154 research outputs found

    Istraživanje poznavanja pravopisa učenika osnovne škole s posebnim naglaskom na pravilnu uporabu velikih i malih slova

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    U radu se donose rezultati istraživanja provedenoga s ciljem utvrđivanja razine poznavanja pravopisa učenika osnovne škole od petog do osmog razreda s posebnim naglaskom na pravilnu uporabu velikih i malih slova. Zadaće su istraživanja bile, prvo, utvrditi gdje učenici najčešće griješe i, drugo, utvrditi smanjuje li se broj pogrješaka na višim obrazovnim stupnjevima. Pretpostavka je da učenici u osmome razredu čine manje pravopisnih pogrješaka od učenika petoga razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno u ožujku i travnju 2008. u Osnovnoj školi „Srinjine“ u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Sudjelovalo je 50% učenika od petog do osmog razreda školske 2007./2008. godine. Za utvrđivanje razine poznavanja pravopisa pripremili smo zadatke objektivnog tipa i diktat koje su učenici rješavali bez vremenskog ograničenja. Zadatke objektivnog tipa rješavalo je pedeset i devet učenika: osamnaest učenika petoga, trinaest učenika šestoga i po četrnaest učenika sedmoga i osmoga razreda. Diktat je pisalo sedamnaest učenika petoga, jedanaest šestoga, dvanaest sedmoga i četrnaest osmoga razreda, ukupno pedeset i četiri učenika. U pisanju velikoga i maloga slova najviše pogrješaka čine učenici petoga razreda, zatim šestoga i osmoga razreda, a najmanje griješe učenici sedmoga razreda. Dakle, smanjuje se broj pogrešaka na višim obrazovnim stupnjevima, iako osmaši rade više pogrješaka od sedmaša, ali zabrinjava činjenica da je relativno velik postotak pogrješaka u svim razredima i u svim područjima uporabe velikih i malih slova

    Efekti programa akrobatike na fitnes komponente adolescenata

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effects of acrobatics programs on the fitness components of adolescents. The sample of the participants consisted of 50 adolescents, aged (14 years ± 6 months), seventh grade students of the elementary school "Bubanjski heroji" in Niš, divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group consisted of 25 students, included in the classes of the experimental program of acrobatics (ground floor and skipping), 2 x 45min per week, lasting 32 hours. The control group consisted of 25 students included in the program of regular physical education activities (handball and volleyball) 2 x 45min per week, lasting 32 hours. Measures and tests for the assessment of body composition (5 variables), tests for the assessment of flexibility (3 variable), tests for the assessment of motor fitness (12 variables) were applied to all examinees at the initial and final measurement. At the initial measurement, intergroup differences were found in only two variables. The experimental group achieved statistically significant changes between the initial and final testing in 19 variables. The control group achieved statistically significant changes between the initial and final testing in 15 variables. Using analysis of covariance (MANCOVA/ANCOVA), statistically significant effects were confirmed in 16 variables. The results of the study showed that after an experimental program of acrobatics lasting 16 weeks, the experimental group made statistically significantly greater progress than the control group on all variables that assessed body composition, flexibility and motor fitness except the variable of body weight, which assessed body composition and running variables at 20m from a high start and a jump with a squat without swinging his arms, which assessed motor fitness. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the acrobatics program had positive effects on the transformation of body composition, flexibility and motor fitness of adolescents, more than the program of regular physical education classes

    Alcohol and coronary heart disease

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    Koronarna bolest srca za posljedicu može imati pet zasebnih kategorija, a tu spada angina pektoris, akutni koronarni sindrom, poremećaji srčanog ritma i provođenja, dekompenzacija srca i iznenadna smrt. U ovom radu naglasak je stavljen na akutni koronarni sindrom. Akutni koronarni sindrom (AKS) stanje je koje označava akutnu, kritičnu ishemiju miokarda i podrazumijeva dva entiteta: nestabilnu anginu pektoris i infarkt miokarda. Unutar dijagnoze AKS-a nalazi se podjela ovisno o ranim elektrokardiografskim (EKG) obilježjima na AKS bez elevacije ST-segmenta, tj. nestabilna angina pektoris i infarkt miokarda bez elevacije ST-segmenta (NSTEMI, prema engl. Non ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) te infarkt miokarda s elevacijom ST-segmenta (STEMI, prema engl. ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Glavni krivac za razvoj bolesti koronarnih arterija je ateroskleroza jer ona primarno sužava ili zatvara u potpunosti lumen same koronarne arterije. Danas su nam poznati različiti rizični čimbenici koji mogu doprinijeti razvoju ateroskleroze, a samim time i koronarne bolesti srca. Najčešći su pušenje, šećerna bolest, hiperlipidemiija, hipertenzija, muški spol, homocisteinemija te stanje nakon menopauze. Još od davnina ljudi pripisuju raznolike blagotvorne zdravstvene učinke umjerenoj konzumaciji alkohola. Prije svega, ovdje ćemo govoriti o pozitivnim i negativnim učincima konzumacije alkohola na kardiovaskularni sustav. Mnoga znanstvena istraživanja su potvrdila kardioprotektivan učinak umjerene konzumacije alkohola. Najveći blagotvoran učinak je pokazalo crno vino jer ima najvišu koncentraciju polifenola i resveratrola kao glavnog predstavnika polifenola. Pivo je također pokazalo blagotvoran učinak na kardiovaskularni sustav, premda manje nego vino jer pivo ima manji udio polifenola od vina. Sam etanol u žestokom alkoholnom piću je također pokazao određeni pozitivni zdravstveni učinak na kardiovaskularni sustav. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija je klasificirala etanol kao ljudski karcinogen. Ipak, postoje dokazi da umjerena konzumacija vinskih alkoholnih pića može smanjiti rizik od razvoja nekoliko karcinoma, uključujući kolorektalni karcinom, bazocelularni i karcinom jajnika te karcinom prostate. Vino ima sposobnost inhibirati karcinogenezu kao antioksidans, anti-inflamatorni agens, antimutagen, anti-angiogen, djelujući proapoptotički i kao anti-proliferativni agens. Može modulirati imunosni odgovor, transkripcijske faktore, hormone rasta, citokine, kaspaze, interleukine, prostaglandin sintezu i na taj način utjecati na prevenciju razvoja karcinoma.Coronary heart disease can be divided in five different categories which includes angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome, disorders of cardiac rhythm and sudden cardiac death. In this thesis I have emphasized acute coronary syndrome. Acute coronary syndrome is a condition which indicates acute, critical myocardial ischemia and pertains to two entities: unstable angina pectoris and myoardial infarction. The dignose of acute coronary syndrom includes classification according to early electrocardiographic signs to myocardial infarction without ST elevation which means unstable angina pectoris and non ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) and to ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). The main cause for coronary arteries disease development is atherosclerosis because it primarily narrows or occludes the lumen of the coronary artery. Nowadays are well known different risk factors that could contribute to development of the athersceloris and by that, also coronary heart disease. The most common risk factors are smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, male sex, homocysteinaemia and after menopause condiotion. Since ancient times, people have attributed a variety of health benefits to modearte consumption of alcohol. First of all here will be written about positive and negative effects of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular system. Many scientific studies have proved cardioprotective effect of moderate alcohol consumption. Red wine has shown the biggest positive effect due to its highest polyphenol concentration, specially resveratol as the representative of polyphenols. Beer has also shown cardioprotective effect, although it was less significant when compared to wine, because of lower concentraion of the polyphenols. Ethanol in spirit alcohol beverages also showed some positive effect on cardiovascular system. World Health Organization has classified ethanol as as carcinogenic to humans. However, there is evidence that moderate wine consumption may decrease the risk of several cancers, including colon, basal cell carcinoma, ovarian and prostate cancer. Wine may inhibit carcinogenesis by acting as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagen, anti-angiogenic, antiproliferative and proapoptotic agent. It can modulate immune response, transcription factors, growth factors, cytokines, caspases, interleukins, prostaglandin synthesis and by that it can affect on the prevention of carcinoma development

    Idejni projekt hibridnog energetskog sustava putničkog broda

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    Prema odabranom sličnom putničkom brodu,proračunat je otpor broda kao funkcija glavnih dimenzija broda o brzini, nakon čega je odabran propeler koji daje najveću moguću iskoristivost postivajući pritom potrebna ograničenja. Nakon proračuna propulzije,odnosno snage poriva, odabran je propulzijski elektromotor. Na temelju provedene energetske bilance za karakteristične režime plovidbe, uzimajući u obzir da je brod višenamjenski, odabrani su dizel generator, dizel generator u nuždi, gorivni članci i baterije s obrazloženjem odabira i vodeći računa o raznim gubicima. Dimenzioniran je vratilni vod s ležajevima prema HRB-u. Prikazane su i neke principijelne sheme i razmještaj na putničkom brodu. Napravljena je analiza energetske učinkovitosti preko projektnog indeksa energetske učinkovitosti i ukazano na manjkavost primjene takve formule

    Sjoegren's syndrome and atherogenesis

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    Brojni dokazi potvrđuju autoimunosnu hipotezu aterogeneze, prema kojoj je upala, koja zahvaća intimu aterosklerotski promijenjenih arterija, autoimunog porijekla. Sustavne autoimunosne bolesti i ateroskleroza dijele brojne patogenetske sličnosti, a kronična upala i endotelna disfunkcija čine poveznicu između dvije, na prvi pogled, različite grupe bolesti. U posljednjem desetljeću postalo je očito da bolesnici sa sustavnim autoimunosnim bolestima (sustavni eritemski lupus, reumatoidni artritis i antifosfolipidni sindrom) razvijaju rane i ozbiljne krvožilne aterosklerotske promjene, a vodeći uzrok smrtnosti, u ovoj grupi bolesnika, su akutne kardiovaskularne bolesti. Dosadašnje studije su pokazale da kombinacija tzv. „tradicionalni“ i „netradicionalnih“ čimbenika rizika ima važnu ulogu u patogenezi ubrzane ateroskleroze. Sjoegrenov sindrom (SS) je jedna od najučestalijih sustavnih autoimunosnih bolesti koja primarno zahvaća egzokrine žlijezde. Iako SS dijeli brojna klinička i serološka obilježja sa tzv. „klasičnim“ autoimunosnim bolestima, jedna od karakteristika SS-a je kronični, srednje jaki stupanj upalne reakcije. Za razliku od drugih autoimunosnih bolesti, podatci o povezanosti ateroskleroze i SS-a su manjkavi, a rezultati istraživanja oprečni. Čini se da i mehanizam oštećenja arterijske stijenke, različit između pojedinih autoimunosnih bolesti, određuje brzinu razvoja aterosklerotskih lezija. Prema nekim se studijama znakovi ubrzane i generalizirane ateroskleroze, u bolesnika sa SS-om, povezuju s metaboličkim abnormalnostima, dislipidemijom, hiperuricemijom i šećernom bolešću, dok drugi negiraju prethodno spomenutu povezanost. Potrebne su daljnje epidemiološke studije, s duljim vremenskim periodom praćenja, koje bi razjasnile mehanizam povezanosti između te dvije bolesti. Iako mišljenja nisu usuglašena jedno je sigurno, osim liječenja osnovne bolesti, liječenje bolesnika sa SS-om treba usmjeriti i prema primarnoj i sekundarnoj prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti.There is considerable evidence to support the autoimmune hypothesis of atherogenesis by which the inflammation that affects the tunica intima of atherosclerotic altered arteries has an autoimmune origin. Systemic autoimmune diseases and atherosclerosis share a number of similarities in pathology. Although they seem like two different diseases, chronic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction make a link between the two, at first sight, different groups of diseases. Over the last decade, it has become obvious that patients with systemic autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and antiphospholipid syndrome) develop early and severe atherosclerotic vascular changes, and that the leading cause of mortality, in this group of patients, are acute cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies have shown that a combination of the so-called "traditional" and "nontraditional" risk factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of accelerated atherosclerosis. Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is one of the most common systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the exocrine glands. Although SS shares many clinical and serological characteristics of the so-called "classical" autoimmune diseases, one of the characteristics of the SS is a chronic, medium high inflammatory response. Unlike other autoimmune diseases, linkage between atherosclerosis and SS is deficient and research results are contradictory. It seems that the mechanism of damage to the arterial wall determines the speed of development of atherosclerotic lesions that differs between certain autoimmune diseases. According to some studies, signs of accelerated and generalized atherosclerosis in patients with SS are associated with metabolic abnormalities, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia and diabetes, while others deny the previously mentioned relationship. There is a need for further epidemiological studies with long-term follow-up, in order to clarify the mechanism of the association between these two diseases. Although opinions are not harmonized, it is certain, that except treating the primary disease, the treatment of patients with SS should be directed toward primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease


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    Opisan je postupak primjene linearnog programiranja za optimalizaciju rada skupine bunara u poluzatvorenom vodonosnom sloju. Predviđena ograničenja u sustavu izražena su rasporedom potencijala (sniženja ) vode u bunarima i u sloju te kapacitetom bunara.In the paper the application of linear programming for optimization of water well field in the scmiconfined aquifer is discussed. The algorithm for several constrains including the distribution of head (drawndown) as well as capacity of the wells are forseen


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati postupak definiranja konceptualnog modela hidrogeološkog sustava na primjeru matematičkog modela drugog vodonosnog sloja na području istočne Slavonije, sukcesivnim testiranjem velikog broja mogućih pretpostavki, bez preferiranja i jedne od njih. To je pomoglo u rješavanju nekih hidrogeoloških i hidrauličkih nepoznanica toga sustava a rezultiralo donekle izmijenjenom slikom hidrogeološke građe prve hidrogeološke zone na području istočne Slavonije.The aim of this work was to demonstrate the procedure how to construct appropriate conceptual model of the hydrogeological system to be the base of numerical simulations. The second water-bearing horizon over the area of Eastern Slavonia is an example where the successive testing of various physical and hydraulic boundaries and conditions were tested, without prefering any of them, until the best compatibility was achieved. Such the procedure helped in solving the hydrogeologic and hydraulic anknowns of system and the result has been modified conception about the first hydrogeologic zone over the area of Eastern Siavonia

    Triggering Negative Emotions Gives Pejorative Lexis an Important Role in Communication

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    V prispevku so raziskane slabšalnice v nemških in hrvaških komentarjih bralcev na internetu ob terorističnih napadih, analizirani pa so po tarčah napada, kot jih je izpostavila Oksana Havryliv: (1) značajske lastnosti in načini obnašanja, (2) videz, telesne napake in starost, (3) univerzalne zmerljivke, (4) regionalne in nacionalne zmerljivke in (5) poklicne zmerljivke. Določene so tudi vrednotenjske kategorije oz. sodbe po Martinu in Whitu, to je, kako (ne)navaden, (ne)sposoben, (ne)odločen, (ne)etičen in (ne)resnicoljuben je kdo.This article analyzes pejoratives in German and Croatian internet comments on terrorist attacks in line with Havryliv’s points of attack: (1) character traits and type of behavior of the addressee, (2) appearance, physical defects, and age of the addressee, (3) universal swearwords with an abstract meaning, (4) regional and national insults, and (5) career insults. It also utilizes the judgement category of Martin and White’s (2005) appraisal theory; that is, how special, capable, dependable, honest, or beyond reproach somebody is

    Water uptake and solubility of Acroseal sealer in comparison with Apexit and AH Plus sealers in Hank’s solution

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    Introduction. The function of root canal fillings is to seal the root canal system. The important physical property necessary for sealers to achieve this is low solubility. However, any therapeutic effect of calcium hydroxide-based sealers is dependent on the calcium hydroxide being in ionized form, which implies that the material must be at least partly soluble. Objective. The objective of our study was to compare weight changes of Acroseal and Apexit, conventional calcium hydroxide-based sealer and AH Plus, epoxy-amine resin sealer in Hank’s solution at different exposure times. Methods. The standardized samples of each material were weighed and immersed in the Hank’s solution for 1 h, 24 h, 96 h, 14 days and 28 days. After these exposure times, they were removed, dried, and weighed again. Mean weight changes were determined and the differences between sealers were analysed statistically using a one-way ANOVA. Results. The highest differences in mass were observed in Apexit, 1.52%, and were significantly different from Acroseal, 0.93% (p<0.05) and AH Plus, 0.45% (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between Acroseal and AH Plus, except for 96 h period. Conclusion. Under the conditions of our study, it may be concluded that the Acroseal sealer presented the behaviour more like epoxy-based material, AH Plus, than calcium hydroxide sealer, Apexit

    Istraživanje poznavanja pravopisa učenika osnovne škole s posebnim naglaskom na pravilnom pisanju glasova i glasovnih skupova

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    U radu se donose rezultati istraživanja provedenoga s ciljem utvrđivanja razine poznavanja pravopisa učenika osnovne škole od petoga do osmoga razreda s posebnim naglaskom na pravilnom/pogrešnom pisanju glasova č, ć, dž i đ te glasovnih skupova ije i je. Želi se utvrditi u čemu (u kojim riječima) učenici najviše griješe i ustanoviti smanjuje li se broj pogrešaka na višim obrazovnim stupnjevima. Polazi se od pretpostavke da se pogreške u višim razredima postupno smanjuju. Istraživanje smo proveli u ožujku i travnju 2008. godine u Osnovnoj školi Srinjine u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Da bismo utvrdili razinu poznavanja pravopisa, pripremili smo test i diktat. Učenike nismo vremenski ograničavali u pisanju. Test je rješavalo pedeset i devet učenika: osamnaest učenika petoga razreda, trinaest učenika šestoga i po četrnaest učenika sedmoga i osmoga razreda. Diktat je pisalo pedeset i četiri učenika: sedamnaest petaša, jedanaest šestaša, dvanaest sedmaša i četrnaest osmaša. Najviše pogrešaka čine učenici petoga razreda, zatim učenici šestoga i osmoga razreda, a najmanje griješe učenici sedmoga razreda. Dakle, smanjuje se broj pogrešaka na višim obrazovnim stupnjevima, iako osmaši rade više pogrešaka od sedmaša, ali zabrinjava činjenica da je relativno velik postotak pogrešaka u svim razredima i u svim područjima upotrebe glasova č, ć, dž i đ te glasovnih skupova ije i je. Učenici najviše griješe u riječima u kojima jat alternira. U tom se području najslabije smanjuje postotak pogrešaka povećanjem obrazovnog stupnja učenika. Smatramo da bi se toj problematici trebalo posvetiti znatno više pozornosti u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika nego što je to aktualnim programom predviđeno