132 research outputs found

    Factors of Academic Misconduct: Polish and Russian Students’ Attitudes

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    The main factors of students’ cheating, such as individual and contextual factors are considered in this article. The institutional level of contextual factors exercises the most significant influence on academic misconduct and corruption in the academic field. There are factors of social microenvironment and normative backgrounds, which assume such forms of behavior as considered normal and obvious. In 2015 surveys of students from a Russian and a Polish university were conducted. Polish and Russian students have the same attitudes about cheating, which in both countries is part of the student culture. There are many similarities in the individual factors of cheating and plagiarism. In both universities, humanities students, unemployed students, and students with better academic results are less likely to engage in cheating. Students who perceive their studying as a formal way for getting a diploma and do not care about grades are more prone to cheating in both universities. However, students in Poland are less involved in all forms of misconduct. We also concluded that their attitudes about cheating and plagiarism are more honest: a smaller percentage of Polish students reported that it is sometimes difficult to study without cheating and plagiarism compared to Russian students. Contextual factors of academic honesty, such as the implementation of ethical codes and other components of an integrity system, are gradually implemented into Polish higher education


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    Purpose of the study: The aim of the scientific work is to develop a new theory of interdisciplinary discourse based on social and humanitarian knowledge. Today, there are many interpretations of the concept of discourse. This causes certain difficulties in its interpretation. Presentation of the discourse within the multidimensional socio-humanitarian category will allow us to generalize and systematize various approaches to its study, to reveal the sociolinguistic features of the mental-linguistic product in the future integration of social and humanitarian disciplines. Methodology: The integrative socio-humanitarian theory of discourse analysis highlights the subjective-objective nature of discourse and actualizes the structuralist, poststructuralist, cognitive approaches and its study. The sociolinguistic concept of discourse analysis focuses on the method of synchronous diachronic study of discourse, a descriptive method of discourse analysis, and a comparative historical discourse analysis method. Main findings: The study found that the theory of discourse, based on a number of humanitarian disciplines (philosophy, sociolinguistics, linguistics), indicates a transformation of the concept of discourse, as well as methods of discourse analysis. A multi-faceted humanitarian concept of discourse analysis is positioned in the post-structuralist, logical-philosophical, sociolinguistic vein. Applications of this study: The presented integrative interdisciplinary theory of discourse will serve as an impetus for scientific research carried out in the framework of sociolinguistic knowledge. The ontological methodology of discourse analysis, combining the features of structuralism, post-structuralism, cognitivism, is of great practical importance in philosophy, linguistics of the text, communication theory, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics. Novelty/Originality of this study: In the social sciences, there is no single understanding of the concept of discourse. Due to the variability of this concept, various theories of discourse analysis are put forward. For the first time in scientific work, the theory of discourse analysis summarizes the socio-humanitarian theories of discourse (structuralism, poststructuralism, cognitivism). It is demonstrated as a comprehensive research method that allows you to explicate a single utterance, text, as well as cognitive-communicative (speech-cognitive) activity


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    The article aims to define how the main principles of the Swedish welfare state, i.e., the “multi-stakeholder principle” and the principle of trustfulness and collaboration, affect activity of the anti-corruption civil society. For the study, the following empirical methods have been used: the analysis of documents and in-depth-interviews with experts. The author demonstrates that the anti-corruption activity of civil society in Sweden can be considered as part of wider social movements for human rights, democracy and integrity, especially at international level. There are a lot of associations and unions in Sweden that, among other joint activities, promote anti-corruption practices and rules in state organisations and commercial enterprises. The state and government need to be oriented to social challenges and keep pace with civic movements. A partnership with different stakeholders is the main type of the Swedish ACS’s activities that help to reach their goals in preventing corruption behaviour, e.g., “Anti-corruption policy networks”, and it is the result of two types of collaboration: anti-corruption participation and anti-corruption services. The research has shown that the civil society’s ability to create networks with the state, business and other agents is the main condition for the so-called horizontal accountability and sustainability and for preventing corruption in Swedish society that, in its turn, has been established over a long period of time building the culture of integrity and civic institutions.KEYWORDS: corruption, civil society, policy networks.JEL CODES: H7, I0, I3.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v26i3.181

    Verbal Component of Advertisement and the Problem of its Perception

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    The article touches upon the problem of impact the proper use of the language of advertising can have on people. Since today, advertisement has a significant impact on consumer choice of a customer. In the first part of this article we analyze such theoretical issues as stylistics of advertising text, its phonetic, syntactic and lexical aspects, means of language manipulation and readability index. Comparative analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the advertisement on the example of advertising texts of famous sport brands is shown in the second part. The main conclusion is that in spite of the fact that readability index of the text can be rather high, the level of its attractiveness to the public also depends on other factors that include non-verbal component of the message, personal characteristics of addressee, etc. The main idea of this article can be valuable for the world of psycholinguistics, lexicology and modern communication because it describes all the important linguistic peculiarities that can be used in the modern language of advertising

    Verbal Component of Advertisement and the Problem of its Perception

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    The article touches upon the problem of impact the proper use of the language of advertising can have on people. Since today, advertisement has a significant impact on consumer choice of a customer. In the first part of this article we analyze such theoretical issues as stylistics of advertising text, its phonetic, syntactic and lexical aspects, means of language manipulation and readability index. Comparative analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the advertisement on the example of advertising texts of famous sport brands is shown in the second part. The main conclusion is that in spite of the fact that readability index of the text can be rather high, the level of its attractiveness to the public also depends on other factors that include non-verbal component of the message, personal characteristics of addressee, etc. The main idea of this article can be valuable for the world of psycholinguistics, lexicology and modern communication because it describes all the important linguistic peculiarities that can be used in the modern language of advertising

    Роль Общероссийского общественного движения «Народный фронт “За Россию”» в развитии гражданского общества в регионе

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    The article finds out the main directions of activity of the All-Russia social movement People’s Front For Russia (All-Russia People’s Front) in implementing principles of civil society on a regional level. The main research objectives are as follows: finding out the main activities of the All-Russian People’s Front in Russia and the Republic of Udmurt; defining the main ways of activists’ identification with civil society. The specific of Russian civil society is the enhanced state control of the ‘third sector. As a result, there emerge organizations, which identify themselves as the mediator between the state and civil society. Despite the close linkage with the state, they accumulate civic activity and exercise public control. Among these organizations is the All-Russian People’s Front. It was founded in 2011 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin. As methods of empirical analysis, the authors exploited the content analysis of websites, social network VKontakte, and semi-structured interviews with leaders and activists of the movement. The main activities of the Udmurt regional branch include addressing the following problems: housing and public utilities; constructions; improvement of territories; educational and environmental projects; youth policy, etc. Active social position, the attractiveness of the movement’s goals in solving the problems of regional development determine the activists’ motivation of being involved in the cause. They indicated the realization of principles of civil society in the framework of All-Russian People’s Front activities such as the development of civic activeness, public control, volunteering, and improving social trust. By consolidating political and public resources, the movement integrates civil society into a vertical of authority. By Representing and protecting public interests, this cause becomes an effective mediator between the state and civil society.В настоящей статье авторы стремятся выявить роль Общероссийского общественного движения «Народный фронт «За Россию» в реализации принципов гражданского общества на региональном уровне. Основными исследовательскими задачами настоящей статьи являются показ основных направлений деятельности Общероссийского общественного движения «Народный фронт «За Россию» в Удмуртской Республике; определение форм идентификации активистов общественного движения с гражданским обществом. Особенностью российского гражданского общества является повышенный контроль государства над организациями «третьего сектора», вследствие чего формируются организации, занимающие промежуточное положение между гражданским обществом и государством, которые, несмотря на тесную связь с государством, аккумулируют общественную активность и осуществляют гражданский контроль. Одной из таких организаций является Общероссийский народный фронт, созданный в 2011 году по инициативе В. В. Путина. В качестве методов эмпирического анализа были использованы контент-анализ, анализ данных социальной сети «ВКонтакте», полуформализованные интервью с лидерами и активистами движения. Для Удмуртской Республики актуальны проблемы ЖКХ, строительства, благоустройства, образования, молодежной политики, а также экологические проблемы. В качестве основной мотивации участия в общественном движении активисты выделяли, прежде всего, соответствие сферы деятельности ОНФ жизненным и социальным приоритетам участников; активную жизненную позицию; привлекательность деятельности Общероссийского народного фронта в решении конкретных дел, связанных с задачами регионального развития. Информанты отмечают частичную реализацию данных принципов в деятельности Общероссийского народного фронта, а именно: развитиегражданской активности, налаживание диалога граждан и власти, осуществление общественного контроля, развитие добровольчества и социального доверия. Консолидируя политические и гражданские ресурсы, Общероссийский народный фронт встраивает гражданское общество в вертикаль власти, что позволяет ему быть эффективным посредником между государством и гражданским обществом, способствовать реализации гражданским обществом своих интересов