81 research outputs found

    The reform of basic education in Mexico and the primary school teachers’ training process in the State of Tlaxcala (Mexico). Evaluations from their point of view

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    Éste es un reporte parcial de un estudio nacional sobre el impacto del diplomado para docentes de educación primaria de primero y quinto grado del estado de Tlaxcala, en el marco de la Reforma Integral de la Educación Básica (RIEB). Tiene como objetivo identificar el nivel de aceptación, viabilidad y aplicabilidad de la reforma y del diplomado a partir de las opiniones de los docentes. Se realizó un estudio mixto, con una muestra intencionada de 1790 sujetos. Se aplicó un cuestionario con escala de Likert. El análisis cuantitativo se basa en la prueba t de una muestra y de dos muestras (evaluando las variables: género, sistema de educación, estudios de posgrado y profesión docente). La parte cualitativa configura la perspectiva docente mediante la aplicación de la técnica de Análisis de Contenido a las respuestas de cuatro preguntas abiertas. La aplicabilidad de la reforma es valorada como muy buena y la viabilidad como regular. Se infiere que hay una relación de mayor aceptación y apropiación de la reforma educativa por quienes tienen mayor nivel de estudios, son mujeres y laboran en contexto urbano. Desde la perspectiva cualitativa emergen diversos aspectos sobre la RIEB que preocupan o interesan a los docentes y que, al parecer, no se consideraron en la elaboración de las políticas reformistasWe show a quantitative and qualitative study of the acceptance, feasibility and applicability of the Basic Education in Mexico. We analyze the opinion of elementary education teachers of Tlaxcala on this matter. This study includes an opinion questionnaire with a Likert scale to analyze the teachers´ training process as well as the application of its contents in the classroom; the questionnaire also included four open-ended questions about the teachers’ opinion. We counted on 1790 subjects who completed the training process. The quantitative analysis bases on the “t” test for one sample and for two samples. It assesses the variables: gender, education system, postgraduate studies, and teaching career. The qualitative study examines the teacher's perspective about RIEB by means of a qualitative content analysis. As part of the main findings, we observe that the informants evaluated the reform as very good. They also see the reforms’ applicability as good and its viability as regular. We found that there is a strong relation between a greater acceptation of the reform, the degree of understanding of its contents, and the level of education, the work context, and gender. From the qualitative perspective, we found various emerging aspects of the RIEB that concern teachers, and which, apparently, were not considered in the preparation of the reform policies since they were not previously investigate

    O papel da família e da escola no apoio às crianças com Trissomia 21

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    A escola e a família no apoio aos alunos com trissomia 21, são as duas instituições cuja relação é nosso objeto de análise neste estudo. Estas instituições, sofreram transformações profundas, principalmente ao longo das últimas décadas, sendo mais visíveis, a partir dos finais da década de 90 com a integração dos alunos com necessidade educativas especiais nas classes regulares e com o aumento da escolaridade obrigatória (Correia, 1997). O presente trabalho aborda a problemática da relação entre a escola e a família, tendo como objetivo analisar e comparar as perceções dos pais e dos professores sobre o envolvimento dos pais na escola relativamente aos seus educandos, bem como, o interesse e a motivação para aprender do grupo de participantes com T21 neste estudo. A amostra é constituída por 30 crianças com trissomia 21. Estas crianças frequentavam o 2.º e 3.ºciclos do Ensino Básico de escolas da rede pública do distrito de Braga com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e 18 anos. Neste grupo, 14 eram rapazes e 16 raparigas. Utilizamos como instrumento de recolha de dados o questionário/ entrevista semiestruturada “Motivação para aprender em crianças com NEE” (Miranda, 2011), que foi preenchido pelos 30 alunos, e os questionário de Envolvimento Parental na Escola versão para professores (QEPE-VPr) e versão para pais (QEPE-VPa). Os resultados sobre a motivação para aprender dos nossos participantes, aponta, em termos gerais, para uma motivação muito centrada em referentes concretos, dependente das características do contexto, dos outros significativos e da tarefa. Relativamente à perceção dos professores e pais, os resultados sugerem que, tendencialmente, as perceções dos pais e professores são em muitos aspetos coincidentes, uma justificação para o facto pode ter a ver com as características da amostra ou seja, é uma amostra com crianças com T21, e conforme orientações do ministério da educação ou por condições de saúde da própria criança a proximidade entre pais e professores, será sempre superior à encontrada em famílias com crianças sem NEE e os próprios professores.The School and the Family in the support to the pupils with Trisomy 21 are the two institutions whose relation is our object of analysis in this study. These institutions have suffered deep transformations, mainly throughout the last decades, becoming more visible from the end of the 90s, with the integration of the pupils with Special Educational Needs in the regular classrooms and with the increase of the compulsory education (Correia, 1997). The present work approaches the problematic of the relation between the School and the Family, having as a target the analysis and the comparison of the parents and teachers’ perceptions about the involvement of parents in the school concerning their students, as well as the interest and the motivation to learn of the group of participants with T21 in this study. The sample is constituted by 30 children with trisomy 21. These children attended the second and the third cycles of the Basic Education at state-run schools from the district of Braga, aged 10 to 18 years old. This group was made up of 14 boys and 16 girls. We implemented the semi structuralized questionnaire/interview “Motivation to learn in children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)” (Miranda, 2011), as the instrument to gather data, which was filled in by the 30 pupils, and the questionnaire of Parental Involvement in the School, a version for teachers (PIS-TV) and a version for parents (PIS-PV). The results on the motivation to learn of our participants, show, in general terms, a highly centered motivation in concrete referents, depending on the characteristics of the context, on the other significant or meaningful data and on the task. As for the teachers and parents’ perception, the results suggest that the parents and the teachers’ perceptions are mostly coincident in many aspects. A reason for this fact can lie on the sample features, that is to say, it is a sample with children with T21, and in agreement to the Education Ministry alignments or even according to the child’s health conditions, the proximity among parents and teachers will always be superior to the usual proximity found in families with children without Special Educational Needs (SEN) and the teachers themselves. TV= Teachers’ version PV= Parents’ versio

    El efecto de la sucesión en el impuesto a la utilidad en la transferencia de predios urbanos

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    Este ensayo parte de la hipótesis en la cual, a consecuencia de la sucesión por causa de muerte, el heredero adquiere un inmueble urbano que a su vez lo enajena y como resultado genera una utilidad. Así, se busca determinar el efecto de la sucesión por causa de muerte en el impuesto a la utilidad en la transferencia de predios urbanos y plusvalía de los mismos. Para este fin, se analiza el régimen jurídico aplicable para el derecho sucesorio y tributario. De esta forma se llega a la conclusión que, contrario a lo resuelto por la Dirección Metropolitana Tributaria del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, el heredero es un sucesor de la personalidad jurídica del causante, adquiriendo para sí los derechos y obligaciones transmisibles. En consecuencia, se convierte en el sujeto pasivo del impuesto a la utilidad y tiene derecho a deducir los mismos valores que hubiese podido deducir el difunto

    Análisis factorial, fiabilidad y validez de la escala de autoeficacia general (EAG) en estudiantes ecuatorianos

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    Objetivos: Confirmar la estructura factorial unidimensional de la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), verificar su fiabilidad en adolescentes y jóvenes ecuatorianos, así como la validez. Método: La investigación es cuantitativa e instrumental, que analiza la estructura factorial, la fiabilidad y la validez de la EAG. Participantes: 742 adolescentes y jóvenes adultos, estudiantes de centros educativos de las ciudades de Ambato y Pelileo en Ecuador. Resultados: A nivel factorial la EAG con un solo factor explica el 52,1% de la varianza con un ajuste óptimo X2 = 82,06; gl= 28; p< ,001; X2 /gl= 2,93; GFI= ,96; NFI= ,93; CFI= ,96; SRMR= ,04; RMSEA= ,06; IC 90% [,05 – ,08]. Además, es fiable para jóvenes con α= ,896 y adolescentes con α= 0,876 y válida con pruebas de procrastinación. Conclusiones: La EAG se presenta como una prueba estandarizada para la población ecuatoriana de adolescentes y jóvenes, además de fiable y válida para el uso en la investigación

    Tutoring in the curriculum of Mexican elementary school. An analysis of teachers´ perspective

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    Este relatório de pesquisa faz parte de um projeto institucional, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (CONACYT), no qual analisamos a implantação da tutoria no ensino fundamental como uma inovação no currículo da educação básica no México. A ação tutorial foi estabelecida no currículo de 2006 a partir da disciplina de Orientação e tutoria, como uma estratégia de acompanhamento académico para o estudante, com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade da educação, assim como também o sucesso na aprendizagem dos adolescentes. O contexto da pesquisa é o subsistema das escolas técnicas do nível fundamental do estado de Tlaxcala e os sujeitos são docentes que dão aula de Orientação e tutoria. Esta pesquisa tem um enfoque misto, considerando que na parte quantitativa foi aplicado um questionário de forma consensual aos 151 docentes de 18 escolas, considerando que na parte qualitativa, foram inquiridos três grupos focais. Nosso propósito é analisar o papel do tutor e suas funções e determinar o impacto das formas de organização institucional e escolar na tutoria. Os objetivos principais deste relatório são: 1) Descrever as condições de trabalho e profissionais dos docentes tutores; 2) Analisar o papel do tutor a partir de sua formação profissional e seus deveres como tutor; 3) Determinar o impacto das formas de organização institucional e escolar na tutoria.This research report derives from an institutional project, funded by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). We analyze the implementation of the tutoring system as an innovation in the curriculum of elementary education in Mexico. Tutoring is in fact implemented in 2006 on the basis of a previous subject named “Orientation and Tutoring”. It is considered as an academic strategy for accompanying the students along their education process in order to improve the quality of such process and the learning outcomes.The study consists of a quantitative and qualitative data analysis provided by an inquiry of 151 teachers from 18 different schools. Quantitative data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire, and three focus groups served the purpose of collecting qualitative data. Our goal is to analyze the role of the tutor and their functions, as well as to determine the impact of institutional forms of school organization and tutoring. The main objectives of this report are: 1) Describe the working and professional conditions of tutors; 2) Analyze the role of the tutor on the basis of their professional training and their performance as a tutor; 3) Determine the impact of institutional forms of school organization and tutoring

    Factores asociados a control metabólico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 UBA Manga de Coomeva EPS en Cartagena (Colombia)

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    Resumen Objetivo: Establecer los factores asociados a mal control metabólico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 de la UBA Manga de COOMEVA EPS de Cartagena, entre mayo y octubre del 2005. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal con análisis de casos y controles. Fuente de infor- mación secundaria. Se estudiaron 157 historias clínicas y tarjetas familiares de pacientes dia- béticos tipo 2. Se estableció el grado de control metabólico mediante la HBA1C. Se caracterizó la población por variables socio-demográficas y por la relación entre el control metabólico y los factores de riesgo en estudio. Resultados: El 83.41% de los pacientes son mayores de 50 años, con una media de 62.7 años. El 63.1% cursó educación secundaria; el 51.6% está en sobrepeso (promedio de IMC: 27.4); el 69.4% es hipertenso y el 66.2%, mostró disfunción familiar leve (APGAR 14-17). Tienen un mal control metabólico el 62.4% de la población estudiada. Se encontró tendencia a la asociación entre el mal control metabólico y la disfuncionalidad leve (Apgar Familiar 14-17), y se obtuvo un OR de 3.3 (IC 95% 1.24-8.83) para los que tenían disfuncionalidad y mal control y un valor de la probabilidad del Chi-cuadrado de 0.0175. Conclusiones: El 62. 4% de la población estudiada tiene mal control metabólico, predominando en ellos el ser mayores de 60 años, del sexo femenino; educación secundaria; nivel socioeconómico medio, que seguían tratamientos combinados. El factor de riesgo que mostró tendencia a la asociación fue la disfunción familiar. Palabras clave: Diabetes mellitus, control metabólico, funcionalidad familiar. Abstract Objective: To establish the factors associated to bad metabolic control in patients’ diabetic type 2 of the UBA, MANGA of COOMEVA EPS of Cartagena, between May and October of the 2005. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, with analysis of cases and controls. Source of information: secondary. 157 clinical histories and family cards of patients’ diabetic type 2 werestudied. The grade of metabolic control settled down by means of the HBA1C. You characterize the population for partner-demographic variable and for the relationship between the metabolic control and the factors of risk in study. Results: 83.41% of the patients are bigger than 50 years, with a 62.7 year-old stocking. 63.1% studies secondary education; 51.6% this in overweight (average of IMC: 27.4); 69.4% is hypertensive and 66.2%, it showed light family dysfunction (APGAR 14-17). The studied population’s 62.4% has bad metabolic control. He/she was tendency to the association between the bad metabolic control and the light dysfunctional (Family Apgar 14-17), being obtained an OR 3.3 (IC 95% 1.24-8.83) for those that had dysfunctional and bad control and to it valued of the probability of the Chi-square of 0.0175. Summations: The 62. the studied population’s 4% has bad metabolic control, prevailing in them the being bigger than 60 years, of feminine sex; secondary education; half socioeconomic level who you/they followed combined treatments. The factor of risk that showed tendency to the association was the family dysfunction. Key words: Diabetes mellitus, metabolic control, family functionality

    Inteligencia artificial y la automatización de procesos judiciales en la administración de justicia del Perú, 2021

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    El presente estudio, tiene como objetivo establecer de qué manera la inteligencia artificial influye en la automatización de procesos judiciales en la administración de justicia del Perú. La indagación adoptó un método sociológico, con propósito básico, enfoque cualitativo y diseño de estudio de casos, se seleccionó la población y se extrajo la muestra. Se aplicaron las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos mediante las guías de entrevista y análisis de documentos. Esta tesis resulta de mayor importancia debido a la relación de la inteligencia artificial y los operadores jurídicos quienes se adaptan a esta nueva tecnología, lográndose la celeridad y eficacia en la emisión de resoluciones en materia de alimentos. Los resultados muestran que es viable y necesaria la implementación de un sistema de IA en la administración de justicia peruana. En conclusión, la tecnología repercute favorablemente en la automatización de procesos judiciales en la administración de justicia, esto gracias a la inserción de la IA, quien tiene la capacidad de brindar respuestas de manera precisa en un tiempo óptimo a las consultas o casos concretos que puedan presentarse en el órgano jurisdiccional, esto basado en el avance del estudio de los algoritmos y software utilizados para el almacenamiento de la información.The present study aims to establish how artificial intelligence influences the automation of judicial processes in the administration of justice in Peru. The inquiry adopted a sociological method, with a basic purpose, a qualitative approach and a case study design, the population was selected and the sample was extracted. Data collection techniques and instruments were applied through the interview guides and document analysis. This thesis is of greater importance due to the relationship between artificial intelligence and legal operators who adapt to this new technology, achieving speed and efficiency in the issuance of food resolutions. The results show that the implementation of an AI system in the Peruvian justice administration is feasible and necessary. In conclusion, technology has a favorable impact on the automation of judicial processes in the administration of justice, thanks to the insertion of AI, which has the ability to provide precise answers in an optimal time to queries or specific cases that may be presented to the court, this is based on the progress of the study of the algorithms and software used for the storage of information

    Proyecto de factibilidad para la diversificación de productos, de la Empresa INDUGRAF en la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, periodo 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito realizar un “Proyecto de factibilidad para la diversificación de productos de la empresa INDUGRAF en la ciudad de Riobamba, Provincia de Chimborazo, periodo 2017”, con el fin de aprovechar la capacidad máxima de su maquinaria. Para su desarrollo se utilizó técnicas como: la encuesta dirigida a los docentes de educación secundaria de bachillerato de la Provincia de Chimborazo, la entrevista aplicada a la competencia, la observación en los procesos internos de la empresa, utilizando información primaria y secundaria. En la investigación, se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual, identificando factores internos, externos y el impacto en la empresa; luego se desarrolló los siguientes estudios: Estudio de mercado, donde se conoce nuevos nichos de mercado, debido a que los productos que ofrece se encuentran en un mercado saturado. Ingeniería del proyecto, se consideró ajustar y adecuar la estructura de la planta, tecnificando el proceso de producción, para la eficiencia y eficacia. Estudio administrativo, se propuso una planeación estratégica direccionada al cumplimiento de los objetivos organizacionales. Estudio legal, se detalló los documentos legales que debe cumplir para el funcionamiento del negocio. Estudio ambiental, se realizó un análisis de impacto de los residuos sobrantes en el proceso de producción. Como proceso final la Evaluación financiera, donde se determina que el proyecto es viable.The purpose of this research work is to carry out a “feasibility project for the diversification of products of the company INDUGRAF in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo, period 2017”, in order to take advantage of the maximum capacity of the machinery. For its development, techniques were used such as: a survey directed to teachers of secondary education in high school in the province of Chimborazo, interview conducted to the competitor, observation of the internal processes of the company, using primary and secondary information. In the investigation, a diagnosis of the current situation was made, identifying internal and external factors and the impact on the company. Then the following studies were developed: Market study, where new market niches are known because the products offered are in a saturated market. Engineering of the project, it was agreed to adjust and adapt the structure of the plant, technifying the production process for the efficiency and effectiveness. Administrative study, a strategic planning was proposed aimed at the fulfillment of the organizational objectives. Legal study, detailed legal documents that must be met for the operation of the business. Environmental study, an analysis of the impact of waste was carried out in the production process. As a final process of the financial evaluation, where it is determined that the project is viable

    Incidencia del control interno de inventarios del servicio de distribución de gas doméstico Solgas en la utilidad bruta de la empresa Multiservicios Camacho SRL, provincia de San Marcos, año 2016

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título INCIDENCIA DEL CONTROL INTERNO DE INVENTARIOS DEL SERVICIO DE DISTRIBUCIÓN DE GAS DOMÉSTICO SOLGAS EN LA UTILIDAD BRUTA DE LA EMPRESA MULTISERVICIOS CAMACHO SRL, PROVINCIA DE SAN MARCOS, AÑO 2016, el objetivo principal es determinar la Incidencia del Control Interno de Inventarios del servicio de distribución de gas doméstico Solgas en la Utilidad Bruta de la empresa Multiservicios Camacho SRL, de tal manera proponer alternativas de mejora para la eficacia y eficiencia de los procedimientos del control interno de inventarios para el área de almacén, y que esto pueda repercutir de manera positiva en la utilidad bruta de la empresa; para poder dar cumplimiento a este objetivo se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, con un diseño no experimental. La unidad de estudio es cada procedimiento del control interno de inventarios, la población y muestra es el conjunto de procedimientos del control interno de inventarios en el área de almacén del servicio de distribución de gas doméstico Solgas. Se aplicó como instrumento de recolección de datos una ficha de observación con 64 actividades, con la cual se demostró que los procedimientos de control interno de inventarios en el área de almacén presentan algunas deficiencias. Los resultados obtenidos según la escala de calificación, reflejan que el control interno de inventarios del servicio de distribución de gas es BAJO, porque existen actividades de control interno que no se cumplen en su totalidad. La incidencia del control interno de inventarios en la utilidad bruta de la empresa es significativa ya que al no tener un control adecuado en los inventarios, estos sufrirían daños, perdidas y abolladuras, el cual se tendrían que vender a bajo precio sin cubrir su costo de adquisición, esto se vería reflejado en el estado de resultados ya que se tendría un costo de ventas elevado obteniendo así una utilidad bruta baja.ABSTRACT The present research work is entitled INCIDENCE OF INTERNAL CONTROL O INVENTORY OF THE DOMESTIC SOLAS GAS DISTRIBUTION SERVICE IN THE BRUTABLE PROFIT OF THE MULTISERVICIOS CAMACHO SRL COMPANY, SAN MARCOS PROVINCE, YEAR 2016, the main objective is to determine the Incidence of Internal Inventory Control of the domestic gas distribution service Solgas In the Gross Profit of the company Multiservicios Camacho SRL, in order to propose improvement alternatives for the efficiency and efficiency of internal inventory control procedures for the warehouse area, and that this may have a positive impact on the gross profit of the company; To be able to fulfill this objective was carried out a research of descriptive type, with a non-experimental design The unit of study is each internal inventory control procedure, the population and sample is the set of internal inventory control procedures in the warehouse area of the Solgas domestic gas distribution service. An observation sheet with 64 activities was applied as an instrument of data collection, with which it was demonstrated that the internal control procedures of inventories in the warehouse area present some deficiencies. The results obtained according to the rating scale reflect that the internal control of inventories of the gas distribution service is LOW, because there are internal control activities that are not fully complied with. The incidence of internal inventory control in the gross profit of the company is significant since, as it does not have adequate inventory control, it would suffer damages, losses and dents, which would have to be sold at low prices without covering the cost of Acquisition, this would be reflected in the income statement since there would be a high cost of sales thus obtaining a low gross profit