263 research outputs found

    Käytettävyys ruoankuljetuspalveluiden sovelluksissa : Tarkastelussa Wolt ja Foodora

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suosittujen ruoankuljetuspalveluiden Woltin ja Foodoran käytettävyyttä ja etsitään sovellusten käytettävyyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kyseiset palvelut nousivat esiin erityisesti COVID-19-pandemian aikana, mikä paransi niiden näkyvyyttä. Wolt ja Foodora ovat kilpailevia palveluita, ja siksi niiden vertailu on hyödyllistä sovellusten käytettävyyden selvittämiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa Woltin ja Foodoran sovellusten käytettävyyden vahvuudet ja heikkoudet sekä ymmärtää käytettävyyden merkitys ruoankuljetussovelluksissa. Tätä tavoitetta tarkastellaan seuraavien tutkimuskysymysten avulla: 1. Ovatko Woltin ja Foodoran sovellukset helppokäyttöisiä, ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan käytettävyyden osalta? 2. Millaisia haasteita käyttäjät kohtaavat käyttäessään Woltin ja Foodoran sovelluksia ruoan tilaamiseen? 3. Kuinka tärkeää käytettävyys on käyttäjille, kun he valitsevat ruoankuljetuspalvelua tilauksen tekemiseen? Näiden kysymysten pohjalta myös selvitettiin, millaisia sovellusominaisuuksia käyttäjät suosivat. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin suorittamalla heuristinen evaluointi kohdesovelluksille, lähettämällä kyselylomake testihenkilöille Google Formsin avulla ja nauhoittamalla teemahaastattelu. Osallistujat olivat 18-29-vuotiaita korkeasti koulutettuja nuoria, jotka valittiin kohderyhmäksi teoriassa esitetyn aktiivisen käyttäjäryhmän vuoksi. Testihenkilöt valittiin käyttäen harkinnanvaraista näytettä, koska ruoankuljetuksen yhteydessä henkilöt joutuivat maksamaan tilauksensa itse. Näin varmistin kustannustehokkaan tutkimuksen. Aineisto rajattiin heuristiseen evaluaatioon, käytettävyystestiin ja teemahaastatteluun, jotta saataisiin mahdollisimman kokonainen kuva sovellusten käytettävyydestä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja keskittyy kerätyn aineiston analysointiin. Teoriassa hyödynnetään Jacob Nielsenin heuristiikkoja ja paneudutaan hänen tutkimuksiinsa käytettävyydestä. Lisäksi käsitellään käytettävyyden psykologiaa ja erilaisia tuotteille ja palveluille ominaisia käytettävyysominaisuuksia. Palvelumuotoilua sivutaan käytettävyyden määrittämiseksi ja käytettävyystestilomakkeen laatimisen vuoksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että molemmista sovelluksista löytyivät omat vahvuutensa ja heikkoutensa, ja, että käyttäjien valintaan vaikuttivat monet tekijät, kuten helppokäyttöisyys, hinnat, tarjoukset ja visuaalisuus. Myös tilausseuranta ja toimitusajat vaikuttivat testihenkilöiden mielipiteisiin. Tutkimus selvitti, että mitä nopeampi, selkeämpi ja halvempi sovellus on käyttää, sitä mielekkäämpi se on. Sovellusten kehittäjien tulisi huomioida nämä myös suunnittelussa

    Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) för ungdomar - En kvantitativ studie av psykiatrisk problematik, anknytningsdimensioner samt temperaments- och karaktärsfaktorer före och efter behandling

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    Syftet med uppsatsen var att utvärdera dialektisk beteendeterapi för ungdomar, en behandling som initialt utvecklats för en äldre patientgrupp. Inledningsvis jämfördes patienternas (N = 33, ålder = 13-17) skattningar innan behandlingen, gällande psykiatrisk problematik, anknytningsdimensioner samt temperaments- och karaktärsfaktorer, mot normgrupper. För en mindre grupp (N = 10) undersöktes därefter förändringar efter behandlingen genom beräknande av statistisk och klinisk signifikans. Resultatet visade att patientgruppen skilde sig från normgruppen på flertalet psykiatriska variabler. En skillnad uppvisades mellan instrumenten SCL-90 och SDQ; överlag skilde sig patientgruppen mer från normgruppen på SCL-90. Stor skillnad uppvisades även mellan patientgruppen och normgruppen gällande samtliga anknytningsdimensioner (ASQ), samt flera temperaments- och karaktärsfaktorer (TCI). Ett flertal statistiskt signifikanta förbättringar uppmättes efter behandlingen, bland annat gällande grad av depression, ångest och självskadebeteende. Patienterna uppvisade dessutom signifikant högre grad av tillit, lägre grad av distans och bifallsbehov samt högre grad av self-directedness. Även klinisk signifikans uppmättes, exempelvis uppfyllde 90 % av patienterna kriterierna för kliniskt signifikant förbättring på Globalt svårighetsindex (SCL-90) och 55 % på Totala svårigheter (SDQ). Trots att metoden begränsar uppsatsens slutsatser gällande förändring hos patientgruppen i stort, tyder resultatet på att förändringar efter DBT-behandling kan göra sig gällande för såväl psykiatrisk problematik som anknytningsdimensioner och karaktärsdrag.The purpose of the paper was to evaluate a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) treatment for adolescents, a treatment that was originally developed for older patient groups. First patients (N = 33, age = 13-17) were compared with norm groups on current psychiatric problems, attachment dimensions (ASQ) and temperament and character factors (TCI). The adolescent patient group differed in most of these domains. In addition a difference was demonstrated between the instruments SCL-90 and SDQ; the patients differed more on the SCL -90. Changes after treatment were studied for a smaller group (N = 10) by calculating statistical and clinical significance. Several statistically significant improvements were found including current levels of depression, anxiety and deliberate self-harm. In addition patients demonstrated significantly higher levels of confidence, lower degree of discomfort with closeness and need for approval and higher level of self-directedness. In regard to clinically significant improvements 90% of the patients met these criteria on Global severity index (SCL -90) and 55% on Total difficulties (SDQ). In conclusion these results indicate changes after DBT treatment on psychiatric problems as well as attachment dimensions and character factors. Due to the limitations of the study the results should be interpreted with caution and further research is warranted to establish DBT as a standard treatment for adolescents

    The right of all to inclusion in the learning process

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    With its background in research on the development of the second language and the language use of immigrant children as portrayed in political discourse, this article discusses the significance of the mother tongue in the access of newly-arrived pupils to teaching in school subjects while the development of their second language is in its earliest stages. The starting point for the project is a socio-cultural perspective of teaching and the development of knowledge, and that language is discourse. If one sees citizenship as an expressed goal of education with the aim of stimulating inclusion and critical thought, language plays a decisive role in how all voices can make themselves heard. Two preparatory classes in Malmö were invited to problem-solving work sessions in the technical workshop at the School of Education. The student teachers acted as supervisors and observers alternately, and documented the conversations that took place. Sequences of conversation were recorded for analysis. The study illuminates and problematises the content of the conversations during problem-solving, what initiatives to conversation are taken by pupils and students, what the possibilities of problem-solving using the mother tongue are, and what the pupils’ texts contain and if they are functional, in the sense that it is possible to understand what the pupil wants to mediate to the reader. Excerpts from the recordings show that both children and students use a variety of “strategies” in the conversations and this has a number of consequences for the processes of knowledge

    In Vitro Investigation of Thiol-Functionalized Cellulose Nanofibrils as a Chronic Wound Environment Modulator

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    There is currently a huge need for new, improved therapeutic approaches for the treatment of chronic wounds. One promising strategy is to develop wound dressings capable of modulating the chronic wound environment (e.g., by controlling the high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and proteases). Here, we selected the thiol-containing amino acid cysteine to endow wood-derived cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) with bioactivity toward the modulation of ROS levels and protease activity. Cysteine was covalently incorporated into CNF and the functionalized material, herein referred as cys-CNF, was characterized in terms of chemical structure, degree of substitution, radical scavenging capacity, and inhibition of protease activity. The stability of the thiol groups was evaluated over time, and an in vitro cytotoxicity study with human dermal fibroblasts was performed to evaluate the safety profile of cys-CNF. Results showed that cys-CNF was able to efficiently control the activity of the metalloprotease collagenase and to inhibit the free radical DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical), activities that were correlated with the presence of free thiol groups on the nanofibers. The stability study showed that the reactivity of the thiol groups challenged the bioactivity over time. Nevertheless, preparing the material as an aerogel and storing it in an inert atmosphere were shown to be valid approaches to increase the stability of the thiol groups in cys-CNF. No signs of toxicity were observed on the dermal fibroblasts when exposed to cys-CNF (concentration range 0.1-0.5 mg/mL). The present work highlights cys-CNF as a promising novel material for the development of bioactive wound dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds

    Prolonged second stage of labor is associated with low Apgar score

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    There is no consensus on the effects of a prolonged second stage of labor on neonatal outcomes. In this large Swedish population-based cohort study, our objective was to investigate prolonged second stage and risk of low Apgar score at 5 minutes. All nulliparous women (n= 32 796) delivering a live born singleton infant in cephalic presentation at ≥37 completed weeks after spontaneous onset of labor between 2008 and 2012 in the counties of Stockholm and Gotland were included. Data were obtained from computerized records. Exposure was time from fully retracted cervix until delivery. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Adjustments were made for maternal age, height, BMI, smoking, sex, gestational age, sex-specific birth weight for gestational age and head circumference. Epidural analgesia was included in a second model. The primary outcome measure was Apgar score at 5 minutes <7 and <4. We found that the overall rates of 5 minute Apgar score <7 and <4 were 7.0 and 1.3 per 1000 births, respectively. Compared to women with <1 hour from retracted cervix to birth, adjusted ORs of Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes generally increased with length of second stage of labor: 1-<2 hours: OR 1.78 (95% CI 1.19-2.66); 2- <3 hours: OR 1.66 (1.05-2.62); 3-<4 hours: OR 2.08 (1.29-3.35); and ≥4 hours: OR 2.71 (1.67-4.40). We conclude that prolonged second stage of labor is associated with an increased risk of low 5 minute Apgar score.The study was funded by the Swedish Research Council (No. 2008-423-57440-63, OS, http://www.vr.se/inenglish/researchfunding) and grants provided by the Stockholm County Council (ALFproject, OS, SC, http://www.forskningsstod.sll.se/Ansokan/start.asp).Manuscrip

    Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis in participatory forest planning

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    Forest planning in a participatory context often involves multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests. A promising approach for handling these complex situations is to integrate participatory planning and multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA). The objective of this paper is to analyze strengths and weaknesses of such an integrated approach, focusing on how the use of MCDA has influenced the participatory process. The paper outlines a model for a participatory MCDA process with five steps: stakeholder analysis, structuring of the decision problem, generation of alternatives, elicitation of preferences, and ranking of alternatives. This model was applied in a case study of a planning process for the urban forest in Lycksele, Sweden. In interviews with stakeholders, criteria for four different social groups were identified. Stakeholders also identified specific areas important to them and explained what activities the areas were used for and the forest management they wished for there. Existing forest data were combined with information from interviews to create a map in which the urban forest was divided into zones of different management classes. Three alternative strategic forest plans were produced based on the zonal map. The stakeholders stated their preferences individually by the Analytic Hierarchy Process in inquiry forms and a ranking of alternatives and consistency ratios were determined for each stakeholder. Rankings of alternatives were aggregated; first, for each social group using the arithmetic mean, and then an overall aggregated ranking was calculated from the group rankings using the weighted arithmetic mean. The participatory MCDA process in Lycksele is assessed against five social goals: incorporating public values into decisions, improving the substantive quality of decisions, resolving conflict among competing interests, building trust in institutions, and educating and informing the public. The results and assessment of the case study support the integration of participatory planning and MCDA as a viable option for handling complex forest-management situations. Key issues related to the MCDA methodology that need to be explored further were identified: 1) The handling of place-specific criteria, 2) development of alternatives, 3) the aggregation of individual preferences into a common preference, and 4) application and evaluation of the integrated approach in real case studies

    Understanding and overcoming obstacles in adaptive management

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    Adaptive management (AM) is widely promoted to improve management of natural resources, yet its implementation is challenging. We show that obstacles to the im- plementation of AM are related not only to the AM process per se but also to external factors such as ecosystem properties and governance systems. To overcome ob- stacles, there is a need to build capacities within the AM process by ensuring ade- quate resources, management tools, collaboration, and learning. Additionally, building capacities in the legal and institutional frames can enable the necessary flexibility in the governance system. Furthermore, in systems experiencing profound changes in wildlife populations, building such capacities may be even more critical as more flexibility will be needed to cope with increased uncertainty and changed environmental conditions.publishedVersio

    Antioxidant airway responses following experimental exposure to wood smoke in man

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    Background: Biomass combustion contributes to the production of ambient particulate matter (PM) in rural environments as well as urban settings, but relatively little is known about the health effects of these emissions. The aim of this study was therefore to characterize airway responses in humans exposed to wood smoke PM under controlled conditions. Nineteen healthy volunteers were exposed to both wood smoke, at a particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration of 224 +/- 22 mu g/m(3), and filtered air for three hours with intermittent exercise. The wood smoke was generated employing an experimental set-up with an adjustable wood pellet boiler system under incomplete combustion. Symptoms, lung function, and exhaled NO were measured over exposures, with bronchoscopy performed 24 h post-exposure for characterisation of airway inflammatory and antioxidant responses in airway lavages. Results: Glutathione (GSH) concentrations were enhanced in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) after wood smoke exposure vs. air (p = 0.025), together with an increase in upper airway symptoms. Neither lung function, exhaled NO nor systemic nor airway inflammatory parameters in BAL and bronchial mucosal biopsies were significantly affected. Conclusions: Exposure of healthy subjects to wood smoke, derived from an experimental wood pellet boiler operating under incomplete combustion conditions with PM emissions dominated by organic matter, caused an increase in mucosal symptoms and GSH in the alveolar respiratory tract lining fluids but no acute airway inflammatory responses. We contend that this response reflects a mobilisation of GSH to the air-lung interface, consistent with a protective adaptation to the investigated wood smoke exposure