42 research outputs found

    Study of convective motions and analysis of the impact of physical parametrization on the WRF-ARW forecast model

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    Optimizing the physical parametrizations of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is one of the most challenging and complex tasks. In fact, it is not a simple operation to optimize the performance of a meteorological model capable of forecasting meteorological events, even extreme ones, in complex orographic areas such as that of Sicily. In this reference framework, the research activity of the group of meteorology and environmental modeling, established at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT) of the University of Messina, focuses on the development of a physical-mathematical model for the meteorological forecast. The WRF prediction model is evaluated on the ability to predict the development and evolution of a thunderstorm cell. After the definition of the domain under study and the choice of spatial resolution to be used, it was proceeded to the optimization of the physical  parametrizations. In particular, in this paper, the performance improvements of the WRF model were evaluated, obtained by optimizing the convective parametrizations. As a case study, the meteorological event recorded in Sicily on 9 June 2016 was examined

    Finding a partner in the ocean: molecular and evolutionary bases of the response to sexual cues in a planktonic diatom

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    Microalgae play a major role as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. Cell signalling regulates their interactions with the environment and other organisms, yet this process in phytoplankton is poorly defined. Using the marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, we investigated the cell response to cues released during sexual reproduction, an event that demands strong regulatory mechanisms and impacts on population dynamics. We sequenced the genome of P. multistriata and performed phylogenomic and transcriptomic analyses, which allowed the definition of gene gains and losses, horizontal gene transfers, conservation and evolutionary rate of sex-related genes. We also identified a small number of conserved noncoding elements. Sexual reproduction impacted on cell cycle progression and induced an asymmetric response of the opposite mating types. G protein-coupled receptors and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are implicated in the response to sexual cues, which overall entails a modulation of cell cycle, meiosis-related and nutrient transporter genes, suggesting a fine control of nutrient uptake even under nutrient-replete conditions. The controllable life cycle and the genome sequence of P. multistriata allow the reconstruction of changes occurring in diatoms in a key phase of their life cycle, providing hints on the evolution and putative function of their genes and empowering studies on sexual reproduction

    Finding a partner in the ocean: molecular and evolutionary bases of the response to sexual cues in a planktonic diatom

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    Microalgae play a major role as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. Cell signalling regulates their interactions with the environment and other organisms, yet this process in phytoplankton is poorly defined. Using the marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, we investigated the cell response to cues released during sexual reproduction, an event that demands strong regulatory mechanisms and impacts on population dynamics. We sequenced the genome of P. multistriata and performed phylogenomic and transcriptomic analyses, which allowed the definition of gene gains and losses, horizontal gene transfers, conservation and evolutionary rate of sex-related genes. We also identified a small number of conserved noncoding elements. Sexual reproduction impacted on cell cycle progression and induced an asymmetric response of the opposite mating types. G protein-coupled receptors and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are implicated in the response to sexual cues, which overall entails a modulation of cell cycle, meiosis-related and nutrient transporter genes, suggesting a fine control of nutrient uptake even under nutrient-replete conditions. The controllable life cycle and the genome sequence of P. multistriata allow the reconstruction of changes occurring in diatoms in a key phase of their life cycle, providing hints on the evolution and putative function of their genes and empowering studies on sexual reproduction

    Experimental Investigation on the Bioprotective Role of Trehalose on Glutamine Solutions by Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Glutamine plays a significant role in several basic metabolic processes and is an important regulator of heat shock protein response. The present work is focused on the analysis of the thermal response of aqueous solutions of Glutamine and aqueous solutions of Glutamine in the presence of Trehalose by means of infrared absorption technique. The performed study shows how in the case of a multicomponent system, characterized by a huge number of spectral contributions whose assignment are questionable, the Spectral Distance (SD) and the Cross Wavelet Correlation (XWT) approaches are able to furnish explanatory parameters that can characterize the variations in the spectra behaviour, which is an efficient tool for quantitative comparisons. With this purpose, the analysis has been performed by evaluating the SD and the XWT parameters for the whole investigated spectral range, i.e., 4000–400 cm−1, for scans collected as a function of temperature in the range 20 °C ÷ 60 °C both for Glutamine/Water compounds and for Glutamine /Water/Trehalose mixtures. By means of these analyses, it is found that in aqueous solutions of Glutamine, with respect to aqueous solutions of Glutamine in the presence of Trehalose, the SD and XWT temperature trends follow a linear behaviour where the angular coefficient for Glutamine /Water/Trehalose compounds are lower than that of the Glutamine-Water system in both cases. The obtained findings suggest that Trehalose stabilizes Glutamine against heat treatment

    Investigation of Glucose–Water Mixtures as a Function of Concentration and Temperature by Infrared Spectroscopy

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    The main aim of the present paper is to characterize the hydration properties of glucose and the hydrogen bond network in glucose–water mixtures. For these purposes, temperature scans on ten concentration values of glucose–water mixtures were performed by means of Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy. More specifically, in order to get this information an analysis of the intramolecular OH stretching mode, investigating the 3000–3700 cm−1 spectral range, was performed by means of an innovative approach based on the evaluation of the Spectral Distance (SD). The adopted procedure allows evaluating the glucose hydration number as well as characterizing the temperature behavior of the hydrogen bond network in the glucose–water mixtures. The obtained results for the hydration number are in excellent agreement with literature data and suggest the existence of a particular concentration value for which the hydrogen bond network shows a maximum strength

    Exponential feedback effects in a parametric resonance climate model

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    Abstract The variations in the distribution of solar radiation due to the  ~ 105 years Milankovitch cycle, which is connected to the Earth eccentricity variation, cannot explain the sharp drop in temperature of 6 °C ÷ 10 °C that marks the transition from the interglacial to the glacial age registered in the last ~ 5.5 106 years temperature variation behavior. More specifically, neglecting other effects, only a temperature variation of 0.2 °C ÷ 0.3 °C can be attributed to this cycle and, therefore, positive feedback effects should be taken into account to explain the registered effect. In the present work, a comparative Wavelet-Fourier analysis of the Vostok recontructed temperature record, for which different sampling steps are taken into account, is performed. Then, a study of exponential feedback effects within a climate parametric resonance model is dealt and discussed. The obtained findings put into evidence an exponential amplification of the temperature variation from the interglacial to the glacial age supporting the hypothesis that the system energization be connected to periodic variations in the internal solar system parameters. More in details, it is shown that, following the parametric resonance climate model, even small oscillations increase over time proportionally to the system energy itself, i.e. exponentially, and hence, a series of connected resonances is able to energize the climate system