232 research outputs found

    Primary Health Care Governance: Case Studies in Argentina and Brazil

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    Transaction Cost Economics is a recent perspectiveto organizations analysis, and it is still little applied in the publicsector. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relativeefficiency of two primary health care platforms, one in Argentinaand the another one in Brazil. The transaction costs arecategorized, counted and normalized into quartiles from directobservation, interviews and documental review. Besides,institutional arrangements are described. The discriminatinghypothesis of association between organizational efficiency andthe alignment of transaction characteristics with the governancemode is comparatively tested. The analysis showed that theBrazilian case presented lower frequency of transaction costsbecause its institutional arrangement contains more coordinationand incentives with less strategic uncertainty. The evaluationmethod developed in this paper highlights the importance ofstudying the characteristics of organization for the generation ofknowledge and production of managerial contributions overpublic health service’s delivery

    O rol de quantas máscaras usei ...: a referencialização identificativo da personagem na narratia ficcional de José Régio

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    A abranger toda a narrativa ficcional regiana está o uso da máscara de Régio: numa vertente específica, a das personagens que constrói e que, de forma engenhosa, peculiar e vária designa ou referencializa; numa vertente mais globalizante, a do nome próprio que o autor adopta para assinar a sua obra literária. A presente tese de doutoramento visa, por conseguinte, o processo de disfarce consubstanciado nestas duas vertentes. Deste modo, num primeiro momento e inequivocamente mais lato, estabelece-se uma análise da referencialização identificativa das personagens existentes na narrativa ficcional regiana. Neste âmbito, são visados grupos de designadores específicos, de carácter nominal ou morfossintático, que referencializam personagens e estigmatizam as temáticas regianas da genuinidade vs falsidade, da originalidade vs vulgaridade, da individualidade vs colectividade e da criatividade vs falsa intelectualidade. Por fim, numa segunda e sucinta conjuntura, estuda-se a referencialização que respeita o criador literário, no contorno ficcional de personagens escritores que se presentificam na narrativa ficcional e no âmbito real do próprio José Régio. Deste modo, e visando a globalidade do trabalho desenvolvido denuncia-se, então, a par de um processo evidente de disfarce, a presença inequívoca da vocação da e para a sinceridade que tanto José Régio cultivara na sua obra

    A ação do diretor num agrupamento de escolas com contrato de autonomia

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Administração Educacional)Esta dissertação é o resultado de uma investigação realizada num agrupamento de escolas com contrato de autonomia. O presente estudo centra-se na figura do diretor do agrupamento, tal como ela é concebida pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 75/2008, com as alterações entretanto introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 137/2012. Estando em curso mudanças importantes nos modos de governação das escolas e na forma como os diferentes atores interagem entre si. Este estudo da ação do diretor ajuda-nos a compreender novas dinâmicas, desafios e estratégias na vida escolar. O nosso estudo centra-se na implementação do processo de autonomia, em particular na escola-piloto escolhida. Procuramos saber qual tem sido o impacto no funcionamento da mesma e quais têm sido os aspetos mais (des)valorizados no contrato. Para o efeito pretendemos conhecer a opinião dos intervenientes, nomeadamente dos elementos da equipa de acompanhamento local, docentes, órgãos de gestão e, principalmente, do diretor da escola. Tão importante como encontrar resultados é compreender o processo e saber como as coisas acontecem através das experiências e perspetivas dos atores. Assim, desenvolvemos a nossa investigação na tentativa de encontrar respostas através de uma base científica de aplicação de métodos de recolha e análise de dados. Recorrendo a uma perspetiva de análise política e estratégica, o estudo procura associar as funções e papéis do diretor às transformações dos modos de regulação das escolas. O relatório foca o tópico “autonomia das escolas” e a forma como o mesmo pode ser interpretado a nível da direção escolar. O trabalho está dividido em três capítulos, para além da introdução e da conclusão. Na introdução, fazemos uma breve referência ao tema e justificação, bem como à formulação do problema. No primeiro capítulo, fazem-se as referências teóricas, recorrendo-nos do modelo burocrático e político, autonomia, tipos de liderança conceito de gestor/diretor. Assim (capítulo segundo), do ponto de vista empírico, o trabalho assenta numa metodologia de investigação, cujo caráter seja predominantemente qualitativo, mas que permita a utilização de técnicas quantitativas. Centrando-se no estudo do diretor, os instrumentos de recolha de dados que adotamos, foi o inquérito por questionário e a análise documental, pois, tiveram por um lado, a intenção de mostrar quais os desafios que se colocam ao diretor no atual regime de administração e gestão; e, por outro lado, tiveram como objetivo a demonstração de quais as ações estratégicas por si utilizadas para delinear o seu campo de ação. No último capítulo (terceiro), efetuamos a análise e interpretação dos resultados da investigação. O estudo permite concluir que, na escola, há margem para que o diretor reinvente formatos organizativos, com vista à melhoria dos processos e resultados escolares. E há também espaços de liberdade para a reestruturação dos papéis e padrões relacionais dentro da organização. É, no entanto, recomendável, que esforços internos de melhoria se conjuguem, de modo coerente, com incentivos externos, nomeadamente do poder central, para tornar possível o fim último da escola: o aumento da qualidade do serviço público de educação.This dissertation is the result of an investigation held in a pool of schools with autonomy contract. The present study focus in the school group director, such as she/he is designed by the decree law n.º 75/2008, with the recent alterations meanwhile introduced by the decree law n.º 137/2012. Being in course important changes in the way schools are being governed and in the different ways actors interact between themselves. This study of the director’ (headmaster or head teacher) action, help us to understand new dynamics, challenges and strategies in the school’ life. Our study focus in the implementation of the autonomy process, particularly in the chosen pilotschool. We seek to know what has been the impact on the functioning of the same and which have been aspects more (de)valued in the autonomy contract. For the effect we seek to know the opinion of the players, elements of the local monitoring team, teachers, management organs and, mainly, the school director. As important as finding results is to understand the process and to know how things happen through experiences and perspectives from actors. That way, we develop our investigation in trying to find answers through a science-based application methods of data collection and analysis. Using the perspective of policy and strategic analysis, the study seeks to associate the functions and roles of the director to change the regulation of schools modes. This work is divided in three chapters, besides the introduction and conclusion; in the introduction we do a short reference to the theme and its justification, as well the formulation of the problem. The first chapter does theoretical references, using the political and bureaucratic model, autonomy, types of leadership and concept of management/director. That way (chapter two), from the empiric point of view, this work is based in an investigation methodology, whose character is mainly qualitative, but allows the use of quantitative techniques. Focusing in the study of the director, the instruments to collect the data were survey questionnaire and document analysis, because they had for one side the intention to show what are the challenges put to the director in the current regime of administration and management; and, on the other side, they had as goal the demonstration of which strategic actions used by himself to delimitate their field of action. In the last chapter (third chapter), we have done the analyses and interpretation of the results from the investigation. This study allows us to conclude that, in school, there is a margin for the director to reinvent its organizational formats, to improve processes and educational outcomes. And there are also spaces of freedom for the restructuring of roles and relational patterns within the organization. It is, however, recommended that internal improvement efforts combine, in a consistent manner with external incentives, including the central government, to enable the school for its goal: increasing the quality of public education service.Cette thèse est le résultat d'une enquête menée dans un groupe d'écoles avec l'accord d'autonomie. Cette étude se concentre sur la figure du directeur du groupe, telle qu'elle est conçue par le décret-loi n ° 75/2008, avec les modifications apportées par le décret-loi n ° 137/2012. Être dans des changements majeurs dans les cours moyens de la gouvernance des écoles et comment les différents acteurs interagissent. Ce directeur de l'action de l'étude nous aide à comprendre les nouvelles dynamiques, défis et stratégies dans la vie scolaire. Notre étude se concentre sur la mise en oeuvre du processus d'autonomie, en particulier dans l'école pilote choisi. Nous cherchons à savoir ce qui a été l'impact sur le fonctionnement de la même et qui ont été la plupart des aspects (de) a évalué le contrat. À cette fin, nous avons l'intention de connaître l'opinion des parties prenantes, y compris les éléments de l'équipe de surveillance locale, les enseignants, les organes de gestion et, en particulier, le directeur de l'école. Comme important que de trouver des résultats est de comprendre le processus et de savoir comment les choses se passent à travers les expériences et les points de vue des acteurs. Nous avons donc développé notre recherche pour essayer de trouver des réponses à travers des méthodes de collecte et d'analyse de données applications fondées sur la science. Utilisation d'un point de vue de la politique et de l'analyse stratégique, l'étude cherche à associer les fonctions et les rôles du directeur de modifier la réglementation des écoles de mode. Le rapport se concentre sur le thème "l'autonomie de l'école" et comment il peut être interprété sein de l'administration de l'école. L'ouvrage est divisé en trois chapitres, dont l’introduction et la conclusion. Dans l’introduction, nous faisons une brève référence à l'objet et la justification, ainsi que la formulation du problème. Le premier chapitre, sont les références théoriques, nous dessin au modèle bureaucratique et politique, l'autonomie, les types de leadership concept de manager / directeur. Dans le deuxième chapitre, à partir d'un point de vue empirique, le travail est basé sur une méthodologie de recherche, dont le caractère est essentiellement qualitative, mais de permettre l'utilisation de techniques quantitatives. Mettre l'accent sur le directeur de l'étude, les outils de collecte de données nous avons adoptée a été l'enquête par questionnaire et l'analyse de documents ont donc une part, destiné à montrer que les difficultés rencontrées par le directeur dans le régime actuel l'administration et la gestion; et d'autre part, ils étaient destinés à démontrer que les actions stratégiques utilisés par eux pour décrire leur compétence. Le dernier chapitre, nous avons fait l'analyse et l'interprétation des résultats de la recherche. L'étude montre que, à l'école, il est possible pour le directeur réinventer formats organisationnels, afin d'améliorer les processus et les résultats scolaires. Et il y a aussi des espaces de liberté pour la restructuration des rôles et des schémas relationnels au sein de l'organisation. Il est, toutefois, recommandé que des efforts internes d'amélioration de combiner, d'une manière compatible avec des incitations externes, y compris le gouvernement central, pour permettre à l'école le dernier moment: l'augmentation de la qualité du service public d'éducation

    Evolutionary and Structural Features of the C2, V3 and C3 Envelope Regions Underlying the Differences in HIV-1 and HIV-2 Biology and Infection

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Users must also make clear the license terms under which the work was published.Background: Unlike in HIV-1 infection, the majority of HIV-2 patients produce broadly reactive neutralizing antibodies, control viral replication and survive as elite controllers. The identification of the molecular, structural and evolutionary footprints underlying these very distinct immunological and clinical outcomes may lead to the development of new strategies for the prevention and treatment of HIV infection.Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed a side-by-side molecular, evolutionary and structural comparison of the C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions from HIV-1 and HIV-2. These regions contain major antigenic targets and are important for receptor binding. In HIV-2, these regions also have immune modulatory properties. We found that these regions are significantly more variable in HIV-1 than in HIV-2. Within each virus, C3 is the most entropic region followed by either C2 (HIV-2) or V3 (HIV-1). The C3 region is well exposed in the HIV-2 envelope and is under strong diversifying selection suggesting that, like in HIV-1, it may harbour neutralizing epitopes. Notably, however, extreme diversification of C2 and C3 seems to be deleterious for HIV-2 and prevent its transmission. Computer modelling simulations showed that in HIV-2 the V3 loop is much less exposed than C2 and C3 and has a retractile conformation due to a physical interaction with both C2 and C3. The concealed and conserved nature of V3 in the HIV-2 is consistent with its lack of immunodominancy in vivo and with its role in preventing immune activation. In contrast, HIV-1 had an extended and accessible V3 loop that is consistent with its immunodominant and neutralizing nature.Conclusions/Significance: We identify significant structural and functional constrains to the diversification and evolution of C2, V3 and C3 in the HIV-2 envelope but not in HIV-1. These studies highlight fundamental differences in the biology and infection of HIV-1 and HIV-2 and in their mode of interaction with the human immune system and may inform new vaccine and therapeutic interventions against these viruses.Fundo para a CiĂŞncia e Tecnologia, Portugal. Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network, European Union. PB and IB supported by PhD grants from Fundo para a CiĂŞncia e Tecnologia

    Long-term behavior of mortars produced with sulfide-bearing aggregates

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    The variety of sulfides (inorganic compounds formed by combining sulfur with a metal element) present inearth crust is not small, which makes it difficult to avoid the use of sulfide-bearing aggregates in the concrete,especially in places where another source of material is non-existent or economically impracticable, as is thecase of dams in Brazil. Within this scenario, this work presents an evaluation of the long-term behavior ofmortar produced with aggregates containing pyrite and pyrrhotite. For the study, rock samples from the IrapéHydroelectric Power Plant area in Minas Gerais (Brazil) were used. This plant was built in a geological sitewhere the rock presented sulfide levels of at least 3%. These rock samples were first ground and then used asaggregates in mortars, which were, during almost 1300 days, subjected to three different exposed conditions:1-temperature of 23° ± 2°C and relative humidity of 95 to 100%; 2- submerged in calcium hydroxide solutiondiluted in water almost 850 days and then kept in water up to 1300 days, both in room temperature; 3- submergedin calcium hydroxide solution diluted in water at 50° C during almost 850 days and then kept in water(50° C) up to 1300 days. The presence and amount of pyrrhotite were obtained from a leaching process ofthe material (aggregate or mortar) in a solution of hydrochloric acid. This procedure allowed also the evaluationof the pyrite content. The results showed that the calcium hydroxide solution speeds up the expansionjust like the temperature. It was also observed that the amount of pyrite has remained virtually constant overtime in the three exposure situations. This finding indicates that sulfur limits in aggregates should be set accordingto the type of iron sulfide presented and not only by the total amount of sulfur.Keywords: sulfide-bearing aggregates, mortar, long-term behavior, dams

    Synthesis and evaluation of platinum complexes with potential antitumor activity

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    A novel series of platinum (II) complexes was synthesized and the complexes were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against four human cancer cells lines. Five platinum complexes showed activity against at least one tumor cell line. Complexes 3 and 6 were promising, being active, at micromolar concentrations, against all the assayed tumor cell lines. Compound 3 was selected for further studies in mice with Ehrlich solid tumors and it was able to reduce the rate of tumor growth significantly during the first seven days. However, at the end of the experiments, there was no significant difference between the group of animals treated with 3 and the control group. The low solubility of the compound in the assay conditions can explain, at least in part, these results

    Phylogeography of hepatitis B virus: the role of Portugal in the early dissemination of HBV worldwide

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    Copyright: © 2022 Marcelino et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.In Portugal, the genetic diversity, origin of HBV and the Portuguese role in the dissemination of HBV worldwide were never investigated. In this work, we studied the epidemic history and transmission dynamics of HBV genotypes that are endemic in Portugal. HBV pol gene was sequenced from 130 patients followed in Lisbon. HBV genotype A was the most prevalent (n = 54, 41.5%), followed by D (n = 44, 33.8%), and E (n = 32, 24.6%). Spatio-temporal evolutionary dynamics was reconstructed in BEAST using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, with a GTR nucleotide substitution model, an uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecular clock model, a Bayesian skyline plot, and a continuous diffusion model. HBV subgenotype D4 was the first to be introduced in Portugal around 1857 (HPD 95% 1699-1931) followed by D3 and A2 a few decades later. HBV genotype E and subgenotype A1 were introduced in Portugal later, almost simultaneously. Our results indicate a very important role of Portugal in the exportation of subgenotypes D4 and A2 to Brazil and Cape Verde, respectively, in the beginning of the XX century. This work clarifies the epidemiological history of HBV in Portugal and provides new insights in the early and global epidemic history of this virus.This work was performed in the context of Rute Marcelino PhD study, whose student’s fellowship (SFRH/BD/99507/2014) was supported by the Portuguese Agency for Scientific Research, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), POCH program, Portugal 2020, and European Union/Social European Fund (FSE). This work was also supported by FCT through funds of AA's projects GHTM-UID/Multi/04413/2013 and GHTM-UID/04413/2020 and also NT's projects UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adenosine inhibits human astrocyte proliferation independently of adenosine receptor activation

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    Brain adenosine concentrations can reach micromolar concentrations in stressful situations such as stroke, neurodegenerative diseases or hypoxic regions of brain tumours. Adenosine can act by receptor-independent mechanism by reversing the reaction catalysed by S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) hydrolase, leading to SAH accumulation and inhibition of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases. Astrocytes are essential in maintaining brain homeostasis but their pathological activation and uncontrolled proliferation plays a role in neurodegeneration and glioma. Adenosine can affect cell proliferation, but the effect of increased adenosine concentration on proliferation of astrocytes is not clarified and was addressed in present work. Human astrocytes (HA) were treated for 3 days with test drugs. Cell proliferation/viability was assessed by the MTT assay and by cell counting. Cell death was evaluated by assessing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and by western blot analysis of αII-Spectrin cleavage. 30µM-Adenosine caused a 40%±3% (p < .05, n = 5) reduction in cell proliferation/viability, an effect reversed by 2U/ml-adenosine deaminase, but unchanged in the presence of antagonists of any of the adenosine receptors. Adenosine alone did not induce cell death. 100µM-Homocysteine alone caused 16%±3% (p < .05) decrease in HA proliferation. Combined action of adenosine and homocysteine decreased HA proliferation by 76%±4%, an effect higher (p < .05) than the sum of the effect of adenosine and homocysteine alone (56%±5%). The inhibitory effect of adenosine on HA proliferation/viability was mimicked by two adenosine kinase inhibitors and attenuated in the presence of folate (100µM) or SAM (50-100µM). The results suggest that adenosine reduces HA proliferation by a receptor-independent mechanism probably involving reversal of SAH hydrolase-catalysed reaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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