54 research outputs found

    Echovirus 4 associado à doença de mão, pé e boca

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    Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a contagious enteroviral infection occurring primarily in children and characterized by vesicular palmoplantar eruptions and erosive stomatitis. Echovirus 4 (EV-4) has been commonly associated with aseptic meningitis. The association of HFMD with EV-4 has not been reported previously. Two samples of a 14-month child who presented mild fever, sores in the mouth, rash with blisters on the palm of hands and soles of feet were sent to Enteric Viruses Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute. Clinical samples were inoculated in three different cell lines, and those which presented cytopathic effect (CPE), were submitted to Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and "one step" RT-PCR. Agarose gel electrophoresis from RT-PCR product, showed a product with 437 bp, which is characteristic of Enterovirus group. Echovirus 4 was identified by IFA. Although HFMD is a viral infection associated mainly with Enterovirus 71 (HEV-71) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16), our results demonstrate a diversity of serotype related to HFMD and stress the importance of epidemiological surveillance to this disease and its complications.A Doença de Mão, Pé e Boca (DMPB) é uma infecção enteroviral contagiosa que ocorre principalmente em crianças sendo caracterizada por erupções palmoplantares vesiculares e estomatite. Echovirus 4 (EV-4) é comumente associado a meningite asséptica. A associação de DMPB por EV-4 não foi descrita anteriormente. Duas amostras provenientes de uma criança de 14 meses apresentando febre, secreções na garganta e exantemas nas palmas das mãos e dos pés, foram enviadas para o Laboratório de Vírus Entéricos do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. As amostras foram inoculadas em três diferentes linhagens celulares; aquelas que apresentaram efeito citopático (ECP), foram submetidas a ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) e "one step" RT-PCR. A eletroforese em gel de agarose realizada com o produto de PCR apresentou um produto de 437pb, característico de grupo Enterovirus. O sorotipo EV-4 foi identificado por IFI. Apesar da DMPB ser uma infecção viral associada principalmente com Enterovirus 71 (HEV-71) e Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16), nossos resultados enfatizam a necessidade de estudos epidemiológicos e laboratoriais direcionados ao EV-4 como agente causador de DMPB

    Genótipos de rotavírus circulando no Brasil, 2007-2012: implicações para o Programa de Vacinação

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    Regarding public health in Brazil, a new scenario emerged with the establishment of universal rotavirus (RV) vaccination programs. Herein, the data from the five years of surveillance (2007-2012) of G- and P-type RV strains isolated from individuals with acute gastroenteritis in Brazil are reported. A total of 6,196 fecal specimens were investigated by ELISA and RT-PCR. RVs were detected in 19.1% (1,181/6,196). The peak of RV incidence moved from June-August to September. RV was detected less frequently (19.5%) among children ≤ 5 years than in older children and adolescents (6-18 years) (40.6%). Genotype distribution showed a different profile for each year: G2P[4] strains were most prevalent during 2007-2010, G9P[8] in 2011, and G12P[8] in 2012. Mixed infections (G1+G2P[4], G2+G3P[4]+P[8], G2+G12P[8]), unusual combinations (G1P[4], G2P[6]), and rare strains (G3P[3]) were also identified throughout the study period. Widespread vaccination may alter the RV seasonal pattern. The finding of RV disease affecting older children and adolescents after vaccine implementation has been reported worldwide. G2P[4] emergence most likely follows a global trend seemingly unrelated to vaccination, and G12, apparently, is emerging in the Brazilian population. The rapidly changing RV genotype patterns detected during this study illustrate a dynamic population of co-circulating wildtype RVs in Brazil.Em relação à saúde pública no Brasil, um novo cenário emergiu com o estabelecimento dos programas universais de vacinação contra o rotavírus (RV). Os resultados de cinco anos (2007-2012) de vigilância dos genótipos G e P de cepas de RV detectadas em indivíduos com gastroenterite aguda no Brasil são descritos no presente estudo. Um total de 6196 amostras fecais foi investigado utilizando ELISA e RT-PCR. RVs foram detectados em 19,1% (1181/6196). O pico de incidência de RV se deslocou de junho-agosto para setembro. RV foi detectado com menor frequência entre crianças ≤ 5 anos (19,5%) quando comparado às crianças mais velhas e adolescentes (6-18 anos) (40,6%). A distribuição genotípica mostrou um perfil diferente a cada ano: a cepa G2P[4] foi prevalente durante 2007-2010, G9P[8] em 2011 e G12P[8] em 2012. Infecções mistas (G1+G2P[4], G2+G3P[4]+P[8], G2+G12P[8]), combinações não usuais (G1P[4], G2P[6]) e cepas atípicas (G3P[3]) também foram identificadas em todo o período do estudo. A vacinação em massa pode alterar o padrão sazonal do RV. A tendência do RV em infectar crianças mais velhas e adolescentes após a implementação da vacina tem sido relatada em todo o mundo. A emergência de G2P[4] segue provavelmente a tendência mundial e, aparentemente, não está relacionada à vacinação. G12 também parece estar emergindo na população brasileira. As rápidas mudanças nos padrões de genótipos dos RVs observados durante o período desse estudo ilustram a existência de uma população dinâmica de cepas selvagens co-circulando no Brasil

    Evaluation of enterovirus 71 immune status in São Paulo state, Brazil

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    Antibodies to Enterovirus 71 (EV71) were evaluated in São Paulo State during 1999-2005. The titer of neutralizing antibodies against EV71 was determined by microneutralization assay, and a titer of >; 1:8 was defined as indicative of protected immunity. Neutralizing antibodies to EV71 were observed in 12.4% (55/442) of sera samples, a low protective rate, suggesting that EV71 infection is uncommon in this region, but that there is a relatively high susceptibility to EV71 related diseases, which is worrying considering the recent Asian outbreaks. Also, a significant location-specific difference in seropositivity was observed. Neutralizing antibodies to EV71 were observed in 8.7% (21/241) of São Paulo metropolitan area sera samples, and 16.9% (34/201) of the sera samples from other municipalities. A high number of Brazilian residents live in country and coastal areas without adequate access to piped water or sanitation. This situation may contribute to the EV71 dissemination in these zones. The analysis of environmental samples could possibly make a valuable contribution to studies on the epidemiology of EV71.Anticorpos para Enterovírus 71 (EV71) foram avaliados no Estado de São Paulo durante 1999-2005. O título de anticorpos neutralizantes contra EV71 foi determinado pelo ensaio microneutralização, e um título de >; 1:8 foi definido como indicador de imunidade protetora. Anticorpos neutralizantes para EV71 foram observados em 12,4% (55/442) das amostras de soro, uma baixa taxa de proteção, sugerindo que a infecção pelo EV71 é incomum nesta região e que existe alta susceptibilidade a doenças relacionadas ao EV71, o que é preocupante considerando os recentes surtos asiáticos. Ainda, foi observada diferença significativa na soropositividade em relação à localização, onde 8,7% (21/241) e 16,9% (34/201) das amostras provenientes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, e demais municípios, respectivamente, apresentaram anticorpos neutralizantes para EV71. Um grande número de brasileiros vive em áreas rurais e à beira-mar, sem acesso adequado à água encanada ou saneamento. Essa situação pode contribuir para a disseminação de EV71 nessas regiões. A análise de amostras ambientais poderia gerar contribuição valiosa para estudos sobre a epidemiologia da EV71

    Gastroenterites e infecções respiratórias agudas em crianças menores de 5 anos, em área da região Sudeste do Brasil, 1986-1987: II - Diarréias

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    INTRODUCTION: The decrease morbi-mortality gastroenteritis in is related to the factor responsible largely for the fall in infant mortality and mortality from communicable diseases in developing countries. Nevertheless, diarrhea is still a considerable public health problem in these countries, especially among children under 5 years old. OBJECTIVES: To describe some aspects of the of gastroenteritis epidemiology among children up to 5 years old, resident in areas of S. Paulo county. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A probabilistic sample of children up to 5 years old was studied (n=468). The epidemiological survey was undertaken in five areas S. Paulo county (Brazil) from March 1986 to May 1987. Data were obtained through household interviews once a month over a year. RESULTS: During the follow-up 139 diarrhea episodes were registered, with a mean duration of 5.5 days. Twenty percent of the diarrhea events were followed by at least one other case in the household. The incidence of gastroenteritis was 2.78 episodes per 100 children/month. The highest incidence affected the children of up to 2 years of age. In 46.1% of the gastroenteritis episodes medical assistance was not sought, the children were treated by their mothers or not at all; 51.8% of the diarrhea events were attended to by the primary health care service, and only 2.1% were attended to by a hospital. No child died as a consequence of diarrhea. Of the therapeutical interventions used the most frequent were oral rehydration (25.2%) and oral rehydration with antibiotics (11.5%). Various socio-economic and personal background factors such as living conditions, water supply, sewarage, coverage; family income per capita and prior history of frequent gastroenteritis were associated with a higher incidence of gastroenteritis. DISCUSSION: The results seen to reflect the tendency of morbi-mortality by gastroenteritis to decrease in S. Paulo county during the 1980's when hospital treatment of diarrhea presented a considerable reduction. This tendency must be observed closely, because it will influence the changes to be mode in the kind of demand for medical care.INTRODUÇÃO: O declínio da morbi-mortalidade pelas gastroenterites é, em boa parte, responsável pela queda da mortalidade infantil e da mortalidade por doenças infecciosas nos países do terceiro mundo. Esse agravo ainda se destaca, nesses países, como importante problema de saúde pública, especialmente, entre os menores de 5 anos. OBJETIVOS: Descrever aspectos do comportamento das gastroenterites entre crianças menores de 5 anos, residentes em 5 bairros do Município de São Paulo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudou-se uma amostra probabilística (N = 468) de crianças menores de 5 anos, residentes em 5 áreas do Município de São Paulo, SP (Brasil), acompanhada durante um ano, por meio de entrevistas mensais. RESULTADOS: Durante o acompanhamento foram identificados 139 episódios de diarréia, com uma duração média de 5,5 dias, 10% dos casos prolongaram-se por 15 dias ou mais. Em 20% dos episódios havia ao menos outra pessoa na família com diarréia. A incidência foi de 2,78 casos por 100 crianças/mês, sendo mais elevada nos menores de 2 anos. Em 46,1% dos episódios de gastroenterite as crianças não demandaram assistência médica tendo sido tratadas pelas próprias mães, ou não receberam qualquer tratamento; em 51,8% dos episódios o atendimento foi feito em serviços de assistência primária à saúde e somente 2,1% dos casos necessitaram tratamento hospitalar. Nenhuma criança evoluiu para óbito. Entre as medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas estão a reidratação oral (25,2%) e a antibioticoterapia associada à reidratação oral (11,5%); em somente 2 casos foi feita reidratação endovenosa. Alguns fatores socioeconômicos e antecedentes pessoais mostraram-se associados à ocorrência de diarréias, entre eles, as condições da habitação, saneamento básico e renda familiar "per capita" e história pregressa de diarréias freqüentes. DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados obtidos parecem refletir a tendência de diminuição da morbi-mortalidade por diarréias no Município de São Paulo, durante a década de 80, período em que houve acentuada queda nas internações hospitalares por essa causa. Tal tendência deve ser acompanhada atentamente, pois influenciará modificações nas características da demanda de assistência à saúde infantil

    Prospective cohort studies to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the 2013, 2014, and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan

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    Annual vaccination is the most effective way to prevent seasonal influenza illness. Instituto Butantan (IB) performed clinical studies with its 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal trivalent influenza vaccines (inactivated split-virion). Prospective cohort studies were carried out to describe the safety and immunogenicity of Instituto Butantan influenza vaccines, in healthy adults and elderly, from 2013 to 2015. Immediately after the informed consent was signed, participants underwent blood collection followed by vaccination. On study days 1, 2 and 3 post-vaccination participants were contacted by the staff to evaluate the occurrence of solicited (local and systemic) and non-solicited adverse reactions. On study day 21 (+7) subjects returned to the clinical site for final safety assessments and blood collection to evaluate post-vaccination immunogenicity. The immunogenicity analyses were performed by means of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. The immunogenicity endpoints were: seroprotection (SPR) and seroconversion (SCR) rates and the geometric mean HI antibody titer ratio (GMTR). The 2013 study was conducted at the Centro de Referência para Imunobiológicos Especiais (CRIE) and at the Centro de Pesquisa Clínica do Instituto da Criança, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo while the 2014 and 2015 studies were conducted at CRIE. The vaccine composition followed the WHO recommendation for the Southern hemisphere seasonal influenza vaccine. Fortyseven healthy adults and 13 elderly participated in the 2013 study, 60 healthy adults and 60 elderly in the 2014 study, and 62 healthy adults and 57 elderly in the 2015 study. In the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies, pain was the most frequent local adverse reaction and headache the most frequent systemic adverse reaction. All observed adverse reactions were classified as mild or moderate and none as severe. SPR >70% and SPR >60% were observed in adults and elderly, respectively, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. SCR >40% was observed in adults, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2014 study and SCR >30% was observed in the elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2013 and 2014 studies. GMTR >2.5 among adults, for the three vaccine viruses was only observed in the 2013 study and GMTR >2.0 was observed among elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. The 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan were safe and immunogenic according to the immunogenicity criteria defined by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

    Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Inactivated Monovalent Non-Adjuvanted Vaccine in Elderly and Immunocompromised Patients

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    Background\ud \ud Immunosuppressed individuals present serious morbidity and mortality from influenza, therefore it is important to understand the safety and immunogenicity of influenza vaccination among them.\ud Methods\ud \ud This multicenter cohort study evaluated the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated, monovalent, non-adjuvanted pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine among the elderly, HIV-infected, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), cancer, kidney transplant, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. Participants were included during routine clinical visits, and vaccinated according to conventional influenza vaccination schedules. Antibody response was measured by the hemagglutination-inhibition assay, before and 21 days after vaccination.\ud Results\ud \ud 319 patients with cancer, 260 with RA, 256 HIV-infected, 149 elderly individuals, 85 kidney transplant recipients, and 83 with JIA were included.\ud \ud The proportions of seroprotection, seroconversion, and the geometric mean titer ratios postvaccination were, respectively: 37.6%, 31.8%, and 3.2 among kidney transplant recipients, 61.5%, 53.1%, and 7.5 among RA patients, 63.1%, 55.7%, and 5.7 among the elderly, 59.0%, 54.7%, and 5.9 among HIV-infected patients, 52.4%, 49.2%, and 5.3 among cancer patients, 85.5%, 78.3%, and 16.5 among JIA patients. The vaccine was well tolerated, with no reported severe adverse events.\ud Conclusions\ud \ud The vaccine was safe among all groups, with an acceptable immunogenicity among the elderly and JIA patients, however new vaccination strategies should be explored to improve the immune response of immunocompromised adult patients. (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01218685)Fundação Butantan funded the study, and employed several of the authors. The funder had a role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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