249 research outputs found

    Optimal Strategies to Perform Multilingual Analysis of Social Content for a Novel Dataset in the Tourism Domain

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    The rising influence of social media platforms in various domains, including tourism, has highlighted the growing need for efficient and automated natural language processing (NLP) approaches to take advantage of this valuable resource. However, the transformation of multilingual, unstructured, and informal texts into structured knowledge often poses significant challenges. In this work, we evaluate and compare few-shot, pattern-exploiting and fine-tuning machine learning techniques on large multilingual language models (LLMs) to establish the best strategy to address the lack of annotated data for 3 common NLP tasks in the tourism domain: (1) Sentiment Analysis, (2) Named Entity Recognition, and (3) Fine-grained Thematic Concept Extraction (linked to a semantic resource). Furthermore, we aim to ascertain the quantity of annotated examples required to achieve good performance in those 3 tasks, addressing a common challenge encountered by NLP researchers in the construction of domain-specific datasets. Extensive experimentation on a newly collected and annotated multilingual (French, English, and Spanish) dataset composed of tourism-related tweets shows that current few-shot learning techniques allow us to obtain competitive results for all three tasks with very little annotation data: 5 tweets per label (15 in total) for Sentiment Analysis, 10% of the tweets for location detection (around 160) and 13% (200 approx.) of the tweets annotated with thematic concepts, a highly fine-grained sequence labeling task based on an inventory of 315 classes. This comparative analysis, grounded in a novel dataset, paves the way for applying NLP to new domain-specific applications, reducing the need for manual annotations and circumventing the complexities of rule-based, ad hoc solutions

    Semaine d'Etude Mathématiques et Entreprises 1 : Géométrie des matrices de covariance pour le traitement de signaux radars

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    Les radars Doppler permettent de détecter des objets volants petits ou de faible signature radar. ThalÚs propose ici de réfléchir aux techniques permettant de faire ressortir de la masse des données radar celles qui sont "aberrantes" afin de repérer parmi le bruit de fond dû aux milieux environnants (nuages de pluie,...) la trace d'un objet volant

    Influence of Marital Status and Employment Status on Long-Term Adherence with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in Sleep Apnea Patients

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    ) of consecutive OSAHS patients in whom CPAP had been prescribed for at least 90 days, we studied the impact on long-term treatment adherence of socioeconomic factors, patients and disease characteristics prior to CPAP initiation. living alone; p = 0.01). Age, gender, Epworth sleepiness scale, depressive syndrome, associated cardiovascular morbidities, educational attainment and occupation category did not influence CPAP adherence.Marital status and employment status are independent factors of CPAP adherence in addition to BMI and disease severity. Patients living alone and/or working patients are at greater risk of non-adherence, whereas adherence is higher in married and retired patients. These findings suggest that the social context of daily life should be taken into account in risk screening for CPAP non-adherence. Future interventional studies targeting at-risk patients should be designed to address social motivating factors and work-related barriers to CPAP adherence

    BMP-2 signaling in ovarian cancer and its association with poor prognosis

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    BACKGROUND: We previously observed the over-expression of BMP-2 in primary cultures of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cells as compared to normal epithelial cells based on Affymetrix microarray profiling [1]. Here we investigate the effect of BMP-2 on several parameters of ovarian cancer tumorigenesis using the TOV-2223, TOV-1946 and TOV-112D EOC cell lines. METHODS: We treated each EOC cell line with recombinant BMP-2 and assayed various parameters associated with tumorigenesis. More specifically, cell signaling events induced by BMP-2 treatment were investigated by western-blot using anti-phosphospecific antibodies. Induction of Id1, Snail and Smad6 mRNA expression was investigated by real time RT-PCR. The ability of cells to migrate was tested using the scratch assay. Cell-cell adhesion was analyzed by the ability of cells to form spheroids. We also investigated BMP-2 expression in tissue samples from a series of EOC patients. RESULTS: Treatment of these cell lines with recombinant BMP-2 induced a rapid phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and Erk MAPKs. Increased expression of Id1, Smad6 and Snail mRNAs was also observed. Only in the TOV-2223 cell line were these signaling events accompanied by an alteration in cell proliferation. We also observed that BMP-2 efficiently increased the motility of all three cell lines. In contrast, BMP-2 treatment decreased the ability of TOV-1946 and TOV-112D cell lines to form spheroids indicating an inhibition of cell-cell adhesion. The expression of BMP-2 in tumor tissues from patients was inversely correlated with survival. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that EOC cell secretion of BMP-2 in the tumor environment contributes to a modification of tumor cell behavior through a change in motility and adherence. We also show that BMP-2 expression in tumor tissues is associated with a poorer prognosis for ovarian cancer patients

    Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks

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    [EN] Throughout development, plant meristems regularly produce organs in defined spiral, opposite, or whorl patterns. Cauliflowers present an unusual organ arrangement with a multitude of spirals nested over a wide range of scales. How such a fractal, self-similar organization emerges from developmental mechanisms has remained elusive. Combining experimental analyses in an Arabidopsis thaliana cauliflower-like mutant with modeling, we found that curd self-similarity arises because the meristems fail to form flowers but keep the "memory" of their transient passage in a floral state. Additional mutations affecting meristem growth can induce the production of conical structures reminiscent of the conspicuous fractal Romanesco shape. This study reveals how fractal-like forms may emerge from the combination of key, defined perturbations of floral developmental programs and growth dynamics.This work was supported by the INRAE Caulimodel project (to F.P. and C.Go.); Inria Project Lab Morphogenetics (to C.Go., E.A., and F.P.); the ANR BBSRC Flower model project (to F.P. and C.Go.); the GRAL LabEX (ANR-10-LABX-49-01) within the framework of the CBH-EUR-GS (ANR-17-EURE-0003) (to F.P., G.T., M.L.M., and J.L.); the EU H2020 773875 ROMI project (to C.Go.); and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovacion and FEDER (grant no. PGC2018-099232-B-I00 to F.M.).Azpeitia, E.; Tichtinsky, G.; Le Masson, M.; Serrano-Mislata, A.; Lucas, J.; Gregis, V.; Gimenez, C.... (2021). Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks. Science. 373(6551):1-6. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg5999S16373655

    ruvA Mutants that resolve Holliday junctions but do not reverse replication forks

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    RuvAB and RuvABC complexes catalyze branch migration and resolution of Holliday junctions (HJs) respectively. In addition to their action in the last steps of homologous recombination, they process HJs made by replication fork reversal, a reaction which occurs at inactivated replication forks by the annealing of blocked leading and lagging strand ends. RuvAB was recently proposed to bind replication forks and directly catalyze their conversion into HJs. We report here the isolation and characterization of two separation-of-function ruvA mutants that resolve HJs, based on their capacity to promote conjugational recombination and recombinational repair of UV and mitomycin C lesions, but have lost the capacity to reverse forks. In vivo and in vitro evidence indicate that the ruvA mutations affect DNA binding and the stimulation of RuvB helicase activity. This work shows that RuvA's actions at forks and at HJs can be genetically separated, and that RuvA mutants compromised for fork reversal remain fully capable of homologous recombination

    Cursive Eye-Writing With Smooth-Pursuit Eye-Movement Is Possible in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder causing a progressive motor weakness of all voluntary muscles, whose progression challenges communication modalities such as handwriting or speech. The current study investigated whether ALS subjects can use Eye-On-Line (EOL), a novel eye-operated communication device allowing, after training, to voluntarily control smooth-pursuit eye-movements (SPEM) so as to eye-write in cursive. To that aim, ALS participants (n = 12) with preserved eye-movements but impaired handwriting were trained during six on-site visits. The primary outcome of the study was the recognition of eye-written digits (0–9) from ALS and healthy control subjects by naïve “readers.” Changes in oculomotor performance and the safety of EOL were also evaluated. At the end of the program, 69.4% of the eye-written digits from 11 ALS subjects were recognized by naïve readers, similar to the 67.3% found for eye-written digits from controls participants, with however, large inter-individual differences in both groups of “writers.” Training with EOL was associated with a transient fatigue leading one ALS subject to drop out the study at the fifth visit. Otherwise, itching eyes was the most common adverse event (3 subjects). This study shows that, despite the impact of ALS on the motor system, most ALS participants could improve their mastering of eye-movements, so as to produce recognizable eye-written digits, although the eye-traces sometimes needed smoothing to ease digit legibility from both ALS subjects and control participants. The capability to endogenously and voluntarily generate eye-traces using EOL brings a novel way to communicate for disabled individuals, allowing creative personal and emotional expression

    BTN3A2 Expression in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Is Associated with Higher Tumor Infiltrating T Cells and a Better Prognosis

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    BTN3A2/BT3.2 butyrophilin mRNA expression by tumoral cells was previously identified as a prognostic factor in a small cohort of high grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer (HG-EOC). Here, we evaluated the prognostic value of BT3.2 at the protein level in specimen from 199 HG-EOC patients. As the only known role of butyrophilin proteins is in immune regulation, we evaluated the association between BT3.2 expression and intratumoral infiltration of immune cells by immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies against BT3.2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68 and CD206. Epithelial BT3.2 expression was significantly associated with longer overall survival and lower risk of disease progression (HR = 0.651, p = 0.006 and HR = 0.642, p = 0.002, respectively) and significantly associated with a higher density of infiltrating T cells, particularly CD4+ cells (0.272, p<0.001). We also observed a strong association between the relative density of CD206+ cells, as evaluated by the ratio of intratumoral CD206+/CD68+ expression, and risk of disease progression (HR = 1.355 p = 0.044, respectively). In conclusion, BT3.2 protein is a potential prognostic biomarker for the identification of HG-EOC patients with better outcome. In contrast, high CD206+/CD68+ expression is associated with high risk of disease progression. While the role of BT3.2 is still unknown, our result suggest that BT3.2 expression by epithelial cells may modulates the intratumoral infiltration of immune cells
