1,855 research outputs found

    Poliploidização sexual em trevo vermelho

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    Because sexual polyploidization broadens genetic basis and supply plant breeders with more variability for the selection process, it can be useful in red clover breeding. This paper reports results of three crossing cycles, starting from a parental generation of tetraploid red clover plants (female parent), and diploids from the Quiñiqueli cultivar, selected for production of more than 1% of giant pollen grains (male parent) aiming to obtain tetraploid plants to be used in red clover breeding programs. Crosses in the next generations were performed by mutual cross-pollinations. Chromosome number chimerism and high pollen sterility were detected in F1, F2 and F3, but there was a trend towards increasing seed production and seed viability along the generations, probably due to successful competition between fertile and sterile gametes. The identification of fertile triploids, as well as their recurrent formation along the generations, indicates that triploid block is not complete in red clover, and that triploids may be successfully used as a bridge for the production of sexual polyploids.Porque a poliploidização sexual amplia a base genética e proporciona aos melhoristas maior variabilidade para o processo de seleção, ela pode ser uma ferramenta útil ao melhoramento de trevo vermelho. Com o objetivo de obter plantas tetraplóides que possam ser utilizadas em programas de melhoramento de trevo vermelho, este trabalho relata resultados de três ciclos de cruzamentos, partindo de uma população parental de plantas tetraplóides de trevo vermelho, como genitores femininos, e de diplóides da cultivar Quiñiqueli, selecionados para produção de mais de 1% de grãos de pólen gigantes, como genitores masculinos. Nas outras gerações, os cruzamentos foram realizados por polinizações cruzadas mútuas. Quimerismo para número cromossômico e alta esterilidade de pólen foram detectados em F1 , F2 e F3, mas houve uma tendência para aumento da produção e viabilidade das sementes ao longo das gerações, provavelmente devido à competição bem sucedida entre gametas férteis e estéreis. A identificação de triplóides férteis, assim como sua formação recorrente ao longo das gerações, indica que o bloco triplóide não é completo em trevo vermelho e que triplóides podem ser utilizados com sucesso para a produção de poliplóides sexuais

    Internet-User mit primärer Hyperhidrose

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    Die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität, welche einen relevanten Schwerpunkt in der Forschung darstellt, umfasst physische, psychische und soziale Aspekte. Bei Personen mit primärer Hyperhidrose konnten bereits Auswirkungen der Erkrankung auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden festgestellt werden. Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet unterschiedliche Aspekte der Lebensqualität von Personen mit primärer Hyperhidrose und klärt, inwiefern sich die Stichprobe von der Norm unterscheidet. Zur Anwendung gelangten sowohl generische (SF-36, WHOQOL-100) als auch krankheitsspezifische (HHIQ) Instrumente. Um eine möglichst große Stichprobe zu erlangen, wurde eine Online-Studie mit einer Dauer von sieben Monaten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine signifikant niedrigere Lebensqualität bei Personen mit primärer Hyperhidrose als bei der gesunden Normstichprobe. Im Vergleich mit der Norm mit chronischen dermatologischen Erkrankungen konnten ebenfalls signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Es zeigten sich auch Differenzen bei verschiedenen hyperhidrosespezifischen Charakteristika. Des Weiteren konnten signifikante geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Lebensqualität festgestellt werden. Demnach scheinen Frauen mit primärer Hyperhidrose in gewissen Bereichen weniger beeinträchtigt zu sein als Männer.Health-related quality of life, which comprises physical, social and psychological aspects, is an important research area. Patients, who suffer from primary hyperhidrosis, are limited in their subjective well-being. The present study explores the different aspects of quality of life of people with primary hyperhidrosis and compares their well-being with different norms. For the process of information gathering served generic instruments (SF-36, WHOQOL-100) and parts of disease-specific questionnaires (HHIQ). An online-survey provided the means to acquire a huge sample of participants. The results showed significant reductions of health-related quality of life of patients with primary hyperhidrosis compared with the healthy norm sample and differences in subjective well-being between the sample with chronic skin diseases and study participants. The present study also discovered several differences in various disease-specific characteristics. Furthermore, differences between sexes concerning health-related quality of life could be found. Men tend to suffer more from primary hyperhidrosis than women

    Die Wirkung von Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein (BPI) auf Listeria monocytogenes und seine Funktion im Rahmen einer Listerieninfektion

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    Die antimikrobielle Wirkung von Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), einem Protein aus den azurophilen Granula neutrophiler Granulozyten (nGr), gegen gramnegative Bakterien ist seit Jahrzehnten bekannt. Dabei kann es sowohl LPS neutralisieren, wie auch Bakterien opsonisieren und damit deren Phagozytose verstärken. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte nun erstmals eine Funktion von BPI gegenüber grampositiven Bakterien, im speziellen Listeria monocytogenes (L.m.) nachgewiesen werden. Zum einen konnte gezeigt werden, dass humane nGr auf Stimulation mit Listerien mit einer BPI-Sekretion reagierten, zum anderen, dass BPI an die Bakterien binden konnte. Diese Bindung resultierte in einer direkten antimikrobiellen Wirkung gegen L.m.. Eine intragastrale Infektion von Wildtyp (WT)- Mäusen führte zu gesteigerten Expression der BPI-mRNA im Dünndarm, was einen ersten Hinweis auf die Funktion von BPI während einer Listeriose gab. BPI-defiziente (BPI-/-) Mäuse waren im Modell der murinen Listeriose unabhängig von der Applikationsroute suszeptibler gegenüber den Bakterien. Dies zeigte sich durch erhöhte Bakterienlasten in den infizierten Organen und eine verstärkte systemische Entzündung; wobei auch BPI-/- Mäuse letztlich in der Lage waren, die Bakterien zu kontrollieren. Um zu untersuchen welche Zellen für die erhöhte Suszeptibilität der BPI-/- Mäuse verantwortlich sind, wurden Analysen mit Makrophagen, DCs und nGr durchgeführt, die die erste Abwehrlinie bei einer Listeriose bilden. Weder isolierte Makrophagen noch DCs aus BPI-/- Mäusen konnten den in vivo Phänotyp der Mäuse rekapitulieren. Allerdings zeigten sich nach Stimulation von nGr aus WT und BPI-/- Mäusen mit UV-inaktivierten Listerien signifikante Unterschiede in der TNF- und ROS-Produktion der Zellen. BPI-/- nGr reagierten deutlich stärker auf die Stimulation. Die nGr beider Genotypen wiesen vergleichbare Effizienz bei der Phagozytose lebender Bakterien auf, aber unterschieden sich deutlich in ihrer Fähigkeit die Listerien nach 24 h abzutöten. In BPI-/- nGr fand sich nach 24 h eine dreifach höhere Bakterienlast. Aus den in vitro Daten kann auf das in vivo Modell die Hypothese übertragen werden, dass vermutlich nGr im Lauf einer Listeriose für die erhöhte Suszeptibilität der BPI-/- Mäuse verantwortlich sind. Da sich die BPI-/- Mäuse von der Infektion erholen, ist dabei davon auszugehen, dass auch in den BPI-/- Mäuse eine protektive adaptive Immunantwort ausgebildet werden kann

    Cytogenetic data for Paspalum notatum Flügge accessions

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    Several species of the genus Paspalum L. are important forages, due their to quality, productivity and tolerance to environmental stresses. Chromosome numbers, meiotic configurations and pollen fertility were evaluated in a collection of 85 accessions of Paspalum notatum Flügge and in seven accessions of Pensacola (P. notatum var saurae). All P. notatum accessions were tetraploid, with 2n = 4x = 40, except one diploid accession, considered as an escape of Pensacola. All Pensacola plants had 2n = 2x = 20. Meiotic configurations at diakinesis and metaphase I varied among tetraploid accessions, from plants with only bivalents to plants with high frequency of quadrivalents. Pollen fertility varied from 82.5 to 95.9% among diploid accessions and from 72.4 to 97.9% among the tetraploids. Due to the apomictic mode of reproduction of tetraploid P. notatum, meiotic irregularities can be maintained by plants without harming their propagation. At the same time, pollen fertility should be high enough to assure endosperm development, since the species is pseudogamous. Wild diploid P. notatum populations, apart from the endemic P. notatum var saurae, are very rare. From a plant breeding point of view, all the examined tetraploid accessions are potentially male-fertile and could be used as males in crosses.Muitas espécies do genus Paspalum L. são importantes forragens, devido à qualidade, produtividade e tolerância para o stress ambiental. Números cromossômicos, configurações meióticas e fertilidade do pólen foram analisados em uma coleção de 85 acessos de Paspalum notatum Flügge e sete acessos de Pensacola (P. notatum var saurae). Todos os acessos de P. notatum eram tetraplóides, com 2n = 4x = 40, com exceção de um diplóide, considerado como escape de Pensacola. Todas as plantas de Pensacola examinadas tinham 2n = 2x = 20. Foi verificada variação entre os acessos tetraplóides quanto às configurações cromossômicas em diacinese e metáfase I, desde plantas com apenas bivalentes até aquelas com alta freqüência de quadrivalentes. A fertilidade do pólen variou de 82,5 a 95,9% entre os acessos diplóides e de 72,4 a 97,9% entre os tetraplóides. Devido ao modo de reprodução apomítico de P. notatum tetraplóide, irregularidades meióticas podem ser mantidas sem prejuízo da propagação. Ao mesmo tempo, a fertilidade do pólen deve ser suficientemente alta para assegurar a formação do endosperma, já que a espécie é pseudogâmica. Diplóides silvestres de P. notatum, além do endêmico P. notatum var saurae são muito raros. Do ponto de vista do melhoramento, todos os tetraplóides são potencialmente macho-férteis e poderiam ser utilizados como genitores masculinos em cruzamentos

    New records and range extension of a Brazilian Amazon white-sand endemic species: Roraimaea aurantiaca Struwe, S.Nilsson & V.A.Albert (Gentianaceae)

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    Roraimaea aurantiaca Struwe, S.Nilsson & V.A.Albert, a white-sand endemic species, was previously known from only two specimens collected in Roraima state, Brazil. Our new field collections and re-identified herbarium specimens expand this species’ distribution and include the first records from the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Based on this effort, we present a distribution map, preliminary conservation status of Endangered, the first photographs of living plants, and an updated morphological description. This study aggregates new information on the flora of the northern Amazon Basin, in addition to discussing conservation of R. aurantiaca

    Chromosome numbers, meiotic behavior and pollen fertility in a collection of Paspalum nicorae Parodi accessions

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    Chromosome number, meiotic behavior and pollen viability were evaluated in a collection of 53 Paspalumnicorae Parodi accessions, which are part of a breeding project of the species. All accessions are tetraploid, with 2n=4x=40.Despite the invariable chromosome numbers, there was variation among accessions in the frequencies of different chromosomeconfigurations at diakinesis and metaphase I, such as univalents, trivalents and quadrivalents. Other abnormalities asbridges and laggards were also observed at anaphase and telophase I. Meiotic indexes ranged from 82.00 to 99.50% andpollen viability from 88.99 to 95.06%. As the species is pseudogamous apomictic, fertile pollen is necessary for endospermformation. Results show that all plants are meiotically stable and have enough fertile pollen to be used as male parents incontrolled crosses

    Variação morfológica em acessos de Paspalum nicorae Parodi, forrageira promissora

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    Paspalum nicorae Parodi é uma forrageira perene, apomítica, tetraplóide, nativa no Rio Grande do Sul, com tolerância ao pastejo e adaptada a solos arenosos e a secas moderadas. Como passo inicial para o melhoramento, uma caracterização morfológica considerando pilosidade da folha, cor da bainha, da folha e da nervura central, hábito de crescimento, altura da planta, número e comprimento de racemos, comprimento e largura da folha foi realizada em 53 acessos coletados no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que são parte de um programa de melhoramento de espécies de Paspalum. Os resultados mostraram que 35,84% dos acessos tinham folhas completamente pilosas, 73,58% tinham bainha verde, 54,71% venação central esbranquiçada e 50,94% hábito decumbente. A cor da folha foi estimada por dois métodos, cartela de cores e colorímetro Os acessos foram classificados como 76,92% verdes, 13,45% amarelo esverdeados e 9,62% como verde acinzentados pelo primeiro, e 59,62% acinzentados, 32,69% amarelo acinzentados, 5,77% amarelos e 1,92% cinza escuros pelo segundo método. O comprimento do racemo variou de 9,40 a 1,30 cm, o número de racemos de um a seis (sendo que 48,73% dos acessos tinham quatro racemos), o comprimento e a largura da folha de 36,13 a 13,06 cm e 0,67 a 0,36 cm, respectivamente e a altura da planta de 115,70 a 29,00 cm. Portanto, grande variação morfológica foi detectada entre os acessos, sem relação com localização geográfica, mas indicando alta potencialidade de utilização em programas de melhoramento.Paspalum nicorae Parodi is a perennial, apomictic tetraploid forage species, native in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with grazing tolerance and adapted to sandy soils and moderate droughts. As a first step to future breeding, a morphological characterization regarding leaf hairiness, sheath, leaf and central venation color, growing habit, plant height, raceme number and length, and leaf length and width was performed in 53 accessions from Rio Grande do Sul that are part of a Paspalum species breeding program. 35.84% of the accessions had completely hairy leaves, 73.58% had green sheath, 54.71% whitish central venation, 50.94% decumbent habit. Leaf color was estimated by two methods, color chart and colorimeter. The accessions were classified as 76.92% green, 13.45% greenish yellow and 9.62% as grayish green by the first, and 59.62% grayish, 32.69% grayish yellow, 5.77% yellow and 1.92% dark grayish by the second method. Raceme length ranged from 9.40 to 1.30 cm, number of racemes from one to six (48.73% of the accessions had four racemes), leaf length and width from 36.13 to 13.06 cm and 0.67 to 0.36 cm, respectively, and plant height from 115.70 to 29.00 cm. Therefore, a large morphological variation among accessions was detected, with no relation to geographical location but indicating a high potential use in plant breeding programs

    Genetic diversity assessed by microsatellite markers in the amphicarpic species Trifolium polymorphum Poir.

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    Trifolium polymorphum Poir. is an amphicarpic forage legume from southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile. Information on the genetic diversity of natural populations in natural grasslands in southern Brazil is limited. In order to increase the knowledge about this species, an analysis of the genetic diversity was carried out in 10 natural populations of T. polymorphum with the use of 20 microsatellite markers. The expected heterozygosity in T. polymorphum populations ranged from 0.40 to 0.43, with a mean of 0.42. A total of 193 alleles were detected with a mean of 9.3 alleles per locus and polymorphic information content (PIC) for these markers of 0.62 to 0.89 with a mean of 0.84.The grouping based on the Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity classified populations, regardless of their regions of origin, into two groups with a mean similarity coefficient of 0.32, reflecting the high genetic variability of the populations, especially those located in the Campanha phytogeographic region. This information on diversity can be used to plan future germplasm collection strategies for conservation purposes and also for the breeding of the species