306 research outputs found

    On the Geometry of Sculpting-like Gauging Processes

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    Recently, a new gauging procedure called Sculpting mechanism was proposed to obtain the M-theory origin of type II gauged Supergravity theories in 9D. We study this procedurein detail and give a better understanding of the different deformations and changes in fiber bundles, that are able to generate new relevant physical gauge symmetries in the theory. We discuss the geometry involved in the standard approach (Noether-like) and in the new Scultping-like one and comment on possible new applications.Comment: 9 pages, latex, Notation and typos reviewed, more clear explanations, results unchange

    Laïcitat i cooperació a Espanya

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    L’autora analitza des d’una perspectiva històrica les relacions Església-Estat en matèria religiosa –en sentit ampli– a través dels diferents canvis constitucionals que han conformat el marc de relacions entre un Estat caracteritzat per la confessionalitat catòlica (una confessionalitat que ha estat matisada molt poques vegades) i una societat cada vegada més secularitzada i a la vegada diversa des del punt de vista social i religiós

    Spectral properties in supersymmetric matrix models

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    We formulate a general sufficiency criterion for discreteness of the spectrum of both supersymmmetric and non-su-persymmetric theories with a fermionic contribution. This criterion allows an analysis of Hamiltonians in complete form rather than just their semiclassical limits. In such a framework we examine spectral properties of various (1+0) matrix models. We consider the BMN model of M-theory compactified on a maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background, different regularizations of the supermembrane with central charges and a non-supersymmetric model comprising a bound state of N D2 with m D0. While the first two examples have a purely discrete spectrum, the latter has a continuous spectrum with a lower end given in terms of the monopole charge.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figure

    Floating millenial chronologies of Pinus in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain)

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    This research has been carried out by some members of the “History and Dynamics of the Vegetal Landscape” Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain). The team has been working on the flora, vegetation and dendrochronology of the Sierra de Gredos (Ávila, Spain) for the last 20 years. Recently, we have implemented a new research field focused on the study of megafossils. All this data set has allowed us to develop an interpretation of the dynamics of mountain pine forests in this region

    Convective precipitation trends in the Spanish Mediterranean region

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    This paper aims to analyse the distribution and temporal evolution of convective precipitation in the Mediterranean region of Spain. To accomplish this goal, we used 148 sets of 5-min rainfall rate data from the 1989–2015 period. The selected regions were the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ) and the Internal Basins of Catalonia (CIC), which cover most of the autonomous communities of Catalonia and the Valencian Community (east Spain). The average 5-min intensity threshold of 35 mm/h and the β parameter, defined as the ratio between convective precipitation versus total precipitation in any period, were used to characterise convective precipitation. Convective episodes were categorised as “very convective”, “moderately convective”, and “slightly convective” based on the β value. After quality control, the series of 129 stations were clustered into homogeneous precipitation zones that also include β as one of the variables of characterisation. The results show that convective precipitation can contribute to total annual precipitation by up to 16% on average, but it is generated by a very small percentage of convective events (between 3% and 6% across all the stations) in comparison with the total number of rainfall episodes. In this sense, moderately convective events are the most common, with a predominantly unimodal monthly distribution of β, with summer the most convective season. Trends show a significant increase in precipitation, convective precipitation, and convective episodes in the CHJ. On the other hand, a positive trend of convective events is predominant in the CIC region, despite an overall precipitation decrease in the analysed period. These results are relevant given that extreme daily rainfall does not show a positive or significant trend, and they are in line with the impact of climate change on increased atmospheric instability and water vapour in the atmosphere. They highlight the need to work with sub-daily precipitation series in the case of the Mediterranean, which is mainly affected by flash floods.This work has been done in the framework of the M-CostAdapt (CTM2017-83655-C2-2-R) research project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), and the PIRAGUA project EFA210/16 funded by INTERREG/POCTEFA

    A comparative analysis between two statistical deviation–based consensus measures in group decision making problems

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    The mean absolute deviation and the standard deviation, two statistical measures commonly used in quantifying variability, may become an interesting tool when defining consensus measures. Two consensus indexes which obtain the level of consensus in some problems of Group Decision Making are introduced in this paper by expanding the aforementioned statistical concepts. A comparative analysis reveals that the levels of consensus derived from these indexes are close to those obtained employing distance functions when a fuzzy preference relations frame is considered, so they turn out to be a useful tool in this context. In addition, these indexes are different from each other and with the distance functions considered. Thus, they are applicable tools in the calculation of consensus in our context and are different from those commonly used

    Incidencia de los dibujos animados de televisión en el aprendizaje sociocognitivo de los niños/as de primaria

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    We analize the influence of cartoons passed on T.V. in the sociocognitive learning development in Primary Education, as a potencially educational factor. The phenomenon of cognitive schemas building up, general children¿s development, the social integration process in chilhood at early stages, and TV- learning interaction, are also studied. Finally, TV and mainly cartoons programmnes are questioned as important learning elements; their possible cognitive and affective effects are also studie