31 research outputs found

    [Bibliometric Studies on Research Publication Materials: Towards The Latest Research in Islamic Studies] Kajian Bibliometrik Terhadap Bahan Penerbitan Penyelidikan Berkaitan Delima: Ke Arah Penyelidikan Terkini Dalam Bidang Pengajian Islam

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    Pomegranates are an antioxidant-rich superfood with alternative and natural medicine resources for the natural health community. From the perspective of ancient medical practice, pomegranate is in a highest ranking of healthy fruits because of its diverse beneficial in curing diseases. Trend research publications pomegranates were studied. The study focused on content analysis, especially in the field of primary research on pomegranate. Referring to the results of 'literature review' on pomegranate, researchers found that the majority of previous research on pomegranate dominated by journal articles by 85.5 percent. Research on the method of analysis conducted in the previous studies found that most studies on pomegranate done on a scientific analysis (laboratory studies). Studies on aspects of science has been divided into six areas. Focus areas include scientific discussion of pomegranate is pharmaceutical, Food Science, Botany, Bio-Medical, Bio-Chemistry and Microbiology. Only one field of study that focuses on the analysis of Islamic view focusing on Islamic Education. Additional fields of Environmental Education (Flora) are also included by researchers to collect data and find a results on plants that contain pomegranate. Thus, the efforts of researchers from Universiti Malaya through grants TRGS (TR001A-2014) entitled 'Safe and Health Uses of Fruits and Herbs Mentioned in Al-Quran and Ahadith: An Analysis of ethnomedicinal Importance in Islamic Products in Malaysia' are very significant in the development of science. Advanced new study of henna is expected to produce benefits to Malaysia as a whole.   Keyword: Pomegranate; Research trend; Recommandations, New Research Studies, Malaysian Product     Delima (pomegranate) merupakan bahan perubatan semula jadi yang amat bernilai. Dalam amalan perubatan kuno (ancient healing benefits), delima berada pada senarai teratas disebabkan manfaat kegunaannya yang versatile. Trend penerbitan penyelidikan berkenaan delima telah dikaji. Kajian ditumpukan kepada analisis kandungan terutamanya dalam bidang penyelidikan utama berhubung delima. Merujuk hasil tinjauan literatur, pengkaji mendapati majoriti penyelidikan lepas mengenai delima di dominasi oleh artikel jurnal sebanyak 85.5%. Melihatkan metode analisis yang pernah dilakukan, penyelidikan lepas berkenaan delima kebanyakannya berkisar tentang analisis saintifik (kajian makmal). Bagi kajian sains sahaja, telah terbahagi kepada enam bidang kajian. Fokus aspek perbincangan saintifik terhadap delima meliputi bidang farmasi, sains pemakanan (food science), sains botani, bio-perubatan, bio-kimia dan mikrobiologi. Hanya satu bidang yang memfokuskan analisis berasaskan pengajian Islam (Islamic Studies). Tambahan bidang pendidikan alam sekitar (flora) turut dimuatkan pengkaji bagi mengumpulkan hasil kajian yang bersifat data umum tentang tumbuhan termasuk delima. Justeru, usaha terkini para penyelidik dari Universiti Malaya melalui geran TRGS (TR001A-2014A) bertajuk ‘Safe and Health Uses of Fruits and Herbs Mentioned in Al-Quran and Ahadith: An Analysis of Ethnomedicinal Importance in Islamic Products in Malaysia’ amat signifikan dalam perkembangan ilmu. Lanjutan kajian baru terhadap delima diharapkan menghasilkan sesuatu bagi manfaat Malaysia seluruhnya

    The Guitarist behind \u3ci\u3eLa Guitaromanie\u3c/i\u3e : Charles de Marescot

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    The guitarist Charles de Marescot is a figure often cited when referring to the guitar mania that arose in France during the first decades of the nineteenth century. Yet very little is known about his life and musical production, which was dedicated almost entirely to the guitar. Drawing on several newly discovered documents, this article aims to understand the role of this polemical figure in the vogue for the guitar by reconstructing his whereabouts. Particular attention is given to his relationship with Hector Berlioz, with whom he conducted some minor business

    Storici italiani del Novecento. Una "generazione perduta"?

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    Questo articolo analizza le biografie politiche e intellettuali dei maggiori storici del Novecento: Croce, Volpe, Salvemini, Chabod, Romeo, Manacorda, Ragionieri.This article analyzes the political and intellectual biographies of the leading historians of the Twentieth Century: Croce, Volpe, Salvemini, Chabod, Romeo, Manacorda, Ragionieri

    Rosa Tomei : il profilo letterario inedito della donna di Trilussa

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    O conflito trabalhista das Aerolineas Argentinas durante a gestão de Cambiemos (2016‐2018)

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    Desde la llegada de la alianza Cambiemos al gobierno a finales de 2015, la precarización de las condiciones de trabajo, la amenaza de los despidos e incluso la posibilidad de privatización fueron algunas de las problemáticas que sobrevolaban a Aerolíneas Argentinas (AR). Los cambios implementados en la política aerocomercial argentina empujaron a los sindicatos que actúan en la aerolínea de bandera a un permanente estado de alerta, con claras reminiscencias a una historia atravesada por crisis recurrentes y potencialmente terminales. Atendiendo este escenario, los interrogantes que guían la investigación se trazan a partir de dos cuestiones centrales: ¿Qué implicancias planteaban los cambios en la política aerocomercial para AR y sus trabajadores? ¿Qué estrategias llevaron adelante los sindicatos que actúan en AR frente a la ofensiva del gobierno y la dirección de la empresa? A efecto de responder estas preguntas, el presente artículo propone analizar la conflictividad laboral en AR desde finales de 2015 hasta el año 2018, etapa coincidente con la gestión estatal a cargo del gobierno de Cambiemos. La investigación se basa en un abordaje metodológico cualitativo de los conflictos laborales del período, a partir de datos provenientes del Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social, notas periodísticas, solicitadas gremiales, comunicados oficiales de la empresa y declaraciones publicadas en redes sociales.Since the arrival of the Government alliance “Cambiemos” in 2015, the precariousness of working conditions, the threat of layoffs and even the possibility of privatization became some of the problems overflying the national flag carrier Aerolineas Argentinas (AR). The changes implemented in Argentine’s aviation policy pushed the company’s unions to a permanent state of alert, with clear reminiscences of a history crossed by recurring and potentially terminal crises. In light of this scenario, the questions that guide the research are drawn from two central questions: What implications did the changes in air trade policy pose for AR and its workers? What strategies were carried out by the unions in AR against the offensive of the government and the direction of the company? In order to answer these questions, this article proposes to analyze the labor conflict in AR from the end of 2015 to the year 2018, a stage coinciding with the “Cambiemos” government. The research is based on a qualitative methodological approach to the labor conflicts of the period, based on data from the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, newspaper clippings, union requests, company communications and the speeches published on social networks.Desde a chegada da aliança Cambiemos ao governo, no final de 2015, a precariedade das condições de trabalho, a ameaça de demissões e até a possibilidade de privatização foram alguns dos problemas que sobrevoavam Aerolineas Argentinas (AR). As mudanças implementadas na política de aviação argentina levaram aos sindicatos que atuam na compañía aérea de bandeira a um estado permanente de alerta, com reminiscências claras de uma história atravessada por crises recorrentes e potencialmente terminais. Em resposta a esse cenário, as questões que guiam a pesquisa são guiadas de duas questões centrais: que implicações colocaram as mudanças na política de comércio aéreo para AR e seus trabalhadores? Quais estratégias foram realizadas pelos sindicatos que atuam na AR contra a ofensiva do governo e a direção da empresa? Para responder essas perguntas, este artigo propõe analisar o conflito trabalhista em AR desde o final de 2015 até o ano de 2018, etapa coincidente com a gestão do estado pelo governo de Cambiemos. A pesquisa se baseia numa abordagem metodológica qualitativa dos conflitos trabalhistas do período, com base em dados do Ministério do Trabalho, Emprego e Seguridade Social, recortes de jornais, solicitações de sindicatos, declarações da empresa e declarações publicadas nas redes sociais.Fil: Miguel, María Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Camila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Estudios Históricos; Argentin

    Mirror - Vol. 04, No. 15 - December 11, 1980

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    The Mirror (sometimes called the Fairfield Mirror) is the official student newspaper of Fairfield University, and is published weekly during the academic year (September - May). It runs from 1977 - the present; current issues are available online.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/archives-mirror/1073/thumbnail.jp