3,442 research outputs found
Adicción al trabajo y flow: una relación conflictiva
Imagínese que la empresa donde usted trabaja cuenta
con un empleado que no puede “dejar de trabajar”. Hace
horas extra, se lleva trabajo a casa,… y cuando intenta realizar
actividades no relacionadas con el trabajo, siente un terrible
“cargo de conciencia” y malestar interno que le hace caer inmediatamente en la vorágine, sin fin, del trabajo
El bullying escolar como violencia estructural: una especial atención del Trabajo Social a los medios de comunicación
En los últimos años el bullying escolar se ha visibilizado en los medios de comunicación como uno de los tipos de violencia más frecuentes y problemáticos de la sociedad española. Los profesionales del Trabajo Social han advertido de la proliferación de este tipo de violencia, si bien en gran medida han sido los medios de comunicación los que han informado y generado una concienciación social. Se entiende por bullying escolar la conducta agresiva entre iguales que se genera en centros educativos, en donde un estudiante es objeto de acoso, intimidación y agresión de manera repetida en el tiempo por parte de otro alumno o grupo de alumnos. Dicho esto, con el reciente desarrollo de las TICS e Internet esta forma de violencia se ha extendido al mundo virtual, dando lugar al cyberbullying, potenciando tanto daños físicos, psicológicos y sociales en las víctimas como aprendizajes inapropiados en agresores y espectadores. Ante la gravedad de la situación y el protagonismo evidenciado por los medios de comunicación, a través de una metodología cualitativa, concretamente el análisis temático de contenido inductivo, se identifican y analizan los temas comunes más recientes presentes en la prensa digital española. Se analizan 16 noticias referentes al bullying escolar publicadas entre abril y junio de 2021. Se han detectado cuatro bloques temáticos principales “La influencia del bullying en la salud mental del maltratador”, “La igualdad como herramienta fundamental”, “El crecimiento del acoso ante la pasividad de los entes públicos” y “La inteligencia artificial el nuevo aliado”. Los trabajadores sociales deben ser conscientes de la capacidad que tiene el discurso actual emanado de los medios de comunicación para la construcción de la realidad social, por lo que esta investigación tiene implicaciones importantes para la propia intervención social contra el bullying.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of Chaetoceros muelleri Schütt (Chaetocerotales: Chaetocerotaceae) and Isochrysis sp. (Isochrysidales: isochrysidaceae) grown outdoors for the larval development of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) (Decapoda: Penaeidae)
The biomass, proximal composition and fatty acid profile of Isochrysis sp., Chaetoceros muelleri and their mixture, grown under greenhouse conditions, were evaluated. The nutritional value of both species supplied as the monoalgal (Chaetoceros muelleri: Diet I, and Isochrysis sp. Diet II) and mixed diet (Diet III) for larval Litopenaeus vannamei was also assessed on the basis of the development and biochemical composition of the larvae. The highest protein levels were obtained in Diets I and II (40% and 35%, respectively). No significant differences in larval survival were found among the diets; however, larvae fed on Diet II had the lowest mean larval length
Assessment of possibilities for demand response resources identification in small and medium customer segments
The objective of this research is to show the capacity of Self-Organizing Maps to classify customer and their response potential from electrical demand databases with the help of Non-Parametric Estimation and Physically Load Based modelling as support tools. The searching of customer suitability is focussed to real time products, whose interest is growing in developed countries. In this way customer demand and response have been tested and compared with energy price curves extracting patterns from these curves. Results show the capability of this approach to improve data management and select coherent policies to accomplish cleared demand offers amongst different prices scenarios in an easy way.This work was supported by Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia (Spain) and by EU Sixth Framework Program
(research project EU-DEEP SES6-CT-2003-503516)
A model of anti-angiogenesis: differential transcriptosome profiling of microvascular endothelial cells from diffuse systemic sclerosis patients
The objective of this work was to identify genes involved in impaired angiogenesis by comparing the transcriptosomes of microvascular endothelial cells from normal subjects and patients affected by systemic sclerosis (SSc), as a unique human model disease characterized by insufficient angiogenesis. Total RNAs, prepared from skin endothelial cells of clinically healthy subjects and SSc patients affected by the diffuse form of the disease, were pooled, labeled with fluorochromes, and hybridized to 14,000 70 mer oligonucleotide microarrays. Genes were analyzed based on gene expression levels and categorized into different functional groups based on the description of the Gene Ontology (GO) consortium to identify statistically significant terms. Quantitative PCR was used to validate the array results. After data processing and application of the filtering criteria, the analyzable features numbered 6,724. About 3% of analyzable transcripts (199) were differentially expressed, 141 more abundantly and 58 less abundantly in SSc endothelial cells. Surprisingly, SSc endothelial cells over-express pro-angiogenic transcripts, but also show up-regulation of genes exerting a powerful negative control, and down-regulation of genes critical to cell migration and extracellular matrix-cytoskeleton coupling, all alterations that provide an impediment to correct angiogenesis. We also identified transcripts controlling haemostasis, inflammation, stimulus transduction, transcription, protein synthesis, and genome organization. An up-regulation of transcripts related to protein degradation and ubiquitination was observed in SSc endothelial cells. We have validated data on the main anti-angiogenesis-related genes by RT-PCR, western blotting, in vitro angiogenesis and immunohistochemistry. These observations indicate that microvascular endothelial cells of patients with SSc show abnormalities in a variety of genes that are able to account for defective angiogenesis
La Forza del Destino
De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Empresa : Juan Mestres CalvetIntèrprets : Giannina Arangi-Lombardi, Franco Bataglia, Marú Falliani, Apollo Granforte, Mario Gubiani, José Santiago-FontÒpera de Giuseppe Verd
Development of nanomechanical biosensors for the determination of cell mechanical properties
Póster presentado en el GEM4 Summer school, celebrado en Londres del 10 al 14 de septiembre de 2012.Peer Reviewe
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