10 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan dan menerapkan model pembelajaran etnopedagogi dalam pembelajaran kimia untuk menganalisis literasi kimia dan identitas budaya pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 5 Palembang pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021 dengan subjek penelitian terdiri atas 36 peserta didik kelas X IPA 1. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, reflektif jurnal, wawancara guru, laboran, dan peserta didik, serta tes literasi kimia. Pembelajaran kimia dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnopedagogi yang terdiri atas lima tahap, yaitu self-identification, content integration, collaboration, dialogue, dan reflection. Selanjutnya tahapan pembelajaran tersebut dilakukan analisis literasi kimia peserta didik. Hasil analisis literasi kimia peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek gagasan ilmiah umum mereka dapat melakukan penyelidikan ilmiah terhadap produk budaya Palembang dengan mengidentifikasi, mengajukan pendapat untuk menjelaskan fenomena, dan berusaha membuat generalisasi temuan melalui identifikasi uji daya hantar listrik larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit pada produk budaya tersebut. Pada aspek pengetahuan kimia peserta didik menjelaskan pengaruh fenomena makroskopis terhadap daya hantar larutan, menyelidiki dinamika proses reaksi ionisasi larutan garam, dan menjelaskan proses kimia yang terjadi pada uji elektrolit produk budaya Palembang. Aspek kimia dalam konteks menjelaskan fenomena daya hantar listrik pada larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit yang terdapat pada produk budaya Palembang melalui bukti-bukti ilmiah serta memahami relevansi dan kegunaan larutan elektrolit dalam produk budaya. Pada aspek keterampilan belajar tingkat tinggi peserta didik mampu bertanya mengenai fenomena dalam uji elektrolit sederhana dan berusaha mencari informasi dalam berdiskusi tentang larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit. Pada aspek afektif peserta didik menunjukkan minat mengenai isu kimia yang dikaitkan pada produk budaya Palembang dengan menganalisis dan memberikan solusi terhadap suatu permasalahan. Berdasarkan tes literasi kimia peserta didik secara keseluruhan menunjukkan sebanyak 14% peserta didik mencapai level sangat baik, 81% peserta didik mencapai level baik, 5% peserta didik mencapai level cukup, dan tidak ada peserta didik yang mecapai lebel kurang baik dan kurang baik sekali. Hasil literasi peserta didik yang meningkat menyebabkan pembelajaran menjadi kontekstual dan bermakna walaupun selama pembelajaran berlangsung secara daring. The purpose of this study was to develop and apply an ethnopedagogical learning model in chemistry learning to analyze chemical literacy and cultural identity on electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions learning materials. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 5 Palembang in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year with the research subject consisting of 36 students of class X IPA 1. The study was conducted using qualitative analysis methods by collecting data through observation, reflective journals, interview with teachers, laboratory assistants, and students, as well as a chemical literacy test. Chemistry learning is carried out using an ethnopedagogical approach which consists of five stages, namely self-identification, content integration, collaboration, dialogue, and reflection. Furthermore, the learning stage is carried out by analyzing the chemical literacy of students. The results of the chemical literacy analysis of students showed that in the aspect of general scientific ideas they can conduct scientific investigations of Palembang cultural products by identifying, submitting opinions to explain phenomena, and trying to generalize findings through identification of the electrical conductivity test of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions on these cultural products. In the aspect of chemistry knowledge, students explained the effect of macroscopic phenomena on the conductivity of the solution, investigate the dynamics of the ionization reaction process of salt solution, and explained the chemical processes that occur in the electrolyte test of Palembang culture products. The chemical aspect in the context of explaining the phenomenon of electrical conductivity in electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions found in Palembang cultural products through scientific evidence and understanding the relevance and usefulness of electrolyte solutions in cultural products. In the aspect of high-level learning skills, students were able to ask questions about phenomena in simple electrolyte tests and try to find information in discussions about electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions. In the affective aspect, students showed interest in chemical issues associated with Palembang cultural products by analyzing and providing solutions to a problem. Based on the overall chemical literacy test of students, it shows that 14% of students achieved a very good level, 81% of students reached a good level, 5% of students reached a sufficient level, and none of the students achieved a bad and not very good level. Increased student literacy results cause learning to be contextual and meaningful even during online learning

    Integration of Palembang Cultural Products in the Learning of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions: An Ethnopedagogical Approach

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    Meaningful chemistry learning can occur if students can connect new knowledge with previously owned knowledge. It is challenging for teachers to carry out a meaningful learning process by linking different students' cultural backgrounds and characters. This study used an ethnopedagogical approach in studying electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution materials using Palembang cultural products that contain chemical aspects, namely (1) cuko (gravy) pempek contains vinegar which is a weak electrolyte solution, (2) kuah (sauce) pindang contains citric and tartaric acids, which are weak electrolytes, and (3) in the process of making Batik Palembang using caustic soda for coloring which is an example of a strong electrolyte. This research aimed to develop creative and meaningful learning methods to improve the quality of learning. This research was conducted in class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 5 Palembang in January-March 2021. Qualitative descriptive methods and ethnopedagogical approaches were used in this research. It was carried out through five stages, namely Self Identification by conducting interviews to determine cultural background, Content Integration by providing ethnochemical articles, Collaboration by doing practicum, Dialogue by conducting discussions, and Reflection by filling in reflective journals. Based on this research, it can be seen that students can connect chemical concepts with local wisdom through cultural products. Students do not find it challenging to understand electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution material because they use cultural products closely related to everyday life

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Bangun Ruang

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    Mobile learning as an alternative to today's adaptive learning services by the development of science and technology offers convenience, speed, flexibility, and attractiveness. In addition, the use of learning media is increasingly diverse and interactive, one of which is currently emerging is the use of augmented reality (AR) technology. It is necessary to develop a mobile learning application based on augmented reality for the material contained in the Mathematics Education II course at the PGSD FKIP Study Program at the Open University so that the material is easy to understand. The formulation of the research problem is how to develop the application. The purpose of this research is to develop to conduct a feasibility test of the application. The benefit of this research is knowing the steps taken in developing the application. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with a quantitative descriptive research approach with a questionnaire as a data collection technique. The stages of research and development are by the theory proposed by Borg & Gall. This research focuses on the application development section which consists of two stages. The first stage is the initial trial to create the content and appearance of the application. The second stage is the feasibility of the application according to language, material, and media experts. The results of this study are the quality and feasibility of a mobile learning application based on augmented reality building materials.   Keywords: mobile learning, augmented reality, application, learning media, geometr

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Bangun Ruang

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    The purpose of this research is to develop and conduct a feasibility test of mobile learning applications based on augmented reality materials. The benefit of this research is knowing the steps taken in developing the application. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with a quantitative descriptive research approach with a questionnaire as a data collection technique. The stages of research and development are in accordance with the theory put forward by Borg & Gall. This study focuses on the application development section which consists of two stages. The first stage is the initial trial to create content and application views. The second stage is the feasibility of the application according to linguists, materials and media experts. The results of the study show that the overall average feasibility of this mobile learning media is 85.4% with the interpretation of "Very Good". The results of the overall assessment of the feasibility of this mobile learning language are 78.8% with the interpretation of "Good". The results of the overall average assessment of this mobile learning media material are 79.7% with the interpretation of "Good". Based on the results of the media feasibility test, it can be concluded that the resulting ABRAR mobile learning, Spatial Animation with Augmented Reality fulfills the good criteria and is suitable for use as a learning medium for geometric material.   Keywords: application, augmented reality, building space, learning media, mobile learning

    Strategi Literasi Budaya Anak Usia Dini melalui Pengembangan Game Edukatif

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    Game dapat membantu anak usia dini (AUD) untuk digunakan dalam proses belajar yang menyenangkan. Selain itu, pembelajaran budaya juga dapat sebagai sarana untuk memacu kreativitas anak sehingga diperlukan media pembelajaran yang menarik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media game edukasi untuk meningkatkan literasi budaya untuk anak usia dini. Media game edukasi yang dihasilkan berbentuk gambar dan musik produk budaya daerah yang ada di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini adalah R&D (Research and Development) berdasarkan model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation) dari Robert Maribe Branch. Penelitian ini fokus pada tahap analyze, design, dan development, sedangkan tahap implementation dan evaluation akan dilaksanakan pada tahun berikutnya. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan teknik analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang bernama ā€œGRADASI: Game Literasi Budaya Anak Usia Diniā€. Aplikasi ini berupa game edukasi yang berisi kuis-kuis seputar budaya di Indonesia. Budaya Indonesia yang digunakan sebagai kuis berfokus pada makanan, tarian, rumah adat, serta bangunan yang menjadi ciri khas masing-masing provinsi. Implikasi pengembangan game edukasi ini adalah dapat meningkatkan literasi budaya untuk AUD, menumbuhkan sikap rasa cinta pada tanah air sejak AUD, serta mengetahui keberagaman suku budaya di Indonesia

    Identitas City Branding, Analisis Tampilan Identitas Daerah pada Cover Infografis Bekraf RI

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    The Creative Economic Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bekraf RI) has produced 57 infographics throughout 2016-2018 from Independent Assessment of Creative City/ District for Indonesia (PMK3I). One of the exciting parts of those infographics is the cover related to city branding's identity in developing the creative economy in an area. This study aims to determine what identities are displayed in city branding. This research used the theory of city image management by Kavaratzis. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis techniques. The research data used are infographics cover of Creative Economic Agency of the Republic of Indonesia in Malang, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta. The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews with informants who worked in the tourism sector government agencies and were native to those areas. In representing cities/regions in Indonesia, physical buildings, cultural products, and community characters are always connected to their local identity

    Designing Jakarta Halal Tourism Application with Collaborative and Location-Based Filtering Method as Jakarta Smart City Optimization

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    Jakarta is one of the Muslim-friendly tourist destinations in Indonesia. The DKI Jakarta government has various limitations in managing existing facilities, so community participation is needed. It encourages people to utilize application-based new media to answer the challenges and problems faced by Jakarta. A platform is required in the form of a digital application that can load destinations ranging from places, lodging, food, and facilities owned by tourist attractions labeled halal tourism to make it easier to find halal tourist destinations in Jakarta as an optimization of intelligent cities and contribute to SDGs. Halal tourism applications make it easier for people to get information related to Halal Tourism in Jakarta with the most popular development methods, namely collaborative filtering and location-based filtering methods. This method uses knowledge gathered from monitoring the behavior and personal choices of system users, who are generally known as personal profile users. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) by designing an Android-based system. Data collection is an interview with sources with the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office accompanied by expert information. The result of this research is the design of the Jakarta City Halal Tourism Application (SI PAHAJI) aimed at local and foreign tourists. The application contains information about tourist attractions, accommodations, and other facilities that are friendly to halal visitors in DKI Jakarta to help recommend tourist destinations in DKI Jakarta that follow user preferences and locations

    Celebrity Endorsement Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen: Survei Idolgroup JKT48 pada Iklan Ekspedisi Anteraja

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    Salah satu cara untuk menciptakan daya tarik iklan adalah dengan cara menggunakan celebrity endorser. Hal itulah yang digunakan oleh Anteraja yang merupakan salah satu ekspedisi di Indonesia. Perusahaan tersebut menggunakan idol group JKT48 karena dinilai dapat meningkatkan brand awareness yang berujung penggunaan brand tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh idolgroup JKT48 sebagai Celebrity Endorser terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam menggunakan layanan jasa ekspedisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif secara longitudinal time series selama bulan Januari 2023. Pengumpulan data melalui survei dengan cara memberikan kuesioner melalui Google Form yang disebarkan melalui media sosial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keputusan pembelian dipengaruhi oleh celebrity endorser sebesar 58,9%. Pemilihan celebrity endorser yang tepat dan dikenal oleh konsumen dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian dimana dapat mempengaruhi konsumen dalam mengambil keputusan dalam memilih suatu produk/mere

    Improving the Spatial Ability of Distance Learning Students on the Material of Three-Dimensional Shapes through Mobile Learning Applications Based on Augmented Reality

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    This research develops a mobile learning application that produces a feasible and attractive product to be used as a learning resource. Then, the product was tested quantitatively on users to determine the product's readiness and its relationship to increasing the user's spatial abilities. This research is a continuing research that has been carried out previously regarding the development of ABRAR (Application of three-dimensional shapes with Augmented Reality) application (Anam et al., 2022). The product has been validated by content and media experts and has received positive feedback from student users. Data was collected in Nusa Tenggara: Regional Offices of UT Mataram and UT Kupang, involving 3.098 Elementary Education Study Program students. The sample size consisted of 310 respondents, determined using the Lemeshow formula. The product produced from this research is an augmented reality-based mobile learning application that serves as a learning resource. The results of the mobile learning media trial developed were interpreted as very positive. It shows that using mobile learning in geometry subjects provides a positive response and increases motivation in the learning process. In addition, the implementation of mobile learning in spatial ability has shown a 30% improvement in imagining the position of three-dimensional shapes. It indicates that mobile learning has influenced the respondents' spatial ability. Respondents can visualize three-dimensional shapes from a certain point of view by utilizing augmented reality (AR) technology. Furthermore, based on the feasibility test results, the resulting mobile learning meets the criteria of being excellent and feasible to use as a geometry learning medium. The result of the research is mobile learning application so that it can be applied for distance education with requirements has an Android application system and easy to connect the internet. Thus, the ABRAR application can support learning anytime and anywhere, improve understanding of the material, and improve students' spatial abilities