The Ursinus Weekly, March 13, 1944


Girls grab gobs for gala gathering as leap-year Lorelei looms at last • Y will entertain at spring reception • Students sell $13,744.70 in war bond drive as Eileen Smith wins second individual prize • Dr. W. Fuller explains CED work after war • Rex Gregor is awarded silver star for bravery • Chaplain tells students progress is inevitable • Senators to direct Red Cross drive here • Curtain Club to give three one-act plays • Marian Martin becomes IRC secretary-treasurer • Freshmen to receive colors in ceremony on Thursday • World Student Service Fund helps Chinese students solve problems • Delegates to be chosen for Penn State conference • Coeds to hear Mrs. Mooney • Carpenters, painters give new face to rec center • Dr. Oppenheimer speaks to pre-medical society • Lt. Norris A. Johnson \u2736, Navy radioman, writes from southwest Pacific about Air Corps duties • Frosh end sorority blues • Loyal Irish to praise St. Patrick on Friday • Improved girls\u27 team upsets Beaver after deadlocking for three periods • J.V.\u27s take Jenkintown six; Mid Halbruegge sets pace • Baseball team practices indoors under Heffernan • One-act play will be given at Women\u27s Club session • Betty Tyson reviews poetry

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