205 research outputs found

    O stylu autobiografii żołnierza‑inteligenta (przykład Jana Fudakowskiego)

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    The article is the result of research into non-fiction, memoir writing from the period of the 1920 war. On the basis of Uhlan Memoirs from 1920, an autobio­graphical book by Jan Fudakowski, the author considers the problem of speci­ficity and individuality of the war autobiography style. The studied example is an autobiography of a soldier and an educated man. Fudakowski consist­ently assumes a double role of a soldier and an intelligentsia member, both important for his perception and manne of describing the war reality. In the light of his narration, the writer reveals himself as a lover of the prose by Hen­ryk Sienkiewicz, a careful observer and a participant of key battles in the war campaign, and also as a citizen involved in the affairs of the independent Pol­ish Commonwealth. While presenting the autobiographic style of Fudakowski as realized in his memoirs, the author discusses the following thematic orders (systems): (1) the style of intelligentsia identity; (2) the style of presenting bat­tlefields; and (3) the style of thinking about a post-war future. As far as literary theory is concerned, the considerations were based on the works by Philippe Lejeune and Jean Starobinski.Artykuł jest efektem badań nad prozą niefikcjonalną, wspomnieniową z cza­sów wojny 1920 roku. Na podstawie książki autobiograficznej Jana Fudakow­skiego Ułańskie wspomnienia z roku 1920 autorka rozważa problem swoistości, indywidualności stylu autobiografii wojennej. Jest to autobiografia żołnierza‑inteligenta, gdyż Fudakowski konsekwentnie występuje w podwójnej roli, żołnierza i inteligenta, obydwu ważnych w jego widzeniu i sposobach zapisu rzeczywistości wojennej. W świetle narracji autor ujawnia się jako miłośnik prozy Henryka Sienkiewicza, baczny obserwator i uczestnik bitew kluczo­wych w kampanii wojennej, a także jako obywatel zaangażowany w sprawy niepodległej Rzeczpospolitej. Odsłaniając zrealizowany we wspomnie­niach styl autobiografii, autorka podejmuje następujące zagadnienia: (1) styl inteligenckiej tożsamości; (2) styl przedstawiania pól bitewnych; (3) styl myślenia o powojennej przyszłości. Podstawą teoretycznoliteracką rozważań są prace Philippe’a Lejeune’a i Jeana Starobinskiego

    ISO 24617-8 applied: insights from multilingual discourse relations annotation in english, polish, and portuguese

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    The main objective of this study is to contribute to multilingual discourse research by employing ISO-24617 Part 8 (Semantic Relations in Discourse, Core Annotation Schema - DR-core) for annotating discourse relations. Centering around a parallel discourse relations corpus that includes English, Polish, and European Portuguese, we initiate one of the few ISO-based comparative analyses through a multilingual corpus that aligns discourse relations across these languages. In this paper, we discuss the project's contributions, including the annotated corpus, research findings, and statistics related to the use of discourse relations. The paper further discusses the challenges encountered in complying with the ISO standard, such as defining the scope of arguments and annotating specific relation types like Expansion. Our findings highlight the necessity for clearer definitions of certain discourse relations and more precise guidelines for argument spans, especially concerning the inclusion of connectives. Additionally, the study underscores the importance of ongoing collaborative efforts to broaden the inclusion of languages and more comprehensive datasets, with the objective of widening the reach of ISO-guided multilingual discourse research

    Characteristics of dental pulp in human upper first premolar teeth based on immunohistochemical and morphometric examinations

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    Teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons are commonly considered as healthy. Therefore, it is possible to examine structure of the dental pulp can be fully recognized and how it is affected by malocclusion. The aim of the study was to evaluate by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and morphometry dental pulp in human upper first premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. The material comprised 36 teeth of 20 patients in the age range 16–26 years. By the use of IHC markers the presence of immunocompetent cells (CD20, CD45RO, and CD68), blood vessels (CD31) and nerves (PGP9.5) were examined in the pulp. Inflammatory infiltrates and tissue atrophy were observed in 24 and 10 teeth, respectively. Strong positive correlation between the width of the odontoblastic layer, the number of rows of odontoblast nuclei and the increase of MVA (microvessel area) in the pulp of atrophic teeth was found. The cellular infiltrations found in H&E-stained sections were identified by IHC as memory T cells (CD45RO+) and B lymphocytes (CD20+) with macrophages (CD68+) present at the periphery. The CD20 antigen was intensively expressed in 13 teeth, CD45RO in 33 teeth, and CD68 in 20 teeth. Thus, despite the lack of any clinical signs of pulp disease many teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons show focal pulp inflammation and atrophy which probably results from the malocclusion stress accompanying teeth crowding

    Difuzivnost vode i toplinska svojstva dimljenog mekog sira

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    The main goal of the present study was to characterize the functional parameters of smoked soft cheese, with the emphasis on the behavior of water and milk fat, as analyzed by DSC, which was used to directly measure the melting/freezing phase transitions in the cheese. This study was complemented by NMR measurements of the organization and distribution of the aqueous phase within the emulsions constituting the cheese. The smoked and unsmoked cheeses were characterized by similar compositions in terms of protein (19.08-19.12 g∙100 g-1), fat (18.86-19.02 g∙100 g-1), and water content (59.86-60.27 g∙100 g-1). The water activity was higher in the unsmoked cheese (aw = 0.9736) than in the smoked cheese (aw = 0.9615). This result was confirmed by DSC (higher ice melting enthalpy) and NMR (higher T1 value) measurements. The smoking process led to differences in the distribution and binding of water to the lipid-protein matrix of the cheese. There was more non-freezed bound water in the smoked cheese which resulted in a more fragile and loosened structure in the smoked cheese than the unsmoked, which manifested in lower values of stretching and meltability. The meltability of the mozzarella smoked cheese was 1.5 times less than that of the unsmoked cheese (tube test and Schreiber test).Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi funkcionalna svojstva dimljenog mekog sira, s posebnim naglaskom na ponašanje vode i mliječne masti, ispitivanih pomoću metode diferencijalne termičke analize (DTA) koja je korištena za direktno određivanje faznih prijelaza taljenja i smrzavanja u siru. Navedeno istraživanje dopunjeno je primjenom NMR metode korištene za mjerenje raspodjele vodene faze unutar emulzija koje tvore sir. Dimljeni i nedimljeni sirevi imali su sličan sastav u smislu udjela proteina (19,08-19,12 g na 100 g), masti (18,86-19,02 g na 100 g) i vode (59,86-60,27 g na 100 g). Aktivnost vode bila je veća u nedimljenom siru (aw = 0,9736) u odnosu na dimljeni (aw = 0,9615). Ovaj je rezultat potvrđen DTA metodom (veće entalpije taljenja leda) kao i NMR mjerenjem (veće vrijednosti za T1). Proces dimljenja doveo je do razlika u raspodjeli vodene faze i vezanju vode za kompleks proteina i masti u siru. Dimljeni sir sadržavao je više nesmrznute vezane vode što se odrazilo kroz niže vrijednosti topljivosti i rastezljivosti sirnog tijesta. Stupanj topljivosti dimljenog mozzarella sira bio je 1,5 put manji u odnosu na nedimljeni sir (test tube i test Schreiber)

    Znaki pielgrzymie. Przyczynek z zakresu kultury materialnej i konserwacji

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    The subject of the study are pilgrim signs obtained during archaeological excavations in the year 2008, on the Granary Island, Pszenna Street in Gdańsk. Extracted signs required conservation-restoration intervention leading to the restitution of aesthetic value and protection against corrosion processes. These inconspicuous findings are related to fundamental for human life matters. They are the sign of faith and the proof that the pilgrimage was an important part of life for people in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. Relatively cheap and available materials (tin or lead alloys) as well as simple and quick method of their production (casting) indicate that pilgrim signs were being made for large quantity of pilgrims. There were many types of pilgrim signs, among them also the ones destined for wealthier people, like the figurine made of high tin alloy. An effective method of restoring the aesthetic value of this kind of objects is to use chemical method of a sodium hydroxide bath. Sometimes the process should be supported by mechanical operations. Metal should be also preventively protected from corrosion. Using of acryl resin Paraloid B-44 and microcrystalline wax Cosmolloid 80H is suggested.

    Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and subclinical inflammation in children with chronic kidney disease

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    Background. Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are characterized by increased risk of hypertension andchronic low-grade inflammation. The aim of the study was the analysis of relation between parameters of ambulatoryblood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and subclinical inflammation in children with CKD. Material and methods. Study group included 27 paediatric patients (age 14.23 ± 3.57 years) with CKD stage 2–5;18 children with previously recognized hypertension. In all patients we evaluated ABPM, office blood pressure,complete blood count and selected clinical and biochemical parameters. Results. In the study group, GFR was from 7.05 to 86.73, mean 40.88 ± 25.82 mL/min/1.73 m2. All 9 childrenwithout hypertension had normal blood pressure in ABPM, but ABPM detected poor blood pressure control in 7among 18 (38.9%) children with previously recognized and treated hypertension. Abnormal circadian blood pressureprofile was found in 12 (44.4%) children: 9/18 (50.0%) with hypertension and 3/9 (33.3%) with normal BP. Systolic,diastolic, mean blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure load correlated with neutrophil count, neutrophilto-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (r = 0.39–0.49, p = 0.010–0.044); diastolic and mean bloodpressure and diastolic blood pressure load with parathormone (r = 0.48–0.57, p = 0.005–0.023); diastolic bloodpressure load with phosphate and calcium-phosphorus product (r = 0.44–0.47, p = 0.021-0.030); diastolic bloodpressure dipping with phosphate (r = –0.43, p = 0.034). Conclusions. 1. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring should be used in children with chronic kidney disease on aregular basis, especially in those with arterial hypertension. 2. Blood pressure in children with chronic kidney diseasemay be related to degree of subclinical inflammation

    New Methodologies for Grasslands Monitoring

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    Monitoring grassland areas to assess changes in their condition over time has been the subject of a lot of research at different scales. Initially the techniques focused on field-based measurements, and modelling. However, several obtained data were site specific. Based on the increase in availability of remote sensing data and products, there is an expectation that remote sensing can provide rapid and definite answers to the challenges of detecting and monitoring grassland conditions and associated changes in productivity. At the time of European Copernicus Programme, the new possibilities of satellite data from the group of Sentinel satellites give the new perspective for grasslands monitoring. The Finegrass Polish – Norwegian Project have been set to detect the biomass and its changes for grasslands in Poland and Norway applying different approaches due to different specific of the area. The results have been verified by ground measurements

    The Effect of Ho Doping Contents on the Structural, Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Bi5Ti3FeO15 Aurivillius Ceramics

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    Aurivillius Bi5-xHoxTi3FeO15 (BHTFO) multiferroic ceramics with different holmium doping contents were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction. The effect of holmium doping on the microstructure, structural and dielectric behaviors of BHTFO ceramics were investigated in details. Microstructure and crystalline structure studies of ceramics were carried out at room temperature while dielectric properties were investigated in a wide range of temperature (T = 25ºC-550ºC) and frequency (20Hz-1MHz)