19 research outputs found

    Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw : a proposal for conservative treatment

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    The use of bisphosphonates (BPs) has proven effective in the treatment of bone-related diseases, despite the potential risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). So far, results for the treatment of ONJ have not been satisfactory. In our study, we have treated two patients diagnosed with ONJ. In addition to local treatments a hydrogel was applied, with promising results. The fistulae disappeared 2-3 weeks into the treatment. After a six-month follow-up period there has been no sign of recurrence. The extent of maxillary bone exposure has diminished notably, although not entirely disappeared. In all cases, the patients exhibit no other symptoms (they suffer from no pain or swelling or functional impotence). For this reason we believe this protocol might be useful in the case of patients who suffer from pain and fistulation secondary to BP-associated ONJ to improve the state of their lesions until definitive treatment can be undertaken. Although these findings are not conclusive, given that we are reporting data on two patients only, we believe that this might be an alternative treatment in refractory cases where other therapies are counter-indicated. A controlled randomized and prospective study would be required to confirm our findings

    Bone metabolism and clinical study of 44 patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws

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    Osteonecrosis of the jaws is a clinical entity described and linked to treatment with bisphosphonates in 2003. Its real incidence is unknown and it could increase due to the large number of patients treated with these drugs, and its cumulative effect on the bone. State of the art knowledge regarding its etiopathogeny, clinical course and suitable treatments is limited. Objectives: To study the clinical characteristics of 44 patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws and the state of their bone mineral metabolism: bone remodeling state, prevalence of fractures, bone mineral density study, and assessment of the different treatment strategies. Design of the Study: Observational. Information was gathered prospectively through interviews, clinical examinations, additional tests and review of medical records. Results: We studied 16 men and 28 women with a mean age of 64.7 years. Breast cancer was the most frequent underlying disease. Zoledronate was used in 82% of the cases and in the non-oncology group of patients; alendronate was the most frequently used bisphosphonate. The mean duration of the zoledronate and alendronate treatments was 25 months and 88 months respectively. The lower jaw was the most frequent location, and previous exodontias- among the triggering factors known-were the most closely linked to its onset. We found considerable osteoblastic activity in patients suffering from neoplasia, with artifacts present in their bone densitometry and a high percentage of vertebral fractures. Conclusions: According to our results, osteonecrosis of the jaws affects elderly patients. We found a direct relationship between the duration of exposure and the accumulated dose. Other relevant factors are: Poor oral and dental health, corticoids, diabetes and teeth extractions. In essence, it is a clinical diagnosis. Prevention is the best strategy to handle this clinical entity

    The efficacy of acupuncture and decompression splints in the treatment of temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome

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    Objectives: The goal of the present study was to evaluate the results of applying acupuncture or occlusal decompression splints in the treatment of patients diagnosed with the temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome. Design of the study: We conducted a randomized clinical trial including 20 patients to whom the mentioned treatments were applied. Results were evaluated through an analogue pain scale, measurements of mouth opening and jaw lateral deviation in millimetres, and assessment of sensitivity to pressure on different points: preauricular, masseter muscle, temporal muscle and trapezius. Parameters were evaluated before and 30 days after the treatment. For standardized pressure, we used a pressure algometer. Results: Patients treated with decompression splints showed reductions in subjective pain and pain upon pressure on temporal, masseter and trapezius muscles, as well as increased mouth opening after the treatment. Patients treated with acupuncture showed pain reduction in the short term and improvements in all of the evaluated para- meters (stronger pressure was required to produce pain; mouth opening was improved). Conclusion: Acupuncture was an effective complement and/or an acceptable alternative to decompression splints in the treatment of myofascial pain and temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome

    Reduced proteasome activity in the aging brain results in ribosome stoichiometry loss and aggregation.

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    A progressive loss of protein homeostasis is characteristic of aging and a driver of neurodegeneration. To investigate this process quantitatively, we characterized proteome dynamics during brain aging in the short-lived vertebrate Nothobranchius furzeri combining transcriptomics and proteomics. We detected a progressive reduction in the correlation between protein and mRNA, mainly due to post-transcriptional mechanisms that account for over 40% of the age-regulated proteins. These changes cause a progressive loss of stoichiometry in several protein complexes, including ribosomes, which show impaired assembly/disassembly and are enriched in protein aggregates in old brains. Mechanistically, we show that reduction of proteasome activity is an early event during brain aging and is sufficient to induce proteomic signatures of aging and loss of stoichiometry in vivo. Using longitudinal transcriptomic data, we show that the magnitude of early life decline in proteasome levels is a major risk factor for mortality. Our work defines causative events in the aging process that can be targeted to prevent loss of protein homeostasis and delay the onset of age-related neurodegeneration

    Notes on range extension and geographic variation of calls in Adenomera thomei (Anura: Leptodactylidae)

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    New localities are herein reported for Adenomera thomei in Minas Gerais state, increasing its known distribution towards the Brazilian northwest and expanding knowledge on its habitat use. The advertisement calls of Adenomera thomei here reported exhibit variation in the call parameters known for this species, but also reveal a degree of overlap with the calls of a closely related undescribed species, suggesting that further research is needed to elucidate geographic call variation and population identities

    Actitud hacia la investigación en la facultad de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2017

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    La investigación es base fundamental en el progreso de la ciencia, y la universidad es la institución que debe alentar a sus estudiantes a realizarla. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la actitud hacia la investigación de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener (UPNW) en Lima, 2017. Es un estudio cuantitativo, observacional, transversal.Los sujetos fueron 1300 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (excepto Medicina Humana), del V al X ciclo académico, hombres y mujeres, de entre 18 y 50 años, quienes accedieron a la ficha de recolección de datos a través de la plataforma virtual. El instrumento utilizado fue originalmente dirigido a alumnos de la carrera de odontología y en forma presencial; por ello, se realizó una validación de constructo en este nuevo grupo poblacional (estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud), de lo que resultó un nuevo instrumento de 13 ítems con validez y confiabilidad comprobada por el estudio. Se procedió también a calcular un baremo. El 80,2 % de los sujetos fueron mujeres. Se evidencia menos participación de estudiantes en tanto se acercan al último ciclo. La mayor cantidad de sujetos fueron de la carrera de Odontología (23,2 %). Hubo semejanza en la frecuencia de rangos de edad “hasta 23 años” y “de 24 a 27” (26,1 % y 27,2 %, respectivamente). El 50,9 % de los estudiantes evidenciaron una actitud regular hacia la investigación. Palabras clave : Actitud, investigación, estudiantes del área de la salud, Perú

    In vitro antibacterial activity of fluoride-free toothpastes against Streptococcus mutans strains

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    Introducción: Los dentífricos con ingredientes activos previenen la caries dental en niños. Objetivo: Determinar la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de tres dentífricos sin flúor y dos soluciones control frente a cepas estándares de Streptococccus mutans. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, prospectivo y experimental a doble ciego. Se utilizó agar tripticasa de soya con el método de difusión a 37 °C durante 24 h. Se observó el tamaño de los halos de crecimiento inhibitorio en cada grupo. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el software SPSS15, mediante pruebas estadísticas de corroboración de distribución gaussiana de Shapiro–Wilk, prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: El diámetro de inhibición en gluconato de clorhexidina al 0,12 % fue de 26,69 mm (± 1,85), en el agua destilada de 6 mm (± 0) y para las pastas dentífricas de 6 mm (± 0) y 22,93 mm (± 3,39). Al comparar los diámetros obtenidos por la acción del gluconato de clorhexidina 0,12 % y del agua destilada con los dentífricos libre de flúor, sólo en uno de los casos se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p< 0,05). Conclusiones: No todos los dentífricos para la higiene bucal del bebé estudiados presentan actividad antibacteriana frente a la cepa de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 2190.106 SJR (2019) Q4, 139/148 Dentistry (Miscellaneous)No data IDR 2019UE

    Acción antibacteriana in vitro de dentífricos sin flúor frente a cepas de Streptococcus mutans

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    Introducción: Los dentífricos con ingredientes activos previenen la caries dental en niños. Objetivo: Determinar la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de tres dentífricos sin flúor y dos soluciones control frente a cepas estándares de Streptococccus mutans. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, prospectivo y experimental a doble ciego. Se utilizó agar tripticasa de soya con el método de difusión a 37 °C durante 24 h. Se observó el tamaño de los halos de crecimiento inhibitorio en cada grupo. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el software SPSS15, mediante pruebas estadísticas de corroboración de distribución gaussiana de Shapiro-Wilk, prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: El diámetro de inhibición en gluconato de clorhexidina al 0,12 % fue de 26,69 mm (± 1,85), en el agua destilada de 6 mm (± 0) y para las pastas dentífricas de 6 mm (± 0) y 22,93 mm (± 3,39). Al comparar los diámetros obtenidos por la acción del gluconato de clorhexidina 0,12 % y del agua destilada con los dentífricos libre de flúor, sólo en uno de los casos se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p< 0,05). Conclusiones: No todos los dentífricos para la higiene bucal del bebé estudiados presentan actividad antibacteriana frente a la cepa de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175