31 research outputs found
Diseño de un sistema de costos por ordenes de producción para la asociación de productores agropecuarios patain perteneciente al Cantón Salcedo
Technological progress and national and international competition in the market have made companies, associations or organizations seek to be updated within their administration, so it is important to have a cost system to improve decision making. For which it is important that the Association of Agricultural Producers Patain, dedicated to the production of pulps and jams, have a Cost System for Production Orders for the benefit of both their customers and each of the partners. It was established that the main problem facing the Association is that they perform the calculation of their costs in an empirical way since they do not take into account the operating costs involved in the manufacture of the product, so this project aims to The design of a cost system for production orders through the identification of the different productive processes carried out in the Association, which allows the efficient use of the resources used, is essential. For the development of the project, methods have been used such as the investigation and bibliographic compilation, documentation of the association, techniques such as observation, and instruments such as the interview and the observation sheet addressed to the production area in order to obtain all the information necessary for the achievement of the project. The following results have been reached: the productive process is not continuous, it is very scarce due to the high cost of selling to the public of each of its products, in addition to the costs that are calculated, they do so empirically trying to generate a greater utility and not taking into account the real cost of the product that is made. It was determined that the design of a cost system will allow a better management, a chronological order with respect to each of the processes that are used for the elaboration of each product in order to obtain a more real cost, a greater facility to calculate the total values of each element of the costs in this case Raw Material, Labor, Indirect Manufacturing Costs (CIF) and that you can make sound decisions that benefit your customers and each of the partners.El avance tecnológico y la competencia nacional e internacional dentro del mercado han hecho que las empresas, asociaciones u organizaciones busquen estar actualizadas dentro de su administración, por lo que es importante contar con un sistema de costos que permita mejorar la toma de decisiones. Para lo cual es importante que la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Patain, dedicada a la producción de pulpas y mermeladas, cuente con un Sistema de Costos por Órdenes de Producción para el beneficio tanto de sus clientes como el de cada uno de los socios. Se pudo establecer que el principal problema que afronta la Asociación es que ellos realizan el cálculo de sus costos de manera empírica ya que no se toma en cuenta los costos de funcionamiento que intervienen en la fabricación del producto, por lo que este proyecto tiene como objetivo primordial el diseño de un sistema de costos por órdenes de producción a través de la identificación de los distintos procesos productivos que se realizan en la Asociación, el cual permita el uso eficiente de los recursos empleados. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, se han utilizado métodos como la indagación y recopilación bibliográfica, documentación de la asociación, técnicas como la observación, e instrumentos como la entrevista y la ficha de observación dirigidas al área de producción con la finalidad de obtener toda la información necesaria para el logro del proyecto. Se ha llegado a los siguientes resultados: el proceso productivo no es continuo es muy escaso debido al alto costo de venta al público de cada uno de sus productos, además de que los costos que se calculan, lo hacen de manera empírica tratando de generar una mayor utilidad y no tomando en cuenta el costo real del producto que se elabora. Se determinó que el diseño de un sistema de costos permitirá una mejor gestión, un orden cronológico con respecto a cada uno de los procesos que se utilizan para la elaboración de cada producto para así poder obtener un costo más real, una mayor facilidad para calcular los valores totales de cada elemento del costos en este caso Materia Prima, Mano de Obra, Costos Indirectos de Fabricación (CIF) y que se puedan tomar decisiones acertadas que beneficien a sus clientes y a cada uno de los socios
Food exchange list based on macronutrients: adapted for the Ecuadorian population
BackgroundFood exchange lists allow health professionals to generate healthy eating plans adapted to individual or population needs. The objective of this study was to develop the first food exchange list based on the macronutrients and energy provided by the various food groups of the Ecuadorian diet.MethodsThe list of Ecuadorian food exchanges was constructed by going through the following phases: (1) Selection of household measurements; (2) Selection of tables and databases of the nutritional composition of food items; (3) Definition of food groups and quantities; (4) Determination of the average energy and macronutrient values of each group; and (5) Photographic record. For the definition of food quantities, statistical criteria were applied according to a standard deviation of ±2SD; thus, for carbohydrates: ±5 g, total fat: ±2 g, and protein: ±3 g. To ensure the inclusion of the food items in the groups, a coefficient of variation of less than 30% and a Z value of ±2 were also considered.ResultsThe list of food exchanges is presented with eight general groups according to the predominant nutrient (carbohydrates, proteins, or fats), and, where necessary, subgroups are included according to the second predominant nutrient. The list includes 404 food items with their photographic record, represented by their net weights and corresponding household measurement. All food items met the statistical criteria that help to reduce the variability of the nutritional composition of the food items in each group.ConclusionThis is the first list of Ecuadorian food exchanges based on statistical criteria. It represents a novel tool for public health professionals as well as researchers. Resulting healthier eating plans may improve daily dietetic practice, facilitate better clinical trial designs and help establish guidelines according to Ecuador’s cultural and dietary patterns. The described methodology can further be used to develop other food exchanges lists for patients with specific nutritional requirements
The Effect of Maternal Obesity on Breast Milk Fatty Acids and Its Association with Infant Growth and Cognition—The PREOBE Follow-Up
This study analyzed how maternal obesity affected fatty acids (FAs) in breast milk and
their association with infant growth and cognition to raise awareness about the programming effect
of maternal health and to promote a healthy prenatal weight. Mother–child pairs (n = 78) were
grouped per maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI): normal-weight (BMI = 18.5–24.99),
overweight (BMI = 25–29.99) and obese (BMI > 30). Colostrum and mature milk FAs were determined.
Infant anthropometry at 6, 18 and 36 months of age and cognition at 18 were analyzed. Mature
milk exhibited lower arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), among others, than
colostrum. Breast milk of non-normal weight mothers presented increased saturated FAs and n6:n3
ratio and decreased a-linolenic acid (ALA), DHA and monounsaturated FAs. Infant BMI-for-age
at 6 months of age was inversely associated with colostrum n6 (e.g., AA) and n3 (e.g., DHA) FAs
and positively associated with n6:n3 ratio. Depending on the maternal weight, infant cognition was
positively influenced by breast milk linoleic acid, n6 PUFAs, ALA, DHA and n3 LC-PUFAs, and
negatively a ected by n6:n3 ratio. In conclusion, this study shows that maternal pre-pregnancy BMI
can influence breast milk FAs and infant growth and cognition, endorsing the importance of a healthy
weight in future generations.This research was funded by the European Commission (DynaHEALTH-HORIZON 2020GANo: 633595)
and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2012-40254-C03-02). Further support was obtained
from, Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science (Junta de Andalucía), Excellence Projects (P06-CTS-02341).
ADLGP thanks the Mexican government and the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT) for
her PhD grant. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript
Association of maternal weight with FADS and ELOVL genetic variants and fatty acid levels- The PREOBE follow-up.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes encoding the fatty acid desaturase (FADS) and elongase (ELOVL) enzymes affect long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) production. We aimed to determine if these SNPs are associated with body mass index (BMI) or affect fatty acids (FAs) in pregnant women. Participants (n = 180) from the PREOBE cohort were grouped according to pre-pregnancy BMI: normal-weight (BMI = 18.5-24.9, n = 88) and overweight/obese (BMI≥25, n = 92). Plasma samples were analyzed at 24 weeks of gestation to measure FA levels in the phospholipid fraction. Selected SNPs were genotyped (7 in FADS1, 5 in FADS2, 3 in ELOVL2 and 2 in ELOVL5). Minor allele carriers of rs174545, rs174546, rs174548 and rs174553 (FADS1), and rs1535 and rs174583 (FADS2) were nominally associated with an increased risk of having a BMI≥25. Only for the normal-weight group, minor allele carriers of rs174537, rs174545, rs174546, and rs174553 (FADS1) were negatively associated with AA:DGLA index. Normal-weight women who were minor allele carriers of FADS SNPs had lower levels of AA, AA:DGLA and AA:LA indexes, and higher levels of DGLA, compared to major homozygotes. Among minor allele carriers of FADS2 and ELOVL2 SNPs, overweight/obese women showed higher DHA:EPA index than the normal-weight group; however, they did not present higher DHA concentrations than the normal-weight women. In conclusion, minor allele carriers of FADS SNPs have an increased risk of obesity. Maternal weight changes the effect of genotype on FA levels. Only in the normal-weight group, minor allele carriers of FADS SNPs displayed reduced enzymatic activity and FA levels. This suggests that women with a BMI≥25 are less affected by FADS genetic variants in this regard. In the presence of FADS2 and ELOVL2 SNPs, overweight/obese women showed higher n-3 LC-PUFA production indexes than women with normal weight, but this was not enough to obtain a higher n-3 LC-PUFA concentration
Effects of 1-Year Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on Plasma Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolic Syndrome in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has become an important public concern due to its increasing prevalence. An altered fatty acid composition has been associated with MetS, but the Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a protective effect. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of a Mediterranean dietary pattern, as assessed by the biomarkers of food supplied, on the plasma fatty acid composition and its relation with MetS after 1 year of intervention. METHODS: A total of 424 subjects were randomly selected from the PREDIMED randomized dietary trial after completing a 1-year intervention program. Participants aged 55 to 80 years and at high risk of cardiovascular disease were randomly assigned to three dietary interventions: Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil or nuts, or a low-fat diet. RESULTS: After 1 year of intervention participants in the virgin olive oil group showed significantly increased plasma concentrations of palmitic and oleic acids, but reduced proportions of margaric, stearic, and linoleic acids. In turn, subjects in the nut group showed significantly increased levels of palmitic, linoleic, and α-linolenic acids, but reduced proportions of myristic, margaric, palmitoleic, and dihommo-γ-linoleic acids. Increases in the biomarkers of foods supplied to the Mediterranean diet groups, i.e., oleic and α-linolenic acids, were beneficially associated with the incidence, reversion and prevalence of MetS. No weight changes were observed among participants. CONCLUSIONS: The nut and olive oil diets induced a fatty acid composition that has been shown to be beneficial in the face of MetS. Therefore, a Mediterranean diet rich in fats of vegetable origin may be a useful tool for the management of MetS without the need for concerns over weight gain due to its high fat content
Effects of 1-year intervention with a mediterranean diet on plasma fatty acid composition and metabolic syndrome in a population at high cardiovascular risk
Background & Aims: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has become an important public concern due to its increasing prevalence.
An altered fatty acid composition has been associated with MetS, but the Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a
protective effect. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of a Mediterranean dietary pattern, as assessed
by the biomarkers of food supplied, on the plasma fatty acid composition and its relation with MetS after 1 year of
Methods: A total of 424 subjects were randomly selected from the PREDIMED randomized dietary trial after completing a 1-
year intervention program. Participants aged 55 to 80 years and at high risk of cardiovascular disease were randomly
assigned to three dietary interventions: Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil or nuts, or a low-fat diet.
Results: After 1 year of intervention participants in the virgin olive oil group showed significantly increased plasma
concentrations of palmitic and oleic acids, but reduced proportions of margaric, stearic, and linoleic acids. In turn, subjects
in the nut group showed significantly increased levels of palmitic, linoleic, and a-linolenic acids, but reduced proportions of
myristic, margaric, palmitoleic, and dihommo-c-linoleic acids. Increases in the biomarkers of foods supplied to the
Mediterranean diet groups, i.e., oleic and a-linolenic acids, were beneficially associated with the incidence, reversion and
prevalence of MetS. No weight changes were observed among participants.
Conclusions: The nut and olive oil diets induced a fatty acid composition that has been shown to be beneficial in the face of
MetS. Therefore, a Mediterranean diet rich in fats of vegetable origin may be a useful tool for the management of MetS
without the need for concerns over weight gain due to its high fat content
Papel de los ácidos grasos trans (AGT) y ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga (AGPI-CL) en el desarrollo de enfermedades atópicas en la primera etapa de la vida
[spa] La composición de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga (AGPI-CL) en los tejidos humanos es esencial para mantener las funciones metabólicas y la salud. Diferentes patologías, incluidas las enfermedades atópicas, han sido relacionadas con los niveles de AGPI-CL. Además de la dieta, un factor que influye en la composición de los AGPI-CL en los tejidos humanos es la síntesis de novo de los mismos. En este proceso, los AGPI-CL son sintetizados a partir de AG esenciales a través de diferentes etapas de desaturación y elongación. Las enzimas que participan son las desaturasas: Δ5-desaturasa (D5D, codificada por el gen FADS1) y Δ6-desaturasa (D6D, codificada por el gen FADS2), y las elongasas: Elongasa-2 (codificada por el gen ELOVL2) y Elongasa-5 (codificada por el gen ELOVL5). Por otro lado, existe un escaso conocimiento sobre la relación de los ácidos grasos trans (AGT) con el desarrollo de las enfermedades atópicas. Se ha sugerido que los AGT pueden modificar el metabolismo de los AGPI-CL, teniendo efectos beneficiosos los AGT procedentes de fuentes naturales [ácido t-vaccénico (VA) y ácido ruménico (RA)] respecto a los AGT de fuentes industriales [ácido elaídico (ELA)]. El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue investigar sí la composición plasmática de AG, durante la vida fetal y postnatal, afecta al desarrollo de las enfermedades atópicas en los niños. En base al Proyecto INMA de la Cohorte de Sabadell (Cataluña, España) los resultados más importantes son: Desarrollo del método que nos permitió identificar, separar y cuantificar los AG de los fosfolípidos plasmáticos y de la leche materna, especialmente los AGT (ELA, VA y RA). Se usaron placas de extracción en fase sólida (SPE) de 96 pocillos para las muestras de plasma, y se optimizó la cantidad de muestra para la leche materna. Una adecuada precisión y recuperación garantizan la validez del método. Pudimos observar que durante el primer trimestre del embarazo, niveles de ELA se correlacionan negativamente con los AGPI-CL n-3, mientras que niveles altos de ácido ruménico ayudan a una mejor metabolización de los AGPI-CL en el plasma materno. Una exposición temprana del feto a altos niveles de VA puede tener un efecto protector frente al desarrollo del eczema atópico en el primer año de vida. Además, se observó que bajos niveles de AGLP-CL n-3, especialmente EPA y DHA en el plasma del cordón umbilical están asociados con el aumento del riesgo de eczema atópico en el primer año de vida. También, bajos niveles de la suma total de AGPI-CL fueron encontrados en el plasma de madres alérgicas, lo que nos indica que la dieta durante el embarazo junto con la transferencia de los AG al feto juega un papel crítico en el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Por otro lado, se encontró que las variantes genéticas de los genes que codifican a las desaturasas y elongasas, FADS y ELOVL, en las madres y los niños determinan la composición de AG en el nacimiento y están asociadas con el desarrollo de eczema atópico y sibilancias. Finalmente, se observó que los niños de 4 años de edad con eczema atópico tienen una baja expresión de los genes FADS2 y ELOVL5. Además, se pudo comprobar que los niveles de DGLA y la actividad enzimática de la D6D están directamente influidos por los cambios de expresión del gen FADS2. En resumen, los resultados presentados en esta tesis sostienen la hipótesis de que existe una relación causal entre los ácidos grasos plasmáticos de la madre y el niño y el desarrollo de enfermedades atópicas como el eczema atópico, y que además las variantes genéticas de madre e hijo, juegan un papel crucial en la evolución de la enfermedad.[eng] This thesis has been focused on the study of the TFA [elaidic (ELA), t-vaccenic (VA) and rumenic acid (RA)] and LC-PUFAS plasmatic composition, during fetal and postnatal life and its relation with the development of atopic diseases during childhood. An efficient fast gas chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of EA, VA and RA contents in human plasma phospholipids and human milk was optimized and validated. The study of the plasmatic levels of specific TFA in maternal plasma shows that EA correlated negatively with n-3 LC-PUFAs (EPA and DHA) and RA positively with both n-3 and n-6 LC-PUFAs in maternal plasma. Regarding to atopic diseases, high VA concentrations in maternal plasma may protect offspring against atopic eczema in infancy. Thus the FA status of the fetus during pregnancy has an important role in the development of atopic eczema in early childhood. The prevalence of this atopic disorder is related to lower cord blood plasma levels of FA belonging to n-3 series, especially DHA. The conversion of essential fatty acids to longer chain, biological active metabolites is regulated by the enzymes desaturases [5-desaturase (D5D) and 6-desaturase (D6D) encoded by genes FADS1 and FADS2, respectively] and elongases (Elongase 2 and Elongase5 encoded by genes ELOVL2 and ELOVL5, respectively). In this study we have verified that mother and child genetic variation in FADS and ELOVL genes determines FA composition at birth and is associated with the risk of developing atopic eczema and wheeze in early childhood. Moreover, we observed that changes in the mRNA-expression levels of FADS1 and 2 directly affect blood DGLA levels and D6D activity. Finally, this study suggests that low mRNA-expressions of FADS2 and ELOVL5 are associated with high risk of atopic eczema in childhood. In summary, the results presented in this thesis support the hypothesis that there is a causal relationship between plasma fatty acids composition of the mother and child and the development of atopic diseases such as atopic eczema, and additionally, that genetic variants of both mother and child play a crucial role in the evolution of the disease
Estudio de factibilidad para el fomento de la agricultura orgánica urbana de hortalizas (acelgas) en el sector de la Argelia Alta
This feasibility study is on urban organic agriculture as an alternative to promote the production of small farmers. Organic farming involves making a agrochemical-free production. This type of agriculture allows the incorporation of technologies that helps make farming techniques that promote better management of land and all the diversity around them.
Moreover in Ecuador using technologies of agricultural production unsuitable to the particular ecosystem is resulting in the destruction of rivers, oceans, atmosphere and especially land that must support different toxic discharges unsuitable products which have caused different changes in our environment, leaving us with infertile land.Este estudio de factibilidad se trata sobre la agricultura orgánica urbana como una alternativa para promover la producción de pequeños agricultores. La agricultura orgánica consiste en realizar una producción libre de agroquímicos. Este tipo de agricultura permite la incorporación de tecnologías que ayuda a realizar técnicas agrícolas que fomenten el mejor manejo de la tierra y de toda la diversidad a su alrededor.
Por otra parte en el Ecuador el uso de tecnologías de producción agrícolas inadecuadas para los particulares ecosistemas, viene dando como resultado la destrucción de la biodiversidad ríos, mares, atmosfera y sobre todo tierra que deben soportar las diferentes descargas toxicas de productos inadecuados, lo que han ocasionado los diferentes cambios en nuestro medio ambiente dejándonos con tierras infértiles
Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Main Fruits Consumed in the Western Coastal Region of Ecuador as a Source of Health-Promoting Compounds
We studied 19 different tropical fruits traditionally consumed in the coastal lowlands of Ecuador to determine their chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) had the highest total phenolic, flavonoid, and total antioxidant capacity values, whereas guava fruits (Psidium guajava L.) had the highest vitamin C values. The main organic acids identified were lactic, citric, and acetic acids, and the highest amount of lactic acid was found in soursop fruits (Annona muricata L.), whereas Ecuadorian ivory palm (Phytelephas aequatorialis Spruce) and guava fruits had the highest acetic acid content. Guava also had the highest citric acid content; the highest concentration of oxalic acid was found in carambola. In terms of sugar content, giant granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis L.) had the highest values of glucose, and red mombin (Spondias mombin L.) had the largest values for fructose and guava for sucrose. Chili pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq) proved to be the main source of carotenoids, lutein, and β-carotene, anthocyanins, and vitamin C. The results here increase our knowledge regarding the composition of the main fruits consumed on the west coast of Ecuador to facilitate recommendations as potential sources of health-promoting compounds
Effects of 1-year intervention with a Mediterranean diet on plasma fatty acid composition and metabolic syndrome in a population at high cardiovascular risk.
Background & aimsMetabolic syndrome (MetS) has become an important public concern due to its increasing prevalence. An altered fatty acid composition has been associated with MetS, but the Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a protective effect. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of a Mediterranean dietary pattern, as assessed by the biomarkers of food supplied, on the plasma fatty acid composition and its relation with MetS after 1 year of intervention.MethodsA total of 424 subjects were randomly selected from the PREDIMED randomized dietary trial after completing a 1-year intervention program. Participants aged 55 to 80 years and at high risk of cardiovascular disease were randomly assigned to three dietary interventions: Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil or nuts, or a low-fat diet.ResultsAfter 1 year of intervention participants in the virgin olive oil group showed significantly increased plasma concentrations of palmitic and oleic acids, but reduced proportions of margaric, stearic, and linoleic acids. In turn, subjects in the nut group showed significantly increased levels of palmitic, linoleic, and α-linolenic acids, but reduced proportions of myristic, margaric, palmitoleic, and dihommo-γ-linoleic acids. Increases in the biomarkers of foods supplied to the Mediterranean diet groups, i.e., oleic and α-linolenic acids, were beneficially associated with the incidence, reversion and prevalence of MetS. No weight changes were observed among participants.ConclusionsThe nut and olive oil diets induced a fatty acid composition that has been shown to be beneficial in the face of MetS. Therefore, a Mediterranean diet rich in fats of vegetable origin may be a useful tool for the management of MetS without the need for concerns over weight gain due to its high fat content.Trial registrationControlled-Trials.com ISRCTN35739639