115 research outputs found

    Small RNA Diversity in Plants and its Impact in Development

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    MicroRNAs are a class of non-coding RNAs involved in post-transcriptional control of gene expression, either via degradation or translational inhibition of target mRNAs. Both experimental and computational approaches have been used to identify miRNAs and their target genes. In plants, deep sequencing methods have recently allowed the analysis of small RNA diversity in different species and/or mutants. Most sequencing efforts have been concentrated on the identification of miRNAs and their mRNA targets have been predicted based on complementarity criteria. The recent demonstration that certain plant miRNAs could act partly via inhibition of protein translation certainly opens new fields of analysis for plant miRNA function on a broader group of targets. The roles of conserved miRNAs on target mRNA stability have been analysed in different species and defined common mechanisms in development and stress responses. In contrast, much less is known about expression patterns or functions of non-conserved miRNAs. In this review, we focus on the comparative analyses of plant small RNA diversity and the action of si/miRNAs in post-transcriptional regulation of some key genes involved in root development

    A Novel fry1 Allele Reveals the Existence of a Mutant Phenotype Unrelated to 5′->3′ Exoribonuclease (XRN) Activities in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots

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    BACKGROUND Mutations in the FRY1/SAL1 Arabidopsis locus are highly pleiotropic, affecting drought tolerance, leaf shape and root growth. FRY1 encodes a nucleotide phosphatase that in vitro has inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase and 3',(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotide phosphatase activities. It is not clear which activity mediates each of the diverse biological functions of FRY1 in planta. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS A fry1 mutant was identified in a genetic screen for Arabidopsis mutants deregulated in the expression of Pi High affinity Transporter 1;4 (PHT1;4). Histological analysis revealed that, in roots, FRY1 expression was restricted to the stele and meristems. The fry1 mutant displayed an altered root architecture phenotype and an increased drought tolerance. All of the phenotypes analyzed were complemented with the AHL gene encoding a protein that converts 3'-polyadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAP) into AMP and Pi. PAP is known to inhibit exoribonucleases (XRN) in vitro. Accordingly, an xrn triple mutant with mutations in all three XRNs shared the fry1 drought tolerance and root architecture phenotypes. Interestingly these two traits were also complemented by grafting, revealing that drought tolerance was primarily conferred by the rosette and that the root architecture can be complemented by long-distance regulation derived from leaves. By contrast, PHT1 expression was not altered in xrn mutants or in grafting experiments. Thus, PHT1 up-regulation probably resulted from a local depletion of Pi in the fry1 stele. This hypothesis is supported by the identification of other genes modulated by Pi deficiency in the stele, which are found induced in a fry1 background. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Our results indicate that the 3',(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotide phosphatase activity of FRY1 is involved in long-distance as well as local regulatory activities in roots. The local up-regulation of PHT1 genes transcription in roots likely results from local depletion of Pi and is independent of the XRNs.This work was supported by an ANR-GENOPLANT grant (RIBOROOT-ANR06 GPLA 011) and the CEA agency. Array hybridizations have been partly supported by RNG (Réseau National des Génopoles, Evry, France). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. No additional external funding received for this study

    Semantic Queries Expedite MedDRA Terms Selection Thanks to a Dedicated User Interface: A Pilot Study on Five Medical Conditions

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    Background: Searching into the MedDRA terminology is usually limited to a hierarchical search, and/or a string search. Our objective was to compare user performances when using a new kind of user interface enabling semantic queries versus classical methods, and evaluating term selection improvement in MedDRA.Methods: We implemented a forms-based web interface: OntoADR Query Tools (OQT). It relies on OntoADR, a formal resource describing MedDRA terms using SNOMED CT concepts and corresponding semantic relations, enabling terminological reasoning. We then compared time spent on five examples of medical conditions using OQT or the MedDRA web-based browser (MWB), and precision and recall of the term selection.Results: OntoADR Query Tools allows the user to search in MedDRA: One may enter search criteria by selecting one semantic property from a dropdown list and one or more SNOMED CT concepts related to the range of the chosen property. The user is assisted in building his query: he can add criteria and combine them. Then, the interface displays the set of MedDRA terms matching the query. Meanwhile, on average, the time spent on OQT (about 4 min 30 s) is significantly lower (−35%; p < 0.001) than time spent on MWB (about 7 min). The results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) gave a score of 62.19 for OQT (rated as good). We also demonstrated increased precision (+27%; p = 0.01) and recall (+34%; p = 0.02). Computed “performance” (correct terms found per minute) is more than three times better with OQT than with MWB.Discussion: This pilot study establishes the feasibility of our approach based on our initial assumption: performing MedDRA queries on the five selected medical conditions, using terminological reasoning, expedites term selection, and improves search capabilities for pharmacovigilance end users. Evaluation with a larger number of users and medical conditions are required in order to establish if OQT is appropriate for the needs of different user profiles, and to check if conclusions can be extended to other kinds of medical conditions. The application is currently limited by the non-exhaustive coverage of MedDRA by OntoADR, but nevertheless shows good performance which encourages continuing in the same direction

    A paradigm for understanding whole ecosystem effects of offshore wind farms in shelf seas

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    We would like to thank Emma Ahart, David Bould, Constance Schéré, Marie Toulon, and Inne Withouck for comments on drafts. Also thanks to three anonymous reviewers and Howard Browman for constructive review.Peer reviewe

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi impact the production of alkannin/shikonin and their derivatives in Alkanna tinctoria Tausch. grown in semi-hydroponic and pot cultivation systems

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    IntroductionAlkanna tinctoria Tausch. is a medicinal plant well-known to produce important therapeutic compounds, such as alkannin/shikonin and their derivatives (A/Sd). It associates with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which are known, amongst others beneficial effects, to modulate the plant secondary metabolites (SMs) biosynthesis. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study on the effects of AMF strains on the growth and production of A/Sd in A. tinctoria has been reported in the literature.MethodsHere, three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, plants were associated with the GINCO strain Rhizophagus irregularis MUCL 41833 and, in Experiment 2, with two strains of GINCO (R. irregularis MUCL 41833 and Rhizophagus aggregatus MUCL 49408) and two native strains isolated from wild growing A. tinctoria (R. irregularis and Septoglomus viscosum) and were grown in a semi-hydroponic (S-H) cultivation system. Plants were harvested after 9 and 37 days in Experiment 1 and 9 days in Experiment 2. In Experiment 3, plants were associated with the two native AMF strains and with R. irregularis MUCL 41833 and were grown for 85 days in pots under greenhouse conditions. Quantification and identification of A/Sd were performed by HPLC-PDA and by HPLC-HRMS/MS, respectively. LePGT1, LePGT2, and GHQH genes involved in the A/Sd biosynthesis were analyzed through RT-qPCR.ResultsIn Experiment 1, no significant differences were noticed in the production of A/Sd. Conversely, in Experiments 2 and 3, plants associated with the native AMF R. irregularis had the highest content of total A/Sd expressed as shikonin equivalent. In Experiment 1, a significantly higher relative expression of both LePGT1 and LePGT2 was observed in plants inoculated with R. irregularis MUCL 41833 compared with control plants after 37 days in the S-H cultivation system. Similarly, a significantly higher relative expression of LePGT2 in plants inoculated with R. irregularis MUCL 41833 was noticed after 9 versus 37 days in the S-H cultivation system. In Experiment 2, a significant lower relative expression of LePGT2 was observed in native AMF R. irregularis inoculated plants compared to the control.DiscussionOverall, our study showed that the native R. irregularis strain increased A/Sd production in A. tinctoria regardless of the growing system used, further suggesting that the inoculation of native/best performing AMF is a promising method to improve the production of important SMs

    The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Microbial culture collections play a key role in taxonomy by studying the diversity of their strains and providing well-characterized biological material to the scientific community for fundamental and applied research. These microbial resource centers thus need to implement new standards in species delineation, including whole-genome sequencing and phylogenomics. In this context, the genomic needs of the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms were studied, resulting in the GEN-ERA toolbox. The latter is a unified cluster of bioinformatic workflows dedicated to both bacteria and small eukaryotes (e.g., yeasts). FINDINGS: This public toolbox allows researchers without a specific training in bioinformatics to perform robust phylogenomic analyses. Hence, it facilitates all steps from genome downloading and quality assessment, including genomic contamination estimation, to tree reconstruction. It also offers workflows for average nucleotide identity comparisons and metabolic modeling. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Nextflow workflows are launched by a single command and are available on the GEN-ERA GitHub repository (https://github.com/Lcornet/GENERA). All the workflows are based on Singularity containers to increase reproducibility. TESTING: The toolbox was developed for a diversity of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. It was further tested on an empirical dataset of 18 (meta)genomes of early branching Cyanobacteria, providing the most up-to-date phylogenomic analysis of the Gloeobacterales order, the first group to diverge in the evolutionary tree of Cyanobacteria. CONCLUSION: The GEN-ERA toolbox can be used to infer completely reproducible comparative genomic and metabolic analyses on prokaryotes and small eukaryotes. Although designed for routine bioinformatics of culture collections, it can also be used by all researchers interested in microbial taxonomy, as exemplified by our case study on Gloeobacterales