2,314 research outputs found

    Gestão do patrimônio e identidade: centro de referência cultural e ecológica do engenho São João

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    O Engenho São João está localizado na Ilha de Itamaracá, no litoral do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. As primeiras fontes que fazem referência ao Engenho datam de 1747 e desde então ele é palco de importantes acontecimentos, como, por exemplo, o nascimento do Conselheiro João Alfredo em 1835, importante político abolicionista do período imperial brasileiro e a implantação da moenda a vapor, fazendo do local marco da modernização da indústria açucareira, precursor das usinas de açúcar no Brasil. Em 1938, as terras do Engenho São João e todas as suas benfeitorias, mecanismos, matas e logradouros, são adquiridas pelo Estado, sendo aí instalada a Colônia Agrícola de Itamaracá, uma penitenciária em regime semi-aberto que funciona até os dias atuais (havendo atualmente uma decisão governamental de retirá-la até o ano de 2010). Em 1983, o engenho que contava com 2 edifícios referentes à época do engenho e 8 à época do funcionamento da Penitenciária, foi tombado pelo Estado. Em 1998, a Mata de São João, repleta de trilhas pitorescas, é reconhecida pela Unesco como Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica. Em 2007, após algumas intervenções de estabilização e recuperação das antigas edificações, o local passa a ser alvo de um projeto integrado, prevendo a preservação de sua paisagem cultural, através da implantação, em uma área de 20,83 ha, do Centro de Referência Cultural e Ecológica do Engenho São João. Nele deverão estar abrigados e preservados o ambiente natural, hábitos, fazeres, manualidades características locais e seus cenários de apresentação: presente e passado da Ilha e seus personagens consagrados. O presente artigo tem por objetivo empreender um debate em torno da interpretação, conservação e preservação dos edifícios do Engenho São João, tendo em vista a diversidade histórica e cultural que emana desse patrimônio, estabelecendo um fio condutor que evidencie a identidade do lugar.Tópico 1: Aspectos teóricos, históricos, legales, económicos y tecnológicos de la restauración y conservación de bienes patrimoniales

    A hotelaria e o desafio da igualdade de género

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Ciências EmpresariaisA Agenda 2030 das Nações Unidas estabelece 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, com o objetivo da procura da sustentabilidade ambiental, económica, e social. A igualdade de género é o quinto desses Objetivos, incorporando maioritariamente as dimensões económica e social. A igualdade de género é cada vez mais relevante nos tempos atuais, particularmente na indústria turística, que possui um elevado número de participação feminina, permitindo um maior empowerment do género, tanto a nível profissional como pessoal. Contudo, as mulheres no turismo são muitas vezes discriminadas pelo seu género, designadamente através de estereótipos, assédio, e por possuírem mais dificuldade em chegar a cargos de liderança. O estudo pretende, através de uma análise de conteúdos, compreender o progresso que tem sido realizado no turismo, mais propriamente nas maiores cadeias hoteleiras mundiais, em prol da igualdade de género. O ensaio mostra os esforços que estão a ser desenvolvidos quer em termos Quantitativos, quer no tocante a cinco outros domínios considerados: Cargos de chefia; Discriminação; Exploração e assédio; Nível salarial; e Trabalho precário. Todavia, o estudo mostra também que se mantém situações e desigualdade que justificam a continuação desse esforço.The United Nations 2030 Agenda establishes 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with the aim of seeking environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Gender equality is the fifth of these Goals, mostly incorporating the economic and social dimensions. Gender equality is increasingly relevant nowadays, particularly in the tourism industry, which has a high number of female participation, allowing for greater gender empowerment, both professionally and personally. However, women in tourism are often discriminated against by their gender, namely through stereotypes, harassment, and because they have more difficulty in reaching leadership positions. The study intends, through a content analysis, to understand the progress that has been made in tourism, more specifically in the largest hotel chains in the world, in favor of gender equality. The research shows the efforts being developed both in quantitative terms and in terms of five other areas considered: Leadership positions; Discrimination; Exploitation and harassment; Salary level; and Precarious work. However, the study also shows that there are still situations and inequality that justify the continuation of this effort.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The regulatory challenges of innovative customized combination products

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    Background/aimsCombination products are therapeutic and/or diagnostic products that can combine drugs and medical devices and which increasing complexity has raised new regulatory framework challenges. To reach the market, a combination product must be classified based on the principal mode of action (PMOA). However, research and technological progress has been leading to the development of novel combination products with no clearly defined PMOA, emphasizing the lack of a systematization process, thus challenging the correct classification of these products. To illustrate the regulatory challenge, two case studies are discussed: innovative combination products with PMOA that can change due to an external stimulus, specifically custom-made 3D-printed scaffolds with incorporated medicinal substances.MethodsData was collected through computational search engines, regulatory agencies and equally relevant associations. The analysis of the data resulted on this state-of-the-art review, a description of the decision-making process by the regulatory authorities, and case studies analysis that culminated in the proposal of a decision-tree scheme.FindingsCurrent regulations do not fully address complex combination products namely personalized 3D-printed scaffolds. Two merged regulatory approaches are suggested along with the schematization of the rational assisted by a decision-tree tool.ConclusionCombination products have become increasingly sophisticated, which has furthered the need to develop multidisciplinary collaborations within the health sector to adapt to these innovative healthcare solutions as well as with regulators to overcome the challenges posed for their classification

    Designing silk fibroin-based matrices with ionic liquids for tissue engineering strategies using human adipose stem cells

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    Silk (SF) is an attractive biomaterial to be used in tissue engineering applications because of its excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility [1, 2]. In this work, the cellular response of silk hydrogels produced through dissolution of this protein in ionic liquids (ILs) was investigated. For that, degummed fibers obtained from the cocoons of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori) were dissolved in an IL and the solution was gelified in ethanol, followed by IL removal from gels using soxhlet extraction. The fabricated hydrogels were characterized biochemically and biophysically by detecting amino acid composition, FTIR, SEM and mechanical testing (DMA). For in vitro assessment, human adipose stem cells (hASCs) were seeded in the hydrogels and cultured for different time periods. The resulting hydrogels have a rubbery consistency, homogeneous surface and viscoelastic behavior. Additionally, no differences on amino acid composition were found, indicating that the silk composition was kept. Confocal images confirmed cell attachment and alignment of actin filaments within the hydrogel matrix with well-develop nuclei. The MTS assay demonstrated the metabolic activity of hASCs in contact with hydrogels up to 28 days. Furthermore, the results of DNA quantification showed that hASCs are able to proliferate during studied period. These results indicated that (i) the efficiency of IL removal resulted in hydrogels with minimal cytotoxicity; and (ii) positive cellular response of the materials surface for the adhesion and proliferation of hASCs. SEM observations corroborated with the results obtained from MTS and DNA suggested that cells are able to migrate at different levels within the structure. These findings indicated that silk hydrogels produced using ILs may be potential candidates for tissue engineering strategies, namely cartilage regeneration

    O epitélio respiratório em ratos Wistar após 48 horas de exposição contínua ao ruído de baixa frequência

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    ABSTRACTPrevious studies show that exposure to low frequency noise (LFN) (≤500Hz, including infrasound) produces irreversible lesions in Wistar rat respiratory epithelia. Recovery periods for LFN-induced lesions have thus become an object of interest. Changes in the respiratory epithelia of Wistar rats after continuous short-term exposure to LFN are described. Twelve rats were exposed to continuous LFN for 48hrs, and 10 age-matched rats were kept in silence. Animals were treated in accordance with 86/609/CE. After exposure ceased, two rodents were sacrificed immediately, and another two after 6, 12, 24, 48hrs, and 7 days of post-exposure silence. Respiratory epithelial fragments were prepared for light and scanning/ transmission electron microscopy. Six hours after exposure, intense and irregular cellular tumefaction was visible and rosetta structures, formed by secretory cells (SC) centered on a brush cell (BC), were identifiable. Cilia were shorter and shaggy. BC microvilli tended to group, losing the uniform distribution seen in controls. Twelve hours after exposure, cell balooning was still present, BC shape was highly irregular and microvilli were grouped. SC microvilli were still shorter than controls. Seven days after exposure, controls and exposed were indistinguishable. LFN-induced epithelial lesions seem to be reversible if recovery periods are respected.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (6): 473-47

    Silk hydrogels from non-mulberry and mulberry silkworm cocoons processed with ionic liquids

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    Matrices based on silk fibroin from the non-mulberry silkworm Antheraea mylitta and the mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori have demonstrated good applicability in regenerative medicine. However, the cocoons of A. mylitta are underutilized in part due to their lack of solubility in traditional organic solvents. Therefore, the present work investigates the solubilization and processing of degummed fibers obtained from the cocoons of both silkworm species into hydrogels using ionic liquids (ILs). The developed hydrogels exhibited a rubbery consistency, viscoelastic behavior and rapid degradation in the presence of protease XIV. Scanning electron and confocal microscopy images suggest that human adipose stem cells (hASCs) are able to adhere to and migrate at different levels within the hydrogel structures. Moreover, the MTS assay demonstrated the maintenance of cell metabolic activity for up to 28days, while DNA quantification showed that hASCs were able to proliferate on the seeded hydrogels. The findings indicate that complete IL removal from the fabricated hydrogels results in a positive hASCs cellular response. Thus the present approach provides a unique opportunity to broaden the processability and application of silk fibroin obtained from A. mylitta cocoons for regenerative medicine, namely cartilage regeneration.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Grants SFRH/BPD/45307/2008 and SFRH/BD/64070/2009), the Fundo Social Europeu, and the Programa Diferencial de Potencial Humano. This work was partially supported by the FEDER through POCTEP 0330_IBERO-MARE_1_P and also by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. S.C.K. is grateful to R.L.R. and S.S.S. for their excellent hospitality during his stay at the 3B's laboratory, Guimaraes, Portugal. R.L.R. also offers his sincere thanks to S.C.K. for providing hospitality during his short visits to his laboratory in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


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    Objetivo: verificar associação entre renda e hábitos alimentares de pessoas hipertensas em Multicentro de Saúde na cidade de Salvador, Bahia. Método: estudo transversal, com 221 hipertensos. Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos e de hábitos alimentares, por meio de entrevista e instrumento padronizado, no período de julho a dezembro de 2017. Realizou-se análise bivariada utilizando teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson. O nível de significância estatístico adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: predominou consumo de verduras ou legumes (69,1%) e frutas (57,6%) em frequência menor que cinco dias/semana, e uso de produtos substitutivos do sal (69,6%) por pessoas com renda inferior a um salário mínimo; constatadas associações estatisticamente significantes (p=0,027, p=0,003, p=0,043, respectivamente). Conclusão: a associação entre renda e hábitos alimentares de pessoas hipertensas mostrou que aquelas com renda menor que um salário mínimo consumiam com menor frequência frutas e verduras ou legumes e faziam uso de produtos substitutivos do sal.Descritores: Hipertensão. Renda. Economia da Saúde. Comportamento Alimenta

    Lesões craniofaciais em mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica: estudo retrospectivo

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    Objetivo: descrever as lesões craniofaciais de acordo com o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica submetida ao exame do corpo de delito nos registros do instituto médico legal de Anápolis, Goiás de 2015-2018. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com base em fichas clínicas de mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica. Resultados: Foram identificados 326 inquéritos; predominaram vítimas entre a faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos (32,5%), cor parda (30,4%) e casadas/união estável (38,7%); os principais agressores foram o marido/esposa (58,9%); entre as lesões os tapas e socos (23,7%) foram mais frequentes, sendo a região orbitária (56,1%) a mais afetada, por instrumento contundente (83,4%) e com lesão equimótica (57,4%). Conclusão: Conclui-se que a maior parte das vítimas eram jovens, pardas, casadas, donas de casa e foram agredidas pelo parceiro íntimo. A principal lesão sofrida foi em região orbitária, causada por tapas/socos por instrumento contundente.Objective: Describe craniofacial injuries according to the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women victims of domestic violence submitted to the criminal body examination in the records of the Legal Medical Institute of Anápolis, Goiás, 2015-2018. Method: This is a descriptive study based on clinical records of women victims of domestic violence. Results: 326 inquiries were identified; victims between the age group of 21 to 30 years old (32.5%), brown (30.4%) and married/in a stable relationship (38.7%) predominated; the main aggressors were the husband/wife (58.9%); among injuries, slaps and punches (23.7%) were more frequent, with the orbital region (56.1%) being the most affected, due to a blunt instrument (83.4%) and with ecchymotic lesion (57.4%). Conclusion: It is concluded that the victims were young, brown, married, housewives and were attacked by their intimate partner. The main injury suffered was in the orbital region, caused by slapping/punching by a blunt instrument

    Recurrent Gastrointestinal Bleeding from Dieulafoy’s Lesions in a Patient with Type 1 von Willebrand Disease: A Rare Association

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    Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the most prevalent hereditary bleeding disorder, affecting 0.6–1.3% of the population. While gastrointestinal bleeding from angiodysplasia is a well-known complication of vWD, the same is not true for Dieulafoy’s lesions (DLs). We report the case of a 21-year-old black male with type 1 vWD and 2 previous hospital admissions for severe anemia with no visible blood loss. In both episodes, DLs were identified and treated endoscopically, one in the stomach and another in the duodenum. The patient presented to the emergency department in September 2016 with dizziness, fatigue, and again no visible blood loss. He was hemodynamically stable, and laboratory workup showed a hemoglobin level of 3.4 g/dL. After transfusion of packed red blood cells, intravenous iron, and von Willebrand factor/factor VIII concentrate infusions, the patient underwent upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, which were normal. Small-bowel capsule endoscopy showed dark blood and a fresh clot in the proximal jejunum. At this site, push enteroscopy identified a pulsatile vessel with an overlying minimal mucosal defect, consistent with a DL, type 2b of the Yano-Yamamoto classification, which was successfully treated with adrenaline and 2 hemoclips. The patient remains stable after 18 months of follow-up, with a hemoglobin level of 13.2 g/dL. This is a case of recurrent severe occult gastrointestinal bleeding from multiple DL in a young patient with vWD who is otherwise healthy. Three other cases of DL bleeding in the setting of vWD have been reported in the literature, suggesting a possible association between these 2 entities