18,975 research outputs found

    Relationships between the perceived quality of life and the personality styles measured with the The Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS-R)

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    This exploratory study aims to determine whether the personality styles measured with the Portuguese adaptation of Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised, MIPS-R affect the perceived quality of life. The MIPS-R is a theory-based inventory that measures 24 personality styles in normally functioning adults. Life satisfaction was measured with the Portuguese version of the Quality of Life Inventory, QOLI (Fagulha, Duarte & Miranda, 2000). It refers to a person’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his/her most important needs, goals and wishes have been fulfilled. This study was carried out with a sample of 43 college students, 36 females (age mean = 19,7; SD = 3,1) and 7 males (age mean = 27,4; SD = 11,4). Based on the participants’ overall life satisfaction score three groups were defined: (1) Low/Very Low quality of life, (2) Average quality of life, (3) High quality of life. Discriminant Factor Analysis (DFA) and the Kruskal-Wallis Test were used to identify the styles that most differentiate these groups and to compare each style in the groups. The Other-Nurturing style is the one that best differentiates the groups. DFA results will be further exploited. Considering the Kruskal-Wallis Test, differences are observed in the Pleasure-Enhancing (p=.006), the Actively Modifying (p=.002), the Gregarious/Outgoing (p=.012), the Passively Accommodating (p=.027), the Asocial/Withdrawing (p=.036), the Unconventional/Dissenting (p=.041) and in the Dissatisfied/Complaining (p=.019) styles. Multiple comparisons were used to compare these styles in the groups. The authors believe that the discussion of these results will provide a better understanding of the MIPS-R.Instituto de Psicologia das Relações Humana

    Editorial: The Vascular Niche in Tissue Repair: A Therapeutic Target for Regeneration.

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    Editorial on the Research Topic The Vascular Niche in Tissue Repair: A Therapeutic Target for Regeneration In mammals, although regeneration is quite restricted to a number of tissues and organs, this particular healing process is possible through the existence of tissue-resident stem/progenitor cells. Upon injury, these cells are activated, they proliferate, migrate, and differentiate into tissue-specific cells and functionally replace the damaged or lost cells. Besides this, angiogenesis and neovascularization play crucial roles in tissue repair. Blood vessels (BV) together with the resident surrounding cells create a vascular niche which is central to local and distant signaling thereby shaping the regenerative response. The Frontiers Research Topic “The Vascular Niche in Tissue Repair: A Therapeutic Target for Regeneration” encompasses 14 articles highlighting various aspects of the vascular niche (VN) in health and disease. This research topic first describes ex vivo methodological aspects to study the role of the VN in regeneration, second addresses the VN cellular composition and roles during regeneration, third described local as well as distant signaling mechanisms regulating the VN in regeneration and, finally addresses the VN responses in pathology

    Efeito do tratamento com ketoconazole por um mês na liberação de GH, cortisol e ACHT após administração de GHrelin, GHRP-6 e GHRH em pacientes com síndrome de cushing

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    GH responses to ghrelin, GHRP-6, and GHRH in Cushing s disease (CD) are markedly blunted. There is no data about the effect of reduction of cortisol levels with steroidogenesis inhibitors, like ketoconazole, on GH secretion in CD. ACTH levels during ketoconazole treatment are controversial. The aims of this study were to compare the GH response to ghrelin, GHRP-6, and GHRH, and the ACTH and cortisol responses to ghrelin and GHRP-6 before and after one month of ketoconazole treatment in 6 untreated patients with CD. Before treatment peak GH (mg/L; mean ± SEM) after ghrelin, GHRP-6, and GHRH administration was 10.0 ± 4.5; 3.8 ± 1.6, and 0.6 ± 0.2, respectively. After one month of ketoconazole there was a significant decrease in urinary cortisol values (mean reduction: 75%), but GH responses did not change (7.0 ± 2.0; 3.1 ± 0.8; 0.9 ± 0.2, respectively). After treatment, there was a significant reduction in cortisol (mg/dL) responses to ghrelin (before: 30.6 ± 5.2; after: 24.2 ± 5.1). No significant changes in ACTH (pg/mL) responses before (ghrelin: 210.9 ± 69.9; GHRP-6: 199.8 ± 88.8) and after treatment (ghrelin: 159.7 ± 40.3; GHRP-6: 227 ± 127.2) were observed. In conclusion, after short-term ketoconazole treatment there are no changes in GH or ACTH responses, despite a major decrease of cortisol levels. A longer period of treatment might be necessary for the recovery of pituitary function.Na doença de Cushing (DC), as respostas do GH à ghrelina, ao GHRP-6 e ao GHRH estão diminuídas. Não existem dados sobre o efeito da redução dos níveis de cortisol, após cetoconazol, na secreção de GH na DC. Nessa situação, os níveis de ACTH são variáveis. Os objetivos do estudo são comparar as respostas do GH à administração de ghrelina, GHRP-6 e GHRH, e de ACTH e cortisol à ghrelina e ao GHRP-6 antes e após um mês de tratamento com cetoconazol em 6 pacientes com DC não tratados. Antes do tratamento, o pico de GH (mg/L; média ± EPM) após a administração de ghrelina, GHRP-6 e GHRH foi de 10,0 ± 4,5; 3,8 ± 1,6 e 0,6 ± 0,2, respectivamente. Após um mês de cetoconazol, ocorreu diminuição significante do cortisol urinário (redução média: 75%), mas as respostas de GH permaneceram inalteradas (7,0 ± 2,0; 3,1 ± 0,8; 0,9 ± 0,2, respectivamente). Após o tratamento, houve redução da resposta de cortisol (mg/dL) à ghrelina (antes: 30,6 ± 5,2; após: 24,2 ± 5,1), mas não ocorreram mudanças nas respostas de ACTH (pg/mL) (ghrelina antes: 210,9 ± 69,9; após: 159,7 ± 40,3; GHRP-6 antes: 199,8 ± 88,8; após: 227 ± 127,2). Assim, o tratamento a curto prazo com cetoconazol não modificou as respostas de GH ou ACTH, apesar da redução do cortisol. Para a recuperação da função hipofisária deve ser necessário um período de tratamento maior.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Division of EndocrinologyUNIFESP, Division of EndocrinologySciEL

    Estilos de personalidade e vulnerabilidade à sugestão no contexto de uma relação interpessoal

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    A compreensão do papel das diferenças individuais na exactidão dos testemunhos, em particular na sugestionabilidade, é o objectivo deste trabalho. Consideramos que existem diferenças individuais na vulnerabilidade à sugestão e que estas se relacionam com características da personalidade dos indivíduos. Uma amostra de 258 indivíduos (média de idades de 31.8 anos, desvio padrão de 12.0), participou em sessões individuais e respondeu às adaptações portuguesas da Escala de Sugestionabilidade de Gudjonsson (GSS1) e da Edição Revista do Índice de Estilos da Personalidade de Millon (MIPS-R). Consideraram-se três grupos com diferentes graus de vulnerabilidade à sugestão: pouco sugestionáveis, moderadamente sugestionáveis, muito sugestionáveis. Na Análise Factorial Discriminante (AFD), observa-se que os estilos do MIPS-R que melhor discriminam os grupos são: Realista/Sensitivo(a), Imaginativo(a)/Intuitivo(a), Orientado(a) pelo pensamento, Cooperante/Condescendente. Na Análise de Variância Multivariada (MANOVA) verifica-se um efeito significativo, de média dimensão, da vulnerabilidade à sugestão sobre os estilos do MIPS-R, sendo elevada a potência do teste (λMaior Raiz de Roy = .22, p = .005, η2p = .18, π = .99). Os resultados da AFD e da MANOVA são consistentes e evidenciam a importância dos estilos de personalidade da dimensão modos cognitivos, na caracterização de pessoas com diferentes graus de vulnerabilidade à sugestão

    Personality Styles and Suggestibility: A Differential Approach

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    This study addresses the relationship between personality styles measured with the Portuguese adaptation of the Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised – MIPS-R and interrogative suggestibility assessed by the Portuguese adaptation of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale – GSS1. Hypotheses predicted individual differences in suggestibility and that these differences correspond to differences in individuals’ personality styles. The study was conducted with a sample of 258 individuals (M age = 31.8 years, SD = 12.0). Results showed that there were individual differences in suggestibility and that these differences corresponded to certain personality characteristics, mainly related to the Thinking Styles and some Behaving Styles

    Portuguese adaptation of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scales (GSS1 and GSS2): empirical findings

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    In study 1 (n = 51, M age = 21.4 years, SD = 5.7), the validity of the Portuguese adaptation of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scales (Pires, 2011) was shown through the comparison of means of the original (Gudjonsson, 1997) and the translated scales and the analysis of the correlations between the GSS1 and GSS2 scores. The relationships between interrogative suggestibility and the big five were also addressed and the results point to independence between suggestibility and personality, which is in line with Polczyk’s findings (2005). Study 2 (n = 87, M age = 48.9 years, SD = 20.7) explored the relationships among interrogative suggestibility, the state-trait anxiety and demographic variables (i.e., age and gender). There were no significant relationships between anxiety and suggestibility. These results are in line with other studies that point to a lack of relationship between suggestibility and anxiety in normal samples (Polczyk, 2005; Wolfradt & Meyer, 1998). As for the relationships between age and interrogative suggestibility, ANCOVA confirmed that the increased suggestibility in old age was not due to age differences but rather to the limited memory capacity of the older adults group. There were no significant gender differences in the GSS1 subscales