139 research outputs found

    How Can Embedded Grammar Instruction Support Student Writing?

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    This paper seeks to answer the question, how can grammar instruction embedded into Writer’s Workshop help both ELs and non-ELs meet the Common Core State Standards for language conventions? Using a Functional Linguistic Model, the author designed Writing Workshop grammar lessons based on three Language Conventions from the Common Core State Standards, using adverbs, creating compound sentences, and forming contractions. The author then taught these conventions through the workshop model and analyzed the use of these structures before and after the teaching through the use a rubric score of the pretest and test. The study included a mixed method approach, using both quantitative and qualitative data. The results, implications and potential next steps are then discussed

    Sign optimization and complex saddle points in one-dimensional QCD

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    We study one-dimensional QCD at finite quark density by using the sign optimization framework. The fermion sign problem is mitigated by deforming the path integral domain, SU(3)SU(3) to a complexified one MSL(3){\cal M} \subset SL(3), explicitly constructed to reduce the phase fluctuations. The complexification is constructed using the angular representation of SU(3)SU(3). We provide a physical explanation of the optimization procedure in terms of complex saddle points. This picture connects the sign optimization framework to the generalized Lefschetz thimbles.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Heavy-dense QCD, sign optimization and Lefschetz thimbles

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    We study the heavy-dense limit of QCD on the lattice with heavy quarks at high density. The effective three dimensional theory has a sign problem which is alleviated by sign optimization where the path integration domain is deformed in complex space in a way that minimizes the phase oscillations. We simulate the theory via a Hybrid-Monte-Carlo, for different volumes, both to leading order and next-to-next-to leading order in the hopping expansion, and show that sign optimization successfully mitigates the sign problem at large enough volumes where usual re-weighting methods fail. Finally we show that there is a significant overlap between the complex manifold generated by sign optimization and the Lefschetz thimbles associated with the theory.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure


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    Nogomet je kompleksna sportska aktivnost čiji uspjeh ovisi o nastupu, odnosno igri svakog igrača. Mogućnost svakog pojedinog igrača odražava se na rezultat njegove momčadi. Ključ uspjeha je kvalitetna priprema igrača koja odgovara visokim zahtjevima suvremene nogometne igre. Igrači imaju određene specifičnosti s obzirom na poziciju u igri što zahtjeva različite pristupe njihovoj individualnoj pripremi kako bi se maksimalno unaprijedile njihove sposobnosti i znanja. Cilj ovog rada je, na temelju analize nogometne igre (strukturalne, biomehaničke, funkcionalne, anatomske), prikazati način planiranja i programiranja individualnog treninga nogometaša ovisno o njegovoj poziciji u igri.Football is a complex game and its success depends on the performance of each player. The quality of each player affects the final result. The key of success is the adequate preparation of players which corresponds to the high demands of modern football. Each position has its own specifics, which requires different approaches to their individual preparation in order to improve their skills. The aim of this study is, based on analysis of football game (structural, biomehanical, functional, anatomical), to show the way of planning and programming individual training for players depending on their position in the game

    The influence of different music styles on motor vehicle driving

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    Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je provjeriti utjecaj preferirane glazbe na simuliranu vožnju u odnosu na neutralnu glazbu. Istraživanje na simulatoru vožnje provedeno je individualno na 64 sudionika oba spola. Uvjeti za sudionike bili su dob od 21 do 29 godina, posjedovanje vozačke dozvole minimalno 3 godine te više puta tjedno korištenje automobila. Vožnja se sastojala od 3 desetominutne vožnje. Prva vožnja se odnosila na uvježbavanje sudionika na simulator, bez prisutnosti glazbe. Druga i treća vožnja bile su uz prisutnost preferirane ili neutralne glazbe. Svaka vožnja je snimana za naknadnu analizu. Bilježene su postignute brzine, učinjene greške u prometu te tempo glazbe. Statistički postupak korišten za analizu postignutih brzina je t-test za zavisne uzorke, frekvencije grešaka analizirane su Wilcoxonovim testom ekvivalentnih parova, a odnos tempa izvođene glazbe i brzine te grešaka obrađen je analizom varijance. Dobiveni rezultati ne ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajne razlike između različitih vrsta glazbe s obzirom na postignute brzine i učinjene greške u prometu. Također, nije se pokazala značajna razlika u navedenim varijablama s obzirom na tempo. Drugim riječima, ovo istraživanje ukazuje na to da ne postoji utjecaj preferirane glazbe na simuliranu vožnju.Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of preferred music on simulated driving in contrast to neutral music. This study was conducted on a driving simulator. A total of 64 subjects were separated into equal groups of both genders. Condition for them to participate in this study was to be 21 to 29 years of age, owning a driver’s license at least for a 3 years and using a car several times a week. Driving consisted of 3 ten minute drives. First drive was for getting acquainted with the simulator without music. Second and third drive were with the presence of preferred or neutral music. Each drive was recorded for after analysis. Achieved speed, traffic errors and music tempo were noted. Statistical analysis used for speed was a paired sample t-test, Wilcoxon’s test was used for error frequencies and relation between tempo, speed and errors was analyzed with ANOVA. Results did not show any differences between conditions with preferred or neutral music regarding speed and traffic errors. In other words, this study shows that there is no effect of preferred music on simulated driving


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    Nogomet je kompleksna sportska aktivnost čiji uspjeh ovisi o nastupu, odnosno igri svakog igrača. Mogućnost svakog pojedinog igrača odražava se na rezultat njegove momčadi. Ključ uspjeha je kvalitetna priprema igrača koja odgovara visokim zahtjevima suvremene nogometne igre. Igrači imaju određene specifičnosti s obzirom na poziciju u igri što zahtjeva različite pristupe njihovoj individualnoj pripremi kako bi se maksimalno unaprijedile njihove sposobnosti i znanja. Cilj ovog rada je, na temelju analize nogometne igre (strukturalne, biomehaničke, funkcionalne, anatomske), prikazati način planiranja i programiranja individualnog treninga nogometaša ovisno o njegovoj poziciji u igri.Football is a complex game and its success depends on the performance of each player. The quality of each player affects the final result. The key of success is the adequate preparation of players which corresponds to the high demands of modern football. Each position has its own specifics, which requires different approaches to their individual preparation in order to improve their skills. The aim of this study is, based on analysis of football game (structural, biomehanical, functional, anatomical), to show the way of planning and programming individual training for players depending on their position in the game

    The influence of different music styles on motor vehicle driving

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    Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je provjeriti utjecaj preferirane glazbe na simuliranu vožnju u odnosu na neutralnu glazbu. Istraživanje na simulatoru vožnje provedeno je individualno na 64 sudionika oba spola. Uvjeti za sudionike bili su dob od 21 do 29 godina, posjedovanje vozačke dozvole minimalno 3 godine te više puta tjedno korištenje automobila. Vožnja se sastojala od 3 desetominutne vožnje. Prva vožnja se odnosila na uvježbavanje sudionika na simulator, bez prisutnosti glazbe. Druga i treća vožnja bile su uz prisutnost preferirane ili neutralne glazbe. Svaka vožnja je snimana za naknadnu analizu. Bilježene su postignute brzine, učinjene greške u prometu te tempo glazbe. Statistički postupak korišten za analizu postignutih brzina je t-test za zavisne uzorke, frekvencije grešaka analizirane su Wilcoxonovim testom ekvivalentnih parova, a odnos tempa izvođene glazbe i brzine te grešaka obrađen je analizom varijance. Dobiveni rezultati ne ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajne razlike između različitih vrsta glazbe s obzirom na postignute brzine i učinjene greške u prometu. Također, nije se pokazala značajna razlika u navedenim varijablama s obzirom na tempo. Drugim riječima, ovo istraživanje ukazuje na to da ne postoji utjecaj preferirane glazbe na simuliranu vožnju.Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of preferred music on simulated driving in contrast to neutral music. This study was conducted on a driving simulator. A total of 64 subjects were separated into equal groups of both genders. Condition for them to participate in this study was to be 21 to 29 years of age, owning a driver’s license at least for a 3 years and using a car several times a week. Driving consisted of 3 ten minute drives. First drive was for getting acquainted with the simulator without music. Second and third drive were with the presence of preferred or neutral music. Each drive was recorded for after analysis. Achieved speed, traffic errors and music tempo were noted. Statistical analysis used for speed was a paired sample t-test, Wilcoxon’s test was used for error frequencies and relation between tempo, speed and errors was analyzed with ANOVA. Results did not show any differences between conditions with preferred or neutral music regarding speed and traffic errors. In other words, this study shows that there is no effect of preferred music on simulated driving

    Analysis of children's art works displaye din preschool education institution

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    Dijete je kreativno biće čija se kreativnost očituje u različitim likovnim rješenjima. Kroz održavanje likovnih aktivnosti u vrtićima ta kreativnost bi se trebala poticati i razvijati, no umjesto toga odgojitelji sve više ometaju dječje likovno stvaralaštvo. Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti u kolikoj je mjeri vidljiv utjecaj odgojitelja na dječji likovni izraz te jesu li radovi primjereno izloženi dječjim mogućnostima promatranja. Istraživanje se sastojalo od fotografiranja izložbi dječjih radova u šest dječjih vrtića na području Osijeka. Fotografirana je 41 izložba te je od toga odabrano 20 za potrebe analize. Analiza izložbi dječjih likovnih radova potvrdila je vidljivost utjecaja odgojitelja na likovni izraz djece kao i da radovi većinom nisu izloženi u skladu s mogućnošću stvaranja prave percepcije kod promatranja likovnih radova djece predškolske dobi.A child is a creative being whose creativity is evident in different art forms. The creativity should be encouraged and developed through sustainability of art activities in kindergartens. However, educators instead increasingly interfere with the artistic creativity of children. The aim of the study was to see how visible is the influence of educator on the artistic expession of children, and if the artwork is appropriately exposed to the observational abilities of children. The study is composed of taking photographs of children's art work exhibits in six different kindergartens in Osijek. A total of 41 exhibits has been photographed, and 20 have been chosen for the purpose of the study. The analysis of children's artwork exhibits has confirmed the visibility of the influence of the educator on the artistic expression of children. It has also confirmed the visibility of the influence of the educator on the artistic expression of children. It has also confirmed that the artwork exhibited is mostly not appropriate for the ability to create a real perception when observing the artwork of preschool children

    Sign Optimization and Quantum Field Theories: Lessons from QCD-Like Models

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    Monte Carlo methods using the lattice formulation provide the only known procedure for calculating the predictions of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in the low energy, strongly coupled regime. In the presence of a fermion chemical potential or for systems evolving in time the QCD action becomes complex and these methods break down. While QCD has existed as a theory for half a century, and lattice field theory calculations including the effect of fermions for decades, this sign problem has so far prevented calculation of the phase structure of strongly interacting matter. Recently a new approach, involving complexifying the domain of integration and deforming the path integrals, has been suggested as a way to ameliorate the sign problem. In the sign optimization method a family of complexified integration domains, parameterized by their real parts, is introduced, and an optimal member of this family is selected using gradient descent. This thesis applies sign optimization to 0+1D QCD and Heavy Dense QCD, two models that, while more tractable than QCD, give some insight into how the general thimble method may be applied to the full theory.Doctor of Philosoph


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    Nogomet je kompleksna sportska aktivnost čiji uspjeh ovisi o nastupu, odnosno igri svakog igrača. Mogućnost svakog pojedinog igrača odražava se na rezultat njegove momčadi. Ključ uspjeha je kvalitetna priprema igrača koja odgovara visokim zahtjevima suvremene nogometne igre. Igrači imaju određene specifičnosti s obzirom na poziciju u igri što zahtjeva različite pristupe njihovoj individualnoj pripremi kako bi se maksimalno unaprijedile njihove sposobnosti i znanja. Cilj ovog rada je, na temelju analize nogometne igre (strukturalne, biomehaničke, funkcionalne, anatomske), prikazati način planiranja i programiranja individualnog treninga nogometaša ovisno o njegovoj poziciji u igri.Football is a complex game and its success depends on the performance of each player. The quality of each player affects the final result. The key of success is the adequate preparation of players which corresponds to the high demands of modern football. Each position has its own specifics, which requires different approaches to their individual preparation in order to improve their skills. The aim of this study is, based on analysis of football game (structural, biomehanical, functional, anatomical), to show the way of planning and programming individual training for players depending on their position in the game