1,047 research outputs found

    Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press

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    This study investigates the language used by national newspapers in Mexico: “El Universal”, “La Jornada”, “Milenio”, and “Reforma”, when addressing the issue of feminicide regarding victims and perpetrators, as well as their relationship with the gender of the reporter and with each newspaper. The research is based on the analysis of qualitative content and the theoretical framework of framing. Categories were built on the type of language in cases of feminicide of 360 journalistic texts published during 2017: 1) Narrative of feminicide; 2) Justification of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; 3) Social issues; 4) Blaming the victim. The analysis yielded cases of victim blaming to a lesser extent than those of the perpetrator's justification. Aspects of the narration of feminicide stood out both by the gender of the reporter and by the media in the four newspapers, from two perspectives: 1) The fact, the follow-up, or the context; 2) The fact, legal aspects, and statistics. Reporters, men and women, tend to justify the perpetrator; male reporters blame the victim more than female reporters; and female reporters contextualize feminicide through social issues: social violence, impunity, and failures in legal processes. “La Jornada” is inclined towards social issues, while “El Universal” tends to justify the perpetrator

    Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press

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    This study investigates the language used by national newspapers in Mexico: “El Universal”, “La Jornada”, “Milenio”, and “Reforma”, when addressing the issue of feminicide regarding victims and perpetrators, as well as their relationship with the gender of the reporter and with each newspaper. The research is based on the analysis of qualitative content and the theoretical framework of framing. Categories were built on the type of language in cases of feminicide of 360 journalistic texts published during 2017: 1) Narrative of feminicide; 2) Justification of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; 3) Social issues; 4) Blaming the victim. The analysis yielded cases of victim blaming to a lesser extent than those of the perpetrator's justification. Aspects of the narration of feminicide stood out both by the gender of the reporter and by the media in the four newspapers, from two perspectives: 1) The fact, the follow-up, or the context; 2) The fact, legal aspects, and statistics. Reporters, men and women, tend to justify the perpetrator; male reporters blame the victim more than female reporters; and female reporters contextualize feminicide through social issues: social violence, impunity, and failures in legal processes. “La Jornada” is inclined towards social issues, while “El Universal” tends to justify the perpetrator

    Caracterización agronómica de tres genotipos comerciales de papaya en Michoacán, México

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    In the valley of Apatzingán Michoacán, Mexico, the papaya (Carica papaya L.) Maradol Roja is cultivated, however, producers face a latent risk due to having a mono varietal production in relation to the health of the crop and the commercialization in a complex market. Given this, the objective of this research was to agronomically evaluate the development and fruiting of three papaya genotypes in the Ejido El Platanal, municipality of Tumbiscatio Michoacán, Mexico to determine their adaptability as a production alternative. The variables evaluated were: plant height, stem diameter, fruits per plant, elongated hermaphrodite fruits, pentandry fruits, height of the first fruit and leaves per plant. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, three repetitions per block (one per genotype) and 20 plants per block with three rows. Comparisons between means were made with the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The results indicated that Siluet presented plants with more than 3 m in height, Maradol Roja 2.45 m and Amarela 2.32 m. The total number of fruits per plant differed statistically between the genotypes showing for Siluet 56.93, Maradol Roja 40.82 and Amarela 34.86. The height of the first fruit for Maradol Roja and Amarela were 0.86 and 0.84 m, respectively, which were statistically similar. It is concluded that Maradol Roja, Amarela and Siluet proved to have good potential for adaptability to this region and they constitute alternative materials to the traditional Maradol Roja variety.En el valle de Apatzingán, Michoacán, México, se cultiva la papaya (Carica papaya L.) Maradol Roja, sin embargo, al tener una producción monovarietal, los productores se enfrentan a un riesgo latente en relación con la sanidad del cultivo y la comercialización en un mercado complejo. Ante ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar agronómicamente el desarrollo y la fructificación de tres genotipos de papaya en el ejido El Platanal, municipio de Tumbiscatio, Michoacán, México, para determinar su adaptabilidad como alternativa de producción. Las variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta, diámetro de tallo, frutos por planta, frutos hermafroditos elongados, frutos pentandrios, altura del primer fruto y hojas por planta. El diseño experimental utilizado consistió en bloques aleatorizados, tres repeticiones por bloque (uno por genotipo) y 20 plantas por bloque con tres hileras. Las comparaciones entre medias se hicieron con la prueba Tukey (p < 0,05). Los resultados indicaron que el híbrido Siluet presentó plantas con más de 3 m de altura, la variedad Maradol Roja 2,45 m y el híbrido Amarela 2,32 m. El número total de frutos por planta difirió estadísticamente entre los genotipos: Siluet tuvo 56,93, Maradol Roja 40,82 y Amarela 34,86. La altura del primer fruto para Maradol Roja y Amarela fue de 0,86 y 0,84 m, respectivamente, los cuales resultaron estadísticamente similares. Se concluye que Maradol Roja, Amarela y Siluet comprobaron tener buen potencial de adaptabilidad a esta región, de manera que los híbridos se constituyen en materiales alternativos a la tradicional variedad Maradol Roja

    Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press

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    This study investigates the language used by national newspapers in Mexico: “El Universal”, “La Jornada”, “Milenio”, and “Reforma”, when addressing the issue of feminicide regarding victims and perpetrators, as well as their relationship with the gender of the reporter and with each newspaper. The research is based on the analysis of qualitative content and the theoretical framework of framing. Categories were built on the type of language in cases of feminicide of 360 journalistic texts published during 2017: 1) Narrative of feminicide; 2) Justification of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; 3) Social issues; 4) Blaming the victim. The analysis yielded cases of victim blaming to a lesser extent than those of the perpetrator's justification. Aspects of the narration of feminicide stood out both by the gender of the reporter and by the media in the four newspapers, from two perspectives: 1) The fact, the follow-up, or the context; 2) The fact, legal aspects, and statistics. Reporters, men and women, tend to justify the perpetrator; male reporters blame the victim more than female reporters; and female reporters contextualize feminicide through social issues: social violence, impunity, and failures in legal processes. “La Jornada” is inclined towards social issues, while “El Universal” tends to justify the perpetrator

    Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press

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    En este estudio se investiga el lenguaje que utilizan los periódicos de tirada nacional en México: «El Universal», «La Jornada», «Milenio» y «Reforma», al momento de abordar el tema del feminicidio con respecto a víctimas y victimarios o presuntos victimarios, así como su relación con el género del reportero y con cada periódico. La investigación se apoya en el análisis de contenido cualitativo, y el marco teórico-conceptual del «framing». Se construyeron categorías sobre el tipo de lenguaje en casos de feminicidios de 360 textos periodísticos publicados durante 2017: 1) Narrativa del feminicidio; 2) Justificación del victimario o presunto victimario; 3) Problemática social; 4) Culpabilización de la víctima. El análisis arrojó casos de culpabilización de la víctima en menor proporción que los de la justificación del victimario. Sobresalieron aspectos de la narración del feminicidio tanto por el género del reportero como por el medio en los cuatro periódicos, desde dos perspectivas: 1) El hecho, el seguimiento o el contexto; 2) El hecho, los aspectos legales y la estadística. Reportero y reportera tienden a justificar al victimario; el reportero culpabiliza más a la víctima que la reportera; y la reportera contextualiza más el feminicidio a través de la problemática social: violencia social, impunidad y fallas en los procesos legales. «La Jornada» se inclina por la problemática social, mientras que «El Universal» tiende a la justificación del victimarioThis study investigates the language used by national newspapers in Mexico: “El Universal”, “La Jornada”, “Milenio”, and “Reforma”, when addressing the issue of feminicide regarding victims and perpetrators, as well as their relationship with the gender of the reporter and with each newspaper. The research is based on the analysis of qualitative content and the theoretical framework of framing. Categories were built on the type of language in cases of feminicide of 360 journalistic texts published during 2017: 1) Narrative of feminicide; 2) Justification of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; 3) Social issues; 4) Blaming the victim. The analysis yielded cases of victim blaming to a lesser extent than those of the perpetrator’s justification. Aspects of the narration of feminicide stood out both by the gender of the reporter and by the media in the four newspapers, from two perspectives: 1) The fact, the follow-up, or the context; 2) The fact, legal aspects, and statistics. Reporters, men and women, tend to justify the perpetrator; male reporters blame the victim more than female reporters; and female reporters contextualize feminicide through social issues: social violence, impunity, and failures in legal processes. “La Jornada” is inclined towards social issues, while “El Universal” tends to justify the perpetrato

    Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press

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    This study investigates the language used by national newspapers in Mexico: “El Universal”, “La Jornada”, “Milenio”, and “Reforma”, when addressing the issue of feminicide regarding victims and perpetrators, as well as their relationship with the gender of the reporter and with each newspaper. The research is based on the analysis of qualitative content and the theoretical framework of framing. Categories were built on the type of language in cases of feminicide of 360 journalistic texts published during 2017: 1) Narrative of feminicide; 2) Justification of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; 3) Social issues; 4) Blaming the victim. The analysis yielded cases of victim blaming to a lesser extent than those of the perpetrator's justification. Aspects of the narration of feminicide stood out both by the gender of the reporter and by the media in the four newspapers, from two perspectives: 1) The fact, the follow-up, or the context; 2) The fact, legal aspects, and statistics. Reporters, men and women, tend to justify the perpetrator; male reporters blame the victim more than female reporters; and female reporters contextualize feminicide through social issues: social violence, impunity, and failures in legal processes. “La Jornada” is inclined towards social issues, while “El Universal” tends to justify the perpetrator

    Creación de Plataforma Interactiva para valuación de Bienes Inmuebles

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    is project aims to generate a website that serves as a tool for the dissemination, compilation and exchange of informative elements associated with the real estate valuation area. This diffusion is important because it broadens the network of knowledge, contacts, market values, information, etc. In an interactive platform and that in turn will have a historical record in what is the branch of Valuation of real estate within the Architecture.El presente proyecto pretende generar una página de internet que sirva como herramienta para la difusión, compilación e intercambio de elementos informativos asociados al ámbito de la valuación de bienes inmuebles. Esta difusión es importante porque se amplía la red de conocimiento, contactos, valores de mercado, información, en una plataforma interactiva y que a su vez irá teniendo un registro histórico en lo que compete la rama de Valuación de bienes inmuebles dentro de la Arquitectura

    A soberania alimentar: O enfoque desde os territórios e as redes agro-alimentares

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    The Millennium Development Goals to reduce raised 400 million people the incidence of hunger by 2015; However, despite the universal recognition of the right to food, the report 2013 FAO's State of Food and Agriculture shows that 868 million people, equivalent to 12.5% of the world population, are subordinated in terms of dietary energy consumption and 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. In the case of Mexico, in maize it imported nearly 11 million tons, and beef import 40% of apparent consumption, although export nearly 2 million calves to the US. In this context, this research is justified by the fact that to date there is no systematic survey of the different strategies that are following the actors in the agro-food networks. In this case the network analysis value of wheat in Sonora, as a form of study of agrifood chains in Mexico is presented, allowing an approach and understanding of the structure and dynamics of this crop under an environment of economy Free market. The importance is observed at state and national levels for wheat, especially because in recent decades the production of durum wheat is aimed at export and in the pig sector as part of balanced meals.Las metas del milenio plantearon reducir a 400 millones de personas la incidencia del hambre en 2015; sin embargo y pese al reconocimiento universal del derecho a la alimentación el informe 2013 de la FAO sobre el estado mundial de la Agricultura y la Alimentación revela que 868 millones de personas, que equivale al 12.5% de la población mundial, están subordinadas en cuanto al consumo de energía alimentaria y 2000 millones de personas sufren carencia de micronutrientes. En el caso de México, la pérdida de la soberanía alimentaria se expresa en el hecho de que actualmente se importa casi 11 millones de toneladas y en carne de res se importa el 40% del consumo aparente, pese a que se exporta casi 2 millones de becerros a EUA. En este contexto, la presente investigación se justifica por el hecho de que no existe hasta la fecha un reconocimiento sistemático de las diferentes estrategias que están siguiendo los actores que participan en las redes agroalimentarias. En este caso se presenta el análisis de la red de valor del trigo en Sonora, como una modalidad del estudio de las cadenas agroalimentarias en México, lo que permite un acercamiento y comprensión de la estructura y dinámica de este cultivo, bajo un entorno de economía de libre mercado. Se observa la importancia a nivel estatal y nacional del trigo, especialmente porque durante las últimas décadas la producción de trigos cristalinos se orienta a la exportación y al sector de la porcicultura como parte de alimentos balanceados.As metas do milénio plantearam reduzir a 400 milhões de pessoas a incidência do homem em 2015. Não obstante a essa situação e face ao reconhecimento universal do direito à alimentação, o relatório 2013 da FAO, sobre o estado mundial da Agricultura e a Alimentação, revela que 868 milhões de pessoas, que equivale à 12.5% da população mundial, estão subordinadas ao consumo de energia alimentar e 2000 milhões de pessoas sofrem carência de micronutrientes. No caso do México, a perda da soberania alimentar expressa-se no facto de que, actualmente, se importa quase 11 milhões de toneladas e, relativamente à carne bovina, a importação assenta-se ao nível de 40% do consumo aparente, uma vez que a realidade aponta para quase dois milhões de bezerros exportados pelos EUA. Neste contexto, a presente investigação justifica-se por o facto de não existir, até à data, um reconhecimento sistemático das diferentes estratégias, apresentadas pelos actores que participam nas redes agro-alimentares. Neste caso, apresenta-se uma análise da rede de valor do trigo em Sonora, como uma modalidade do estudo das cadeias agro-alimentares, no México, o que permite uma aproximação e compreensão da estrutura dinâmica deste cultivo, sob um entorno de economia de livre mercado. Observa-se, deste modo, a importância a nível estatal e nacional do trigo, especialmente, porque, durante as últimas décadas, a produção de trigos cristalinos está relacionada com a exportação e com o sector da porcicultura, como parte de alimentos balanceados

    Mapa de flujo de calor de El Salvador utilizando teledetección satelital y procesamiento de datos

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    Se emplea el uso de datos capturados de forma satelital, proporcionados por agencias espaciales para la estimación de cantidades geofísicas como emisividad superficial, temperatura ambiente, temperatura superficial y otros. Con la información obtenida se crea un mapa del territorio de El Salvador en el cual se muestre y clasifique la información referente al flujo de calor, además de realizar análisis en puntos de interés en los que se conoce actividad geotérmica El mapa generado de flujo de calor será de utilidad para identificar áreas que presenten manifestaciones geotermales superficiales que sean de posible interés geotérmico, los flujos de calor en estas áreas serán obtenidos para cada escena satelital capturada por Landsat 8 en el año 2019 y se analizará el promedio de flujo de calor anual. Se utilizarán zonas volcánicas que presenten altos flujos de calor como referencia de manifestaciones superficiales

    Análisis del sector textil-confecciones en la ciudad de Cúcuta para el año 2012*

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    El presente documento realiza un análisis del sector textil confecciones de la ciudad de Cúcuta para el año 2012, toma los enfoques conceptuales de Krugman y Porter como herramienta heurística para identificar características del sector y saber que tan alejado esta de una situación ideal de economías de aglomeración. se realizan unas mediciones basadas en el índice de Gini, Moran y estimaciones econométricas, que da como resultados un bajo nivel de aglomeración