2,980 research outputs found

    The information professionals in the Algarve region: a study of the users perspective

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    In this article it is presented the research carried out in the South of Portugal (region of Algarve) with the general objective to know the users perspective about the information services (public libraries and archives) and their professionals and afterwards define a marketing strategy to improve the image of these services. After the literature review it was decided to apply a questionnaire (quantitative approach) to the users and non-users of archives and libraries of the region. The data collected were analysed and although the perspectives of the users were very good there is the need to develop a marketing campaign to show the non-user the information services potentiality.CIDHEUS-UE/FC

    The effect of R&D growth on employment and self-employment in local labour markets

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    The paper investigates the effects of firms’ investment in Research and Development (R&D) on employment dynamics in the British local labour markets (Travel to Work Areas). We distinguish between local areas characterised by the initial level of routinised employment of the workforce. We implement a instrumenting strategy to address endogeneity issues in the relation between innovation and employment. Our results suggest that increases in R&D investments mainly affect routinised areas, where the employment created is low skilled, concentrated in non-tradable sectors (like transport, construction) and services. A significant share of the jobs created is self-employment, concentrated in the 25-34 age cohort. We qualify the effect of R&D on self-employment by looking at local firms’ dynamics, which suggest that the increase in self-employment is reflected in a higher number of micro-firms. Rather, in non-routinized areas, R&D results in the expected increase in the demand of high-skilled workers and a reduced demand of low-skill employment

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    Koenigsberger, Helmut Georg, 1918-2014

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    Gender and emotion in exile: Evelyn Scott and Cyril Kay-Scott’s experience in Brazil (1914-1918)

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    Historicamente o exílio tem representado parte significativa da vida de escritores, artistas e intelectuais em toda parte. No Brasil, esse movimento migratório ocorreu sobretudo no período das duas grandes guerras. Foi o caso, por exemplo, da escritora americana Evelyn Scott que, no final de 1913, fugiu com Cyril Kay-Scott, um renomado médico e pesquisador, à época, casado, pai de quatro filhos e com mais que o dobro de sua idade. Sem passaportes, levando pouquíssimo dinheiro no bolso, o casal fugiu primeiro para Nova York, em seguida para Londres e finalmente para o Brasil, onde enfrentaram pobreza, fome e isolamento profundo. A experiência foi particularmente dolorosa para Evelyn Scott, que chegara ao Brasil grávida e teve que enfrentar um parto difícil na cidade de Natal (RN). O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o discurso autobiográfico de Evelyn Scott e Cyril Kay-Scott sobre o longo exílio auto-imposto que viveram no Brasil entre os anos 1914 e 1919. A análise se baseia nas autobiografias Escapade, de Evelyn Scott, e Life is too short, de Cyril Kay-Scott. Evidências indicam que gênero e emoção são aspectos importantes que revelam diferenças não apenas de estilo como também de visões de mundo

    Monetary policy during Brazil´s Real Plan: estimating the Central Bank´s reaction function

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    This paper uses a Threshold Autoregressive (TAR) model with exogenous variables to explain a change in regime in Brazilian nominal interest rates. By using an indicator of currency crises -which is chosen endogenously - the model tries to explain the difference in the dynamics of nominal interest rates during and out of a currency crises. The paper then compares the performance of the nonlinear model to a modified Taylor Rule adjusted to Brazilian interest rates, and shows that the former performs considerably better than the latter.

    Análisis de trayectoria del capital intelectual en una universidad pública mexicana

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    Si bien el conocimiento contribuye a la creación del capital intelectual y existen estudios para medirlo en universidades europeas, es poco lo que al respecto se ha generado en México. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un modelo construido a partir de un análisis de trayectorias sobre el capital intelectual de una universidad pública mexicana, con la finalidad de demostrar que el elemento que más influye es el capital humano dedicado a la docencia. Se revisaron investigaciones previas, se observaron las correlaciones entre los componentes del capital intelectual y se elaboró el modelo. Se obtuvo evidencia para determinar que el capital humano dedicado a la docencia influye sobre el capital humano dedicado a la investigación, así como sobre el capital estructural y en menor grado sobre el capital relacional

    Para uma definição da rede de arquivos em Portugal: o caso do distrito de Viana do Castelo

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    This article highlights the developed efforts carried out by the National Archives, over the last ten years, in favour of the creation of the municipal archives, is objective being its posterior archival network insertion. Furthermore, it delineates a present panorama of the situation in Alto Minho with regards to PARAM – Programa de Apoio à Rede de Arquivos Municipais. The conclusions reflect future steps to be taken in the referred to programme

    Bibliotecas, responsabilidade social e cidadania ativa: a experiência da Biblioteca do Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

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    Esta comunicação tem como objetivo dar a conhecer a Biblioteca do Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (BCAM) na sua dupla vertente de ação: por um lado, enquanto serviço de informação especializado de apoio à investigação científica e tecnológica; e, por outro lado, enquanto serviço de informação inserido numa comunidade local interiorizada e ruralizada, na qual desempenha uma função mediadora no processo de acesso à informação e ao conhecimento. Com esta apresentação pretende-se, em última análise, partilhar a experiência da BCAM no que respeita ao seu compromisso social com os utilizadores, sobretudo, com a comunidade local e escolar, com as quais interage assiduamente com o intuito de contribuir para a formação de utilizadores-cidadãos proativos e críticos