123 research outputs found

    The Study of Pedagogical Practice of Mobile Learning in Russia

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    The analysis of Russian and International experience of mobile learning is given in the article, the components of mobile learning (mobile devices, net technologies, pedagogical technologies) are revealed, pedagogical conditions of introduction of mobile learning in practice of Russian school are formulated. The special attention is paid to importance of the use of mobile learning under conditions of transfer to the new educational standards, because the use of mobile devices at the lessons develops in pupils the ability to work with information, interact with a teacher and other pupils in net. It is demonstrated, that mobile learning is oriented on the attainment of meta-subject educational results, favors the formation of ability to study during the whole life. The existing practice of mobile learning (inverted lesson, park lesson, distant courses and so on) are analyzed. The importance of pedagogical technologies, oriented on the wide independent work of the pupils is proved. The prospects of further studies on this problem are described, the necessity of specialized training of teachers to the use of mobile learning at school is proved, the list of topics for the study in the system of qualification improvement of the teachers and forms of the work with them is given: webinars, qualification improvement courses and also informal improvement of qualification in net communities (blogs)


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    The analysis of Russian and international experience of mobile learning is given in the article, the components of mobile learning (mobile devices, net technologies, pedagogical technologies) are revealed, pedagogical conditions of introduction of mobile learning in practice of Russian school are formulated.The special attention is paid to importance of the use of mobile learning under conditions of transfer to the new educational standards, because the use of mobile devices at the lessons develops in pupils the ability to work with information, interact with a teacher and other pupils in net. It is demonstrated, that mobile learning is oriented on the attainment of meta-subject educational results, favors the formation of ability to study during the whole life.The existing practice of mobile learning (inverted lesson, park lesson, distant courses and so on) are analyzed. The importance of pedagogical technologies, oriented on the wide independent work of the pupils is proved.The prospects of further studies on this problem are described, the necessity of specialized training of teachers to the use of mobile learning at school is proved, the list of topics for the study in the system of qualification improvement of the teachers and forms of the work with them is given: webinars, qualification improvement courses and also informal improvement of qualification in net communities (blogs)

    Political Organization of the World in the Context of Contemporary Megatrends: Scenarios of Development

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    Introduction. The article examines the scenarios of the political development of the world depending on the megatrends such as globalization, integration, democratization and the opposite trends – de-globalization, disintegration and de-democratization, as well as the current state of the political organization of the world, including the Westphalian system, the system of interstate relations (system of international relations) and political systems of the modern world states. Methods and materials. The political organization of the world is considered as a system consisting of three subsystems. In this regard, the main approach in the study is the systems approach. Scenario analysis is used as a research method. Analysis. Recently interest in scenarios of the political development of the world has sharply increased, which is reflected in the publications of many Russian and foreign authors. The scenarios of the political development of the world in the 21st century, after the crises associated with the terrorist attacks in 2001, the economic crisis that began in 2008 and the crisis in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, began to be discussed especially intensively. Most researchers consider such scenarios based on ideas about the possible configuration of interstate relations, i.e. parts of the system of international (interstate) relations. It is shown that this parameter of analysis is important, but insufficient. It is proposed to consider the scenarios of the political development of the world on the basis of how megatrends and trends alternative to them will act, as well as how the political organization of the world will develop. Results. Four parameters of scenario analysis are identified: 1) time parameter in actions of (mega) trends; 2) differentiated actions (mega) trends in many indicators of economic and social interaction; 3) configuration of the leading states in the international arena (part of the system of international relations). This parameter is widely used by various researchers; 4) an evolutionary (smooth) or revolutionary (through conflicts, crises, etc.) way of transforming the political organization of the world. The combination of development in these parameters (it is possible to single out additional parameters) gives a picture of world politics in the future

    Preschool Education and its Impact on the Scientific and Research Potential of Rising Schoolchildren: in Favor or Against?

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    This study examines the correlation between preschool education and the development of scientific thinking in rising schoolchildren. The research involved testing 84 first graders aged 6.5-8 years in two schools in Kazakhstan. The results showed that 52% of the children who attended kindergarten regularly had a high level of scientific thinking, while those with poor scientific skills had less than 20% of kindergarten attendance. The study confirms the interdependence between kindergarten attendance and research potential development. These findings can inform the preparation of rising schoolchildren for scientific activities and further research on preschool educations impact on self- realization in other countries

    Melhoria da Gestão do Risco Cambial nas Empresas do Turismo e da Indústria Hoteleira

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    The study takes a look at the approaches to the foreign exchange risk management of tourism and hospitality industry enterprises as the expansion of foreign economic activity requires improving the efficiency of managing such risks. Transfer pricing is considered one of the most effective methods for regulating foreign exchange risk. The conceptual principles of foreign exchange risk management are developed with consideration of the place and goals of an enterprise in the tourism and hospitality industry, as well as the features of the internal and external environments, that create the prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism. It is concluded that approaches to developing a program to improve the efficiency of managing risks under study determine the optimal combination of organizational and software-integrated aspects that reduce the level of risk to the optimum, given a steady increase in competitiveness and profitability.El estudio examina los enfoques de la gestión del riesgo cambiario de las empresas del sector del turismo y la hostelería, ya que la expansión de la actividad económica en el extranjero exige mejorar la eficacia de la gestión de dichos riesgos. Los precios de transferencia se consideran uno de los métodos más eficaces para regular el riesgo cambiario. Los principios conceptuales de la gestión del riesgo cambiario se desarrollan teniendo en cuenta el lugar y los objetivos de una empresa en la industria del turismo y la hostelería, así como las características del entorno interno y externo, que crean los requisitos previos para aumentar la eficiencia del mecanismo organizativo y económico. Se concluye que los enfoques para el desarrollo de un programa de mejora de la eficiencia de la gestión de los riesgos objeto de estudio determinan la combinación óptima de aspectos organizativos y de software integrados que reducen el nivel de riesgo al óptimo, dado un aumento constante de la competitividad y la rentabilidad.O estudo analisa as abordagens à gestão do risco cambial das empresas do turismo e da indústria hoteleira, uma vez que a expansão da actividade económica estrangeira exige a melhoria da eficiência da gestão de tais riscos. Os preços de transferência são considerados um dos métodos mais eficazes para regular os riscos cambiais. Os princípios conceituais de gestão do risco cambial são desenvolvidos tendo em consideração o lugar e os objectivos de uma empresa na indústria do turismo e da hotelaria, bem como as características do ambiente interno e externo, que criam os pré-requisitos para aumentar a eficiência do mecanismo organizacional e econômico. Conclui-se que as abordagens ao desenvolvimento de um programa para melhorar a eficiência da gestão de riscos em estudo determinam a combinação óptima de aspectos organizacionais e de software integrados que reduzem o nível de risco ao óptimo, dado um aumento constante da competitividade e rentabilidade

    Повышение качества управления частными корпоративными структурами на различных уровнях государственного управления и менеджмента

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    The article is devoted to the problems of the formation of a new system of public administration, since the previous model does not meet public requirements due to the isolation of the authorities from many real problems. The authors show that the traditional model of public administration is experiencing a crisis of legitimacy at all levels, as evidenced by the decline in public confidence in the government. Simultaneously, the authors focus on the analysis of the process of reforming the institution of public service. The authors conduct a detailed analysis of the practice of corporate relations in order to better understand the relationships that develop within the company's management bodies in the process of corporate governance.  In addition, the authors clarify the content of such concepts as corporate governance and corporate governance. The authors used the method of indicative planning, so the concept of indicative planning is a priority in the situation of public-private partnership.  In this regard, we differentiate the volume of early and late indicators. We believe that the effectiveness of business processes depends on their logistics in various areas: financial, personnel, customer, etc. public-private partnership functions as an integrated Corporation that interacts with many partners.Статья посвящена проблемам формирования новой системы государственного управления, поскольку прежняя модель не отвечает общественным требованиям из-за изоляции власти от многих реальных проблем. Авторы показывают, что традиционная модель государственного управления переживает кризис легитимности на всех уровнях, о чем свидетельствует снижение степени доверия населения к власти. Одномоментно авторы делают упор на анализ процесса реформирования института государственной службы. Авторы проводят детальный анализ практики корпоративных отношений для того чтобы лучше понять отношения, складывающиеся внутри органов управления общества в процессе корпоративного управления. Кроме того, авторы уточняют содержание таких понятий, как корпоративное управление и корпоративное управление. Авторы использовали метод индикативного планирования, поэтому концепция индикативного планирования является приоритетной в ситуации государственно-частного партнерства.  В связи с этим авторы дифференцируют объем ранних и поздних показателей и полагают, что эффективность бизнес-процессов зависит от их логистики в различных сферах: финансовой, кадровой, клиентской и т.д. государственно-частное партнерство функционирует как интегрированная корпорация, которая взаимодействует со многими партнерами

    Nutritional Status Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Practical Aspects (Systematic Review)

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    Despite the significant achievements in the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, the mortality rate of these patients still remains high. Nutritional status disorders (NSD) are considered now as one of the prognostic risk factors not only for dialysis but also for predialysis CKD stages. Since the publication of KDIGO 2012 guidelines for CKD patient’s management, there has been some significant advancement in our understanding of main NSD mechanisms in CKD, including different nosological group patients (first, in diabetic and systemic diseases patients). At the same time, there is still an urgent need for randomized trials for better-informed decisions and future optimization of CKD patients’ care. This chapter provides the current data on all aspects of NSD in CKD: etiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment approaches, as well as on risk factors of NSD at predialysis stages and in chronic hemodialysis patients. Considerable attention was devoted to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of NSD in CKD patients. It was determined that the overall strategy for dietary treatment contributed to improving the life quality of patients and slowing down of CKD progression. The review is written based on the published results of clinical studies performed on the position of evidence-based medicine

    Micromorphological features of soils of semidesertic solonetzic complexes under different herbaceous communities with the participation of fodder plant Kochia prostrata (Caspian lowland)

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    The aim of the study was to research the relationship of chemical and micromorphological properties of soils with the growth of Kochia prostrata. The objects of study were the soils on natural pastures of the North-Western part of the Caspian lowland. It was laid 4 soil pits (soils – light solonetz, solonetzic chestnut) with the maximum penetration depth of the main mass of roots of the studied plants. K. prostratais a very plastic forage species that can grow on soils with a wide range of morphological properties, different salt content and their chemical composition. It is revealed that on the background of almost the same content of humus and high content of exchangeable magnesium micromorphological features represent the different degree of manifestation of primary pedogenic processes – humus accumulation, leaching of soluble salts, gypsum accumulation, carbonate enrichment, solonetzization. Despite the different content of exchangeable sodium, in all soils there are fresh clay or humus-clay illuvial coatings, indicating the manifestation of the modern eluvial-illuvial redistribution of fine matter (lessivage or illimerization)