400 research outputs found

    BiobrÀnsle frÄn hushÄllsavfall

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    FörbrÀnning med utvinning av el och fjÀrrvÀrme Àr det miljömÀssigt klart bÀsta alternativet för hushÄllens kÀllsorterade matavfall. Biogasutvinning Àr ett sÀmre alternativ Àn förbrÀnning, om energiutbytet och de problem som Àr förknippade med rötresten beaktas. Storskalig kompostering Àr ohÄllbar med hÀnsyn till föroreningsrisker och bör avvecklas för hushÄllsavfall. Det Àr tveksamt om smÄskalig kompostering ger nÄgon miljövinst om miljöanpassad förbrÀnning finns som alternativ. HushÄllens kÀllsortering bör stÀllas om till biobrÀnsleistÀllet för komposterbart avfall. Utsorterat biobrÀnsleavfall kan klara en viktig del av den miljömÀssigt efterstrÀvade omstÀllningen till förnyelsebara energikÀllor

    Specific volatile hydrocarbons in smoke from oxidative pyrolysis of softwood pellets

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    Samples of smoke from laboratory burning of commercial sawdust-based softwood pellets were analysed by gas chromatography on an aluminium oxide column. Flaming burning was very efficient. Significant emitted hydrocarbons were methane, quantitatively followed by ethene and lower proportions of ethane, ethyne and propene. The even lower hydrocarbon emissions from final glowing combustion were strikingly different with ethyne and benzene as the only prominent non-methane hydrocarbons. Smouldering combustion caused much higher hydrocarbon concentrations. Prominent non-methane compounds were furan and ethene from initial smouldering, and ethane, ethene and benzene from after-flame smouldering. The large differences in the proportions of specific hydrocarbons should be considered in evaluations of emissions from residential burning of pellets, with respect to combustion technology and impact on environment and health

    Utrymme för arbetsrelaterad hÀlsa : Erfarenhetsbaserad kompetens som hÀlsofrÀmjande faktor

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    OhÀlsan i arbetslivet Àr fortsatt hög och mÄnga arbetslivsforskare pÄvisar i detta avseende att individens möjlighet att pÄverka sin arbetssituation kan vara avgörande för hennes arbetsrelaterade hÀlsa. Forskning av detta slag har resulterat i att delegering och inflytande har blivit honnörsord i arbetslivssammanhang och i mÄnga verksamheter tillhandahÄlls dÀrför den enskilda individen ett stort handlings- och kontrollutrymme. I mÄnga organisationer, dÀr kraven pÄ varje enskild individ Àr desamma och dÀr de tillhandahÄlls ett lika stort handlings- och kontrollutrymme Àr det dock inte ovanligt att vissa utvecklar arbetsrelaterad ohÀlsa, medan andra kÀnner stor arbetstillfredsstÀllelse och utvecklas i sitt arbete. Med utgÄngspunkt i ovanstÄende syftar denna studie till att belysa hur en individs erfarenhetsbaserade kompetens har betydelse för hennes subjektiva handlings- och kontrollutrymme och sÄledes Àven för hennes arbetsrelaterade vÀlbefinnande och hÀlsa. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och resultatet av de ostrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts visar hur en individ med gedigen erfarenhetsbaserad kompetens har förmÄga att identifiera, nyttja och till och med överskrida det handlings- och kontrollutrymme som tillhandahÄlls, vilket tycks frÀmja hennes arbetsrelaterade vÀlbefinnande och hÀlsa. Studien exemplifierar Àven hur en individ som Àr mindre förtrogen med verksamheten inte har samma förmÄga i detta avseende och hur hon i vissa situationer istÀllet upplever olust och viss psykisk stress. Vidare illustrerar mina resultat att en individs erfarenhetsbaserade kompetens och subjektiva handlings- och kontrollutrymme har betydelse för styrkan i individens KASAM, dvs. huruvida hon upplever sin arbetssituation som meningsfull, hanterbar och begriplig

    Cormorant predation effects on fish populations: A global meta-analysis

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    This paper provides the results from the first meta-analysis to examine the impact of cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) predation on fish. It is based on a systematic search of literature, covering studies using significance-based hypotheses tests on the relation between fish parameters and cormorant abundance. The results show that extensive research on cormorant diet exists, but few studies use statistical hypotheses testing to examine the effect on fish populations. In total, 603 publications were identified from titles and abstracts, to include the interaction between cormorants and fish. From these, 27 articles tested fish population parameters against cormorant predation, whereof 22 could be included in analyses. The effect size was defined negative in cases when cormorant numbers or presence reduced fish numbers or biomasses, or when individual fish sizes decreased, and vice versa for a positive effect. In a hierarchical dependence model, the combined effect of cormorant predation on fish was negative, but the overall effect was not significant at the 95% confidence level (-0.169, 95% C.L. -0.505 to 0.167, p = .256, df = 5.26). A covariate analysis revealed a difference in predatory effects between fish prey taxa (p = .006, df = 5.73), but no difference in effect sizes between study type, foraging habitat, or response variable measured. The meta-analysis reveals a complex interaction between cormorants and fish, but adds to the consensus on the importance of considering cormorant predatory effects in research, conservation actions, ecosystem-based management, and environmental monitoring

    "HÀr finns ingen tid att förlora" : professionellas tankar kring gravida missbrukare

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    The purpose of this paper has been to examine the ways in which professionals describe their work with pregnant drug-addicts. The paper raises the following questions; · How does the deviant behavior, that using drugs during pregnancy can be described as, affect the professionals in their work with pregnant drug-addicts? · How do the professionals experience their own role, and the roles of other professionals? · In what ways do they work in order to reach a favorable result with these clients? The paper is based on qualitative material, gathered through 14 interviews with professionals. By using theories of deviant behavior and attachment-theory between a child and its mother, our intention was to analyze the empirical results. From our interviews we have learned that the professionals consider some factors as more important than others for a favourable result in their work with pregnant drug-addicts. Such factors are for example the significance of a cooperation between different authorities and ethical awareness in meeting with the client

    ÎČ-cell function and metabolic control in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults with early insulin versus conventional treatment: a 3-year follow-up

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    Objectives: The optimal treatment of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is not established. We explored whether early insulin treatment, which has shown beneficial effects in rodents and in human pilot studies, would result in better preservation of beta-cell function or metabolic control, compared with conventional treatment. Subjects and methods: Glucagon-stimulated C-peptide and HbAlc were evaluated at baseline and after 12, 24 and 36 months in 37 patients recently diagnosed with diabetes, aged >= 30 years, non-insulin-requiring and GADAb and/or ICA positive. Twenty patients received early insulin and 17 received conventional treatment (diet +/- oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA), metformin, some and/or sulfonylurea) and insulin when necessary. Results: Level of metabolic control, HbAlc, was preserved in the early insulin treated, while it significantly deteriorated in the conventionally treated. There was no significant difference between the groups in C-peptide after 12, 24 or 36 months, or in the decline of C-peptide. Only baseline C-peptide predicted a C-peptide of >= 0.5 nmol/l at 36 months. Gender, body mass index, antibody titres or HbAlc did not influence the levels of C-peptide or HbAlc at baseline or end-of-study, or the decline in C-peptide. Among the diet +/- OHA-treated, 5/17 (30%) developed insulin dependency during the follow-up. No major hypoglycaemic events occurred. Conclusions: Early insulin treatment in LADA leads to better preservation of metabolic control and was safe. Superior preservation of C-peptide could not be significantly demonstrated. Only baseline level of C-peptide significantly influenced C-peptide level after 3 years. Further studies exploring the best treatment in LADA are warranted. European Journal of Endocrinology 164 239-24

    Interacting With a Visiting Dog Increases Fingertip Temperature in Elderly Residents of Nursing Homes

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether interacting with a visiting dog influences fingertip temperature and cortisol levels in residents living in nursing homes for the elderly. The study included two groups, the dog group (n= 13) and the control group (n= 11-15) and lasted for 8 weeks for the dog group and 6 weeks for the control group. All participants were residents living at nursing homes for the elderly. The researchers visited small groups of the participants twice weekly during the entire study in both the dog and the control group. The visiting dog and the dog handler accompanied the researchers during weeks 3-6. Fingertip temperature was measured and saliva samples for cortisol determination were collected at 0, 20 and 60 min for the dog group and at 0 and 20 min for the control group. For analysis the study was divided into periods; Period 1 (week 1-2), Period 2 (week 3-4), Period 3 (week 5-6) and Period 4 (week 7-8, only the dog group). Mean values based on all data obtained at 0 and 20 min during period 1-3 were compared between groups. A second, separate analysis for the dog group also included data from 60 min and for period 4. For the dog group fingertip temperature increased significantly between period 1 and 2, 1 and 3 and 1 and 4 (p< 0.05). In addition, fingertip temperature rose significantly between 0 and 20 min and between 0 and 60 min within all periods. For the control group a significant decrease in fingertip temperature was observed between period 1 and 3 (p< 0.05). Fingertip temperature did not differ between the two groups during period 1, but was significantly higher for the dog group than for the control group during periods 2 and 3 (p< 0.05 andp< 0.001, respectively). Cortisol results are only presented descriptively due to that many samples had too low volume of saliva to be analyzed. In the present study interaction between elderly residents and a visiting dog resulted in increased fingertip temperature, probably reflecting a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and therefore a decrease in stress levels

    Modifizierung von KunststoffoberflÀchen durch Niederdruckplasmabehandlung zur Verbesserung der AdhÀsionseigenschaften

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    Viele Kunststoffe besitzen nur schlechte AdhĂ€sionseigenschaften. So lassen sich viele technisch wichtige Kunststoffe adhĂ€siv nur dann zufriedenstellend mit AdhĂ€sionsklebstoffen kleben, wenn die Kunststoffteile vorbehandelt worden sind. Versuche mit einer Niederdruckplasmabehandlung fĂŒhrten zu brauchbaren Ergebnissen

    Haematological toxicity in adult patients receiving craniospinal irradiation - Indication of a dose-bath effect.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the haematological toxicity observed in patients treated with craniospinal irradiation, and the dose distribution in normal tissue, specifically the occurrence of large volumes exposed to low dose

    The nature stroke study; NASTRU: A randomized controlled trial of nature-based post-stroke fatigue rehabilitation

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    Objective: To determine whether nature-based rehabilitation, as an add-on to standard care, has a long-term influence on post-stroke fatigue, perceived value of everyday occupations, disability, health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression at follow-up 8 and 14 months after randomization. Design: Single-blinded, 2-armed, randomized controlled trial. Methods: Stroke survivors, identified through routine 3-month follow-up visit (sub-acute) or medical records (chronic stroke >1 year previously), were randomized to standard care + nature-based rehabilitation (intervention group) or standard care alone (control group). Blinded evaluations were conducted at follow-up 8 and 14 months after randomization, for the following outcomes: post-stroke fatigue (Mental Fatigue Scale; MFS), perceived value of everyday occupations (Occupational value instrument with predefined items), disability (modified Rankin Scale; mRS), health-related quality of life (Euro-QoL-5 Demension Questionnaire), anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HAD) and depression (HAD). Results: Approximately one-quarter of the screened patients were eligible for inclusion in the study; of these, half agreed to participate; a final total of 101 patients were randomized (mean age 67 years, 60% female). The patients with sub-acute stroke were highly compliant with the intervention. The participants in both the intervention and control groups improved, However, no statistically significant differences in improvement were found between the intervention and control groups for any of the outcome measures. Fatigue decreased to a value below the suggested cut-off for mental fatigue (<10.5) in the intervention group, but not in the control group. Conclusion: Nature-based rehabilitation is feasible and well tolerated. A larger randomized controlled trial is warranted
