18 research outputs found

    Training and health in gymnastics

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the training regimens of top level rhythmic gymnasts and their state of health. The research also focused on the information provided to the athletes about the relationship between sport and health. The sample consisted of fourteen high-level Italian gymnasts aged thirteen to eighteen. The instrument used was a structured medical history interview conducted by a doctor and a graduate student in physical education. A descriptive approach was used for the data analysis. The distribution of the variables collected in the group of athletes was studied. The results showed that, on average, throughout the year the athletes do from three to five hours of training five days a week, and travel from two to sixteen days a year for competitions. Given the age of the gymnasts in particular ten to fourteen who are under fifteen years old, it is a major undertaking. Gymnasts complained some non-specific symptoms, such as weakness and dizziness, with frequencies among more than half of the sample interviewed, especially close to competition dates. This finding suggests a reaction to stress, although the simple detection is insufficient for a correct interpretation. The data collected regarding the information provided to athletes on the risks associated with strenuous and demanding exercise shows that female athletes were not informed enough about the consequences. Self-assessment of health status is within the range of 6 to 10 (mean 7.7), despite the fact that they were not undergoing any kind of treatment at the time of the assessment and the medical history did not reveal any indication of disease or injury. In conclusion, based on the results obtained in this study it can be stated that: the young athletes need an approach to education / teaching that would enable them to deal consciously and adequately the competitive commitments, which are demanding in relation to the resources of preteens; the critical aspects regarding the non-specific signs and symptoms of health problems that emerged from the self-report and from the perception of health status scale need to be studied in further depth; the scientific debate on the problematic aspects with regards to the protection and promotion of the health of young athletes may provide those elements of knowledge, health education and support to growth, which can improve the overall management and self-awareness of the athlete without compromising the performance

    Well-Being and Perceived Quality of Life in Elderly People Displaced After the Earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy

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    On 6 April 2009, the city of L’Aquila was hit by a violent earthquake that destroyed almost all of its medieval centre, and the surviving inhabitants were evacuated and relocated in temporary quarters or undamaged homes. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived quality of life of the elderly population 3 years after the earthquake in relation to the social and logistic issues of new housing. The study was carried out between October 2011 and March 2012, and involved 571 subjects aged over 65 years living in the municipality of L’Aquila. The interviews took place in the surgeries of general practitioners and the city’s Department of Prevention and Vaccination in the anti-influenza immunisation period. The instrument used was a 36-item questionnaire with closed, multiple choice answers divided into the following sections: demographics, everyday activities, health and perceived health, and the quality of life in the city. The results show that, 3 years after the earthquake, the elderly population living in the new towns and temporary housing of L’Aquila have a worse perception of their quality of life than the others. They feel a certain social isolation and wish to live elsewhere. Governments faced with the problems arising from a natural calamity should take into account all of the elements making up a good quality of life and, before making choices whose impact cannot be changed, consider both their immediate and long-term social consequences

    Sinopsis de las especies del género Bacopa (Plantaginaceae, Gratioleae) de Paraguay y sus estados de conservación

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    Introducción y objetivos: Bacopa (Plantaginaceae) representa el género con mayor número de especies de la tribu Gratioleae, ocupando una gran diversidad de ambientes húmedos en Sudamérica. El objetivo de este estudio es contribuir al conocimiento morfológico y taxonómico de las especies de Bacopa de Paraguay, aportando una clave de identificación para los taxones aceptados, descripciones morfológicas, ilustraciones botánicas, mapas de distribución, observaciones y estado de conservación a nivel de país. M&M: Los datos obtenidos se basan en el trabajo de campo y el examen de especímenes de herbario. El estado de conservación de las especies se evaluó en Paraguay, teniendo en cuenta sus distribuciones (criterio B), de acuerdo con las directrices de la UICN. Resultados/Conclusiones: Se registran para Paraguay 15 especies de Bacopa, una con dos variedades. Se citan los primeros registros de Bacopa australis y B. stricta para el país. Se presentan preliminarmente los estados de conservación de las especies y evaluaciones de distribución paraguaya. De los 15 taxones confirmados para Paraguay, 13 se encuentran con categoría de amenaza, 12 están en peligro (EN) y B. verticillata en peligro crítico (CR). Las especies se distribuyen en cinco ecorregiones, de las cuales el mayor número de especies (13) se encuentra en la región del Chaco Húmedo

    Microsatellite markers: what they mean and why they are so useful

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    Sociodemographic determinants of repeated medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)

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    Introduction: Medical terminations of pregnancy (MTP) were legalised in Italy in 1978 with the aim of reducing the health risks of women caused by the practice of clandestine abortions. Women seeking an abortion must go to a physician, an obstetric/gynaecological clinic or a family advisory centre (Italian National Health Service structures designed to promote reproductive health) in order to obtain the necessary certification. In all cases, healthcare personnel are required to offer counselling and health education concerning contraceptive techniques. Objectives: To investigate the phenomenon of repeated medical terminations of pregnancy (MTPr) in the Abruzzo region of Italy with reference to the possible sociodemographic determinants of the women and the role of family advisory centres in preventing MTPr. Methods: We used data concerning the notifications of MTP performed in Abruzzo in the period 1990-2001, archived on the basis of a standardised coding system. The associations between the sociodemographic variable of the women (age, citizenship, educational level, marital status, number of children), recourse to a family advisory centre and MTPr were evaluated by means of multiple logistic regressions. Results: The number of MTPs performed in Abruzzo between 1990 and 2001 was 35 856. Although the annual absolute number of MTPs decreased during the observation period (from 3593 MTPs in 1990 to 2645 in 2001), the percentage of women undergoing repeated MTP remained relatively constant at an average of 22.7 (1.1)%. Multiple logistic analysis (Table 1) showed that the women at greatest risk of MTPr are older, non-Italian, married, and have a larger number of children. Furthermore, as recourse to a family advisory centre seems to have a protective effect (OR = 0.6) against MTPr, it is recommendable that their counselling and health promotion activities are strengthened.

    Long-term immune protection against HBV: associated factors and determinants

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    In Italy, vaccination against hepatitis B became compulsory for all the newborns and 12-years-old adolescents in 1991. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the persistence of long-term protection against HBV in medical students of the University of L’Aquila and in postgraduates Medical Doctors (HCWs) working in San Salvatore Hospital. The second aim was to study the variables associated with a protective anti-HBs antibody level, such as age at vaccination, gender, time elapsed from the last dose of vaccination. Three hundred and forty-two subjects were enrolled from January 2017 to January 2019 and a blood sample was collected to evaluate the levels of serum HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc. Statistical analysis calculated a multivariable logistic regression model to examine predictors of a protective anti-HBs titer. The larger part (239, 70%) of the students had an anti-HBs titer >10 mIU/mL, those were statistically significant older (26.7 vs 24.5 years, p < .001), vaccinated at age 12 years (83.5% vs 59.9% among vaccinate at infancy, p < .001) and more frequently attending postgraduate medical school (80.8% vs 57.5% among healthcare profession school, p < .001). The multivariable logistic regression model showed that HBV vaccination at age of 12 was significantly and independently associated with protective titers (OR = 10.27, p = .019). The results agreed with literature on HBV vaccination, confirming the efficacy of vaccination after 20 years. In particular, our results suggest that adolescent administration is the main predictor of a protective title, regardless of gender, course and years since vaccinations

    Experience and attitudes on vaccinations recommended during pregnancy: survey on an Italian sample of women and consultant gynecologists

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    Active immunization in pregnancy is recommended for the influenza and the tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccines. Evidence indicates vaccine effectiveness in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations and pertussis in early infancy. We investigate vaccine uptake in pregnant and non-pregnant women through a sample of young women and consultant gynecologists, along with the potential predisposing and/or enabling factors affecting attitudes to vaccination (knowledge, beliefs, barriers). A cross-sectional study was conducted between June and September 2019, with a sample of 251 women and 14 consultant gynecologists at the Local Health Authority (ASL01) of the Abruzzo Region (Italy), using an anonymous, self-report questionnaire survey. Among the participants, 5.6% of women had received influenza vaccination, 16.4% had received Tdap during pregnancy and only 1.2% had received both vaccines. The assessment of the psychometric attitudinal variables has suggested a more positive willingness to receive Tdap than influenza vaccine among women, as the former is considered more important for the maternal and neonatal health. Health care workers have reported vaccine safety concerns, lack of information, and misconceptions about the need for vaccination as barriers to immunization in pregnant women. The results of this study will contribute to defining the goals and strategies to increase vaccine uptake under the current recommendations, through promoting effective training programs for all health care workers involved (gynecologists, obstetricians, public health physicians)

    Attitudinal variables and a possible mediating mechanism for vaccination practice in health care workers of a local hospital in L'Aquila (Italy)

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    Active immunization is an important concern for health care workers (HCWs) susceptible subjects and potential sources of infection for patients. However, the vaccine coverage for vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) is below recommended standards. The aims of the study were to estimate the hospitals' HCWs' susceptibility and vaccination coverage rates for VPDs and to analyze the role of HCWs' attitudes and knowledge as determinants of the immunization practices. A cross-sectional study enrolled 334 HCWs (physicians, nurses, others) at local hospital in L'Aquila (Italy). By means of an anonymous questionnaire, self-report data about history of disease and active vaccination for seasonal influenza, chickenpox, measles-mumps-rubella and hepatitis B were collected, as well as attitudes and knowledge about vaccination in HCWs. The employees showed high levels of susceptibility and insufficient vaccination coverage rates, particularly for influenza. Specific trends were detected for different VPDs across age strata and professional categories, not always consistent with literature. Overall, the level of knowledge about recommended vaccination for HCWs was low, in all categories. The active immunization status against influenza was found the most clearly associated with difference levels in 3 psychometric variables: personal responsibility, beliefs on usefulness and beliefs on risk of vaccination. A mediation mechanism was analyzed between these constructs, and an interesting indirect effect was highlighted for beliefs that could enhance the advantage of increased responsibility for HCWs. Further effort in research is needed to evaluate the black-box of longitudinal intervention studies (education, environmental changes, policies), to improve HCWs immunization

    Determinanti individuali ed ambientali dell\u27Interruzione Volontarie di Gravidanza: strumenti di indagine

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    -L\u27Interruzione Volontaria di Gravidanza (IVG) in Italia ? un diritto tutelato dalla Legge, ma pone importanti problemi di ordine sia sanitario che psico-sociale. Per questo ? necessario studiare modelli comportamentali che spieghino il profilo delle donne che ricorrono all\u27aborto volontariamente. OBIETTIVI: Studiare le determinanti individuali ed ambientali dell\u27IVG riferite alla conoscenza e alla messa in pratica di metodi contraccettivi attraverso l\u27ideazione di strumenti di rilevazione. MATERIALI E METODI: ? stato validato, con metodo test-retest, un questionario anonimo autosomministrato rivolto a donne in et? fertile e finalizzato alla rilevazione delle caratteristiche socio-demografiche, delle conoscenze (fertilit? e contraccezione, modalit? di svolgimento e diffusione del ricorso all\u27IVG), delle esperienze e delle opinioni (atteggiamento verso l\u27aborto, autoefficacia nella contraccezione). Il questionario ? stato somministrato ad un campione di 32 donne di et? media di 34.7 anni. RISULTATI: La validazione del questionario ha mostrato un livello buono-ottimo di coerenza interna tra gli items delle scale Likert e di accordo tra il test e il restest sulla maggior parte delle domande proposte, essendo state apportate correzioni post-hoc solo sulle scale psicometriche relative agli atteggiamenti e alla autoefficacia contraccettiva. CONCLUSIONI: Nelle azioni di prevenzione dell\u27IVG e promozione della salute riproduttiva non possono essere eluse questioni metodologiche quali la verifica della pertinenza e dell\u27efficacia. ? necessario, pertanto, predisporre strumenti di misura complessi che permettano di rilevare non solo misure di outcome (conoscenze, comportamenti), ma anche le loro determinanti. Il questionario validato sar? utilizzato in uno studio caso-controllo: un campione di donne in procinto di effettuare l\u27interruzione volontaria di gravidanza sar? messo a confronto con un campione di donne non abortenti