126 research outputs found
Analisis Peraturan Daerah Kota Makassar tentang Pembinaan Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan, Pengemis, dan Pengamen
Based on Article 34 Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, the Law on Human Rights, the Law on Child Protection, and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 1990 concerning the Enforcement of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, basically it provides protection for street children, homeless people, and beggars in Indonesia. This includes Makassar City. In Makassar itself, several regulations have been established as a form of implementation in the regions, such as: Makassar City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2008, then Makassar City Regulation Number 3 of 2009, along with Mayor Regulation Number 87 of 2016. As a form of implementation, the government has brought order community by taking preventive and repressive measures. The government deployed Civil Service Police Unit officers in the regions to carry out rehabilitation and raids on the homeless with one goal, to provide guidance. All this is done with the hope that they do not return to the streets, and can carry out their social functions in society. This study used a descriptive analysis type of research, with a normative sociological-juridical approach. That is research conducted by abstracting social phenomena, concepts, principles, doctrines, theories, legal norms and legal rules (written and unwritten) in addition to values, principles, norms and rules that will be described in relation to by fostering street children, homeless people, beggars and buskers
The Principles Of Good Governance In Health Services
This study provides an overview of the principles of good governance in health services in Indonesia. This needs to be known considering that health services are a constitutional right for citizens and their services must be carried out as well as possible. Providing health services is a state obligation and getting good and guaranteed health services are the right of citizens. This research is normative-legal research using statute, comparative and conceptual approaches. The results show the principles of good governance in health services that are reflected in the principles of participation, the principles of openness and transparency, the principles of effectiveness and efficiency, and the principles of accountability. Providing health services and covering all health insurance costs for the poor and underprivileged will automatically unconditionally be the responsibility of the government following the mandate of the constitution
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact that occurs in early childhood in the use of smartphones in the Binjai Village, Medan City. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were taken using purposive sampling, with the research subjects of parents who have children aged 4-6 years who are in Binjai Village, Medan City, totaling 10 people. Based on interviews and observations conducted by researchers, the researchers obtained research results which stated that there was a negative impact on early childhood using smartphones, children tended to be emotionally influenced when they were not given a smartphone, children tended to be unable to control themselves in terms of smartphone use. They were also dependent and did not care about the surrounding environment when using a smartphone.
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Upaya Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Mereduksi Perilaku Bullying
Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berahlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.
Adapun target dalam observasi adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran terkait teknis pelaksanaan layanan konseling, tahapan pelaksanaan layanan konseling dan berbagai media yang dimanfaatkan oleh guru BK SMA Swasta 2 Takengon dalam mengatasi perilaku bullying sisw
Kemampuan berbicara sangatlah penting di dalam perkuliahan, namun pada kenyataannya mahasiswa masih merasa kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi, terutama ketika mengikuti mata kuliah bahasa inggris di jurusan bimbingan dan konseling dikarenakan kurangnya rasa percaya diri (self confidance). Hal tersebut tentunya dapat mengakibatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang tidak maksimal. TGT Model (Team Games Tournament) merupakan salah satu cara yang akan memperluas fikiran mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa dapat lebih berfikir positif dan memiliki keberanian untuk mengungkapkan pendapatnya di depan umum, hal yang demikian itu tentunya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah Classroom Action Research (CAR) dalam hal ini dilakukan dua putaran (cycling), setiap putaran (cycling) akan dilakukan perencanaan, tindakan, Observasi dan Refleksi. Data yang akan dihasilkan adalah data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Diperoleh data kemampuan berbicara mengalami peningkatan sebesar 29,5. Dari hasil siklus 1 sebesar 59,33 dan dari siklus 2 sebesar 88,83. Selain itu dari hasil observasi self confidance juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 30% pada point 1. 10% pada point 2. 23% dari point 3, dan 16 % dari point 4. Selain itu dari diary note juga menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa di dalam kelas. Dengan demikian, model TGT efektif dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan self confidence dalam mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris pada mahasiswa
Référentiel pour le développement d'un système de pilotage de la performance cohérent et réactif
Le travail de cette thèse porte sur l'élaboration d'un référentiel pour le développement d'un système de pilotage de la performance cohérent et réactif, interface entre plusieurs méthodes distinctes et complémentaires. Le référentiel proposé intègre des principes clés de pilotage par la performance et propose une alternative améliorée et prometteuse par rapport aux systèmes de mesures de la performance traditionnels. Un système de pilotage de la performance est un outil indispensable pour une organisation. Sa conception demeure par ailleurs une démarche complexe étant donné les différents aspects et éléments que l'organisation doit intégrer dans son processus d'évaluation et d'amélioration de la performance, en particulier les événements perturbateurs, souvent négligés dans la littérature et très difficile à intégrer dans l'élaboration d'un mécanisme de pilotage de la performance. En effet, le choix de la variable de décision pour contrecarrer les effets d'un évènement perturbateur n'est pas toujours immédiate, il possède une certaine inertie qui peut entraîner une perte de la performance globale. Également, les décideurs ne disposent pas souvent des mécanismes et des outils susceptibles de vérifier que les composantes clés de pilotage de la performance (Objectifs-Variables de décision-Indicateurs de performance) engagées par chacun d'eux soient cohérentes et aident à faire évoluer l'organisation vers l'atteinte de ses objectifs escomptés. De ce fait, l'organisation évolue dans un contexte souvent incertain et doivent faire preuve d'adaptabilité pour garantir leur viabilité. Ce projet de recherche est motivé par un besoin criant soulevé suite à une revue de littérature soulignant la nécessité de développer un système de pilotage de la performance qui répond aux défis actuels en terme de pilotage, à savoir : la cohérence entre les composantes clés de pilotage de la performance et la réactivité pour faire face aux évènements perturbateurs. De ce fait, notre volonté dans ce travail a été de proposer un référentiel pour le développement d'un système de pilotage de la performance cohérent et réactif. Les contributions de cette thèse sont présentées en quatre phases. Dans une première phase, à partir du constat réalisé durant la revue de littérature, nous avons souligné la nécessité de proposer une démarche structurale SIPCo (Système d'Indicateurs de Performance Cohérent) pour identifier les composantes clés de pilotage de la performance et assurer leur cohérence à travers deux démarches. Une démarche logique basée sur (1) une approche de modélisation de système décisionnel afin d'identifier les centres de décision et (2) une approche de modélisation de système informationnel afin de d'établir une représentation de la part interactive des composantes clés de pilotage de la performance de chaque centre de décision. La méthode SIPCo repose aussi sur une démarche participative pour accompagner la démarche logique afin de définir les différentes composantes clés de pilotage de la performance auprès des futurs utilisateurs. Dans une deuxième phase, nous avons proposé une démarche procédurale SYPCo-R (Système de Pilotage de la Performance Cohérent et Réactif) en intégrant un élément jamais intégré par les autres systèmes d'évaluation de la performance, à savoir "évènement potentiel". En effet, la plupart des systèmes de pilotage par la performance sont basés sur le triplet "Objectif – Variable de Décision – Indicateur de performance". Alors que, SYPCoR que nous proposons est basé sur le quadruplet "Objectif – Évènement potentiel – Variable de Décision – Indicateur de performance". L'objectif de SYPCo-R est d'apporter une cohérence globale dans l'exploitation des composantes clés de pilotage de la performance et une réactivité en intégrant la notion d'évènement potentiel dans la prise de décision à travers une méthodologie de classement des variables de décision qui permettent de contrecarrer les évènements potentiels susceptibles d'entraver l'atteinte des objectifs. Dans une troisième phase, nous avons proposé un modèle conceptuel MCR (Modèle Conceptuel de Réactivité) qui reprend les propriétés fondamentales de la notion de réactivité sous forme d'algorithme composé d'un ensemble des règles opératoires pour identifier les défaillances de performance en terme de réactivité et leurs origines afin d'ajuster et consolider SYPCo-R. Dans une quatrième phase, nous avons proposé une démarche prédictive basée sur la simulation pour évaluer et apprécier l'impact des valeurs fixées aux alternatives associées à chaque variable de décision choisie parmi le classement résultant de la démarche SYPCo-R. Cette démarche vise aussi à anticiper les défaillances de performance pour ajuster les paramètres de MCR et SYPCo-R. Les décideurs pourront ainsi disposer d'un outil supplémentaire pour garantir la cohérence, la réactivité basée sur l'anticipation et la prédiction. Les travaux de cette thèse apportent des solutions innovantes dans la démarche de l'élaboration d'un système de pilotage de la performance en proposant un référentiel interface entre plusieurs méthodes distinctes et complémentaires qui répond efficacement aux préoccupations des décideurs. Le référentiel proposé permet de cerner la complexité d'un système et de la rendre intelligible par les décideurs. De plus, il s'apprête bien à des extensions futures basées sur une exploitation optimisée des données en temps réel.This thesis aims at elaborating a framework for the development of a coherent and responsive performance management system, interface between several distinct and complementary methods. The proposed framework integrates key performance management principle s and offers an improved and promising alternative to traditional performance measurement systems. A performance management system is an essential tool for an organization. Otherwise, the conception of this system remains a complex process given the several aspects and elements that the organization must integrate into its process of evaluating and improving performance, in particular disruptive events, often neglected in the literature and very difficult to take into account in the development of a performance management mechanism. Decision-making to cover the effects of a disruptive event is not immediate as it has an inertia which can lead to a loss of overall performance. Also, decision-makers rarely have the necessary tools to verify that the used key performance management components (Objectives-Decision variables-Performance indicators) are coherent and help to move the organization towards achievement of its expected objectives. Hence, the organization operates in an uncertain environment and must be adaptable to ensure its viability. This research is motivated by a strong need raised by the achieved literature review highlighting the need to develop a performance management system that responds to current management challenges, namely : consistency between the key management components performance and responsiveness to deal with disruptive events. As a result, the main objective of this thesis is to propose a framework for the development of a coherent and responsive performance management system. The contributions of this thesis are presented in four phases. In a first phase, based on the findings of the literature review, we underlined the need to propose a structural approach SIPCo (Consistent Performance Indicator System) to identify the key components of performance management and to ensure their consistency through two methods. A logical method based on (1) a decision-making system modeling approach in order to identify the decision-making centers and (2) an informational system modeling approach in order to establish a representation of the interactive part of the key components of the performance management of each of the decision-making centers. The SIPCo method is also based on a participatory method to support the logical approach in order to define the various key components of performance management with future users. In a second phase, we proposed a procedural approach SYPCo-R (Coherent and Responsive Performance Management System) by integrating "potential event", an essential element nowadays never integrated by other performance evaluation systems. Most performance management systems are based on the triplet "Objective – Decision variable - Performance indicator" while the proposed SYPCo-R is based on the quadruplet "Objective - Potential event - Decision variable - Performance indicator". The objective of SYPCo-R is to provide overall consistency in the use of the key performance management components, and responsiveness by integrating the notion of potential event into decision-making through a methodology for classifying decision variables allowing to thwart potential events that may hinder the achievement of objectives. In a third phase, we proposed a conceptual model MCR (Conceptual Model of Reactivity) which uses the fundamental properties of the notion of reactivity in the form of an algorithm composed of a set of operating rules to identify performance failures in terms of reactivity and their origins in order to adjust and consolidate SYPCo-R. In a fourth phase, we proposed a predictive approach based on simulation to evaluate and assess the impact of the values fixed on the alternatives associated with each decision variable chosen from the ranking resulting from the SYPCo-R approach. Furthermore, this approach aims to anticipate performance failures to adjust the parameters of MCR and SYPCo-R. This will provide decision-makers with an additional tool to ensure consistency and responsiveness based on anticipation and prediction. This thesis provides innovative solutions in the process of developing a performance management system by proposing an interface by proposing an interface framework between several distinct and complementary methods that effectively responds to the concerns of decision-makers. The proposed framework allows to identify the complexity of a system and to make it intelligible to decision-makers. Moreover, this framework accepts future extensions based on an optimized exploitation of real-time data
The Essence of Good Governance in Free and Fair Health Care Program
State responsibility for its people, particularly in the health sector, is contained in the constitution, namely the fourth paragraph of the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, as one of the state's objectiveswhich is "to protect the entire nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia". It is in relation with the purpose of being law state, supported by the constitutional and philosophical basis in maintaining and governing the country... Public services in the health sector is a function of government in running and providing basic rights which all community understood as a right to enjoy life of dignity and the rights recognized by the legislation.Governemnt as the public service providers should perform its duty in accordance with the principles of Good Governance. The most fundamental aspect in fulfilling the basic rights is the right to obtain access for the need of government services... This principle in the administration of the current government still refers to the four main indicators namely public participation, openness and transparency, effective and efficient, and accountability. Keywords: Good Governance, Free and Fair Health Care Progra
Solar flat plate collector enhanced by two reflectors: optimum tilts of reflectors
Introduction. In some solar concentrating system applications, in which the incoming sunlight is augmented by using commercial flat plate reflectors placed on different sides of the planar collector, it is very important to choose the optimum tilts of boosters (attached edge-to-edge on the top and bottom sides of the solar collector) for each month, to enhance their received solar irradiation over the year in the southern Algeria. The novelty of the proposed work consists of the development of a novel mathematical model in which the reference of the reflector’s tilt angles is the collector plane, and optimal tilts are optimized on the average day of each month. Purpose. This paper proposes a novel analytical model of two identical planer reflectors, placed on the top and bottom of a latitude tilted flat plate solar collector, for optimizing their optimal inclination angles during the daytime throughout the year in Ouargla city, southeast of Algeria. Methods. Optimal tilt angles of reflectors were obtained by searching for the optimum captured solar irradiation on the collector’s surface from each reflector in the representative day of each month of the year. After that, the obtained tilts were used for calculating incoming solar irradiation on the received area and comparing them to the solar collector without reflectors. Results. The findings of this paper showed that the reflector’s inclination angles were variable from one month to another in which the upper reflector’s tilts reached its maximum in June and minimum in December, contrarily for the lower reflector. Again, an increase of 28.05 % in the daily received solar irradiation on the collector surface with reflectors compared to the conventional one.Вступ. У деяких сонячних концентруючих системах, в яких сонячне світло, що падає, посилюється за рахунок використання комерційних плоских відбивачів, розміщених по різні сторони плоского колектора, дуже важливо вибрати оптимальні нахили підсилювачів (прикріплених кромкою до кромки зверху). і нижні сторони сонячного колектора для кожного місяця, щоб збільшити одержуване ними сонячне випромінювання протягом року в південному Алжирі. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у розробці нової математичної моделі, в якій еталоном кутів нахилу рефлектора є площина колектора, а оптимальні нахили оптимізуються у середній день кожного місяця. Мета. У цій статті пропонується нова аналітична модель двох ідентичних плоских відбивачів, розміщених зверху та знизу плоского сонячного колектора з нахилом по широті, для оптимізації їх оптимальних кутів нахилу вдень протягом року у місті Уаргла, на південний схід від Алжиру. Методи. Оптимальні кути нахилу рефлекторів були отримані шляхом пошуку оптимального сонячного випромінювання на поверхню колектора від кожного рефлектора в репрезентативні дні кожного місяця року. Після цього отримані нахили використовувалися для розрахунку сонячної радіації на отриману площу і порівняння їх з сонячним колектором без відбивачів. Результати цієї статті показали, що кути нахилу рефлектора змінювалися від місяця до місяця, коли нахил верхнього рефлектора досягав максимуму в червні і мінімуму в грудні, на відміну від нижнього рефлектора. Знову ж таки, збільшення на 28,05 % щоденно одержуваного сонячного випромінювання на поверхню колектора з відбивачами порівняно зі звичайним
Implementasi Metode Markowitz dalam Pemilihan Portofolio Saham Optimal
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 6 saham yang telah diteliti, terbentuk 15 kombinasi portofolio (tiap portofolio terdiri dari 2 saham) yang diperoleh, dengan bobot (80% : 20%) dan (50% : 50%) yang telah diberikan, terdapat 1 portofolio optimal, yaitu (bobot 80% : 20%) portofolio 6 dengan tingkat keuntungan sebesar 2.359% dan risiko sebesar 2.359%. Sedangkan (bobot 50% : 50%) portofolio 6 dengan tingkat keuntungan sebesar 2.207% dan risiko sebesar 2.207%. Portofolio 6 yaitu kombinasi antar Asuransi Bina Arta Tbk.(ABDA.JK) dan Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk. (ASDM.JK). Sesuai preferensi investor, investor lebih suka mengambil risiko investasi dengan melihat kemungkinan risiko-risiko dengan
tingkat keuntungan yang tinggi
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Lampu dan Pendingin Ruangan Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler
Everybody uses the electrical energy to meet the requirements of the life. We are always dealing with the light which is called lamp or light and temperature everyday. Lamp and fan is a part of life. Hence, people often used it inefficiently in time and wrong condition. Many houses are often robbed because the occupant let it dark as they leave with no watchman, as a result, the thief easily know that no one inside the house since it always turn on or turn off all the time. The writer made the automatic lamp and air conditioner control system microcontroller based Atmega 8535 as the final task. This device is able to economizing electrical energy and avoid from the robbing. The device which is used for control the temperature and light are LM35 and LDR. As a viewer output is used LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). When the system performance LM35 detecting temperature ≥ 31oC ≤ 34oC the fan rotation is 750 rpm, when the temperature ≥ 35oC the fan rotation device reaches the maximum limit, it is 1500 rpm. In LDR, when the room is dark, (0 % light) the lamp will be turn on, and in the bright light (≥ 1 % light) the bulbs will slowly turn off automatically. It is help in saving electricity. When the lamp and fan does not use the automatic system, it light for 24 hours and must be turn off by the occupants of the house. When using automatic system, lamp and fan can be turn on and turn off in accordance with the specified limits. The fan is turn on when the temperature over 30oC and turn off when it detect under 30oC and the lamp turn on 12 hours from 06.30PM-05.30AM and turn off 12 hours it is 05.30AM-06.30PM WIB. It is proved that it economized 30% to the PLN bill
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