2,848 research outputs found

    Separators of fat points in P^n

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    In this paper we extend the definition of a separator of a point P in P^n to a fat point P of multiplicity m. The key idea in our definition is to compare the fat point schemes Z = m_1P_1 + ... + m_iP_i + .... + m_sP_s in P^n and Z' = m_1P_1 + ... + (m_i-1)P_i + .... + m_sP_s. We associate to P_i a tuple of positive integers of length v = deg Z - deg Z'. We call this tuple the degree of the minimal separators of P_i of multiplicity m_i, and we denote it by deg_Z(P_i) = (d_1,...,d_v). We show that if one knows deg_Z(P_i) and the Hilbert function of Z, one will also know the Hilbert function of Z'. We also show that the entries of deg_Z(P_i) are related to the shifts in the last syzygy module of I_Z. Both results generalize well known results about reduced sets of points and their separators.Comment: 22 pages; minor revisions throughout; to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Proyecto de apoyo a cuidadores y pacientes hematológicos en ingresos de larga duración

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    Éste es un proyecto piloto que surge tras detectar la necesidad de cuidar al cuidador de enfermos hematológicos, puesto que son pacientes que precisan de largas estancias hospitalarias. Por ello desarrollamos este proyecto, donde justificamos porqué es imprescindible la figura del cuidador, y, por lo tanto, necesario su cuidado. Para ello se han realizado unos cuestionarios, tanto a profesionales que trabajan directamente con este colectivo, como a personas que lo sufren, para cerciorarnos de que es una necesidad real, y con ello observamos que estamos en lo cierto, y es fundamental. Las enfermedades hematológicas son muchas y muy diversas, pero tienen un factor en común, y es que, en el proceso de su curación dejan al cuerpo del paciente deteriorado, sin fuerza, y muchas actividades básicas de la vida diaria las tiene que hacer con el apoyo de alguien.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early predictor of prolonged intensive care unit stay after cardiac surgery.

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    Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a protein of lipocalin family highly expressed in various pathologic states and is an early biomarker of acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery. We performed an observational study to evaluate the role of NGAL in predicting postoperative intensive care stay in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery. We enrolled 27 consecutive patients who underwent high-risk cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Urinary NGAL (uNGAL) was measured before surgery, at intensive care unit (ICU) arrival and 24 h later. Univariate and multivariate predictors of ICU stay were performed. uNGAL was 18.0 (8.7–28.1) ng/mL at baseline, 10.7 (4.35–36.0) ng/mL at ICU arrival and 29.6 (9.65–29.5) 24 h later. The predictors of prolonged ICU stay at the multivariate analysis were body mass index (BMI), uNGAL 24 h after surgery, and aortic cross-clamp time. The predictors of high uNGAL levels 24 h after at a multivariate analysis were preoperative uNGAL and logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation. At a multivariate analysis the only independent predictors of prolonged ICU stay were BMI, uNGAL 24 h after surgery and aortic cross-clamp time

    Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension Related to Thalidomide Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is thrombogenic as a consequence of multiple hemostatic effects. Thalidomide is an effective treatment; however, it has been associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events including pulmonary hypertension (PH). PH in the absence of thromboembolic events has also been described in some patients with MM during thalidomide treatment. We experienced occurrence of PH in a MM patient during treatment with thalidomide. A 79-year-old woman was diagnosed with IgG lambda MM and was started on thalidomide treatment. About a month later, she presented with asthenia, palpitation and dyspnoea on exertion and was hospitalized. An echocardiography revealed severe PH (systolic pulmonary artery pressure 75 mm Hg) without paradoxic movement of ventricular septum or right ventricular dysfunction signs; a previous echocardiography was normal. Pulmonary computed tomography and perfusion scan were negative for pulmonary embolism. Based on the hypothesis of a pharmacological pathogenesis, thalidomide was promptly interrupted. About a month later, she was hospitalized for further investigations. Physical examination documented absence of dyspnoea or other respiratory signs, and echocardiography showed normal right ventricular function and normal pulmonary artery pressure. As in the cases reported in the literature, we suggest a possible direct correlation between thalidomide and PH, since in all cases a rapid decrease of pulmonary artery pressure after thalidomide discontinuation was observed

    Correlación entre el comportamiento del toro de lidia en los corrales y el ruedo

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    The value of fighting bulls (Lidia breed) is quantified based on their behavior in the bullring. Predicting this behavior is challenging because the heritability of behavior patterns is unknown and their interpretation subjective. An analysis was done of the possible relationship between bull behavior during pre-bullfight handling (unloading, first and second veterinary examinations) and during the bullfight. Behavioral parameter data was recorded for 200 adult bulls during pre-bullfight handling and the bullfight. Among the six genetic lines in the sample, the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines exhibited the highest values for mobility, aggressiveness, respiratory rate, and fight rate. Correlations were identified between some behaviors in pre-bullfight handling and others during the bullfight. Mobility during unloading and the first examination was positively correlated with Exit speed in the opening, Focus on banderillero (lancer on foot) in the second period of the bullfight and Determination in the third period. In contrast, aggressiveness during unloading was negatively correlated with mobility parameters during the second and third periods. No differences between animals were observed during the second examination, indicating that bulls quickly adapted to the corrals. The results suggest that some aspects of bull behavior prior to the bullfight can provide valuable information to bullfighters and breeders.El valor productivo de cada toro de lidia se cuantifica en función de su comportamiento en la plaza, el cual es muy difícil de predecir, puesto que se desconoce la heredabilidad de cada tipo de comportamiento, y su interpretación suele ser subjetiva. En este trabajo, se analiza la posible relación de la actitud observada durante la estancia previa del toro en los corrales de la plaza, con el comportamiento desarrollado durante la lidia. Para ello, se han estudiado 200 toros adultos, registrando su comportamiento en los corrales y posteriormente durante la lidia. Se observan diferencias entre encastes en los patrones registrados previos a la lidia, siendo los encastes Santa Coloma y Albaserrada los que desarrollaron una mayor movilidad, agresividad, frecuencia respiratoria y tasa de peleas. Existen correlaciones significativas entre varias conductas recogidas durante el desembarque y los patrones etológicos registrados durante la lidia. La movilidad durante el desembarque y primer reconocimiento veterinario se correlaciona positivamente con la rapidez de salida, con la fijeza en banderillas y con la repetición de embestida en la muleta. De forma inversa la agresividad durante el desembarque, evidenciada en el mayor número de embestidas a los burladeros, se correlaciona negativamente con parámetros indicativos de movilidad durante las banderillas y muleta. Durante el segundo reconocimiento veterinario, no se observaron grandes diferencias de comportamiento entre animales, ya que el toro se aclimata rápidamente al nuevo entorno de los corrales. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan una relación entre la actitud del animal previa a la corrida, lo cual puede dar información valiosa a toreros y ganaderos

    Autophagy processes are dependent on EGF receptor signaling

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    Autophagy is a not well-understood conserved mechanism activated during nutritional deprivation in order to maintain cellular homeostasis. In the present study, we investigated the correlations between autophagy, apoptosis and the MAPK pathways in melanoma cell lines. We demonstrated that during starvation the EGF receptor mediated signaling activates many proteins involved in the MAPK pathway. Our data also suggest a previously unidentified link between the EGFR and Beclin-1 in melanoma cell line. We demonstrated that, following starvation, EGFR binds and tyrosine-phosphorylates Beclin-1, suggesting that it may play a key inhibitory role in the early stage of starvation, possibly through the Beclin-1 sequestration. Furthermore, EGFR releases Beclin-1 and allows initiating steps of the autophagic process. Interestingly enough, when the EGFR pathway was blocked by anti-EGF antibodies, immunoprecipitated Beclin-1 did not bind the phospho-EGFR. In addition, an extended binding of p-Bcl2 either with Beclin-1 or with Bax was observed with a decreased activation of the stress-induced JNK kinase, thus avoiding the transduction pathways that activate autophagy and apoptosis, respectively. For this reason, we advance the hypothesis that the activation of the EGFR is a necessary event that allows the ignition and progression of the autophagic process, at least in melanoma cells

    ProCMD: a database and 3D web resource for protein C mutants

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    Background: Activated Protein C (ProC) is an anticoagulant plasma serine protease which also plays an important role in controlling inflammation and cell proliferation. Several mutations of the gene are associated with phenotypic functional deficiency of protein C, and with the risk of developing venous thrombosis. Structure prediction and computational analysis of the mutants have proven to be a valuable aid in understanding the molecular aspects of clinical thrombophilia. Results: We have built a specialized relational database and a search tool for natural mutants of protein C. It contains 195 entries that include 182 missense and 13 stop mutations. A menu driven search engine allows the user to retrieve stored information for each variant, that include genetic as well as structural data and a multiple alignment highlighting the substituted position. Molecular models of variants can be visualized with interactive tools; PDB coordinates of the models are also available for further analysis. Furthermore, an automatic modelling interface allows the user to generate multiple alignments and 3D models of new variants. Conclusion: ProCMD is an up-to-date interactive mutant database that integrates phenotypical descriptions with functional and structural data obtained by computational approaches. It will be useful in the research and clinical fields to help elucidate the chain of events leading from a molecular defect to the related disease. It is available for academics at the URL http://www.itb.cnr.it/procmd/

    Análisis de la evolución de dos asignaturas consecutivas

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    En este trabajo analizamos la evolución de dos asignaturas del primer curso del Grado en Ingeniería de Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Extremadura. Estas asignaturas son de la misma materia, Informática, y se imparten en primer curso. Desde el curso 12/13 hasta ahora, ambas asignaturas han ido experimentando cambios en las actividades, la evaluación y las metodologías empleadas. Sin embargo, los cambios en el temario han sido mínimos y el profesorado se ha mantenido estable. Las tasas de éxito y abandono también han variado a lo largo de los años notablemente. Se han analizado algunos datos para comprobar si esas variaciones se pueden explicar con los cambios en las metodologías (principalmente, clase al revés), con otros factores que en la literatura se relacionan con el desempeño académico como la nota de ingreso de los estudiantes, o comparándolas con las restantes asignaturas del primer curso. Este análisis nos ha servido para reflexionar sobre estos 9 años de docencia.This paper analyzes the evolution of two subjects from the Bachelor in Sound and Image Engineering in Telecommunications first year at the Universidad de Extremadura. This subjects belong to the same area, Computer Science, and they are taught during the first course. From the 12/13 academic year until now, both subjects have changed their activities, evaluation and methodologies. However, changes in the syllabus have been minimal and the teaching staff has remained stable. Success and dropout rates have varied remarkably over the years. Some data have been analyzed to check whether these differences can be explained by changes in methodologies (mainly, flipped classroom), other factors that are related to the performance in the literature such as the student entrance note, or comparing with the remaining subjects of the first course. This analysis has helped us to reflect on these 9 years