30 research outputs found

    A voz como primeiro objeto da pulsão oral

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    The author discusses the freudian thesis of the anaclisis of the psychic functions of the vital needs. She sustains that the first objects of the oral drive are not those related to the hunger, but the prosodic peaks of the maternal voice.A autora problematiza a tese freudiana segundo a qual o funcionamento psíquico e pulsional apoia-se sobre a experiência de satisfação das necessidades vitais do organismo, e em especial a fome. Segundo ela, aquilo que é alucinado pelo bebê no polo alucinatório desta experiência de satisfação é antes de tudo a voz materna, e mais especialmente seus picos prosódicos, que devem ser tomados como primeiros objetos da pulsão oral

    Do Parents Recognize Autistic Deviant Behavior Long before Diagnosis? Taking into Account Interaction Using Computational Methods

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    BACKGROUND: To assess whether taking into account interaction synchrony would help to better differentiate autism (AD) from intellectual disability (ID) and typical development (TD) in family home movies of infants aged less than 18 months, we used computational methods. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: First, we analyzed interactive sequences extracted from home movies of children with AD (N = 15), ID (N = 12), or TD (N = 15) through the Infant and Caregiver Behavior Scale (ICBS). Second, discrete behaviors between baby (BB) and Care Giver (CG) co-occurring in less than 3 seconds were selected as single interactive patterns (or dyadic events) for analysis of the two directions of interaction (CG→BB and BB→CG) by group and semester. To do so, we used a Markov assumption, a Generalized Linear Mixed Model, and non negative matrix factorization. Compared to TD children, BBs with AD exhibit a growing deviant development of interactive patterns whereas those with ID rather show an initial delay of development. Parents of AD and ID do not differ very much from parents of TD when responding to their child. However, when initiating interaction, parents use more touching and regulation up behaviors as early as the first semester. CONCLUSION: When studying interactive patterns, deviant autistic behaviors appear before 18 months. Parents seem to feel the lack of interactive initiative and responsiveness of their babies and try to increasingly supply soliciting behaviors. Thus we stress that credence should be given to parents' intuition as they recognize, long before diagnosis, the pathological process through the interactive pattern with their child

    Les menstrues relues à partir de leur perte

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    GODENTE MA NON TROPPO: O mínimo de gozo do outro necessário para a constituição do sujeito

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    A autora propõe utilizar o conceito lacaniano de gozo como operador central na clínica do autismo,partindo da constatação de que nos bebês cujo encaminhamento se dá rumo a esse quadro clínico podehaver presença de uma relação narcísica com os pais, mas não uma relação pulsional, que desemboquena constituição de um sujeito desejante. Essa constatação, feita a partir da análise de filmes familiares,permite conceber um importante lugar para o tratamento psicanalítico e uma direção de tratamento parabebês com sinais de risco do tipo autístico, em que a questão pulsional entre a criança e seus pais vai sercolocada em evidência

    Breve relato das idéias de Lacan sobre a histeria

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    The author has outlined Lacan’studies of hysteria during his many years of teaching. Based upon Freud’s clinical studies of the case of Dora, with additional references to Elisabeth von R and, also, to the Beautiful Butcher’s dream, she has emphasized Lacan’s conception of the I (je) in opposition to that defined by ego psychology. The dynamics of the game of identifications in Dora’s case have been established along with the duality desire/demand in the Beautiful Butcher’s dream. Besides this, she discusses the question of masquerades as a resource to femininity and dedicates special attention to the concept beyond enjoyment.A autora estabelece o percurso de Lacan em torno da Histeria, ao longo de muitos anos de seu ensino. A partir de casos clínicos de Freud, especialmente Dora, com referências a Elisabeth von R. e ao sonho da Bela Açougueira, enfatiza a concepção lacaniana do eu, em oposição àquela defendida pela ego psychology, e estabelece o desenho do jogo das identificações no caso Dora e da dualidade desejo/demanda no sonho da Bela Açougueira. Além disso, trata da questão da mascarada como recurso de acesso à feminilidade e estabelece especial atenção ao conceito de mais-de-gozar

    Bebê com risco de autismo em tratamento conjunto: visa-se a reversibilidade total?

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    The subject autism is discussed based on a mother-baby treatment, in which the author relates the mother-baby-analyst sessions and the interactions during the curing process.A questão do autismo é abordada a partir de um tratamento conjunto mãe-bebê, no qual a autora relata as sessões conjuntas mãe-bebê-analista, e as intercorrências durante o processo de cura

    Motherese in Interaction: At the Cross-Road of Emotion and Cognition? (A Systematic Review)

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    <div><p>Various aspects of motherese also known as infant-directed speech (IDS) have been studied for many years. As it is a widespread phenomenon, it is suspected to play some important roles in infant development. Therefore, our purpose was to provide an update of the evidence accumulated by reviewing all of the empirical or experimental studies that have been published since 1966 on IDS driving factors and impacts. Two databases were screened and 144 relevant studies were retained. General linguistic and prosodic characteristics of IDS were found in a variety of languages, and IDS was not restricted to mothers. IDS varied with factors associated with the caregiver (e.g., cultural, psychological and physiological) and the infant (e.g., reactivity and interactive feedback). IDS promoted infants’ affect, attention and language learning. Cognitive aspects of IDS have been widely studied whereas affective ones still need to be developed. However, during interactions, the following two observations were notable: (1) IDS prosody reflects emotional charges and meets infants’ preferences, and (2) mother-infant contingency and synchrony are crucial for IDS production and prolongation. Thus, IDS is part of an interactive loop that may play an important role in infants’ cognitive and social development. </p> </div