2,568 research outputs found

    Water quality for supplementary irrigation in the Quequén Salado river basin (Argentina)

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    This paper focuses on the study of the water quality in the courses which compose the Quequén Salado river basin, Argentina, in order to determine their suitability for supplementary irrigation. Water samples were analysed to assess their salinity and sodium hazard. The creeks from the hill sector have Very Good Quality Waters and the water of the middle basin courses can be used to irrigate the main crops in the area. The salinity values obtained in the main river are tolerated only by barley hay and some pastures.El presente trabajo está centrado en el estudio de la calidad de agua de los cursos que integran la cuenca hidrográfica del río Quequén Salado, Argentina, con el objeto de evaluar su empleo para riego suplementario. Se realizaron determinaciones de salinidad y sodicidad en muestras de agua tomadas en distintos tramos de los ríos y arroyos de la cuenca, así como en las lagunas más importantes, durante la primavera y el verano de los años 1998, 1999 y 2000. El estudio se cumplimentó con la caracterización química de los principales cursos. En base a los valores de conductividad eléctrica y RAS obtenidos, se cartografiaron aquellos sectores de la cuenca con calidades de riego similares. De acuerdo a estos resultados se establecieron los tipos de cultivo que podrían regarse teniendo en cuenta el grado de tolerancia de cada uno.Fil: Marini, Mario Fabián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; ArgentinaFil: Piccolo, Maria Cintia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; Argentin

    Advance of the agricultural frontier in the area adjacent to Sierras de la Ventana Range (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Se determinó el incremento de la superficie agrícola en el área adyacente al Sistema Sierras de la Ventana (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Para ello se emplearon imágenes satelitales Landsat 5 TM de diversas fechas, realizándose una comparación entre la campaña agrícola 1998/ 1999 con respecto a la 2006/ 2007. El análisis llevado a cabo demuestra que existe un incremento en la superficie dedicada a la actividad agrícola que asciende a 55572 has, lo que representa en un aumento del 27,97 %. El mismo es originado principalmente por la propagación de los cultivos de verano, principalmente de la soja, de significativa expansión en la República Argentina en las últimas dos décadas.The increase of the agricultural area in the Sierras de la Ventana System adjacent zone (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) was developed. Several Landsat 5 TM satellital images were selected in order to make a multitemporal study. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI - was obtained for each satellital scene. Selected scenes represented several phenological stages for each crop during the 1998/ 1999 and 2006/ 2007 periods. According to the NDVI evolution, winter and summer cultivations were identified. A comparative study between both periods shows an increment of agricultural area of 55572 has. which represents that it has increased 27,97 %. It has its origin in the summer cultivation expansion especially soybean according to the tendency in Argentine during the last two decades

    A Dark-Necked Drywood Termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in Italy: Description of Kalotermes italicus sp. nov.

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    The yellow-necked drywood termite, Kalotermes flavicollis (F.), so called due to the Yellow pronotum of its alates, is the only species in the genus Kalotermes known for Europe. In some Italian localities, K. flavicollis swarms can contain a small proportion of alates with a dark pronotum, but otherwise not different from the normally colored K. flavicollis. This color variation was described by G. Becker in 1955 as Kalotermes flavicollis var. fuscicollis. During collecting trips in central Italy, we found in Grosseto Marina (Tuscany) a Kalotermes population whose alates all have a very dark pronotum. Compared with K. flavicollis alates, Grosseto alates also have paler wings and smaller arolia. Grosseto soldiers have eyes smaller than those of K. flavicollis soldiers. Kalotermes sp. form Grosseto also differs morphologically from the other Kalotermes species known for the circum-Mediterranean lands. The population from Grosseto has mitochondrial DNA sequences (a partial sequence of the control region and a fragment including a portion of COI, tRNA-Leu and a portion of COI) quite different from K. flavicollis (p-distance: 5.6-7.3%). Some Kalotermes populations from Tuscany and Marche, morphologically classifiable as K. flavicollis, have sequences similar to those of Grosseto Kalotermes (p-distance: 0.1-1.0%). These populations are possibly hybrids between K. flavicollis and Kalotermes sp. from Grosseto. Because of its morphologic and genetic distinctive features, we describe Kalotermes sp. from Grosseto as Kalotermes italicus sp. nov

    Balance hídrico en la cuenca del río Quequén Salado, Argentina

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    En este trabajo se determina el balance hídrico de la cuenca del río Quequén Salado y el régimen hidrológico del mismo. La superficie total de la cuenca es de 10.174 km2, y se encuentra en una zona donde las actividades agrícola-ganaderas son importantes. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es calcular los balances hídricos para varias localidades pertenecientes a la cuenca del río principal. Los objetivos secundarios son determinar las disponibilidades hídricas de la cuenca y la relación existente entre el exceso del balance hídrico y el escurrimiento superficial. Se encontró que el déficit de agua en la cuenca ha ido disminuyendo paulatinamente en los distintos períodos considerados, en tanto que el exceso se ha incrementado. La evapotranspiración potencial fue calculada para comparación por dos métodos diferentes. Se determinó la variación de las precipitaciones y la eficiencia hídrica entre los distintos períodos de tiempo seleccionados. Las correlaciones estadísticas entre las precipitaciones y el caudal fueron óptimas, realizando análisis estacionales con aforos mayores a 2 m3/seg. De acuerdo a la humedad que posee el suelo, se encontró un desfasaje de 2 meses entre la máxima precipitación y el máximo caudal del ríoThe hydric balance in the Quequén Salado river basin and its annual flow is determined. The basin has an area of 10.174 km2, and it is located in a very important agricultural zone. The main objective of this investigation is to calculate the hydric balances for several locations pertaining at the principal river basin. The secondary objectives are to determine the basin hydric availability in relation to the hydric balance surplus and the surface discharge. Water deficit in the basin decreases slowly in the different selected periods, meanwhile surplus has increased. In order to compare results, the potential evapotranspiration is calculated by two different methods. The variation of the precipitation and the hydric efficiency between different selected time periods is analized. Statistical correlations between pretipitations and river flow are optimum using seasonal analysis for river discharge greater than 2 m3/seg. In accordance to the soil humidity, a time log of two months between the maximum precipitation and the peak river flow is foundFil: Marini, Mario Fabian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; ArgentinaFil: Piccolo, Maria Cintia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geografía y Turismo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; Argentin

    Reticulitermes urbis in Bagnacavallo (Ravenna, Northern Italy): a 15-year experience in termite control

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    We relate and discuss the application of a monitoring-baiting program with the IGR hexaflumuron to termite control in Bagnacavallo (Ravenna, Northern Italy), where a massive Reticulitermes urbis infestation existed in the old town. Termite control was carried out in different zones over a period of 15 years, starting from the centre of the infested area and extending towards the peripheral areas. The treatment succeeded in eliminating termites from Bagnacavallo old town, using a total of 63 g of hexaflumuron

    Tirocinio e professione nel Servizio Sociale: esperienze e riflessioni di studenti e supervisori

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    The aim of this research is to understand the feasibility conditions of a “good” prac-tice learning experience in the training of social workers. The theoretical considerations on practice learning stemmed from three mail ap-proaches: a learning-centred approach, a system-centred approach (practice place-ment, operational milieu, professional system), and a reflexivity-centred approach. Each approach yielded its own definition of a “good” practice learning experience. 32 semi-structured interviews were carried out with practice students and supervisors active in two Social Work Italian degree course, following a non-standard methodol-ogy and a constructivist epistemological model. A non-representative sample was se-lected with an informed choice. Based on the answers, three idealtypes were discovered, describing how students “put themselves to the test” in their placement: as “agents”, aiming towards operative knowledge, as “actors”, aiming towards a circular theory-practice knowledge, as “au-thors”, aiming towards a “personal” knowledge, in Polanyi’s sense. Both students and supervisors have shown advanced awareness of the professional nature of Social Work and its characterising constituents: shared culture, authoritativeness based on certified competences, the deontological code, the theoretical reference corpus.</br

    Relevamiento de lotes con riego por pivot central en el área de influencia de INTA Bordenave

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    El sistema de riego por aspersión es el de uso más frecuente dentro delos nueve partidos del área de influencia de la EEA Bordenave, siendo el equipo automatizado de pívot central el más empleadoEEA BordenaveFil: Marini, Mario Fabian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Significativa disminución de la superficie ocupada por los cuerpos de agua en los partidos de Adolfo Alsina y Puan

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    El sudoeste bonaerense está experimentando una severa sequía durante el presente 2023. De hecho, las precipitaciones mensuales arrojan valores inferiores al promedio histórico desde el mes de abril de dicho año. Una de las consecuencias de este fenómeno lo constituye la constante y considerable disminución de su superficie de los cuerpos bajo agua. En este informe se presentan los resultados correspondientes a la evolución del área ocupada por el agua en dos partidos de dicha área: Adolfo Alsina y Puan.EEA BordenaveFil: Marini, Mario Fabián. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; Argentina

    Electrochemical behavior of Inhcf in alkali metal electrolytes

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    The paper characterizes electrochemical properties of indium hexacyanoferrates (Inhcf). The cyclic voltammetric response in the presence of different metal alkali cations of divalent cations and of hydronium has been investigated. The Inhcf can exchange reversibly with all of these cations. This feature makes the Inhcf a good candidate for many electrochemical applications where a source or sink of metal cations is needed, e.g., electrochromic and energy storage devices. A prototype electrochromic system based on an Inhcf and Cohcf couple has been assembled and tested