35 research outputs found

    La biblioteca escolar y su contribución a la motivación por la lectura

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    The practice of routine and traditional readings during the educational process has become a problem, especially when the scholar needs to feel this activity as enjoyment and personal creation. In the article latent problems are identified and the theoretical bases are considered taking into account contributions from different sciences and disciplines related to the didactics of reading that are coherent with the educational ideas that identify the Cuban pedagogical tradition. Being the main objective to expose the tendencies and the main assumed assumptions that sustain the problem related to the motivation for reading. The activities project the process of training readers in a dynamic and creative way, from a perspective that integrates the use of reading animation techniques, a participatory and democratic style, causing emotional effects in school children. The study was carried out from September 2018 to March 2019. To evaluate the effectiveness of the study, the pedagogical experiment method was used, in its pre-experiment modality, with a pre-test and post-test design. The positive effects achieved in schoolchildren of the experimental group with respect to motivation levels have demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the proposed activities.La práctica de lecturas rutinarias y tradicionales durante el proceso educativo se ha convertido en una problemática, sobre todo, cuando el escolar necesita sentir esta actividad como disfrute y creación personal. En el artículo se identifican problemas latentes al respecto y se plantean las bases teóricas teniendo en cuenta aportes de diferentes ciencias y disciplinas afines a la didáctica de la lectura que son coherentes con las ideas educativas que identifican la tradición pedagógica cubana. Siendo el principal objetivo, exponer las tendencias y los principales presupuestos asumidos que sustentan el problema relacionado con la motivación por la lectura. Las actividades proyectan el proceso de formación de lectores de un modo dinámico y creativo, a partir de una perspectiva que integra el empleo de técnicas de animación de la lectura, un estilo participativo y democrático, provocando efectos emotivos en los escolares. El estudio se desarrolló en el período de septiembre de 2018 a marzo de 2019. Para evaluar la efectividad del estudio se empleó el método de experimento pedagógico, en su modalidad de pre - experimento, con un diseño de pre - test y pos - test. Los efectos positivos logrados en los escolares del grupo experimental con respecto a los niveles de motivación, han demostrado la pertinencia y efectividad de las actividades propuestas

    White matter hyperintensity reduction and outcomes after minor stroke

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    Objective: To assess factors associated with white matter hyperintensity (WMH) change in a large cohort after observing obvious WMH shrinkage 1 year after minor stroke in several participants in a longitudinal study. Methods: We recruited participants with minor ischemic stroke and performed clinical assessments and brain MRI. At 1 year, we assessed recurrent cerebrovascular events and dependency and repeated the MRI. We assessed change in WMH volume from baseline to 1 year (normalized to percent intracranial volume [ICV]) and associations with baseline variables, clinical outcomes, and imaging parameters using multivariable analysis of covariance, model of changes, and multinomial logistic regression. Results: Among 190 participants (mean age 65.3 years, range 34.3–96.9 years, 112 [59%] male), WMH decreased in 71 participants by 1 year. At baseline, participants whose WMH decreased had similar WMH volumes but higher blood pressure (p = 0.0064) compared with participants whose WMH increased. At 1 year, participants with WMH decrease (expressed as percent ICV) had larger reductions in blood pressure (β = 0.0053, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.00099–0.0097 fewer WMH per 1–mm Hg decrease, p = 0.017) and in mean diffusivity in normal-appearing white matter (β = 0.075, 95% CI 0.0025–0.15 fewer WMH per 1-unit mean diffusivity decrease, p = 0.043) than participants with WMH increase; those with WMH increase experienced more recurrent cerebrovascular events (32%, vs 16% with WMH decrease, β = 0.27, 95% CI 0.047–0.50 more WMH per event, p = 0.018). Conclusions: Some WMH may regress after minor stroke, with potentially better clinical and brain tissue outcomes. The role of risk factor control requires verification. Interstitial fluid alterations may account for some WMH reversibility, offering potential intervention targets

    Brain volumetric changes and cognitive ageing during the eighth decade of life

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    Later‐life changes in brain tissue volumes—decreases in the volume of healthy grey and white matter and increases in the volume of white matter hyperintensities (WMH)—are strong candidates to explain some of the variation in ageing‐related cognitive decline. We assessed fluid intelligence, memory, processing speed, and brain volumes (from structural MRI) at mean age 73 years, and at mean age 76 in a narrow‐age sample of older individuals (n = 657 with brain volumetric data at the initial wave, n = 465 at follow‐up). We used latent variable modeling to extract error‐free cognitive levels and slopes. Initial levels of cognitive ability were predictive of subsequent brain tissue volume changes. Initial brain volumes were not predictive of subsequent cognitive changes. Brain volume changes, especially increases in WMH, were associated with declines in each of the cognitive abilities. All statistically significant results were modest in size (absolute r‐values ranged from 0.114 to 0.334). These results build a comprehensive picture of macrostructural brain volume changes and declines in important cognitive faculties during the eighth decade of life

    Influence of threshold selection and image sequence in in-vivo segmentation of enlarged perivascular spaces

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    BACKGROUND: Growing interest surrounds perivascular spaces (PVS) as a clinical biomarker of brain dysfunction given their association with cerebrovascular risk factors and disease. Neuroimaging techniques allowing quick and reliable quantification are being developed, but, in practice, they require optimisation as their limits of validity are usually unspecified.NEW METHOD: We evaluate modifications and alternatives to a state-of-the-art (SOTA) PVS segmentation method that uses a vesselness filter to enhance PVS discrimination, followed by thresholding of its response, applied to brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) from patients with sporadic small vessel disease acquired at 3 T.RESULTS: The method is robust against inter-observer differences in threshold selection, but separate thresholds for each region of interest (i.e., basal ganglia, centrum semiovale, and midbrain) are required. Noise needs to be assessed prior to selecting these thresholds, as effect of noise and imaging artefacts can be mitigated with a careful optimisation of these thresholds. PVS segmentation from T1-weighted images alone, misses small PVS, therefore, underestimates PVS count, may overestimate individual PVS volume especially in the basal ganglia, and is susceptible to the inclusion of calcified vessels and mineral deposits. Visual analyses indicated the incomplete and fragmented detection of long and thin PVS as the primary cause of errors, with the Frangi filter coping better than the Jerman filter.COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Limits of validity to a SOTA PVS segmentation method applied to 3 T MRI with confounding pathology are given.CONCLUSIONS: Evidence presented reinforces the STRIVE-2 recommendation of using T2-weighted images for PVS assessment wherever possible. The Frangi filter is recommended for PVS segmentation from MRI, offering robust output against variations in threshold selection and pathology presentation.</p

    Sample size considerations for trials using cerebral white matter hyperintensity progression as an intermediate outcome at 1 year after mild stroke: Results of a prospective cohort study

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    Background: White matter hyperintensities (WMHs) are commonly seen on in brain imaging and are associated with stroke and cognitive decline. Therefore, they may provide a relevant intermediate outcome in clinical trials. WMH can be measured as a volume or visually on the Fazekas scale. We investigated predictors of WMH progression and design of efficient studies using WMH volume and Fazekas score as an intermediate outcome. Methods: We prospectively recruited 264 patients with mild ischaemic stroke and measured WMH volume, Fazekas score, age and cardiovascular risk factors at baseline and 1 year. We modelled predictors of WMH burden at 1 year and used the results in sample size calculations for hypothetical randomised controlled trials with different analysis plans and lengths of follow-up. Results: Follow-up WMH volume was predicted by baseline WMH: a 0.73-ml (95% CI 0.65-0.80, p < 0.0001) increase per 1-ml baseline volume increment, and a 2.93-ml increase (95% CI 1.76-4.10, p < 0.0001) per point on the Fazekas scale. Using a mean difference of 1 ml in WMH volume between treatment groups, 80% power and 5% alpha, adjusting for all predictors and 2-year follow-up produced the smallest sample size (n = 642). Other study designs produced samples sizes from 2054 to 21,270. Sample size calculations using Fazekas score as an outcome with the same power and alpha, as well as an OR corresponding to a 1-ml difference, were sensitive to assumptions and ranged from 2504 to 18,886. Conclusions: Baseline WMH volume and Fazekas score predicted follow-up WMH volume. Study size was smallest using volumes and longer-term follow-up, but this must be balanced against resources required to measure volumes versus Fazekas scores, bias due to dropout and scanner drift. Samples sizes based on Fazekas scores may be best estimated with simulation studies

    Associations between hippocampal morphology, diffusion characteristics, and salivary cortisol in older men

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    High, unabated glucocorticoid (GC) levels are thought to selectively damage certain tissue types. The hippocampus is thought to be particularly susceptible to such effects, and though findings from animal models and human patients provide some support for this hypothesis, evidence for associations between elevated GCs and lower hippocampal volumes in older age (when GC levels are at greater risk of dysregulation) is inconclusive. To address the possibility that the effects of GCs in non-pathological ageing may be too subtle for gross volumetry to reliably detect, we analyse associations between salivary cortisol (diurnal and reactive measures), hippocampal morphology and diffusion characteristics in 88 males, aged ∼73 years. However, our results provide only weak support for this hypothesis. Though nominally significant peaks in morphology were found in both hippocampi across all salivary cortisol measures (standardised β magnitudes < 0.518, p(uncorrected) > 0.0000003), associations were both positive and negative, and none survived false discovery rate correction. We found one single significant association (out of 12 comparisons) between a general measure of hippocampal diffusion and reactive cortisol slope (β = 0.290, p = 0.008) which appeared to be driven predominantly by mean diffusivity but did not survive correction for multiple testing. The current data therefore do not clearly support the hypothesis that elevated cortisol levels are associated with subtle variations in hippocampal shape or microstructure in non-pathological older age

    Associations between level and change in physical function and brain volumes

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    Higher levels of fitness or physical function are positively associated with cognitive outcomes but the potential underlying mechanisms via brain structure are still to be elucidated in detail. We examined associations between brain structure and physical function (contemporaneous and change over the previous three years) in community-dwelling older adults.Participants from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (N=694) underwent brain MRI at age 73 years to assess intracranial volume, and the volumes of total brain tissue, ventricles, grey matter, normal-appearing white matter, and white matter lesions. At ages 70 and 73, physical function was assessed by 6-meter walk, grip strength, and forced expiratory volume. A summary 'physical function factor' was derived from the individual measures using principal components analysis. Performance on each individual physical function measure declined across the three year interval (p<0.001). Higher level of physical function at ages 70 and 73 was associated with larger total brain tissue and white matter volumes, and smaller ventricular and white matter lesion volumes (standardized β ranged in magnitude from 0.07 to 0.17, p<0.001 to 0.034). Decline in physical function from age 70 to 73 was associated with smaller white matter volume (0.08, p<0.01, though not after correction for multiple testing), but not with any other brain volumetric measurements.Physical function was related to brain volumes in community-dwelling older adults: declining physical function was associated with less white matter tissue. Further study is required to explore the detailed mechanisms through which physical function might influence brain structure, and vice versa