473 research outputs found

    Clowns Benefit Children Hospitalized for Respiratory Pathologies

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    The study aims at evaluating health-generating function of humor therapy in a hospital ward hosting children suffering from respiratory pathologies. The main scope of this study is to investigate possible positive effects of the presence of a clown on both the clinical evolution of the on-going disease, and on some physiological and pain parameters. Forty-three children with respiratory pathologies participated in the study: 21 of them belonged to the experimental group (EG) and 22 children to the control group (CG). During their hospitalization, the children of the EG interacted with two clowns who were experienced in the field of pediatric intervention. All participants were evaluated with respect to clinical progress and to a series of physiological and pain measures both before and after the clown interaction. When compared with the CG, EG children showed an earlier disappearance of the pathological symptoms. Moreover, the interaction of the clown with the children led to a statistically significant lowering of diastolic blood pressure, respiratory frequency and temperature in the EG as compared with the control group. The other two parameters of systolic pressure and heart frequency yielded results in the same direction, without reaching statistical significance. A similar health-inducing effect of clown presence was observed on pain parameters, both by self evaluation and assessment by nurses. Taken together, our data indicate that the presence of clowns in the ward has a possible health-inducing effect. Thus, humor can be seen as an easy-to-use, inexpensive and natural therapeutic modality to be used within different therapeutic settings

    Nonequilibrium Full Counting Statistics and Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement from Space-Time Duality

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    Due to its probabilistic nature, a measurement process in quantum mechanics produces a distribution of possible outcomes. This distribution - or its Fourier transform known as full counting statistics (FCS) - contains much more information than say the mean value of the measured observable and accessing it is sometimes the only way to obtain relevant information about the system. In fact, the FCS is the limit of an even more general family of observables - the charged moments - that characterise how quantum entanglement is split in different symmetry sectors in the presence of a global symmetry. Here we consider the evolution of the FCS and of the charged moments of a U (1) charge truncated to a finite region after a global quantum quench. For large scales these quantities take a simple large-deviation form, showing two different regimes as functions of time: while for times much larger than the size of the region they approach a stationary value set by the local equilibrium state, for times shorter than region size they show a non-trivial dependence on time. We show that, whenever the initial state is also U (1) symmetric, the leading order in time of FCS and charged moments in the out-of-equilibrium regime can be determined by means of a space-time duality. Namely, it coincides with the stationary value in the system where the roles of time and space are exchanged. We use this observation to find some general properties of FCS and charged moments out-of-equilibrium, and to derive an exact expression for these quantities in interacting integrable models. We test this expression against exact results in the Rule 54 quantum cellular automaton and exact numerics in the XXZ spin-1/2 chain.Comment: 7+12 pages, 3+5 figure

    Cyclosporine A in Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy: Long-Term Results

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    Six individuals with Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) and mutations in the genes-encoding collagen VI, aging 5–9, received 3–5 mg/kg of cyclosporine A (CsA) daily for 1 to 3.2 years. The primary outcome measure was the muscle strength evaluated with a myometer and expressed as megalimbs. The megalimbs score showed significant improvement (P = 0.01) in 5 of the 6 patients. Motor function did not change. Respiratory function deteriorated in all. CsA treatment corrected mitochondrial dysfunction, increased muscle regeneration, and decreased the number of apoptotic nuclei. Results from this study demonstrate that long-term treatment with CsA ameliorates performance in the limbs, but not in the respiratory muscles of UCMD patients, and that it is well tolerated. These results suggest considering a trial of CsA or nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporins, that retains the PTP-desensitizing properties of CsA, as early as possible in UCMD patients when diaphragm is less compromised

    The transcription factor VviNAC60 regulates senescence- and ripening-related processes in grapevine

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    : Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most widely cultivated fruit crops because the winemaking industry has huge economic relevance worldwide. Uncovering the molecular mechanisms controlling the developmental progression of plant organs will prove essential for maintaining high-quality grapes, expressly in the context of climate change, which impairs the ripening process. Through a deep inspection of transcriptomic data, we identified VviNAC60, a member of the NAC transcription factor family, as a putative regulator of grapevine organ maturation. We explored VviNAC60 binding landscapes through DNA affinity purification followed by sequencing and compared bound genes with transcriptomics datasets from grapevine plants stably and transiently overexpressing VviNAC60 to define a set of high-confidence targets. Among these, we identified key molecular markers associated with organ senescence and fruit ripening. Physiological, metabolic, and promoter activation analyses showed that VviNAC60 induces chlorophyll degradation and anthocyanin accumulation through the up-regulation of STAY-GREEN PROTEIN 1 (VviSGR1) and VviMYBA1, respectively, with the latter being up-regulated through a VviNAC60-VviNAC03 regulatory complex. Despite sharing a closer phylogenetic relationship with senescence-related homologues to the NAC transcription factor AtNAP, VviNAC60 complemented the non-ripening(nor) mutant phenotype in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), suggesting a dual role as an orchestrator of both ripening- and senescence-related processes. Our data support VviNAC60 as a regulator of processes initiated in the grapevine vegetative- to mature-phase organ transition and therefore as a potential target for enhancing the environmental resilience of grapevine by fine-tuning the duration of the vegetative phase

    Transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains: Nonballistic behavior and correlation functions

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    We consider the nonequilibrium protocol where two semi-infinite gapped XXZ chains, initially prepared in different equilibrium states, are suddenly joint together. At large times, a generalized hydrodynamic description applies, according to which the system can locally be represented by space- and time- dependent stationary states. The magnetization displays an unusual behavior: depending on the initial state, its profile may exhibit abrupt jumps that can not be predicted directly from the standard hydrodynamic equations and which signal non-ballistic spin transport. We ascribe this phenomenon to the structure of the local conservation laws and make a prediction for the exact location of the jumps. We find that the jumps propagate at the velocities of the heaviest quasiparticles. By means of tDMRG simulations we show that our theory yields a complete description of the long-time steady profiles of conserved charges, currents, and local correlations

    Incomplete gastric metaplasia in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and celiac disease. An ultrastructural study

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    BACKGROUND: The association of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and celiac disease (CD) has been widely reported in children but the relationship between the two conditions is incompletely understood. Moreover, specific studies on intestinal biopsies of patients with the association of the two diseases are still lacking. METHODS: We studied the ultrastructure of the duodenal mucosa in 12 patients with both IDDM and CD. RESULTS: All patients had either total or partial atrophy of duodenal mucosa. In seven subjects, an accumulation of electrondense granules in the apical cytoplasm of groups of enterocytes was found. In four of them, a double population of granules existed (mean diameter: 400-800 nm and 100-200 nm respectively) showing a biphasic pattern. In the other three patients, only smaller granules (100- 200 nm) were found in the enterocytes. CONCLUSIONS: The present work suggests that patients with IDDM/CD may represent a subgroup in the context of the CD population. Intestinal biopsies of such individuals often show accumulation of electrondense granules in the apical cytoplasm of enterocytes that can be interpreted as incomplete gastric metaplasia

    Therapeutic targeting of Lyn kinase to treat chorea-acanthocytosis

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    Chorea-Acanthocytosis (ChAc) is a devastating, little understood, and currently untreatable neurodegenerative disease caused by VPS13A mutations. Based on our recent demonstration that accumulation of activated Lyn tyrosine kinase is a key pathophysiological event in human ChAc cells, we took advantage of Vps13a-/- mice, which phenocopied human ChAc. Using proteomic approach, we found accumulation of active Lyn, \u3b3-synuclein and phospho-tau proteins in Vps13a-/- basal ganglia secondary to impaired autophagy leading to neuroinflammation. Mice double knockout Vps13a-/- Lyn-/- showed normalization of red cell morphology and improvement of autophagy in basal ganglia. We then in vivo tested pharmacologic inhibitors of Lyn: dasatinib and nilotinib. Dasatinib failed to cross the mouse brain blood barrier (BBB), but the more specific Lyn kinase inhibitor nilotinib, crosses the BBB. Nilotinib ameliorates both Vps13a-/- hematological and neurological phenotypes, improving autophagy and preventing neuroinflammation. Our data support the proposal to repurpose nilotinib as new therapeutic option for ChAc patients

    DISTO: a large acceptance multiparticle spectrometer for 1–3 GeV proton beams

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    Abstract A magnetic spectrometer system has been constructed for the study of reactions with multiple charged particles in the final state, induced by polarized proton beams of few GeV energy. The system is based on a large-gap dipole magnet, with a liquid hydrogen target and scintillating fiber tracking detectors embedded inside the magnet. Multiwire proportional chambers, plastic scintillator hodoscopes, and threshold Cherenkov detectors placed outside the magnet provide additional tracking, triggering and particle identification capabilities. The system has been applied to study exclusive hyperon as well as pseudoscalar and vector meson production reactions at bombarding energies below 3 GeV. Additionally, it has been used to monitor the proton beam polarization at Laboratoire National Saturne. The components and performance of the system are reported

    Sleep in the Human Hippocampus: A Stereo-EEG Study

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    Background. There is compelling evidence indicating that sleep plays a crucial role in the consolidation of new declarative, hippocampus-dependent memories. Given the increasing interest in the spatiotemporal relationships between cortical and hippocampal activity during sleep, this study aimed to shed more light on the basic features of human sleep in the hippocampus. Methodology/Principal Findings. We recorded intracerebral stereo-EEG directly from the hippocampus and neocortical sites in five epileptic patients undergoing presurgical evaluations. The time course of classical EEG frequency bands during the first three NREM-REM sleep cycles of the night was evaluated. We found that delta power shows, also in the hippocampus, the progressive decrease across sleep cycles, indicating that a form of homeostatic regulation of delta activity is present also in this subcortical structure. Hippocampal sleep was also characterized by: i) a lower relative power in the slow oscillation range during NREM sleep compared to the scalp EEG; ii) a flattening of the time course of the very low frequencies (up to 1 Hz) across sleep cycles, with relatively high levels of power even during REM sleep; iii) a decrease of power in the beta band during REM sleep, at odds with the typical increase of power in the cortical recordings. Conclusions/Significance. Our data imply that cortical slow oscillation is attenuated in the hippocampal structures during NREM sleep. The most peculiar feature of hippocampal sleep is the increased synchronization of the EEG rhythms during REM periods. This state of resonanc
