51 research outputs found

    Investigation of CRISPR-induced mutants of the putative scramblase gene CG32579 in nurse cell clearance in the Drosophila ovary

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    Programmed cell death is vital for maintaining an organism’s survival and health and ensuring normal development. Cell corpses are engulfed by either professional phagocytes, like macrophages, or nonprofessional phagocytes. In the Drosophila ovary, stretch follicle cells act as nonprofessional phagocytes to clear nurse cell corpses from egg chambers during oogenesis. In mammalian systems, scramblases such as TMEM16F and Xkr8 are responsible for exposing phosphatidylserine to the cell exterior of dying cells, producing an “eat me” signal. This project explored the effects of mutagenesis via CRISPR/Cas9 editing on the Drosophila Xkr8 ortholog, CG32579, by observing egg chambers of CG32579 single mutants, double mutants with the TMEM16 family member subdued, and subdued mutants alone. The single CG32579 mutants that were observed did not show a phenotype related to nurse cell clearance, and the subdued and double mutants showed a weak persisting nuclei phenotype. These findings suggest that CG32579 and subdued do not play major roles in nurse cell clearance in the Drosophila ovary

    Влијанието на Ковид 19 пандемијата врз пазарпт на труд и импликациите врз финансискиот пазар

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    Последиците од Ковид-19 пандемијата имаа бројни социјални, политички и економски последици. Сепак, многу студии сугерираат дека пазарот на труд е најпогодената област во споредба со другите. Тоа е затоа што некои од работниците беа принудени да дадат отказ поради присуството на Ковид-19 пандемијата на нивните работни места. Овој труд се фокусира на спроведување на сеопфатно истражување за ефектите на КОВИД-19 пандемијата на пазарите на трудот и импликациите врз финансиските пазари. Добро е познато дека Ковид-19 пандемијата доведе до широко распространето губење на работни места и намалување на учеството на работната сила. КОВИД-19 пандемијата целосно го промени начинот на кој живееме и драстично го промени економскиот пејзаж, зголемувајќи ја невработеноста и менувајќи го начинот на кој се бара од луѓето да работат, имплементирајќи нови технологии за одржување на безбедна работна средина.Стапката на невработеност значително се зголеми, а бројот на луѓе без работа се зголеми за милиони. Пазарот на трудот исто така беше погоден од намалените работни часови и зголемените привремени отпуштања

    Modélisation des réseaux IEEE 802.11 : Diviser pour régner

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous décrivons un modèle de réseau local sans fil qui estime le débit utile obtenu par chaque point d’accès. Les débits sont une fonction du graphe de conflit du réseau, des charges des points d’accès, de la taille des trames et des débits de transmission des liens. Notre approche de modélisation utilise une stratégie diviser pour règner qui divise le problème initial en plusieurs sous-problèmes, dont les solutions sont ensuite combinées pour fournir la solution au problème initial. En utilisant le simulateur ns-3, nous montrons que les erreurs relatives du mod`ele sontg´en´eralement inf´erieures `a 10%


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    Mathematical modelling is a tool for presenting objects and processes with mathematical language and mathematical rules. Mathematical models can be used for research in public health and epidemiology. Nowadays, during the COVID19 outbreak, mathematical modelling is playing a central role in controlling the spread of infection, making predictions that can help monitoring the epidemic and making adequate responses, in order to lower the number of new infections. In this paper, several models commonly used to control the spreading of infections are considered. These models can also help controlling the COVID 19 infections

    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation

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    One of the most important methods in the educational process, is modelling and simulation of real-world problems. In many situations it is not possible to experiment with real objects to find the right solutions: building, destroying, and making changes may be too expensive, dangerous, or just impossible. Modelling and simulation can be used to build model to represent the real system. Agent based modelling is a relatively new method compared to system dynamics and discrete event modelling. That are computer simulations used to study the interactions between people, things, places, and time. The agents are programmed to behave and interact with other agents and the environment in certain ways. In this paper, the agent-based modelling simulation is considered. In simulation software Anylogic are given some examples of agent-based modelling

    Apache http server as forward proxy server

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    A server is a specialized computer for running utility software. If we want to protect our data while using Internet, we use a proxy server. In this paper we will talking about proxy server, types of proxy servers and at the end about Apache http serves as forward proxy server. Apache can be also used as reverse proxy server, but that will be discussed in some next paper

    Mathematics of the Future: Understanding and Application of Mathematics with the Help of Technology

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    Knowledge and skills must keep up with the rapid changes in today's world. Basic knowledge and skills of great complexity are crucially important for the inclusion of the citizens as active members of the society. The development of modern society is based on the knowledge and skills acquired during the education process which is important for the individual and for society, in general. FutureMath project is addressed to solve backwardness of technology and pragmatic educational methods of the educational institutions. FutureMath project aims • to improve professional competences and to support innovation in the teachers' system of training through pedagogical solutions and innovative practices based on the new computer and multimedia technologies • to provide tools and methodologies to facilitate the acquisition of the mathematical competence by introducing advanced technological tools in the teaching of Mathematics and its application. • to develop skills which can be used in order to contribute to a cohesive society, in particular to increase opportunities for learning mobility and through strengthened cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work, formulating and solving complex problems autonomously, consciously and constructively. FutureMath project aims to expand and modernize teaching and learning methods used in the field of mathematics and mathematics-based sciences through modernization of Calculus courses with STEAM principles. Based on the experience of using technology before and during Covid-19 crisis, the project tends to expand the knowledge base and implementations to other mathematics and mathematics-based courses. Multidisciplinary approaches in the development of mathematics courses using STEAM principles will enhance employability and improve students’ career prospects. The participants of the project have great experiences in mathematics education in new technology environment and are willing to use their previous experiences in STEAM to develop STEAM methodology and technology for mathematics course at university level. The participants of the project got experiences in teaching during the Covid-19 period, “stay at home”, and decided to improve distance and face to face learning using STEAM principles. There are five intellectual outputs of project: • Analysis report on state of art in using technologies to support teaching in Mathematics after Covid-19 crisis. • Development of new STEAM methodology and technology • FutureMATH video collection • Piloting lessons and testing • Analysis and further developmen

    Modélisation des performances des réseaux locaux sans fil

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    It is virtually impossible to name all the spheres of society that have been profoundly changed by the widespread of the Internet or to measure its impact inside each sphere. However, a consensus opinion of network experts is that this influence will only grow in the coming years. In the networking community, we are expecting an ever-increasing amount of traffic that will more than ever depend on wireless technologies, specifically Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).The increase of traffic volume means that standardization organisms, vendors, and network architects need to come up with solutions for more coverage and capacity for WLANs. Given the distributed nature of resource sharing in 802.11-based WLANs, these solutions can become inefficient when they amount to simply deploying a larger number of resources. Thus, proper configuration and deployment of the networks is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, we propose stochastic performance modeling approaches for WLANs. All our models are designed for unsaturated WLANs with arbitrary topologies. The first three models are based on Markov chains and model the network at a high level of abstraction. Each new model refines its predecessor by being conceptually simpler and at the same time closer to the real system. Our last Markovian model is tailor-made for IEEE 802.11ac WLANs and incorporates channel bonding, MCS indexes, and frame aggregation. The increasing system fidelity of the models and their precision have allowed us to propose several different applications regarding the performance evaluation and configuration of centrally-managed WLANs. In particular, we are interested in issues of fairness and throughput maximization and propose several approaches that can help a network administrator to properly configure a network given a certain performance metric. Our last modeling approach is profoundly different and incorporates a Graph Signal Processing (GSP) method for the performance modeling of WLANs. The need for such modeling arises mostly from scalability issues, as even though our Markovian models' accuracy makes them suitable for many applications, their lack of scalability can sometimes be seen as restrictive. We show that this black box approach can be successfully used for modeling the network and that incorporating WLAN-specific knowledge can help increase the accuracy of the model. The final chapter of this manuscript details the contributions and limitations of each modeling approach we proposed, including a discussion on potential future works and on general practices in the performance evaluation of WLANs.Il est pratiquement impossible de nommer toutes les sphères de la société profondément modifiées par Internet ou de mesurer son impact à l'intérieur de chaque sphère. Cependant, un consensus parmi les experts des réseaux est que cette influence ne fera que grandir dans les années à venir. Dans la communauté des réseaux, nous nous attendons à un trafic de plus en plus important qui dépendra plus que jamais des technologies sans fil, en particulier des réseaux locaux sans fil (WLAN).L'augmentation du volume de trafic signifie que les organismes de standardisation, les fournisseurs et les architectes de réseau doivent trouver des solutions pour accroître la couverture et la capacité des réseaux WLAN. Compte tenu de la nature distribuée du partage des ressources dans les WLAN basés sur 802.11, ces solutions peuvent devenir inefficaces lorsqu'elles consistent simplement à déployer un plus grand nombre de ressources. Par conséquent, la configuration et le déploiement appropriés jouent un rôle important dans les performances des réseaux locaux sans fil.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des approches stochastiques de modélisation de performance pour les réseaux locaux sans fil. Tous nos modèles sont conçus pour les WLAN non saturés avec des topologies arbitraires. Les trois premiers modèles sont basés sur des chaînes de Markov et modélisent le réseau à un niveau d'abstraction élevé. Chaque nouveau modèle affine son prédécesseur en étant à la fois conceptuellement plus simple et plus proche du système réel. Notre dernier modèle Markovien est conçu sur mesure pour les réseaux WLAN IEEE 802.11ac et intègre l'agrégation de trames et de canaux ainsi que les index MCS.La fidélité croissante au système et la précision de nos modèles nous ont permis de proposer plusieurs applications différentes pour l’évaluation des performances et la configuration de WLAN gérés de manière centralisée. Nous nous intéressons en particulier aux questions d’équité et de maximisation du débit et proposons plusieurs approches pouvant aider un administrateur de réseau à configurer correctement un réseau en fonction d’un certain indicateur de performance.Notre dernière approche de modélisation est profondément différente et intègre une méthode de traitement de signal de graphe (GSP) pour la modélisation des performances des réseaux locaux sans fil. Le besoin d'une telle modélisation découle principalement de problèmes d'évolutivité, car même si la précision de nos modèles Markoviens les rend appropriés pour de nombreuses applications, leur manque d'évolutivité peut parfois être considéré comme restrictif. Nous montrons que cette approche de boîte noire peut être utilisée avec succès pour modéliser le réseau et qu’intégrer des connaissances spécifiques au WLAN peut aider à augmenter la précision du modèle.Le dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit détaille les contributions et les limites de chaque approche de modélisation que nous avons proposée, y compris une discussion sur les travaux futurs potentiels et sur les pratiques générales en matière d'évaluation de performances des réseaux locaux sans fil

    Интердисциплинарна споредба: американската бит култура социјално активирана од постмодернизмот

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    60-тите години на минатиот век во САД се забележани како почеток на лево ориентиран социо-политички и културен активизам кој понатаму субверзивно се шири и во ново книжевно движење. Со своите идеолошки слогани и противречни улични школи на мислата, движењето на бит генерацијата наводно имало за цел да воведе повисока свест за нови социјални промени во западната култура. Застапниците на бит движењето на почетокот не се наметнуваат како официјални (mainstream) влијанија, но сепак постапно го инфилтрираат својот секуларен ревизионистички однос во најширок дијапазон на социјални сфери, универзитетски кампуси, медиуми и новодопски книжевни концепти за реалноста и вистината, низ призмата на гневниот, постмодерен анархизам. Критиката била поделена во однос на бит-хипи филозофијата за промени. Дел од опозицијата остро ги бранела безбедните и здрави основи на дотогаш невиденото американско планетарно водство во просперитет (она што, всушност, постанало омразено од социјалниот активизам на битниците). Одредени академски заедници ги прогласувале припадниците на оваа генерација за антиинтелектуалци, морално и сексуално девијантни, со аспирации индуцирани од психотропски супстанци, кои вообичаено биле оправдувани од хипиците и поради нивната некогашна, предисториска, употреба. Овој критички сегмент посматра еден друг аспект од хипи идентитетот спрема кој тие се 1) антитези на ментално и емоционално стабилни и одговорни лидери за промени кои 2) одбегнуваат самоодговорност за култивирање на сопствен интегритет и идентитет во образованието, културата и општествено-економскиот систем на демократска Америка, со што си наметнуваат на себе 3) самодеструктивен животен стил и книжевна содржина, проследена со неодреденото чувство дека се дотепани (Beat) од моќта на неправедното општество кое одбива да ги следи марксистичките идеи, Мао, Хо Ши Мин, Че Гевара и други комунистички утописти, во еден свет атеистички збунет во распаѓање на моралните вредности и доблести, свет за чие влошување придонеле и битниците. Клучни зборови: бит генерација, општествено-културни промени, револт, антиинтелектуализам

    Modélisation des performances des réseaux locaux sans fil

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    It is virtually impossible to name all the spheres of society that have been profoundly changed by the widespread of the Internet or to measure its impact inside each sphere. However, a consensus opinion of network experts is that this influence will only grow in the coming years. In the networking community, we are expecting an ever-increasing amount of traffic that will more than ever depend on wireless technologies, specifically Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).The increase of traffic volume means that standardization organisms, vendors, and network architects need to come up with solutions for more coverage and capacity for WLANs. Given the distributed nature of resource sharing in 802.11-based WLANs, these solutions can become inefficient when they amount to simply deploying a larger number of resources. Thus, proper configuration and deployment of the networks is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, we propose stochastic performance modeling approaches for WLANs. All our models are designed for unsaturated WLANs with arbitrary topologies. The first three models are based on Markov chains and model the network at a high level of abstraction. Each new model refines its predecessor by being conceptually simpler and at the same time closer to the real system. Our last Markovian model is tailor-made for IEEE 802.11ac WLANs and incorporates channel bonding, MCS indexes, and frame aggregation. The increasing system fidelity of the models and their precision have allowed us to propose several different applications regarding the performance evaluation and configuration of centrally-managed WLANs. In particular, we are interested in issues of fairness and throughput maximization and propose several approaches that can help a network administrator to properly configure a network given a certain performance metric. Our last modeling approach is profoundly different and incorporates a Graph Signal Processing (GSP) method for the performance modeling of WLANs. The need for such modeling arises mostly from scalability issues, as even though our Markovian models' accuracy makes them suitable for many applications, their lack of scalability can sometimes be seen as restrictive. We show that this black box approach can be successfully used for modeling the network and that incorporating WLAN-specific knowledge can help increase the accuracy of the model. The final chapter of this manuscript details the contributions and limitations of each modeling approach we proposed, including a discussion on potential future works and on general practices in the performance evaluation of WLANs.Il est pratiquement impossible de nommer toutes les sphères de la société profondément modifiées par Internet ou de mesurer son impact à l'intérieur de chaque sphère. Cependant, un consensus parmi les experts des réseaux est que cette influence ne fera que grandir dans les années à venir. Dans la communauté des réseaux, nous nous attendons à un trafic de plus en plus important qui dépendra plus que jamais des technologies sans fil, en particulier des réseaux locaux sans fil (WLAN).L'augmentation du volume de trafic signifie que les organismes de standardisation, les fournisseurs et les architectes de réseau doivent trouver des solutions pour accroître la couverture et la capacité des réseaux WLAN. Compte tenu de la nature distribuée du partage des ressources dans les WLAN basés sur 802.11, ces solutions peuvent devenir inefficaces lorsqu'elles consistent simplement à déployer un plus grand nombre de ressources. Par conséquent, la configuration et le déploiement appropriés jouent un rôle important dans les performances des réseaux locaux sans fil.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des approches stochastiques de modélisation de performance pour les réseaux locaux sans fil. Tous nos modèles sont conçus pour les WLAN non saturés avec des topologies arbitraires. Les trois premiers modèles sont basés sur des chaînes de Markov et modélisent le réseau à un niveau d'abstraction élevé. Chaque nouveau modèle affine son prédécesseur en étant à la fois conceptuellement plus simple et plus proche du système réel. Notre dernier modèle Markovien est conçu sur mesure pour les réseaux WLAN IEEE 802.11ac et intègre l'agrégation de trames et de canaux ainsi que les index MCS.La fidélité croissante au système et la précision de nos modèles nous ont permis de proposer plusieurs applications différentes pour l’évaluation des performances et la configuration de WLAN gérés de manière centralisée. Nous nous intéressons en particulier aux questions d’équité et de maximisation du débit et proposons plusieurs approches pouvant aider un administrateur de réseau à configurer correctement un réseau en fonction d’un certain indicateur de performance.Notre dernière approche de modélisation est profondément différente et intègre une méthode de traitement de signal de graphe (GSP) pour la modélisation des performances des réseaux locaux sans fil. Le besoin d'une telle modélisation découle principalement de problèmes d'évolutivité, car même si la précision de nos modèles Markoviens les rend appropriés pour de nombreuses applications, leur manque d'évolutivité peut parfois être considéré comme restrictif. Nous montrons que cette approche de boîte noire peut être utilisée avec succès pour modéliser le réseau et qu’intégrer des connaissances spécifiques au WLAN peut aider à augmenter la précision du modèle.Le dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit détaille les contributions et les limites de chaque approche de modélisation que nous avons proposée, y compris une discussion sur les travaux futurs potentiels et sur les pratiques générales en matière d'évaluation de performances des réseaux locaux sans fil