Factiva, nous développons deux types d'analyse textuelle à l'aide des logiciels Alceste et Tropes. L'objectif de ce rapport est d'étudier la dynamique temporelle du discours de la presse sur la pandémie de grippe A/H1N1 et la campagne de vaccination associée (2009‐2010). Interroger la temporalité du discours nous donne la possibilité de mieux appréhender la cohérence temporelle des espaces de débat associé à la crise de la grippe A/H1N1. Cette perspective nécessite de mieux appréhender les dimensions globales et locales de la description du discours

    Comparaison de deux approches du décodage conjoint source-canal

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    - Deux approches du Décodage Conjoint Source-Canal (DCSC) pour des Codes à Longueurs Variables (CLV) sont décrites. L'une utilise un a priori sur la source dans le décodage canal, l'autre itère les opérations de décodage de canal et de source. Les techniques sont comparées dans des conditions de simulations identiques et tiennent compte du critère de complexité. A fort Taux d'Erreur Symbole (TES), les performances de la seconde méthode, itérative, sont supérieures à celles de la première. A faible TES les résultats sont inversés

    Drosophila Bitter Taste(s)

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    International audienceMost animals possess taste receptors neurons detecting potentially noxious compounds. In humans, the ligands which activate these neurons define a sensory space called ``bitter''. By extension, this term has been used in animals and insects to define molecules which induce aversive responses. In this review, based on our observations carried out in Drosophila, we examine how bitter compounds are detected and if bitter sensitive neurons respond only to molecules bitter to humans. Like most animals, flies detect bitter chemicals through a specific population of taste neurons, distinct from those responding to sugars or to other modalities. Activating bitter-sensitive taste neurons induces aversive reactions and inhibits feeding. Bitter molecules also contribute to the suppression of sugar-neuron responses and can lead to a complete inhibition of the responses to sugar at the periphery. Since some bitter molecules activate bitter-sensitive neurons and some inhibit sugar detection, bitter molecules are represented by two sensory spaces which are only partially congruent. In addition to molecules which impact feeding, we recently discovered that the activation of bitter-sensitive neurons also induces grooming. Bitter-sensitive neurons of the wings and of the legs can sense chemicals from the gram negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, thus adding another biological function to these receptors. Bitter sensitive neurons of the proboscis also respond to the inhibitory pheromone, 7-tricosene. Activating these neurons by bitter molecules in the context of sexual encounter inhibits courting and sexual reproduction, while activating these neurons with 7-tricosene in a feeding context will inhibit feeding. The picture that emerges from these observations is that the taste system is composed of detectors which monitor different ``categories'' of ligands, which facilitate or inhibit behaviors depending on the context (feeding, sexual reproduction, hygienic behavior), thus considerably extending the initial definition of ``bitter'' tasting