3,121 research outputs found

    Benthic macrofauna structure in the northeast area of Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia State, Brazil: patterns of spatial and seasonal distribution

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    A estrutura da macrofauna bêntica das regiões entre marés e infralitoral raso na porção nordeste da Baia de Todos os Santos (BTS), nordeste do Brasil, foi investigada durante um período de dois anos. Sua relação com os parâmetros ambientais mensurados foi estudada através de análises estatísticas uni -e multivariadas, sendo os principais padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal relacionados principalmente ao tipo de sedimento e ao conteúdo de três indicadores da matéria orgânica sedimentar (Carbono, Nitrogênio e Fósforo). A macrofauna, composta majoritariamente por anelídeos poliqueta (cerca de 70% do total), apresentou baixa densidade, riqueza de espécies e diversidade, exceto nas estações amostradas nos bancos recifais. Estes se destacam como ambiente peculiar, formado por sedimentos grosseiros, pobres em matéria orgânica e ricos em carbonatos, apresentando fauna abundante e diversificada. A região entre marés e os locais rasos adjacentes à refinaria RLAM são formados por sedimentos compostos principalmente por areia fina e baixo conteúdo orgânico e constituem ambiente instável, com poucas espécies altamente dominantes, como Armandia polyophthalma e Laeonereis acuta. Em outras regiões da BTS, onde dominam os sedimentos pelíticos, densidade e diversidade foram muito baixas, especialmente nas proximidades da refinaria. Aqui, os indicadores biológicos apresentaram seus mais baixos valores, sendo as estações mais próximas (4 e 7) algumas vezes azóicas. A região adjacente de Caboto, inicialmente considerada como controle, apresentou baixa densidade, porém valores médios para diversidade, o que indica ser este ambiente relativamente menos perturbado. Foi possível identificar a existência de 5 grupos com padrões estruturais próprios (entremarés; bancos recifais; infralittoral pelitico; sedimentos mistos; Caboto), que parecem estar relacionados principalmente às características físicas e químicas do sedimento.Structure of intertidal and subtidal benthic macrofauna in the northeastern region of Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), northeast Brazil, was investigated during a period of two years. Relationships with environmental parameters were studied through uni-and multivariate statistical analyses, and the main distributional patterns shown to be especially related to sediment type and content of organic fractions (Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus), on both temporal and spatial scales. Polychaete annelids accounted for more than 70% of the total fauna and showed low densities, species richness and diversity, except for the area situated on the reef banks. These banks constitute a peculiar environment in relation to the rest of the region by having coarse sediments poor in organic matter and rich in biodetritic carbonates besides an abundant and diverse fauna. The intertidal region and the shallower area nearer to the oil refinery RLAM, with sediments composed mainly of fine sand, seem to constitute an unstable system with few highly dominant species, such as Armandia polyophthalma and Laeonereis acuta. In the other regions of TSB, where muddy bottoms predominated, densities and diversity were low, especially in the stations near the refinery. Here the lowest values of the biological indicators occurred together with the highest organic compound content. In addition, the nearest sites (stations 4 and 7) were sometimes azoic. The adjacent Caboto, considered as a control area at first, presented low density but intermediate values of species diversity, which indicates a less disturbed environment in relation to the pelitic infralittoral in front of the refinery. The results of the ordination analyses evidenced five homogeneous groups of stations (intertidal; reef banks; pelitic infralittoral; mixed sediments; Caboto) with different specific patterns, a fact which seems to be mainly related to granulometry and chemical sediment characteristics

    Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced solid-state NMR studies of surface modification of gamma-alumina

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) gives large (>100-fold) signal enhancements in solid-state NMR spectra via the transfer of spin polarization from unpaired electrons from radicals implanted in the sample. This means that the detailed information about local molecular environment available for bulk samples from solid-state NMR spectroscopy can now be obtained for dilute species, such as sites on the surfaces of catalysts and catalyst supports. In this paper we describe a DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR study of the widely used catalyst gamma-alumina which is often modified at the surface by the incorporation of alkaline earth oxides in order to control the availability of catalytically active penta-coordinate surface Al sites. DNP-enhanced 27Al solid-state NMR allows surface sites in gamma-alumina to be observed and their 27Al NMR parameters measured. In addition changes in the availability of different surface sites can be detected after incorporation of BaO

    The ZFHX1A gene is differentially autoregulated by its isoforms

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    The Zfhx1a gene expresses two different isoforms; the full length Zfhx1a-1 and a truncated isoform termed Zfhx1a-2 lacking the first exon. Deletion analysis of the Zfhx1a-1 promoter localized cell-specific repressors, and a proximal G-string that is critically required for transactivation. Transfection of Zfhx1a-1 cDNA, but not Zfhx1a-2, downregulates Zfhx1a-1 promoter activity. Mutation of an E2-box disrupted the binding of both Zfhx1a isoforms. Consistent with this, transfected Zfhx1a-1 does not regulate the transcriptional activity of the E-box mutated Zfhx1a-1 promoter. Competitive EMSAs and transfection assays show that Zfhx1a-2 can function as a dominant negative isoform since it is able to compete and displace Zfhx1a-1 from its binding site and overcome Zfhx1a-1 induced repression of the Zfhx1a-1 promoter in cells. Hence, the Zfhx1a-1 gene is autoregulated in part by negative feedback on its own promoter which is, in turn, modified by the availability of the negative dominant isoform Zfhx1a-2.Fil: Manavella, Pablo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Roqueiro, Gonzalo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Darling, Douglas S.. University of Louisville; Estados UnidosFil: Cabanillas, Ana Maria de Los A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; Argentin

    Two-level system with a thermally fluctuating transfer matrix element: Application to the problem of DNA charge transfer

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    Charge transfer along the base-pair stack in DNA is modeled in terms of thermally-assisted tunneling between adjacent base pairs. Central to our approach is the notion that tunneling between fluctuating pairs is rate-limited by the requirement of their optimal alignment. We focus on this aspect of the process by modeling two adjacent base pairs in terms of a classical damped oscillator subject to thermal fluctuations as described by a Fokker-Planck equation. We find that the process is characterized by two time scales, a result that is in accord with experimental findings.Comment: original file is revtex4, 10 pages, three eps figure

    Genetic mechanisms underlying spermatic and testicular traits within and among cattle breeds: systematic review and prioritization of GWAS results1

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    [EN] Reduced bull fertility imposes economic losses in bovine herds. Specifically, testicular and spermatic traits are important indicators of reproductive efficiency. Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genomic regions associated with these fertility traits. The aims of this study were as follows: 1) to perform a systematic review of GWAS results for spermatic and testicular traits in cattle and 2) to identify key functional candidate genes for these traits. The identification of functional candidate genes was performed using a systems biology approach, where genes shared between traits and studies were evaluated by a guilt by association gene prioritization (GUILDify and ToppGene software) in order to identify the best functional candidates. These candidate genes were integrated and analyzed breeds. Results showed that GWAS for testicular-related traits have been developed for beef breeds only, whereas the majority of GWAS for spermatic-related traits were conducted using dairy breeds. comparing traits measured within the same study, the highest number of genes shared between different traits was observed, indicating a high impact of the population genetic structure and environmental effects. Several chromosomal regions were enriched for functional candidate genes associated with fertility traits. Moreover, multiple functional candidate genes were enriched for markers in a species-specific basis, taurine (Bos taurus) or indicine (Bos indicus). For the different candidate regions identified in the GWAS in the literature, functional candidate genes were detected as follows: B. Taurus chromosome X (BTX) (TEX11, IRAK, CDK16, ATP7A, ATRX, HDAC6, FMR1, L1CAM, MECP2, etc.), BTA17 (TRPV4 and DYNLL1), and BTA14 (MOS, FABP5, ZFPM2). These genes are responsible for regulating metabolic pathways or biological processes associated with fertility, such as progression of spermatogenesis, control of ciliary activity, development of Sertoli cells, DNA integrity in spermatozoa, and homeostasis of testicular cells. This study represents the first systematic review on male fertility traits in cattle using a system biology approach to identify key candidate genes for these traits.S

    Survival of lichens and bacteria exposed to outer space conditions - Results of the Lithopanspermia experiments

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    n the space experiments Lithopanspermia, experimental support was provided to the likelihood of the lithopanspermia concept that considers a viable transport of microorganisms between the terrestrial planets by means of meteorites. The rock colonising lichens Rhizocarpon geographicum and Xanthoria elegans, the vagrant lichen Aspicilia fruticulosa, and endolithic and endoevaporitic communities of cyanobacteria and bacteria with their natural rock substrate were exposed to space for 10 days onboard the Biopan facility of the European Space Agency (ESA). Biopan was closed during launch and re-entry. In addition, in the Stone facility, one sample of R. geographicum on its natural granitic substrate was attached at the outer surface of the re-entry capsule close to the stagnation point, only protected by a thin cover of glass textolite. Post-flight analysis, which included determination of the photosynthetic activity, LIVE/DEAD staining, and germination capacity of the ascospores, demonstrated that all three lichen were quite resistant to outer space conditions, which include the full spectrum of solar extraterrestrial electromagnetic radiation or selected wavelength ranges. This high resistance of the lichens to space appears to be due to their symbiotic nature and protection by their upper pigmented layer, the cortex. In contrast, the rock- or halite-inhabiting bacteria were severely damaged by the same exposure. After atmospheric re-entry, the granite of the Stone sample was transformed into a glassy, nearly homogenous material, with several friction striae. None of the lichen cells survived this re-entry process. The data suggest that lichens are suitable candidates for testing the concept of lithopanspermia, because they are extremely resistant to the harsh environment of outer space. The more critical event is the atmospheric re-entry after being captured by a planet. Experiments simulating the re-entry process of a microbe-carrying meteoroid did not show any survivors