6 research outputs found

    El suport familiar en la malaltia mental: influència del suport familiar en el control de la malaltia en una persona que pateix un transtorn mental server

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    Curs 2012-2013Aquest treball té com a objectiu principal conèixer si hi ha millora en el control de la malaltia d’una persona que pateix un trastorn mental sever quan disposa d’un suport adequat de la família. Els objectius específics marcats són, avaluar la càrrega familiar que suposa tenir la responsabilitat de cuidar un familiar amb malaltia mental, conèixer les actituds dels familiars de persones que pateixen una malaltia mental, involucrar a la família dins de la teràpia del familiar amb malaltia mental severa, i aconseguir un grau de cooperació i comunicació favorable de la família al pacient. Es tracta d’un estudi d’investigació quantitatiu, transversal i de tipus analític, el qual la mostra de la població estudiada estarà composta de 100 pacients entre 20 i 30 anys amb diagnòstic de trastorn mental sever segons el DSM-IV, atesos durant l’últim any en el Centre de Salut Mental d’Adults de Vic i els seus cuidadors principals o persones més properes. Es realitzarà recollida de dades a través de la revisió de les històries clíniques, informació facilitada pel terapeuta que tracta al pacient i entrevistes als familiars cuidadors o persona més propera i als mateixos pacients. Aquesta entrevista la faran professionals entrenats i competents. Amb tot això s’establirà una correlació entre les variables d’estrès, suport als familiars i el desenvolupament dels rols, i s’agruparan les variables de manera que quedin estructurades en subgrups.The main purpose of this project is to know how the control of a person who suffers from a mental disorder increases with the support of their family. The main purposes are to evaluate the family burden that taking care of these people means, know the attitudes of the family of these people with this illness, involve the family with the patients therapies, and achieve a good communication and cooperation from the family to the patient. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional and analytical project, which is the sample of the study population that consists of 100 patients between 20 and 30 with a diagnosis of severe mental disorder according to DSM-IV, attended last year in the Mental Health Centre Adult in Vic and their main caregivers or people nearby. There will be data collecting through review of medical records, information provided by the therapist who treats the patients and interviews with family caregivers or the closest people to them and patients. These interviews will be done by trained and competent professionals. With all that, we will establish a correlation between the variables of stress, family support and development roles, and group variables so that they are organized into subgroups

    Lapsuuden kiintymyssuhteiden vaikutukset myöhemmin elämässä : Kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Tämä on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa selvitettiin lapsuuden kiintymyssuhteiden merkityksiä myöhemmin elämässä. Kiintymyssuhde lähtee muodostumaan lapsen ja hoivaajan välille heti syntymästä alkaen vuorovaikutuksen pohjalta. Turvallisessa kiintymyssuhteessa lapsen tarpeisiin ja hätään vastataan johdonmukaisesti ja turvallisesti. Turvattomassa kiintymyssuhteessa ja sen eri muodoissa lapselle ei kyetä luomaan turvallisuuden tunnetta ja hoivaajan vastaaminen lapsen tunteisiin on ristiriitaista. Lapsuuden kiintymyssuhteiden merkitykset myöhemmin elämässä toimi kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimuskysymyksenä. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valikoitui 16 artikkelia, jotka vastasivat tutkimuskysymykseen ja läpäisivät sisäänottokriteerit. Tutkimuksista luokiteltiin tulokset fyysisiin, psyykkisiin ja sosiaalisiin vaikutuksiin ja turvalliseen ja turvattomaan kiintymyssuhteeseen. Fyysisiä vaikutuksia oli paljon. Useissa tutkimuksissa kävi ilmi turvattoman kiintymyssuhteen vaikutus altistavana tekijänä lapsuusiän lihavuuteen ja fyysisiin sairauksiin. Uniongelmien ja kiintymyssuhteiden välillä yhteyttä ei havaittu. Hermostollisesti eroavia vaikutuksia turvallisessa ja turvattomassa kiintymyssuhteessa ilmeni aikuisuudessa asti. Turvattomassa kiintymyssuhteessa ilmeni enemmän fyysisiä oireita migreenissä sekä lisääntyneitä masennusoireita ja itsemurha-ajatuksia. Sosiaalisista vaikutuksista ainoaksi alaluokaksi valikoituivat sosiaaliset taidot. Turvaton kiintymyssuhde oli selvä riski huonompiin sosiaalisiin taitoihin myöhemmin elämässä. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena on tarkempi tutkimus kiintymyssuhteiden ja mielenterveyden, lihavuuden tai syömishäiriön välisestä yhteydestä.The thesis was a literature review on the effects of childhood attachment relationships on later life. Attachment between a child and a caretaker begins to form right after the birth. In a secure attachment relationship, the needs of a child are met consistently and in a safe manner. In an insecure attachment relationship, and in its various forms, the needs are responded to in a conflicting fashion, thus generating a feeling of insecurity. With the help of a research question the effects of childhood attachments on later life were examined. A total of sixteen research articles on childhood attachment met the se-lection criteria for the thesis. The themes of the articles were categorized into physical, mental and social effects. Physical effects were abundant. Many studies revealed that insecure attachment led to childhood and adolescence obesity, physical illnesses and other disorders. However, no connection between insecure attachment and sleeping disorders was recognized. The security and insecurity of the attachment were found to be associated with differ-ences in the nervous system in adulthood. Moreover, there was a connection between childhood insecurity and physical symptoms in migraines. Depression and suicide-ideas were the most important mental effects linked with an insecure attachment. Social skills were the only social effect that was reviewed. Insecure attachment appeared to be a risk for poorer social skills. Suggestion for further research could be a study on the connection between attachment and mental health, obesity or eating disorders

    Evaluating the impact of filming on the number of errors committed by nursing students to determine the efficacy of simulated clinical situations

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    Clinic simulation as a training and knowledge method allows people experiment a real event representation with the aim of acquiring knowledge, abilities and aptitudes. The filming of the staging represents a useful tool to review the decisions taken and the actions they did, with the purpose to highlight the strengths, weaknesses and the areas for improvement. The article describes a study carried out by a group of students in second course of nursing, and it tries to evaluate if there is any influence if somebody is filming you during the clinic simulation, does it make you do more errors or not?Peer Reviewe

    Effect of filming errors committed by nursing students to evaluate simulated clinical situations

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    Clinic simulation as a training and knowledge method allows people experiment a real event representation with the aim of acquiring knowledge, abilities and aptitudes. The filming of the staging represents a useful tool to review the decisions taken and the actions they did, with the purpose to highlight the strengths, weaknesses and the areas for improvement. The article describes a study carried out by a group of students in second course of nursing, and it tries to evaluate if there is any influence if somebody is filming you during the clinic simulation, does it make you do more errors or not