11 research outputs found

    Efficient acclimation of the chloroplast antioxidant defence of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves in response to a 10- or 100-fold light increment and the possible involvement of retrograde signals

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    Chloroplasts are equipped with a nuclear-encoded antioxidant defence system the components of which are usually expressed at high transcript and activity levels. To significantly challenge the chloroplast antioxidant system, Arabidopsis thaliana plants, acclimated to extremely low light slightly above the light compensation point or to normal growth chamber light, were moved to high light corresponding to a 100- and 10-fold light jump, for 6 h and 24 h in order to observe the responses of the water–water cycle at the transcript, protein, enzyme activity, and metabolite levels. The plants coped efficiently with the high light regime and the photoinhibition was fully reversible. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione and ascorbate levels as well as redox states, respectively, revealed no particular oxidative stress in low-light-acclimated plants transferred to 100-fold excess light. Strong regulation of the water–water cycle enzymes at the transcript level was only partly reflected at the protein and activity levels. In general, low light plants had higher stromal (sAPX) and thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), and CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) protein contents than normal light-grown plants. Mutants defective in components relevant for retrograde signalling, namely stn7, ex1, tpt1, and a mutant expressing E .coli catalase in the chloroplast showed unaltered transcriptional responses of water–water cycle enzymes. These findings, together with the response of marker transcripts, indicate that abscisic acid is not involved and that the plastoquinone redox state and reactive oxygen species do not play a major role in regulating the transcriptional response at t=6 h, while other marker transcripts suggest a major role for reductive power, metabolites, and lipids as signals for the response of the water–water cycle

    Multiple strategies to prevent oxidative stress in Arabidopsis plants lacking the malate valve enzyme NADP-malate dehydrogenase

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    The nuclear-encoded chloroplast NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH) is a key enzyme controlling the malate valve, to allow the indirect export of reducing equivalents. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. T-DNA insertion mutants of NADP-MDH were used to assess the role of the light-activated NADP-MDH in a typical C3 plant. Surprisingly, even when exposed to high-light conditions in short days, nadp-mdh knockout mutants were phenotypically indistinguishable from the wild type. The photosynthetic performance and typical antioxidative systems, such as the Beck–Halliwell–Asada pathway, were barely affected in the mutants in response to high-light treatment. The reactive oxygen species levels remained low, indicating the apparent absence of oxidative stress, in the mutants. Further analysis revealed a novel combination of compensatory mechanisms in order to maintain redox homeostasis in the nadp-mdh plants under high-light conditions, particularly an increase in the NTRC/2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) system in chloroplasts. There were indications of adjustments in extra-chloroplastic components of photorespiration and proline levels, which all could dissipate excess reducing equivalents, sustain photosynthesis, and prevent photoinhibition in nadp-mdh knockout plants. Such metabolic flexibility suggests that the malate valve acts in concert with other NADPH-consuming reactions to maintain a balanced redox state during photosynthesis under high-light stress in wild-type plants

    Towards systems biology of the chloroplast under stress: linking transcription to the metabolic state

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    Oelze M-L. Towards systems biology of the chloroplast under stress: linking transcription to the metabolic state. Bielefeld; 2010

    Redox regulation and overreduction control in the photosynthesizing cell: Complexity in redox regulatory networks

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    Oelze M-L, Kandlbinder A, Dietz K-J. Redox regulation and overreduction control in the photosynthesizing cell: Complexity in redox regulatory networks. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS. 2008;1780(11):1261-1272.Regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus between efficient energy conversion at low light and avoidance of overreduction and damage development at excess light resembles dangerous navigating between Scylla and Charybdis. Photosynthesis is a high rate redox metabolic pathway that generates redox intermediates with extreme redox potentials and eventually reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. Therefore it is not surprising that the states of defined redox reactions in the chloroplast provide the predominant information and thus directly or indirectly the decisive signals for the multilevel control of cell activities in the chloroplast, cytoplasm, mitochondrion and nucleus. This review elaborates on the diversity of photosynthesis-derived redox signals such as the plastoquinone and thiol redox state that regulate and coordinate light use efficiency, electron transport activity, metabolic reactions, gene transcription and translation not only in the chloroplast but through retrograde signaling also essentially in all other cell compartments. The synergistic and antagonistic interrelations between the redox-dependent signaling pathways and their interactions with other signals such as abscisic acid and tetrapyrol intermediates constitute a redundant and probably buffered regulatory network to optimize performance of photosynthesis on the cellular and whole leaf level. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The link between transcript regulation and de novo protein synthesis in the retrograde high light acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Oelze M-L, Muthuramalingam M, Vogel MO, Dietz K-J. The link between transcript regulation and de novo protein synthesis in the retrograde high light acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics. 2014;15(1): 320.Background: Efficient light acclimation of photosynthetic cells is a basic and important property of plants. The process of acclimation depends on transformation of retrograde signals in gene expression, transcript accumulation and de novo protein synthesis. While signalling cues, transcriptomes and some involved players have been characterized, an integrated view is only slowly emerging, and information on the translational level is missing. Transfer of low (8 mu mol quanta. m(-2.)s(-1)) or normal light (80 mu mol quanta. m(-2.)s(-1)) acclimated 30 d old Arabidopsis thaliana plants to high light (800 mu mol quanta. m(-2.)s(-1)) triggers retrograde signals. Using this established approach, we sought to link transcriptome data with de novo synthesized proteins by in vivo labelling with 35S methionine and proteome composition. Results: De novo synthesized protein and proteome patterns could reliably be matched with newly annotated master gels. Each molecular level could be quantified for a set of 41 proteins. Among the proteins preferentially synthesized in plants transferred to high light were enzymes including carbonic anhydrase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, O-acetyl serine thiol lyase, and chaperones, while low rates upon transfer to high light weremeasured for e. g. dehydroascorbate reductase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and CuZn superoxide dismutase, and opposite responses between 10-fold and 100-fold light increment for e. g. glutamine synthetase and phosphoglycerate kinase. Conclusions: The results prove the hypothesis that transcript abundance is poorly linked to de novo protein synthesis due to profound regulation at the level of translation. This vertical systems biology approach enables to quantitatively and kinetically link the molecular levels for scrutinizing signal processing and response generation

    The function of peroxiredoxins in plant organelle redox metabolism

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    Dietz K-J, Jacob S, Oelze M-L, et al. The function of peroxiredoxins in plant organelle redox metabolism. In: Journal of Experimental Botany. Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol 57. OXFORD UNIV PRESS; 2006: 1697-1709.In 1996, cDNA sequences referred to as plant peroxiredoxins (Prx), i.e. a 1-Cys Prx and a 2-Cys Prx, were reported from barley. Ten years of research have advanced our understanding of plant Prx as thiol-based peroxide reductases with a broad substrate specificity, ranging from hydrogen peroxide to alkyl hydroperoxides and peroxinitrite. Prx have several features in common. (i) They are abundant proteins that are routinely detected in proteomics approaches. (ii) They interact with proteins such as glutaredoxins, thioredoxins, and cyclophilins as reductants, but also non-dithioldisulphide exchange proteins. By work with transgenic plants, their activity was shown to (iii) affect metabolic integrity, (iv) protect DNA from damage in vitro and as shown here in vivo, and (v) modulate intracellular signalling related to reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. (vi) In all organisms Prx are encoded by small gene families that are of particular complexity in higher plants. A comparison of the Prx gene families in rice and Arabidopsis thaliana supports previous suggestions on Prx function in specific subcellular and metabolic context. (vii) Prx gene expression and activity are subjected to complex regulation realized by an integration of various signalling pathways. 2-Cys Prx expression depends on redox signals, abscisic acid, and protein kinase cascades. Besides these general properties, the chloroplast Prx have acquired specific roles in the context of photosynthesis. The thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase activity can be measured in crude plant extracts and contributes significantly to the overall H2O2 detoxification capacity. Thus organellar Prx proteins enable an alternative water-water cycle for detoxification of photochemically produced H2O2, which acts independently from the ascorbate-dependent Asada-Halliwell-Foyer cycle. 2-Cys Prx and Prx Q associate with thylakoid membrane components. The mitochondrial PrAII F is essential for root growth under stress. Following a more general introduction, the paper summarizes present knowledge on plant organellar Prx, addressing Prx in signalling, and also suggests some lines for future research

    Kinetics of retrograde signalling initiation in the high light response of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Alsharafa K, Vogel MO, Oelze M-L, et al. Kinetics of retrograde signalling initiation in the high light response of Arabidopsis thaliana. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 2014;369(1640): 20130424.High light acclimation depends on retrograde control of nuclear gene expression. Retrograde regulation uses multiple signalling pathways and thus exploits signal patterns. To maximally challenge the acclimation system, Arabidopsis thaliana plants were either adapted to 8 (low light (L-light)) or 80 µmol quanta m(-2) s(-1) (normal light (N-light)) and subsequently exposed to a 100- and 10-fold light intensity increase, respectively, to high light (H-light, 800 µmol quanta m(-2) s(-1)), for up to 6 h. Both L → H- and N → H-light plants efficiently regulated CO2 assimilation to a constant level without apparent damage and inhibition. This experimental set-up was scrutinized for time-dependent regulation and efficiency of adjustment. Transcriptome profiles revealed that N-light and L-light plants differentially accumulated 2119 transcripts. After 6 h in H-light, only 205 remained differently regulated between the L → H- and N → H-light plants, indicating efficient regulation allowing the plants to reach a similar transcriptome state. Time-dependent analysis of transcripts as markers for signalling pathways, and of metabolites and hormones as possibly involved transmitters, suggests that oxylipins such as oxophytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid, metabolites and redox cues predominantly control the acclimation response, whereas abscisic acid, salicylic acid and auxins play an insignificant or minor role

    The essential role of sugar metabolism in the acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana to high light intensities

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    Schmitz J, Heinrichs L, Scossa F, et al. The essential role of sugar metabolism in the acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana to high light intensities. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2014;65(6):1619-1636.Retrograde signals from chloroplasts are thought to control the expression of nuclear genes associated with plastidial processes such as acclimation to varying light conditions. Arabidopsis mutants altered in the day and night path of photoassimilate export from the chloroplasts served as tools to study the involvement of carbohydrates in high light (HL) acclimation. A double mutant impaired in the triose phosphate/phosphate translocator (TPT) and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) (adg1-1/tpt-2) exhibits a HL-dependent depletion in endogenous carbohydrates combined with a severe growth and photosynthesis phenotype. The acclimation response of mutant and wild-type plants has been assessed in time series after transfer from low light (LL) to HL by analysing photosynthetic performance, carbohydrates, MgProtoIX (a chlorophyll precursor), and the ascorbate/glutathione redox system, combined with microarray-based transcriptomic and GC-MS-based metabolomic approaches. The data indicate that the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates (predominantly glucose) acts as a short-term response to HL exposure in both mutant and wild-type plants. Only if carbohydrates are depleted in the long term (e.g. after 2 d) is the acclimation response impaired, as observed in the adg1-1/tpt-2 double mutant. Furthermore, meta-analyses conducted with in-house and publicly available microarray data suggest that, in the long term, reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 can replace carbohydrates as signals. Moreover, a cross-talk exists between genes associated with the regulation of starch and lipid metabolism. The involvement of genes responding to phytohormones in HL acclimation appears to be less likely. Various candidate genes involved in retrograde control of nuclear gene expression emerged from the analyses of global gene expression

    Effects of Resveratrol on Vascular Function in Retinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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    Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) events are involved in the development of various ocular pathologies, e.g., retinal artery or vein occlusion. We tested the hypothesis that resveratrol is protective against I/R injury in the murine retina. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was elevated in anaesthetized mice to 110 mm Hg for 45 min via a micropipette placed in the anterior chamber to induce ocular ischemia. In the fellow eye, which served as control, IOP was kept at a physiological level. One group received resveratrol (30 mg/kg/day p.o. once daily) starting one day before the I/R event, whereas the other group of mice received vehicle solution only. On day eight after the I/R event, mice were sacrificed and retinal wholemounts were prepared and immuno-stained using a Brn3a antibody to quantify retinal ganglion cells. Reactivity of retinal arterioles was measured in retinal vascular preparations using video microscopy. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) were quantified in ocular cryosections by dihydroethidium and anti-3-nitrotyrosine staining, respectively. Moreover, hypoxic, redox and nitric oxide synthase gene expression was quantified in retinal explants by PCR. I/R significantly diminished retinal ganglion cell number in vehicle-treated mice. Conversely, only a negligible reduction in retinal ganglion cell number was observed in resveratrol-treated mice following I/R. Endothelial function and autoregulation were markedly reduced, which was accompanied by increased ROS and RNS in retinal blood vessels of vehicle-exposed mice following I/R, whereas resveratrol preserved vascular endothelial function and autoregulation and blunted ROS and RNS formation. Moreover, resveratrol reduced I/R-induced mRNA expression for the prooxidant enzyme, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase 2 (NOX2). Our data provide evidence that resveratrol protects from I/R-induced retinal ganglion cell loss and endothelial dysfunction in the murine retina by reducing nitro-oxidative stress possibly via suppression of NOX2 upregulation