259 research outputs found

    Viveros de empresas en Cataluña: tradicionales y especializados

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    A través del presente estudio empírico se detecta que existen dos tipos de viveros de empresas. Los viveros tradicionales se centran en la promoción de nuevas empresas que desde un buen inicio tengan unas ciertas garantías de éxito. En estos viveros conviven empresas que representan a una amplia gama de sectores empresariales. Los principales requisitos de entrada (obligatorios) son un plan de viabilidad económica y técnica, además de que la empresa sea de reciente creación. Los viveros especializados son aquellos que priman iniciativas empresariales relacionadas con un sector concreto: frecuentemente las empresas relacionadas con las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC)

    Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide in Non-Löwenstein Zeolites

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    We investigated the effect of the aluminum distribution in the adsorption properties of carbon dioxide in the MFI, MOR, and ITW zeolites. Because of its lack of experimental evidence and theoretical validation, Löwenstein’s rule was not generally imposed, and special attention was paid to the effect of the Al-O-Al linkages. To this end, we first generalized an existing transferable force field for CO2 adsorption in non-Löwenstein zeolites. By means of molecular simulations based on this force field, we showed that the carbon dioxide adsorption efficiency in MFI is determined by the number of Al atoms, rather than by their distribution in the framework. This was attributed to the small size of the CO2 molecules compared to the 3D wide-channel topology of the structure. Conversely, we found that the Al distribution has a higher impact on the heat of adsorption in MOR. Although structures with a very high and very low number of non-Löwenstein bonds presented significant differences, the bonds themselves do not affect the heat of adsorption directly. Instead, we found that an homogeneous distribution of the Al atoms in the sites forming the C-channel is more favorable. Finally, the small-pore distribution of the ITW zeolite led to high values of the heat of adsorption and wide error bars, which made the study feasible just for low aluminum concentrations. In that case, we report a small dependency of the heat of adsorption on the Al distribution.</p

    Structure and floristic composition of woody vegetation in cerrado rupestre in the Cerrado-Amazonian Forest transition zone, Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a composição florística e a estrutura da vegetação lenhosa (incluindo monocotiledôneas e lianas) em cerrado rupestre na zona de transição Cerrado-Floresta Amazônica, no Parque do Bacaba, em Nova Xavantina, MT (14º 41’ S e 52º 20’ W) e compará-las com outros estudos de cerrado sentido restrito. Foram demarcadas aleatoriamente 10 parcelas de 20 × 50 m, nas quais foram medidos os indivíduos vivos e mortos em pé com diâmetro mínimo a 30 cm do solo (DAS) ≥ 3 cm. O cerrado rupestre apresentou alta densidade (3.766 indivíduos vivos), riqueza florística (85 espécies, 67 gêneros e 34 famílias) e área basal (15,72 m2ha-1), e ainda elevado valor do índice de diversidade de espécies de Shannon-Wiener (H’ = 3,47) e equabilidade de Pielou (J = 0,78) em relação às áreas comparadas. As espécies com maior valor de importância foram Erythroxylum suberosum, Qualea parviflora, Anacardium occidentale, Kielmeyera rubriflora e Vatairea macrocarpa. A maior similaridade florística entre comunidades de cerrado típico e rupestre localizadas em áreas com menores altitudes do leste mato-grossense sugere que nessa região a proximidade geográfica e a altitude exercem influência sobre a composição de espécies, independentemente do substrato. A comunidade apresentou distribuição de alturas unimodal, predominando indivíduos de porte arbustivo com altura < 3 m e DAS < 5 cm. É sugerido aqui que estudos florísticos e fitossociológicos realizados em cerrado rupestre empreguem DAS mínimo de 3 cm e incluam espécies de monocotiledôneas e de lianas para representar de maneira mais realística a riqueza e composição de espécies e a estrutura da vegetação. A elevada riqueza e diversidade de espécies registrada no presente estudo podem estar relacionadas à posição pré-Amazônica deste cerrado rupestre, enfatizando a importância da manutenção do Parque do Bacaba no sentido de garantir a proteção de sua diversidade biológica.This study aimed to analyze the floristic composition and the structure of a savanna on rocky soil (“cerrado rupestre”) woody vegetation (including monocots and lianas) in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition zone located at Parque Municipal do Bacaba, Nova Xavantina, State of Mato Grosso (14º 41’ S and 52º 20’ W), and compare it with other cerrado stricto sensu studies. Ten 20 × 50 m plots were randomly established, within which all live and dead woody plants with at least 3 cm of trunk diameter at 30 cm above ground level (DSH30 ≥ 3 cm) were measured. The cerrado rupestre showed high density (3,766 live individuals), richness (85 species, 67 genera and 34 families) and basal area (15.72 m2ha-1), as well as high levels of Shannon-Wiener species diversity (H’ = 3.47) and evenness (J = 0.78) indices. The most important species were Erythroxylum suberosum, Qualea parviflora, Anacardium occidentale, Kielmeyera rubriflora and Vatairea macrocarpa. The greatest floristic similarity found between typical cerrado and “cerrado rupestre” communities from lower altitude areas of Northeastern Mato Grosso suggest that, in this region, altitude and geographical distance influence the species composition, regardless of the substrate. The community presented unimodality in the heights distribution and is mostly compounded by shrubby individuals with height < 3 m and DSH < 5 cm. We suggest that floristic and phytosociological studies conducted in “cerrado rupestre” should adopt DSH ≥ 3 cm and include monocot and liana species, so as to more realistically represent the vegetation richness, species composition and structure. The high species richness and diversity registered in this study might be related to this “cerrado rupestre” pre-Amazonian location, which emphasizes the importance of “Parque do Bacaba” maintenance as a guarantee of its biological diversity protection

    Notas documentales del Reino de Granada (1392-1499)

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    In this work eleven documents from the Archives of the Crown of Aragon and Protocolos of Barcelona, are transcribed. The first nine talk about the Kings John I and Martin I of Aragon and deal with some aspects in relation to the Nasri Realm of Granada. We have to point out the embassies of Abelhageg and Luce Laucomixa of Granada; the safe-conduct given to the Saracen Jacob who was an interpreter or "turcimanus" of the people from Cataluna, who lived in the realm of Granada; several repayments of captives and slaves; intercession of the King of Granada in favor of the "mudejares" of Aragon, sothat they could return to Mussulman lands. The document number eight has special interest, that is the peace of Martin I with Granada. The stwo last documents are about the conditions to preach the HolyCrusade against Granada (1484) with important details about the different kinds of preaching in Cataluna and the distribution of the sums obtained. The last document has the conditions of an insurance for the journey of a captive of Granada, by sea to Cataluna

    Structural dynamics of the woody community in a semideciduous forest in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    O entendimento de processos ecologicos, especialmente das modificacoes estruturais e floristicas em ecossistemas naturais, e fundamental para embasar acoes visando a sua conservacao e/ou restauracao. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar mudancas ocorridas na estrutura da comunidade lenhosa na transicao Cerrado-Floresta Amazonica, no periodo de 2003 a 2008. Foram estabelecidas 60 parcelas permanentes de 10 x 10 m onde foram amostrados todos os individuos com diametro a altura do peito ≥ 5 cm. Em 2003 foram registrados 1.140 ind. ha-1 e area basal de 24,35 m2 ha-1, enquanto em 2008 foram 1.071 ind. ha-1 e area basal de 22,04 m2 ha-1. O recrutamento (2,76% ano-1) nao compensou a mortalidade (3,95% ano-1) e o ganho em area basal (0,54% ano-1) nao superou a perda (3,77% ano-1). Em funcao dessa diferenca, a meia vida (17,3 anos) foi menor que o tempo de duplicacao (29,9 anos), resultando em baixa estabilidade (12,6 anos) e reposicao (23,6 anos) em relacao a outras florestas estacionais. Os parametros de dinamica da comunidade e das principais especies sugerem que a floresta esta passando por mudancas caracterizadas principalmente pela retracao da densidade e biomassa dos individuos arboreos, que podem estar relacionadas ao aumento das lianas, a uma fase de inicio de reconstrucao do ciclo silvigenetico da floresta ou ainda a forte seca que ocorreu na regiao no ano de 2005.Understanding ecological processes, especially the structural and floristic changes in natural ecosystems, is essential before conserving and/or restoring these areas. The aim of this study was to assess the changes that occurred in the woody plant community from 2003 to 2008. Sixty permanent plots of 10 x 10 m were established, in which all individuals with diameter at breast height ≥ 5 cm were sampled. A total of 1,140 ind. ha-1 were recorded in 2003 (basal area 24.35 m2 ha-1) and 1,071 ind. ha-1 in 2008 (basal area of 22.04 m2 ha-1). The recruitment (2.76% year-1) did not compensate mortality (3.95% year-1) and the basal area gain (0.54% year-1) did not exceed the loss (3.77% year-1). Because of this unbalance, the half-life (17.3 years) was lower than the doubling time (29.9 years), resulting in low stability (12.6 yrs) and replacement (23.6 yrs) in relation to other seasonal forests. The parameters of community and species dynamics suggest that the forest is undergoing changes characterized mainly by the density and biomass reduction of trees, which may be related to an increase in lianas, an early rebuilding phase of the forest silvigenetic cycle or even the severe drought that occurred in the region in 2005

    Tunable Molecular Electrodes for Bistable Polarization Screening

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    The polar discontinuity at any ferroelectric surface creates a depolarizing field that must be screened for the polarization to be stable. In capacitors, screening is done by the electrodes, while in bare ferroelectric surfaces it is typically accomplished by atmospheric adsorbates. Although chemisorbed species can have even better screening efficiency than conventional electrodes, they are subject to unpredictable environmental fluctuations and, moreover, dominant charged species favor one polarity over the opposite. This paper proposes a new screening concept, namely surface functionalization with resonance-hybrid molecules, which combines the predictability and bipolarity of conventional electrodes with the screening efficiency of adsorbates. Thin films of barium titanate (BaTiO) coated with resonant para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) display increased coercivity for both signs of ferroelectric polarization irrespective of the molecular layer thickness, thanks to the ability of these molecules to swap between different electronic configurations and adapt their surface charge density to the screening needs of the ferroelectric underneath. Because electron delocalization is only in the vertical direction, unlike conventional metals, chemical electrodes allow writing localized domains of different polarity underneath the same electrode. In addition, hybrid capacitors composed of graphene/pABA/ferroelectric have been made with enhanced coercivity compared to pure graphene-electode capacitors

    An exosomal urinary miRNA signature for early diagnosis of renal fibrosis in lupus nephritis

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    Lupus nephritis; Urinary exosomes; Renal fibrosisNefritis lúpica; Exosomas urinarios; Fibrosis renalNefritis lúpica; Exosomes urinaris; Fibrosi renalFor lupus nephritis (LN) management, it is very important to detect fibrosis at an early stage. Urinary exosomal miRNAs profiling can be used as a potential multi-marker phenotyping tool to identify early fibrosis. We isolated and characterised urinary exosomes and cellular pellets from patients with biopsy-proven LN (n = 45) and healthy controls (n = 20). LN chronicity index (CI) correlated with urinary exosomal miR-21, miR-150, and miR-29c (r = 0.565, 0.840, -0.559,respectively). This miRNA profile distinguished low CI from moderate-high CI in LN patients with a high sensitivity and specificity (94.4% and 99.8%). Furthermore, this multimarker panel predicted an increased risk of progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Pathway analysis identified VEGFA and SP1 as common target genes for the three miRNAs. Immunohistochemistry in LN renal biopsies revealed a significant increase of COL1A1 and COL4A1 correlated with renal chronicity. SP1 decreased significantly in the high-CI group (p = 0.002). VEGFA levels showed no di_erences. In vitro experiments suggest that these miRNA combinations promote renal fibrosis by increasing profibrotic molecules through SP1 and Smad3/TGF_ pathways. In conclusion, a urinary exosomal multimarker panel composed of miR-21, miR-150, and miR-29c provides a non-invasive method to detect early renal fibrosis and predict disease progression in LNThis work was supported by a grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI15/02117. This research also received donations from Catalan Lupus Foundation and A. Bosch Foundation

    Análisis arqueométrico de la cerámica dorada andalusí de la Alcazaba de Onda (Castellón)

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    In the present article there are exposed the results of the analysis of the bodies and the glazes of 21 ceramic representative fragments of a set found in the excavations of the Alcazaba of Onda and that can be dated in outline between ends the XIth and the first half of the XIIth centur y. We have attended fundamentally to the lustre potter y and to the ceramics with white cover. The principal aim is to determine if it is a question of one or of several productions. For it there has been analyzed the composition and texture of the body, as well as the microstructure and composition of the glaze by means of microscope electronics of sweep (SEM). Also there have been compared with ceramics that we suppose local, such productions as common ceramics of the same archaeological context and fragments found in the califal arqueological site Mas de Pere, where kilns were situated for the manufacture of ceramics. Also we have arranged with clays of the nearby deposit of the Sitjar. The results show that there are different productions of lostre ceramics, both for composition of the bodies and for the glaze. In addition, the composition of the white ceramics is ver y similar to the local clays of Onda, with which it is not possible to reject that it was a question of a local production.Postprint (published version

    COUPY Coumarins as Novel Mitochondria-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy Anticancer Agents

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer treatment has drawn increased attention over the last decades. Herein, we introduce a novel family of low-molecular-weight coumarins as potential PDT anticancer tools. Through a systematic study with a library of 15 compounds, we have established a detailed structure−activity relationship rationale, which allowed the selection of three lead compounds exhibiting effective in vitro anticancer activities upon visible-light irradiation in both normoxia and hipoxia (phototherapeutic indexes up to 71) and minimal toxicity toward normal cells. Acting as excellent theranostic agents targeting mitochondria, the mechanism of action of the photosensitizers has been investigated in detail in HeLa cells. The generation of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, which has been found to be a major contributor of the coumarins' phototoxicity, and the induction of apoptosis and/or autophagy have been identified as the cell death modes triggered after irradiation with low doses of visible light

    Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain

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    Changes over the last century in the economic model of European countries and the development of the market economy have led to intense shifts in land occupation patterns. Agricultural abandonment is an important consequence of these processes and has modified natural and cultural landscapes, involving side-effects for society. Understanding how environmental and socio-economic factors influence the abandonment process can provide useful insights for managing investments, whether from the public or the private sector. In Spain, the Pyrenees and the Ebro Depression are two differentiated areas in terms of land-use dynamics, particularly in terms of the agricultural model carried out. In this paper we have analyzed the agricultural abandonment in these areas during the 1987-2012 period in relation to several potential explanatory factors. The analysis focuses on the abandonment of rainfed and irrigated herbaceous crops in order to derive specific explanations according to the crop type and geographical region. Crop covers were classified from four Landsat scenes, and conditions were described by topographic variables, human factors and drought occurrence. Boosted regression trees (BRT) were used to identify the most important variables and to describe the relationships between agricultural abandonment and key factors. Topography derived variables were found to be the main determinants, except for irrigated crops in the Ebro Basin, where locational factors play a more important role. BRT models allowed us to identify other significant patterns such as: the vulnerability of irrigated crops to drought; the higher dependence of agricultural activity in the Pyrenees on internal networks; pattern shifts of land abandonment in the analyzed sub-periods, and; evidence of the importance of economic diversification for maintaining cropland