150 research outputs found

    Quale questura nel municipio di Brindisi? A proposito di AEp 2006, 320-321

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    Nuova lettura dell’epigrafe brindisina AEp 2006, 320, alla luce delle difficoltà poste dalla interpretazione del q(uaestor), ivi documentato, come magistrato municipale.New reading of the inscription found at Brindisi, AEp 2006, 320, in light of the difficulties posed by the interpretation of q(uaestor), documented in the epigraph, as a municipal magistrate

    A interação durante as provas operatórias: considerações para a avaliação infantil

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    The Jean Piaget’s theory classifies child development in stages, according to the cognitive structures established by age and prepares the system of child evaluation – operational tests, known and used in many occasions by occupational therapists. We’ll present relevant results of a critical-reflexive research aimed to analyze the variables during the application of operational conservation tests; seriation; classification and symbolic function in children in pre-operational, formal operational and concrete operational stages. The applied methodologies and materials used were intentionally modified in three stages for each test: traditional material and methodology; diversified material and active manipulation; and personalized material and active methodology. After three months of applications, image recording, completion of research instruments and analyses performed, the main results showed that the active manipulation and the relationship with the diversified materials contributed to answers of higher intellectual maturity of the child, in a considerable number of sessions.A teoria de Jean Piaget classifica o desenvolvimento infantil em estágios, de acordo com as estruturas cognitivas delineadas por idade e elabora o sistema de avaliação infantil - provas operatórias, conhecido e muitas vezes utilizado pelo terapeuta ocupacional. Serão apresentados os resultados relevantes de uma pesquisa que objetivou a análise crítica-reflexiva de variáveis durante a aplicação de provas operatórias de conservação; seriação; classificação e função simbólica em crianças nas fases pré-operatória, operatória e operatória concreta. As metodologias aplicadas e os materiais utilizados foram intencionalmente modificados em três etapas para cada prova: material e metodologia tradicionais, material diversificado e manuseio ativo e material personalizado e metodologia ativa. Após três meses de aplicações, registros imagéticos, instrumentos de pesquisa preenchidos e análises realizadas, temos como principais resultados que o manuseio ativo e a relação com os materiais diversificados contribuíram para respostas de maior maturidade intelectual da criança, em um número considerável de sessões

    Oropharyngeal Hairy Polyp: A Case of Respiratory Failure in a Newborn

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    Hairy polyps, also known as dermoid polyps (DPs), are rare benign cystic lesions of bigerminal origin that may occur in several head and neck regions, including the oropharynx. Despite their benign histopathological nature, DPs may be life threatening, due to their upper airway location, and DPs represent one of the most unusual causes of respiratory distress during the neonatal period. In this paper, we describe a case of respiratory failure in a newborn with an oropharyngeal mass that was accidentally found during difficult intubation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detected a well-defined soft tissue pedunculated mass, arising from the left oropharynx wall, consistent with an oropharyngeal DP. The newborn had a prompt recovery after trans-oral mass removal. Our case underlines the importance of imaging in differential diagnosis of children's respiratory distress, secondary to a variety of lesions within the region of the skull base or oropharynx. It allowed us to assess the origin of the lesion, as well as its relationship with the adjacent soft tissues, and to exclude intracranial extension, thus providing essential information for the surgical planning

    Problematização da brucelose canina: Relato de caso

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    O presente artigo objetiva relatar um caso de brucelose de um cão adotado bem como alertar o clínico veterinário acerca do subdiagnóstico da doença, o que impacta diretamente a maneira pela qual o clínico avalia as condutas a serem seguidas

    Xanthinuria secondary to allopurinol treatment in dogs with leishmaniosis: current perspectives of the Iberian veterinary community

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    Research Areas: Immunology ; Microbiology ; Veterinary SciencesXanthinuria is a significant adverse effect in dogs on long-term allopurinol for treatment of leishmaniosis. The study aims to investigate how the Iberian veterinary community (IVC) identifies, manages, and proactively prevents xanthinuria secondary to allopurinol treatment. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey, translated into two languages, and disseminated to the IVC via social networking forums. Respondents were asked to share their treatment regimens, adverse effects attributed to treatment, as well as preventive and reactive measures against xanthuria. Of two-hundred and thirty respondents, 99.6% prescribe allopurinol for canine leishmaniosis. Xanthinuria was estimated to happen in less than one out of every four dogs by 91.7% of the clinicians. Xanthinuria has been detected by 71.6% of respondents at least once. Three out of every four respondents inform owners about deleterious effects of allopurinol, and 28.4% consider implementing a change in diet in advance of treatment as a proactive measure. To monitor xanthinuria, urinalysis and diagnostic imaging are used by 71.2% and 31% of clinicians respectively. When xanthinuria is detected, 43.2% of the respondents discontinue allopurinol, 24% replace it by nucleotide-analogs, 14.9% reduce its dosage, and 3.1% split its dosage but increase administration frequency. Additional measures are taken by 72.1% of the respondents, 59.4% of whom prescribe a low-purine diet. The IVC recognizes xanthinuria as a fairly common secondary effect of long-term allopurinol treatment in dogs with leishmaniosis and recommends periodically monitoring and preventive measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Construcción de secuencia de enseñanza en matemática, que favorezca la articulación de niveles

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    En el marco de los Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Orientados, la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, el Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°2 y el Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°20, llevan adelante el proyecto denominado: “Un espacio compartido entre la investigación educativa y las prácticas docentes. Construcción de secuencias de enseñanza en Matemática, Química y Lengua que favorezcan la articulación de niveles”. El presente trabajo, metodológicamente, se centró en la Hipótesis: la construcción de un espacio de interacción entre la investigación educativa y las prácticas docentes permite diseñar secuencias de enseñanza favorecedoras de aprendizajes específicos y de articulaciones pertinentes entre la educación media y los estudios superiores. Espacio que reunió a quienes realizan la investigación y a los que tienen a cargo las prácticas docentes en ambos niveles. En primer lugar fue necesario, a partir de las experiencias y datos aportados por los actores involucrados, indagar e identificar los nudos problemáticos que presentan los alumnos al momento de ingresar a la educación superior: en el área matemática, la disociación entre las expresiones polinómicas de una variable y las funciones polinómicas asociadas, el estudio de la ecuación de 2º grado, su resolución: cálculo e interpretación de soluciones, construcción e interpretación de gráficas y sus elementos. Luego de este trabajo conjunto se elaboró una secuencia de enseñanza para desarrollaren los últimos cursos de la educación media, durante el año 2009, basada en el análisis de situaciones reales relativas a accidentes de tránsito: el estudio de las relaciones entre la velocidad de los automóviles, la distancia de reacción y la distancia de frenado, en piso seco o húmedo. Y por último, corroborar la hipótesis planteada, mediante la aplicación y evaluación de la secuencia diseñada, desde una lógica cuantitativa y otra cualitativa para triangular luego la información, etapa en la que se está trabajando

    New insights into Trypanosoma cruzi genetic diversity, and its influence on parasite biology and clinical outcomes

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    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, remains a serious public health problem worldwide. The parasite was subdivided into six distinct genetic groups, called “discrete typing units” (DTUs), from TcI to TcVI. Several studies have indicated that the heterogeneity of T. cruzi species directly affects the diversity of clinical manifestations of Chagas disease, control, diagnosis performance, and susceptibility to treatment. Thus, this review aims to describe how T. cruzi genetic diversity influences the biology of the parasite and/or clinical parameters in humans. Regarding the geographic dispersion of T. cruzi, evident differences were observed in the distribution of DTUs in distinct areas. For example, TcII is the main DTU detected in Brazilian patients from the central and southeastern regions, where there are also registers of TcVI as a secondary T. cruzi DTU. An important aspect observed in previous studies is that the genetic variability of T. cruzi can impact parasite infectivity, reproduction, and differentiation in the vectors. It has been proposed that T. cruzi DTU influences the host immune response and affects disease progression. Genetic aspects of the parasite play an important role in determining which host tissues will be infected, thus heavily influencing Chagas disease’s pathogenesis. Several teams have investigated the correlation between T. cruzi DTU and the reactivation of Chagas disease. In agreement with these data, it is reasonable to suppose that the immunological condition of the patient, whether or not associated with the reactivation of the T. cruzi infection and the parasite strain, may have an important role in the pathogenesis of Chagas disease. In this context, understanding the genetics of T. cruzi and its biological and clinical implications will provide new knowledge that may contribute to additional strategies in the diagnosis and clinical outcome follow-up of patients with Chagas disease, in addition to the reactivation of immunocompromised patients infected with T. cruzi

    Economia criativa na relação entre trabalho e cultura para a juventude

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    A racionalidade neoliberal produz reorientação do capitalismo que fomenta a precarização do trabalho, a responsabilização individual, o enfraquecimento do Estado, das políticas e dos direitos sociais. Com enfoque nas políticas culturais, a Economia Criativa e a profissionalização da criatividade têm sido universos de disputa discursiva e jogos de poderes que geram diversas dificuldades, mas também de resistências e estratégias. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de um programa universitário de Terapia Ocupacional no campo da Cultura, cujo objetivo foi compreender os processos de profissionalização de jovens no campo da cultura. Para tanto, foram realizados mapeamentos para identificação dos jovens (18 a 29 anos), trabalhadores no campo da cultura e atuantes no município no qual foi desenvolvida a pesquisa. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas com foco na identificação dos processos de trabalho, suas dificuldades e potências. Em seguida foram realizados encontros formativos abertos para os interessados. Por meio de seus relatos, foi possível verificar que o trabalho está submetido à precarização, flexibilização, individualização e mercadorização da cultura. Como estratégias de resistência os jovens artistas elaboram propostas buscando fortalecimento de redes, atividades colaborativas, significado e transformação social. Ressalta-se a necessidade de políticas culturais integradas entre as diferentes dimensões da cultura, a considerando como direito e intrínsecas aos processos de cidadania.Neoliberal rationality produces a reorientation of capitalism that fosters labor precariousness, individual accountability, weakening of the State, politics and social rights. Focusing on cultural policies, the Creative Economy and the professionalization of creativity have been universes of discursive dispute and powers games that generate several difficulties, but also of resistances and strategies. This work presents results of a university program of Occupational Therapy in the field of Culture, whose objective was to understand the processes of professionalization of young people in the field of culture. For that, mapping was carried out to identify young people (18 to 29 years old), workers in the field of culture and active in the municipality where the research was carried out. Next, interviews were conducted focusing on the identification of work processes, their difficulties and potentials. Then there were training meetings open to stakeholders. Through their reports, it was possible to verify that the work is subject to the precarization, flexibilization, individualization and commodification of the culture. As strategies of resistance the young artists elaborate proposals seeking strengthening of networks, collaborative activities, meaning and social transformation. The need for integrated cultural policies between the different dimensions of culture is emphasized, considering them as rights and intrinsic to the processes of citizenship

    Note sui culti orientali dell’Italia sud-adriatica

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    1. Cibele e la Dea Siria a Egnazia e Brindisi Ritorno in questo Colloquio su due iscrizioni delle quali mi sono già occupata in passato (Epigraphica, 1989) per l'interesse dell'epigrafe di Egnazia (AE, 1989, 192): questo testo-da collegare all'iscrizione brindisina CIL, IX, 6099 (= ILS, 4178) – presenta un caso peculiare di coincidenza nel culto di Cibele e della Dea Siria, che per un verso arricchisce la conoscenza dei rapporti tra le due divinità “sorelle”, secondo la definizione attribuita..