51 research outputs found

    Plant proton pumps as markers of biostimulant action

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    A standard protocol to evaluate the effects of biostimulants on plant physiology is still lacking. The proton pumps present in the vacuolar and plasma membranes are the primary agents responsible for the regulation of the electrochemical gradient that energizes the nutrient uptake system and acid growth mechanism of plant cells. In this study, two of these enzymes were characterized as biochemical markers of biostimulant activity. A simple and fast protocol based on the degree of root acidification using a pH sensitive dye and the Micro-Tom tomato as a plant model is proposed as an efficient methodology to prove the efficacy of biostimulants that are claimed to improve nutrient acquisition and root growth. The results agree with the data from more conventional, expensive and time-consuming proton pump assays. A direct correlation was found between plasmalemma proton-adenosine triphosphatase (H+-ATPase) activation and the amount of rhizosphere acidification observed in the bromocresol gel. Moreover, roots of the diageotropica (dgt) Micro-Tom plants, defective in auxin responses, barely acidify bromocresol purple gel even in the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 1 μM). The biostimulant TEA (vermicompost water extract, 25 %) enhances proton extrusion by 40 % in wild type (WT) plants, but no effect was induced in dgt plants. These results reinforce the notion that the class of biostimulant known as humic substances stimulates plant proton pumps and promotes root growth by exerting an auxin-like bioactivity and establish the usefulness of an economically and technically feasible assay to certify this kind of biostimulant

    Toxicity of anthranilamides used in cucurbit cultivation on Apis mellifera

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    This study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of insecticides belonging to the chemical group Anthranilamide on Apis mellifera. Toxicity was evaluated in the two experiments, which corresponded to two exposure modes: direct spraying of the products on the bees and ingestion of a contaminated diet. The two bioassays were performed in a completely randomized design composed of eight treatments (absolute control – distilled water; positive control: Thiamethoxam at 0.03 and 0.3 g.a.i. L-1; Chlorantraniliprole: 0.015 g.a.i. L-1; Cyantraniliprole: 0.05 and 0.1 g.a.i. L-1; Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin: 0.027+0.0108 g.a.i. L-1 and 0.045+0.018 g.a.i. L-1), with 10 replications each. Via exposure through direct spraying, the insecticide Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin, regardless of the dose used, caused 100% bee mortality, showing a TL50 of 10.05h and 8.36h for the minimum and maximum doses, respectively. The insecticide Cyantraniliprole caused the death of 33.1% and 44.9% of the bees, respectively at the minimum and maximum doses, with a TL50 of 87.79 h for the two doses. The insecticide Chlorantraniliprole showed the lowest mortality rate, 24.7%, with a TL50 of 118.88h. Via ingestion of a contaminated diet, the insecticide Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin caused 100% mortality and showed a TL50 of 27.83h and 24.01h at the minimum and maximum doses, respectively. The insecticide Cyantraniliprole caused the death of 67.6% and 68.1% of bees at the minimum and maximum doses, respectively, with a TL50 of 58.63 h for the two doses. Chlorantraniliprole shows the lowest mortality rate, 48.1%, and a TL50 of 79.68h.This study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of insecticides belonging to the chemical group Anthranilamide on Apis mellifera. Toxicity was evaluated in the two experiments, which corresponded to two exposure modes: direct spraying of the products on the bees and ingestion of a contaminated diet. The two bioassays were performed in a completely randomized design composed of eight treatments (absolute control – distilled water; positive control: Thiamethoxam at 0.03 and 0.3 g.a.i. L-1; Chlorantraniliprole: 0.015 g.a.i. L-1; Cyantraniliprole: 0.05 and 0.1 g.a.i. L-1; Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin: 0.027+0.0108 g.a.i. L-1 and 0.045+0.018 g.a.i. L-1), with 10 replications each. Via exposure through direct spraying, the insecticide Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin, regardless of the dose used, caused 100% bee mortality, showing a TL50 of 10.05h and 8.36h for the minimum and maximum doses, respectively. The insecticide Cyantraniliprole caused the death of 33.1% and 44.9% of the bees, respectively at the minimum and maximum doses, with a TL50 of 87.79 h for the two doses. The insecticide Chlorantraniliprole showed the lowest mortality rate, 24.7%, with a TL50 of 118.88h. Via ingestion of a contaminated diet, the insecticide Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin caused 100% mortality and showed a TL50 of 27.83h and 24.01h at the minimum and maximum doses, respectively. The insecticide Cyantraniliprole caused the death of 67.6% and 68.1% of bees at the minimum and maximum doses, respectively, with a TL50 of 58.63 h for the two doses. Chlorantraniliprole shows the lowest mortality rate, 48.1%, and a TL50 of 79.68h

    Identifying the ideal weekly training load for in-game performance in an elite Brazilian soccer team

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ideal training load to be applied during periods of fixture congestion to ensure an adequate dose-response effect for performance maintenance. Methods: Match performance data and corresponding pre-match training load sessions (both N = 498 match performance cases and training-block session cases) were collected (with the catapult system, VECTOR7) from 36 male professional soccer players (23.5 +/- 5.2 years; 178 +/- 4 cm; 75.5 +/- 6.0 kg) belonging to the Brazilian First Division team during the 2022 season. The following data were collected in match and training sessions: jump, acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction (COD); running distance producing metabolic power at different intensities (>20, >20-35, >35-45, >45-55, and >55 W kg(-1)), total distance (m), relative distance (m/min), running distance at different speeds (>20, >25, and >30 km/h), number of sprints (running >25 km/h), and maximum speed (km/h). Mixed linear model (MLM), decision tree regression (DTR), and cluster K means model (SPSS v.26) approach were performed to identify the most critical variables (and their respective load) in the training sessions that could explain the athlete's match performance. Results: MLM and DTR regression show that training load significantly affects game performance in a specific way. According to the present data, an interference phenomenon can occur when a high load of two different skills (running in a straight line vs COD, deceleration, and jumping) is applied in the same training block of the week. The cluster approach, followed by a chi-squared test, identified significant associations between training load and athlete match performance in a dose-dependent manner. Discussion: The high load values described here have a beneficial effect on match performance, despite the interference between stimuli discussed above. We present a positive training load from a congested season from the Brazilian First Division team. The study suggests that an interference effect occurs when high physical training loads are applied to different specific physical skills throughout the season.The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020 and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP-Grant number: 2021/03601-1).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a composição corporal com utilização do DXA e correlacioná-la com a idade cronológica em adolescentes pós-púberes, de ambos os sexos. Participaram da pesquisa 46 adolescentes em fase pós-puberal, sendo 27 meninas (17,23±0,98) e 19 meninos (17,65±0,74) de ensino médio de uma escola estadual da Zona Sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foram realizadas uma anamnese, avaliação antropométrica e o DXA para avaliações. O teste U de Mann Withiney e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foram utilizados, adotando P0,05 para significância. Verificou-se que as meninas apresentam composição corporal diferente dos meninos (P0,05) e que com o aumento da idade elas tendem a diminuir o percentual de gordura, embora tenha sido observado um quantitativo alto de meninas com percentual de gordura elevado. Os meninos apresentaram uma tendência de aumento do percentual de gordura e da massa magra com o aumento da idade. As medidas de conteúdo e densidade mineral ósseo dentro da normalidade, com tendência de aumento com o avanço da idade cronológica. Conclui-se que os grupos masculino e feminino apresentaram comportamentos diferenciados quanto à composição corporal e os valores apresentados trazem mais um complemento à literatura a respeito de referências para a composição corporal, obtida com o DXA, em adolescentes pós-púberes

    Occupational group, educational level, marital status and deleterious habits among individuals with maxillofacial fractures : retrospective study

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    To investigate the occupational profile, educational level, marital status and deleterious habits to the health of patients with maxillofacial fractures of a population of northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study of patients records admitted to the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Walter Cantídio University Hospital (Fortaleza, Brazil) who sustained maxillofacial fractures was conducted in the period between 2006 and 2015. A total of 338 patients rendered 355 fractures. Males were the most affected (p<0.001), with prevalence in the third decade of life (p<0.001). There was a predominance of motorcycle accidents (p<0.001), home workers (p<0.001), low educational status (p = 0.032), and no cigarette use (p<0.001) or alcohol (p = 0.023). Fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex were the most prevalent in the sample (p<0.001). The sociodemographic profile exerted a significant influence on the epidemiological profile of maxillofacial fractures in a Brazilian population during the study period

    Detecção de esterase e lipase produzidas por fungos filamentosos isolados de solos da Caatinga / Detection of esterase and lipase produced by filamentous fungi isolated of Caatinga soil

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    As esterases (E.C. são enzimas pertencentes à classe das carboxil ester hidrolases, e atuam diretamente na clivagem e na formação de ligações ésteres, enquanto as lipases (EC são hidrolases que catalisam a hidrólise de triacilgliceróis em ácidos graxos livres e glicerol. A utilização de enzimas nas indústrias permite o desenvolvimento de processos tecnológicos tão eficientes quanto os realizados pela natureza e sem impactos ambientais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar micro- organismos isoaldos da Caatinga com potencial promissor na produção das enzimas esterase e lipase. Amostras de fungos filamentosos (6 amostras) do gênero Aspergillus sp. denominados de SIS (10, 11, 12, 14, 92, 112) e 2 isolados de Penicillium sp. denominados de SIS (21, 23) foram cultivados em meios de cultura específico utilizando as temperaturas de 28°C e 35°C, durante 72 h, com acompanhamento diário. A presença do halo característico evidenciou a presença das enzimas testadas. Os melhores resultados obtidos indicaram que a produção de lipase e esterase com o Penicillium sp. (SIS 23), apresentando índice enzimático de 2,0cm à 35°C e á 28°C e 1,5 cm após 72 horas de cultivo destacando-se como um potencial produtor de esterase e lipase

    Hanseníase na região norte do Brasil: epidemiologia das internações nos últimos dez anos (2013-2022)

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico das internações por hanseníase na região norte do Brasil nos últimos dez anos. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, de perspectiva quantitativa, no qual os dados foram coletados a partir do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde - DATASUS - entre os anos de 2013 e 2022. As variáveis pesquisadas foram: total de internações, sexo, cor/raça e faixa etária. O período da pesquisa foi delimitado entre janeiro de 2013 e dezembro de 2022. Resultados: Foram registradas 3.115 internações por hanseníase entre os anos de 2013 e 2022. O maior número de casos foi registrado no ano de 2013, 440. O estado com maior número de casos foi o Tocantins, com 891 notificações. O sexo masculino foi responsável pela maioria das notificações, 2.238, e o sexo feminino registrou 915. A cor/raça parda apontou 1.902 internações. A faixa etária com o maior número de hospitalizações foi a de 40 a 49 anos, 589 casos. Conclusão: O número de internações por hanseníase apresenta um caráter oscilatório e aumentou nos últimos dois anos. O perfil epidemiológico das internações foi caracterizado por indivíduos do sexo masculino, pardos e na faixa etária de 40 a 49 anos

    Tetralogia de Fallot no Brasil: compreendendo a existência

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    Introduction: Tetralogy of Fallot involves four specific heart problems. Firstly, there is pulmonary stenosis, characterized by the narrowing of the pathway that carries blood from the heart to the lungs, hindering blood flow. Right ventricular hypertrophy is another characteristic, where the muscle of the right ventricle of the heart becomes thicker due to increased workload caused by pulmonary stenosis. Methodology: The present study adopted a descriptive epidemiological approach with the aim of analyzing cases of Tetralogy of Fallot among live births in Brazil from 2012 to 2021. Data collection utilized the Live Birth Information System (SINASC), made available by DATASUS. Results: In the group of individuals born with Tetralogy of Fallot, the analysis of variables reveals valuable information about demographic characteristics and perinatal conditions. Regarding the "Race/Ethnicity" variable, out of the 943 cases registered, 588 (62.35%) were classified as white, 51 (5.41%) as black, 10 (1.06%) as yellow, 267 (28.31%) as brown, and 27 (2.86%) had race/ethnicity recorded as unknown. Conclusion: A profound understanding of congenital heart diseases not only saves lives but also significantly improves the quality of life for affected individuals.Introdução: A Tetralogia de Fallot envolve quatro problemas cardíacos específicos. Em primeiro lugar, há a estenose pulmonar, caracterizada pelo estreitamento da via que conduz o sangue do coração para os pulmões, dificultando o fluxo sanguíneo. A hipertrofia ventricular direita é outra característica, onde o músculo do ventrículo direito do coração torna-se mais espesso devido ao aumento da carga de trabalho provocado pela estenose pulmonar. Metodologia: O presente estudo adotou uma abordagem epidemiológica descritiva com o objetivo de analisar os casos de Tetralogia de Fallot entre os nascidos vivos no Brasil no período de 2012 a 2021. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se o Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC), disponibilizado pelo DATASUS Resultado: No grupo de nascidos com Tetralogia de Fallot, a análise das variáveis revela informações valiosas sobre características demográficas e condições perinatais. Em relação à variável "Cor/Raça", dos 943 casos registrados, 588 (62,35%) eram classificados como brancos, 51 (5,41%) como pretos, 10 (1,06%) como amarelos, 267 (28,31%) como pardos, e 27 (2,86%) tiveram a cor/raça registrada como ignorada Conclusão: A compreensão profunda das cardiopatias congênitas não apenas salva vidas, mas também melhora significativamente a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados

    Entendendo a agitação psicomotora na sociedade brasileira: revisão de literatura

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    Introduction: Psychomotor agitation is a characteristic feature characterized by intense arousal, involving both psychological and motor aspects. This condition can manifest in various ways and is often associated with various mental and neurological disorders. Methodology: This literature review employed a systematic approach to identify relevant studies on psychomotor engineering in hospital settings in Brazil. The descriptors used were Psychomotor Agitation, Psychomotor Hyperactivity, Brazil, Hospitals, Psychiatric. The search was conducted in the PUBMED database, using the search filter for the last 10 years. Result: In the context of non-pharmacological management of the agitated patient, recommendations emphasize the importance of following a line of interventions, prioritizing less invasive measures before resorting to more coercive approaches. The process begins with directing the patient to a secure environment, providing a fundamental basis for improvement management. Conclusion: Psychomotor improvement is a symptom that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Understanding the underlying causes and implementing an appropriate therapeutic approach are essential for the effective management of this state. The support of mental health professionals is crucial to assist in both the assessment and treatment of this complex condition.Introdução: A agitação psicomotora é uma característica que se caracteriza por uma intensa intensa, envolvendo tanto aspectos psicológicos quanto motores. Esta condição pode se manifestar de várias maneiras e está frequentemente associada a diversos transtornos mentais e neurológicos. Metodologia: Esta revisão bibliográfica utilizou uma abordagem sistemática para identificar estudos relevantes sobre engenharia psicomotora em contextos hospitalares no Brasil. Os descritores utilizados foram Psychomotor Agitation, Psychomotor Hyperactivity, Brazil, Hospitals, Psychiatric. A busca foi conduzida na base de dados PUBMED, utilizando o filtro de pesquisa nos últimos 10 anos. Resultado: No contexto do manejo não farmacológico do paciente agitado, as recomendações ressaltam a importância de seguir uma linha de intervenções, priorizando medidas menos invasivas antes de recorrer a abordagens mais coercitivas. O processo inicia com o encaminhamento do paciente para um ambiente protegido, proporcionando uma base fundamental para a gestão da melhoria. Conclusão: A melhoria psicomotora é um sintoma que pode impactar significativamente a qualidade de vida de uma pessoa. A compreensão das causas subjacentes e a implementação de uma abordagem terapêutica adequada são essenciais para o manejo eficaz desse estado. O suporte de profissionais de saúde mental é fundamental para auxiliar tanto na avaliação quanto no tratamento dessa condição complexa