12 research outputs found

    Congenital malformations in neonates: analysis of morbidity and associated factors

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    Objective: To evaluate the neonatal morbidity due to congenital malformations in the city of Petrolina-PE, from 2008 to 2013. Methods: A descriptive study with data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc). The analyzes were carried out through frequency distribution and measures of central tendency and dispersion. The associations were tested by the Pearson and Kruskal Wallis chi-square tests. Significance was set at 5% and 95% confidence. Results: 436 cases of congenital malformations were recorded in the study period, with 2011 being the highest occurrence year. The mothers of the newborns were young (25.2 years old), single, upper level of education and household. In general multiparous, with single gestation, vaginal delivery and performed up to six prenatal visits. The newborns were males, at 39 weeks or more of gestation and with normal weight (> = 2500g). The malformations of the musculoskeletal system were the most frequent followed by the genitourinary system. Congenital malformations were especially associated with neonatal characteristics such as gender and weight. In all causes the mean weight was greater than 2500g (p <0.05). The causes of malformation of greater occurrence in both sexes were osteomuscular (p <0.05). The aspects of the mother did not present significant differences in the present study (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The present study evidenced relevant aspects in the occurrence of morbidities due to congenital malformations, directing to a greater attention the occurrence of these diseases especially in relation to the newborn

    Effect of transportation distance and lairage time on selected behaviors and carcass parameters in zebu cattle—a study using the animal focal sampling method

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the transport distance and lairage time on behavioral indicators of zebu beef cattle in the resting pen of a slaughterhouse using the focal animal technique. Eight lots of male zebu cattle, Nelore, aged approximately 4 years old, weighing on average 500 ± 28.5 kg-1, from different municipalities, transported by land, were evaluated. The lots were grouped into two categories: short distance (> 500 km) and long distance (> 500 km). Five focal animals per evaluated lot were used in each cycle of behavior observation, randomly chosen, and visually identified. The animal focal sampling method was used, with instantaneous recording, every 5 min per animal/h. A video camera was used and placed at a fixed point in the corral. After slaughtering, bruises and carcass pH were evaluated. The respiratory rate (RR) was measured in two moments, 30 min after unloading (RR_I) and 1 h before slaughtering (RR_F); behavioral data were divided into four lairage periods (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) equally and evaluated as repeated measures over time. The lairage time lowered the behaviors of headbutting (NCHBs), pushing (PsH), mounting (MT), and chasing away (CA), (p = 0.0001), and these behaviors were more evident in animals transported for short distances in the initial resting times, decreasing as they remained in the resting pen. There was effect of distance on the initial and final pH of the carcass, being greater in the short distance (p = 0.047). There was no effect of distance or lairage time on initial or final RR (p > 0.05). In addition, animals transported over long distances showed less carcass injuries, which were observed during post mortem inspection. It is concluded that animals transported over short distances present a greater number of agonistic behaviors, such as NCHBs, MT, PsH, and CA, predisposing to higher rates of bruising during lairage and more accentuated changes in the final pH of the meat

    Atualizações sobre a rotulagem nutricional dos alimentos

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    O rótulo dos alimentos são elementos fundamentais de comunicação entre as empresas que produzem alimentos e os consumidores, por isso, é importante que as informações que constam nesses rótulos sejam expressas de forma simples e com fácil entendimento. Considerando que um rótulo apresente mais clareza e legibilidade nas informações nutricionais dos produtos alimentícios foram estabelecidas a RDC nº 429 e a Instrução Normativa nº 75 em 8 de outubro de 2020. Nas novas normas regulamentadoras, dentre as modificações da rotulagem incluem-se, a utilização de rotulagem nutricional frontal nas embalagens, fornecendo informações acerca dos nutrientes que são considerados relevantes para a saúde do consumidor e a tabela nutricional que deve apresentar as informações sobre determinados nutrientes. Essas modificações no rótulo nutricional, contribuem para que o consumidor possa realizar escolhas alimentares mais adequadas e saudáveis


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    Seven biochemical descriptors were used to estimate the genotypic variability of peanut in response to moderate water stress. Six genotypes, constituted by four lines and two cultivars, were grown in pots, each containing two plants. At 15 days after emergence (DAE), the treatment differentiation was carried out: Control-plants maintained with daily watering, and Stress-plants submitted to water stress by complete suspension of watering for 15 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with factorial scheme 6 x 2 (genotype x water treatments), with five replications. The biochemical variables evaluated were: catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), free proline, total carbohydrates, soluble proteins, and amino acids. Results obtained by biochemical analysis and estimation of genotypic variability indicated that proline is the most appropriate descriptor for selecting genotypes tolerant to water stress, which led to identification of L81V and L108V as promising lines for drought tolerance breeding program


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    The soybean production chain is one of the main agribusiness products. In this context, the grain market is constantly expanding. Thus, it is important to carry out the characterization of soybeans and define their qualities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of commercial soybean grains in postharvest in a field in the municipality of Mojuí dos Campos, Pará. Two types of cultivars at 4280(IPRO) and 8644(IPRO), harvested on different days were used. and parcels. Data collection was carried out by monitoring the post-harvest process. The information regarding the grains was obtained through the classification report provided by the company accredited to classify the grains. The methods used were carried out in accordance with the Technical Regulation of Soybeans of Normative Instruction No. 11, of May 15, 2007, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). Data were analyzed by PROC TTEST in SAS version 19.0 at a significance level of 5%. The results showed that, in the period of harvesting of cultivar 8644(IPRO), there was a higher rate of rainfall compared to the days of harvesting of cultivar 4280(IPRO). The total of discounted grains was 15.101t for the cultivar 4280(IPRO). The wet grain was the only parameter responsible for the discount in both cultivars. The total of discounted grains referring to cultivar 8644(IPRO) was 30.218t. Wet grains had the highest classification rate on the fourth day of harvest, with a total of 23.20%, related to the decrease in the percentage of broken grains (1.60%) and a higher index of burnt/damaged grains. It is concluded that the cultivar 4280(IPRO) presented a lower grain discount compared to the cultivar 8644(IPRO). Consequently, cultivar 8644 presented greater economic damage to the property.A cadeia produtiva da soja é um dos principais produtos do agronegócio. Nesse contexto, o mercado de grãos está em constante expansão. Assim, faz-se importante realizar a caracterização dos grãos de soja e definir as suas qualidades. O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de grãos comerciais de soja na pós-colheita em uma lavoura no município de Mojuí dos Campos, Pará. Foram utilizados dois tipos de cultivares a 4280(IPRO) e 8644(IPRO), colhidas em diferentes dias e parcelas. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio do acompanhamento do processo de pós-colheita. As informações referentes aos grãos foram obtidas por meio do Laudo de classificação fornecido pela empresa credenciada a classificar os grãos. Os métodos empregados foram realizados conforme o Regulamento Técnico da Soja da Instrução Normativa Nº 11, de 15 de maio de 2007, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC TTEST no SAS versão 19.0 a um nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram que, no período de colheita da cultivar 8644(IPRO), houve um maior índice de precipitação pluvial em comparação com os dias de colheita da cultivar 4280(IPRO). O total de grãos descontados foi de 15,101t para a cultivar 4280(IPRO). O grão úmido o único parâmetro responsável pelo desconto em ambas as cultivares. O total de grãos descontados referentes a cultivar 8644(IPRO) foi de 30,218t. Os grãos úmidos obtiveram maior taxa de classificação no quarto dia da colheita com total de 23,20%, tendo relação com a diminuição da porcentagem dos grãos quebrados (1,60%) e um maior índice de grãos ardidos/avariados. Conclui-se que a cultivar 4280(IPRO), apresentou menor desconto de grãos em comparação com a cultivar 8644(IPRO). Por consequência a cultivar 8644 apresentou maior dano econômico à propriedade

    Selection of earliness peanut accessions for genetic improvement in a water-restricted environment

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    ABSTRACT Peanut production is growing annually in Brazil, but with frequent droughts throughout the country, it is necessary to identify an earliness germplasm for the improved environmental adaptation of peanuts. Here, a mini-core collection of peanuts was studied to select germplasms for further use in breeding, with a focus on dry environments. Twelve agronomic traits were adopted and later used in multivariate methods based on hierarchical models (UPGMA) and graphical dispersion (canonical variables), which aimed to identify earliness accession clusters. Statistically significant differences were found for most traits, indicating that there was genetic variability among accessions. Multivariate analyses subsequently revealed coherence in the formation of three clusters, one of which (G3: PI-268-689 and AHK-85-3) combined the most promising accessions for pod production and reproductive efficiency, previously identified through analysis of variance. Therefore, both germplasms are recommended here for use in future breeding studies focused on water-restricted environments.</div

    Perspectives of economic losses due to condemnation of cattle and buffalo carcasses in the northern region of Brazil.

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    The work aims to study the economical losses of the condemnation of bovine and buffalo carcasses, in order to estimate the losses in animals slaughtered in Santarém-Pará, Brazil, between 2016 and 2018, with data obtained from the Municipal Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Sex, age, origin, total number of animals slaughtered and causes of condemnation of carcasses were considered. All analyzes were performed in RStudio version 1.1.463. In this study, 71,277 bovine carcasses and 2,016 buffalo carcasses were inspected, of which 300 bovine and 71 buffalo were condemned. The highest prevalence of causes of condemnation in cattle was recorded for brucellosis (0.0020%) and tuberculosis (0.0019%). In buffaloes, tuberculosis (0.0307%) peritonitis (0,0019%) were the main causes of condemnations. Economical losses were more evident in females, for both species. The projection of economical losses related to the condemnation of carcasses showed a sharp growth for the next three years, if the average growth remains constant. The biggest projected loss was for bovine females, with an accumulated projection of $ 5,451.44. The smallest estimated loss was for buffalo males, projected at more than thirty-two thousand reais. The most important causes of condemnation report the diseases brucellosis and tuberculosis, as the ones with the greatest impact. In the buffalo species this was even more accentuated, even though the number of buffaloes slaughtered is more than 35 times smaller than the number of cattle

    Arquiteturas da saúde na segunda metade do século XIX e os modelos de ensino nas academias portuguesas

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    The historical intertwining of production hospitals in Brazil and Portugal in the second half of the nineteenth century demands to understand the context of training and academic work of its designers, highlighting the fundamental matrix formation up to: the drawing as design technique and representation of architecture. In this essay, we will adopt the Warburg point of view to understand the History of Art as part of a Theory of Culture, where several factors contribute to the assembly of an iconographic constellation to be read in transdisciplinary sense to allowfor the understanding of the historical, aesthetic and social role of hospitals understood as urban monuments in their respective contexts. The objects in study are the Hospital Dom Luis I of the Royal Society Portuguese Beneficent in Belém, designed in 1870 by the former student of the Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon Frederico José Branco and the Psychiatric Hospital of Conde de Ferreira. The last belongs to Holy House of Mercy of Porto, built for this purpose in 1868, under the traces of the engineer and Full Professor of Civil Architecture Chair of the Fine Arts Academy Port Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro. These buildings are icons of the Portuguese capital investments in Brazil and Brazilian called ‘return-trip’ in Portugal, representing the Portuguese-Brazilian relations in the second half of the nineteenth century.O entrelaçamento histórico entre a construção de hospitais de raiz no Brasil e em Portugal na segunda metade do século XIX demanda a compreensão do contexto de formação e atuação acadêmica de seus projetistas, evidenciando a matriz fundamental da formação à altura: o desenho como técnica de concepção e representação da Arquitetura. Neste ensaio, adotaremos o olhar warburguiano ao entender a História da Arte como parte de uma teoria da cultura, em que fatores vários contribuem para a montagem de uma constelação iconográfica, a ser lida em sentido transdisciplinar que permita renovar e ampliar os cânones históricos preexistentes. Assim, a iconografia servirá de evidência para a compreensão do papel histórico, estético e social dos nosocômios, entendidos como monumentos urbanos em seus respectivos contextos. Temos como edifícios em foco neste estudo o Hospital D. Luiz I, da Real Sociedade Beneficente Portuguesa em Belém, projetado em 1870 pelo ex-aluno da Academia de Belas Artes de Lisboa, Frederico José Branco, e o Hospital de Alienados do Conde de Ferreira, pertencente à Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Porto, construído de raiz em 1868, sob a traça do engenheiro e lente proprietário da Cadeira de Arquitetura civil da Academia de Belas-Artes do Porto, Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro. Esses edifícios são ícones das inversões de capital de portugueses no Brasil e dos chamados brasileiros de “torna-viagem” em Portugal, representando as relações luso-brasileiras na segunda metade do século XIX