621 research outputs found

    Community Social Psychology as Political Education and Awareness-Raising: Resistances and Possibilities in Everyday Life - Suggestion for a Model of Analysis

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    In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practices of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life. In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practices of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life. In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practice of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life

    Community Social Psychology as Political Education and Awareness-Raising: Resistances and Possibilities in Everyday Life - Suggestion for a Model of Analysis

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    In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practices of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life. In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practices of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life. In developing community work we have faced challenges and dilemmas relating to the involvement and commitment of different actors in the networks of community and everyday coexistence. Although there has been an increase in sensitivity and motivation within civil society towards psychosocial practices in various community projects, this has not meant that participation – committed to social transformation – or awareness-raising – seen as a critical and political process – have been implemented and are guaranteed to be present in the above mentioned work. In the practice of community work, it can be seen that participation and awareness-raising constitute necessary psychosocial processes for the possibility of social transformation, starting from the networks of everyday life. It is the aim of this paper to deepen the analysis of the contents and meanings in the concepts of Participation, Awareness-Raising and Strategies for psychosocial survival, in order to support the realization of intervention-work that is committed to the concrete reality of the population and with political projects of transformation. There will be a search for the similarities, differences and intersections between these concepts according to the views of Paulo Freire on Awareness-Raising education, and Ignacio Martin-Baró, as well as pointing to suggestions in the area of Latin-American practice of Community Social Psychology. With a view to a socially committed practice, we shall analyse the following conceptual axes: a) connections between knowledge-ignorance, loveunlove, hope-hopelessness present in the process of participation; b) society-culture-everyday life; c) education and community practices as forms of liberation (emancipation); d) possibilities for the praxis of maintenance and transformation. Finally, a proposal is made for a model of analysis for everyday-life according to Community Social Psychology, bringing together ideas from both authors and analysing the strategies for survival and resistance in everyday life that cut across our community practices. It is also the aim here to reflect on community practices as educational projects of social transformation, as well as on projects of popular education as possibilities for awareness-raising and participation in concrete life

    Experiência de aprendizagem de conceitos numa turma de 3º ano do ensino básico 1º ciclo

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    Esta comunicação inclui parte de um projecto de investigação-acção desenvolvido durante seis meses em estreita colaboração entre as duas autoras, desde a planificação à implementação na sala de aula, numa turma do 3º ano do ensino básico 1º ciclo, tendo como foco os transportes. A finalidade da investigação foi o estudo do desenvolvimento de conceitos de tempo e espaço. Foram utilizadas várias metodologias iniciando-se com uma experiência de aprendizagem do conceito de meios de transporte seguindo um modelo de exemplos e não exemplos, com base nos estudos de J. Bruner, em parte para se apresentar o tema do estudo mas também para iniciar as crianças num processo de reflexão sobre os seus processos de aprendizagem. Entretanto, foram realizadas outras experiências muito diversificadas desde o uso de narrativas, linha de tempo e jogos, a trabalho de projecto. No final, como síntese de todo o processo, utilizou-se uma outra metodologia de aprendizagem de conceitos estruturantes. A participação das crianças foi sempre muito empenhada e activa: mesmo assim foi surpreendente como no final conseguiram articular as várias dimensões das aprendizagens como, por exemplo, meios de transporte, através do tempo e espaço, e regras de civismo num complexo esquema síntese.Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd).Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Direcção-Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular (DGIDC)

    Determinação dos fatores discriminadores para referenciação de doentes não oncológicos para cuidados paliativos: Revisão sistemática

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    Introdução: Atualmente, assistimos a um envelhecimento da população a nível mundial e concomitantemente a um aumento da prevalência das doenças crónicas, que representam a grande epidemia deste século. Apesar de já se ter demonstrando o benefício dos cuidados paliativos nestes doentes, a referenciação dos doentes não oncológicos continua a ser insuficiente e tardia, havendo uma grande discrepância quando se compara com o número de doentes oncológicos que são referenciados. Assim, torna-se importante a identificação de fatores discriminadores que contribuam para a criação de critérios de referenciação para cuidados paliativos, de forma a tornar o processo mais eficaz. Objetivos: Analisar na literatura a existência de discriminadores que permitam identificar portadores de doença não oncológica, com necessidade de referenciação a cuidados paliativos e comparar esses discriminadores com os que levam à referenciação dos doentes oncológicos Metodologia: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática com recurso às bases de dados Pubmed e SciELo para pesquisa dos artigos científicos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade previamente definidos, foi obtida uma amostra de 12 artigos. Resultados: Através da análise dos artigos incluídos, foi possível identificar dez temas que englobam todos os fatores discriminadores encontrados para as doenças crónicas que foram escolhidas para o estudo: descontrolo de sintomas físicos, problemas sociais, problemas emocionais/espirituais, prognóstico vital limitado, evolução da doença, comorbilidades, planeamento de cuidados, pedido do doente, fatores discriminadores quantificáveis e pergunta surpresa. Conclusão: Existem já muitos fatores discriminadores de necessidades paliativas para os doentes crónicos, independentemente de terem patologia oncológica ou não. No entanto, é ainda necessário chegar a um consenso sobre quais os melhores fatores e qual o melhor momento para referenciação aos cuidados paliativos. Com o aumento das necessidades paliativas da população torna-se cada vez mais importante sistematizar o processo de referenciação para que mais pessoas sejam encaminhadas e em fases mais iniciais da doença. Assim, estes fatores podem contribuir para a elaboração de guidelines específicas de referenciação de doentes crónicos para cuidados paliativos.Introduction: Currently, we are witnessing an aging population worldwide and concomitantly an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, which represent the great epidemic of this century. Although the benefits of palliative care for these patients have already been demonstrated, their referral continues to be insufficient and late, with a large discrepancy when compared with the number of cancer patients who are referred. Thus, it is important to identify discriminating factors that contribute to the creation of referral criteria for palliative care, in order to make the process more effective. Objectives: Analyse in the literature the existence of triggers that allow the identification of patients with non-oncological diseases in need of referral to palliative care and to compare these triggers with those that lead to the referral of cancer patients. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out using the Pubmed and SciELo databases to search for scientific articles. After applying the previously defined eligibility criteria, a sample of 12 articles was obtained. Results: Through the analysis of the included articles, it was possible to identify ten themes that encompass all the triggers found for the chronic diseases that were chosen for the study: lack of control of physical symptoms, social problems, emotional/spiritual problems, limited vital prognosis, disease evolution, comorbidities, care planning, patient request, quantifiable triggers and surprise question. Conclusion: There are already many triggers of palliative needs for chronic patients, regardless of whether they have oncological pathology or not. However, it is still necessary to reach a consensus on the best factors and the best time for referral to palliative care. With the increase of population's palliative needs, it becomes increasingly important to systematize the referral process so that more people are referred and in earlier stages of the disease. Thus, these factors can contribute to the elaboration of guidelines for the referral of chronic patients for palliative care

    Psicólogos Na Comunidade:: Importância E Orientação Do Trabalho Desenvolvido

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    Fourteen psychologists who work with communities in themetropolitan area of São Paulo were interviewed. It was aimed, from thepractice of those professionals, to identify the orientation that was given totheir work, specially to see whether the work was related or not to Psychology.For the purpose of this article, the following themes were selected:the main reasons for doing community type of work and its importancefor them; what were the objectives, if any, of the work done or beingdone; what are the necessary conditions one needs in order to work withcommunities. An Analysis of Content applied to these themes, made itpossible to identify that motivation ranked from personal curiosity to their contribution to the community and to Psychology itself. It was also foundthat the main orientation given to the work by those interviewed rangedfrom strictly psychological to sociological work. The author raise somequestions concerning psychological intervention and the specificity of thisobject of study in the area of community work.RESUMO - Foram entrevistados psicólogos, num total de 14, que estavam atuando ou já haviam atuado em comunidade, na Grande São Paulo. Pretendia-se, a partir da prática desses profissionais, identificar orientações dadas ao trabalho em termos de se relacionar ou não à Psicologia. Para a apresentação neste estudo foram selecionados os temas: motivos responsáveis pelo ingresso na área, importância atribuída ao trabalho, presença ou não de objetivos definidos e condições necessárias para a inserção na área. A Análise de Conteúdo, em relação a estes temas, permitiu identificar fatores responsáveis pelo ingresso que se distribuíram desde uma curiosidade pessoal até uma preocupação em contribuir para a população e para a Psicologia. A orientação dada ao trabalho distribuiu-se desde eminentemente psicológica até exclusivamente sociológica. Algumas questões são levantadas em relação à especificidade da Psicologia e à identificação do seu objeto de estudo nesta área

    Youth and adult education, popular education and awareness processes: intersections in daily life

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    This article presents relationships between popular education and Youthand Adult Education (YAE). It also names some possibilities of contributionfrom community social psychology to educators’ practice, in his/hereducational/literacy work at the present days. Common epistemologicalorigins are identified since the sixties, when literacy works, awareness andsocial movements started. Gradually, some differentiation among those twoareas happened, while the country entered in its redemocratization period.Similarities, differences and intersections are identified among those twoareas, especially some ‘reflections’ direct to educators’ practice, which arebased on Paulo Freire’s philosophy and popular emancipation practices andguided by community social psychology works. The text is followed by apsychosocial analysis of tensions and paradoxes that appear in educators’practice and analyses the psychosocial repercussions and impacts that cancontribute to progresses or backwards in the awareness processes, both inrelation to educators and students. At the end, some suggestions are presentedto the educators’ formation according to a perspective of awareness andparticipation in daily life.O presente artigo discorre sobre as relações entre a educação popular, aEducação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) e algumas possibilidades de contribuiçãoda psicologia social comunitária para a prática dos educadores, hoje, noseu trabalho de educação/alfabetização. Identificam-se origens epistemológicascomuns, quando do início dos trabalhos de alfabetização e conscientização edos movimentos sociais, a partir dos anos 60. Paulatinamente, vai acontecendouma diferenciação entre estes dois campos à medida que o país entrano período da redemocratização. São identificadas semelhanças, diferenças eintersecções entre estes dois campos, destacando-se algumas “reflexões”para a prática dos educadores, à luz da filosofia de Paulo Freire e das práticasde emancipação popular, orientadas pelos trabalhos da psicologia socialcomunitária. Procede-se a uma análise psicossocial das tensões e paradoxosque surgem na prática dos educadores, analisando as repercussões e impactospsicossociais que podem contribuir para avanços ou recuos nos processosde conscientização, seja dos educadores, seja dos educandos. Ao final,são apresentadas algumas sugestões para a formação de educadores dentrode uma perspectiva da conscientização e participação na vida cotidiana.Palavras-chave: EJA e educação popular; EJA e processos de conscientização;vida cotidiana e educação popular; processos de conscientização e educação

    Desafios éticos na prática em comunidade: (des)encontros entre a pesquisa e a intervenção

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    O presente trabalho analisa as relações entre os processos de investigação e de intervenção no campo comunitário, enfatizando duas questões centrais: a) se a investigação (pesquisa) deve conduzir a ações que também sejam comprometidas com a realidade e a transformação social; e b) se o processo de intervenção em comunidade gera conhecimentos socialmente relevantes. Para isso procede-se a uma reflexão sobre os dilemas e desafios éticos que estão presentes nas práticas comunitárias: a) relacionados às exigências metodológicas e de produção de conhecimento; b) ligados à “sensibilidade cotidiana e histórica”. Indaga-se se a intervenção psicossocial capta os processos de participação e conscientização. Finaliza-se com uma exposição de aspectos importantes para a congruência metodológica e política entre intervenção e investigação psicossocial em comunidade, na perspectiva da Psicologia Social Comunitária Latino-Americana

    Brincadeiras inovadoras na educação infantil: um olhar para as inteligências múltiplas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem

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    This paper aims to clarify aspects of the acquisition of multiple intelligences in children , with the purpose to relate the theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Gardner to everyday childhood education , focusing on the play, as an essential factor for the development of young children , and pacing of such intelligences . The theme is crafted in a focused playfulness and factors of the intellect of children , as the opportunity to be included in an innovative and participatory approach perspective . Thus , the aim of this study is to understand the positioning of teachers about the use of games and game development in early childhood education . The survey instrument was through a questionnaire distributed to educators in a public institution of early childhood education , and the responses were analyzed using the knowledge of each of the playful aspect , multiple intelligences and mediation of teachers . The results showed that teachers have no knowledge about multiple intelligences , however, use the play in their everyday school life to the development of learning in their students . In this sense, the result of this study highlights the importance of knowledge of multiple intelligences and the different ways to play encouraging multiple intelligences that should be focused on early childhood education.O presente trabalho busca esclarecer aspectos da aquisição das inteligências múltiplas em crianças, tendo por finalidade relacionar a teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas proposta por Gardner ao cotidiano da educação infantil, enfocando o brincar, como fator essencial para o desenvolvimento das crianças pequenas e estimulação de tais inteligências. A temática trabalhada consiste em uma abordagem voltada a ludicidade e aos fatores do intelecto das crianças, conforme a oportunidade de serem incluídas em uma perspectiva inovadora e participativa. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é compreender o posicionamento dos professores a cerca da utilização das brincadeiras e jogos para o desenvolvimento na educação infantil. O instrumento de pesquisa, foi através de um questionário apresentado aos educadores de uma instituição pública de educação infantil, sendo que, as respostas foram analisadas mediante o conhecimento de cada um sobre o aspecto lúdico, as inteligências múltiplas e a mediação dos professores. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os professores não tem conhecimentos sobre as inteligências múltiplas, porém, utilizam o lúdico no seu cotidiano escolar para o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem de seus alunos. Neste sentido, o resultado deste estudo ressalta a importância do conhecimento das inteligências múltiplas e das diversas formas de brincar estimulando as inteligências múltiplas que devem ser valorizadas na educação infantil

    Docência, vida cotidiana e mundo contemporâneo: que identidades e que estratégias de sobrevivência psicossocial estão sendo construídas?

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    O presente trabalho objetiva fazer uma análise a respeito das repercussões psicossociais que os desafios e dilemas, vividos cotidianamente pelos docentes em suas práticas profissionais e em suas relações, têm em sua vida profissional, familiar e pessoal, considerando-se em especial o processo de construção de identidade e as alternativas de enfrentamento para tais dilemas. Para isso, far-se-á o percurso seguindo três eixos complementares. O primeiro refere-se à identificação de alguns elementos que nos permitem compreender como está a vida concreta dos docentes, não apenas na dimensão macro-social, mas considerando os aspectos micro-sociais que possibilitem uma configuração ampla sobre o quadro atual cotidianamente vivido pelo docente em seus locais de trabalho. Num segundo momento realiza-se uma comparação a respeito destas condições com aquelas relativas à trajetória de constituição desta profissão há alguns anos. Encaminha-se, então, a discussão para uma análise sobre os processos psicossociais presentes nas relações entre docente, produto de seu trabalho e realidade na qual vive, com vistas a elucidar os diferentes paradoxos com os quais têm de lidar dia a dia, ao mesmo tempo em que lhe é exigido um desempenho que referende uma identidade social prescrita, mas nem sempre coerente e viável às condições de vida e de formação. E, finalizando, far-se-á uma discussão sobre possibilidades de sobrevivência psicossocial diante deste quadro de naturalização e conformismo para com a vida cotidiana. Lecturing, everyday life and contemporary world: which identities and strategies of psychosocial surviving are being built? Abstract Under the psychosocial perspective, this work presents a discussion about the challenges and dilemmas that are experienced daily by teachers, resulting of a complex components assemblage linked thet start on the work conditions, passing through the relations established with their work subject, and their knowledge field, even how these teachers perceive themselves during this process, and what kind of meaning they assign to it along their lives. Following the social psychology theoretical shape, under the materialism basis, focused on the mans psychosocial construction departing from his life, and his interactions stablished with another social actors. Recently data related to the teaching work relationships are presented, in terms of the work admission and stability according to the gender, age, and career experience, and also how does this reflect over the development process of his identity and social awareness. This analysis indicates the paradoxes existence, contemporarely tough by the changings occured in the works world, and which inflences brought self-image results that the teacher builts on his own, and in what kind of interaction he establishes with his peers. The analytic proposals allow to identify teachers five daily life conflicts related to interaction and expectation between gender and social demands, relationship among teacher as a social actor and the nature of his work subject, school culture, teachers culture, and the otherculture, prescribed work and feasible work, and solidified identity and ongoing change identity. It is discussed the process of building the teacher identity in front of the current challenges and paradoxes that teachers are compelled to experience and face everyday in their work and personal relationships, such as violence, abuse, low incomes, as well as personal and professional depreciation. It is intended a consideration in terms of searching alternatives that could be regarded also during the future teachers process of graduation and professional formation