552 research outputs found

    Evolution of genome sequencing techniques

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    The quality and the speed for genome sequencing has advanced at the same time that technology boundaries are stretched. This advancement has been divided so far in three generations. The first-generation methods enabled sequencing of clonal DNA populations. The second-generation massively increased throughput by parallelizing many reactions while the third-generation methods allow direct sequencing of single DNA molecules. The first techniques to sequence DNA were not developed until the mid-1970s, when two distinct sequencing methods were developed almost simultaneously, one by Alan Maxam and Walter Gilbert, and the other one by Frederick Sanger. The first one is a chemical method to cleave DNA at specific points and the second one uses ddNTPs, which synthesizes a copy from the DNA chain template. Nevertheless, both methods generate fragments of varying lengths that are further electrophoresed. Moreover, it is important to say that until the 1990s, the sequencing of DNA was relatively expensive and it was seen as a long process. Besides, using radiolabeled nucleotides also compounded the problem through safety concerns and prevented the automation. Some advancements within the first generation include the replacement of radioactive labels by fluorescent labeled ddNTPs and cycle sequencing with thermostable DNA polymerase, which allows automation and signal amplification, making the process cheaper, safer and faster. Another method is Pyrosequencing, which is based on the “sequencing by synthesis” principle. It differs from Sanger sequencing, in that it relies on the detection of pyrophosphate release on nucleotide incorporation. By the end of the last millennia, parallelization of this method started the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) with 454 as the first of many methods that can process multiple samples, calling it the 2º generation sequencing. Here electrophoresis was completely eliminated. One of the methods that is sometimes used is SOLiD, based on sequencing by ligation of fluorescently dye-labeled di-base probes which competes to ligate to the sequencing primer. Specificity of the di-base probe is achieved by interrogating every 1st and 2nd base in each ligation reaction. The widely used Solexa/Illumina method uses modified dNTPs containing so called “reversible terminators” which blocks further polymerization. The terminator also contains a fluorescent label, which can be detected by a camera. Now, the previous step towards the third generation was in charge of Ion Torrent, who developed a technique that is based in a method of “sequencing-by-synthesis”. Its main feature is the detection of hydrogen ions that are released during base incorporation. Likewise, the third generation takes into account nanotechnology advancements for the processing of unique DNA molecules to a real time synthesis sequencing system like PacBio; and finally, the NANOPORE, projected since 1995, also uses Nano-sensors forming channels obtained from bacteria that conducts the sample to a sensor that allows the detection of each nucleotide residue in the DNA strand. The advancements in terms of technology that we have nowadays have been so quick, that it makes wonder: ¿How do we imagine the next generation

    Territorial dissimilarities in poverty and exclusion

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    The ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ was issued in 2010 by the European Commission. This document constitutes a growth scheme for the decade 2010-2020 that aims to help the European Union to emerge from the current crisis through the so-called smart, sustainable and inclusive dimensions of growth. In this context, the basic aim of the SIESTA (“Spatial Indicators for a ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ Territorial Analysis”) Project has been to illustrate the territorial dimension of the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. In other words, to show how this document acts territorially, particularly at the regional scale, but, when possible, also at the urban level. The SIESTA Project has been funded by ESPON (“European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion”), a European Commission Programme whose mission is to support policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory. This book includes most of the main findings and conclusions obtained through research of the SIESTA Project. The contents were presented and discussed as keynote addresses or communications at the SIESTA Final Conference held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, on 4-5 April 2013

    Detección de compuestos orgánicos mediante LIBS en rocas de interés en exploración planetaria. Aplicaciones en Astrobiología

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    La integración de instrumentos LIBS en misiones de exploración planetaria es una realidad desde hace ya unos años, siendo una tecnología conducente a la obtención de información multielemental en las distintas rocas y minerales existentes en la superficie de Marte. Su gran eficacia ha sido demostrada en muchos de los trabajos publicados hasta la fecha por los equipos de investigación participantes en la misión Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). Uno de los objetivos primordiales de dichas investigaciones radica en la detección de posibles bioindicadores [1], así como en la identificación y discriminación mediante LIBS de compuestos orgánicos, tarea que puede llegar a ser compleja ya que, entre otros aspectos, se trata de una técnica muy sensible a las condiciones ambientales (composición de la atmósfera y presión existente) [2] [3]. El presente trabajo ha buscado por un lado, evaluar el efecto de la atmósfera existente en el planeta rojo (rica en CO2 con 7mb de presión media) en la formación de plasmas inducidos por láser a partir de la ablación de muestras formadas por matrices inorgánicas dopadas con compuestos orgánicos seleccionados. Por otro lado, a partir de las diferentes huellas espectrales obtenidas en dichas condiciones y mediante la aplicación de técnicas quimiométricas adaptadas, se estudian las posibilidades de identificación de dichos referentes orgánicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Narrative Decorative Surfaces at the Spanish Colonial Mission Church of Santa María de Cuevas in Nueva Vizcaya: Where Religion, Art & Science Meet

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    [EN] This paper presents the conservation research project that has being carried out in the last 10 years to preserve the building and the artworks of Santa Maria Cuevas, a Spanish colonial mission founded by the Jesuits missionaries in 1678 at Nueva Vizcaya (Mexico). Located at the Mexican state of Chihuahua, this church continues to be the center of the cultural and religious traditions f its community. Of Particular interest is the complex polychrome technique and wooden ceiling structure. The original paintings narrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In this paper, special attention is given to the studies that are currently being undertaken to interpret the narrative iconography that the Sicilian missionary Luis Mancuso together with the painter Domingo Guerra designed and painted in 1700.Muñoz-Alcocer, KM.; Fuster-López, L.; Ruiz Checa, JR.; Vázquez De Ágredos Pascual, ML. (2017). The Narrative Decorative Surfaces at the Spanish Colonial Mission Church of Santa María de Cuevas in Nueva Vizcaya: Where Religion, Art & Science Meet. European Journal of Science and Theology. 13(2):135-146. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/115248S13514613

    Considerations on the formation mechanisms of emitting species from organic and carbon-containing inorganic compounds in CO2 atmosphere using LIBS

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    Integration of LIBS instruments in the rover used for planetary exploration in an attempt to get multi-elemental information from rocks, minerals, and soils is a reality. Its great effectiveness has been demonstrated in many works from the research teams participating in the mission Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). However, the detection and discrimination by LIBS of organic compounds can be complex since, among other aspects; this technique is very sensitive to environmental conditions, such as the atmosphere composition and pressure [1-3]. The objective of this investigation is to assess the effect of the surrounding atmosphere (CO2) on the formation of emitting species in laser-induced plasmas of C-containing compounds in order to identify the possible both inorganic and organic sources. Moreover, the influence of molecular structures on the intensity of C, C2, CN, H, N and O emissions has been analyzed (Fig. 1). Four organic compounds (adenine, glycine, pyrene, and urea) were selected for their interest as possible indicators or precursors of life. A laboratory LIBS system coupled to a pressure chamber for simulating Martian environment was used for the analysis of pellet-shaped samples. Formation pathways of species coexisting in the plasma plume (C, C2 and CN, mainly) generated in air and in CO2 atmosphere have been considered. The ablation thresholds and the limits of detection of the organic molecules on inorganic matrices (CaCO3 and CaSO4 2H2O) have been establishedUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    LIBS combined with a decision tree-based algorithm: an analytical tandem for sorting of waste refractories used in steelmaking industries

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    Refractories are materials that can withstand high temperatures and maintain their mechanical functions and properties during long time, even in contact with corrosive liquids or gases. These materials are indispensable for all high-temperature processes, such as the production of metals, steel, cement, glass and ceramics [1, 2]. Over a decade ago the refractory scrap recycling and the circular economy have started to gain increasing interest because of the potential benefits both from an economic (cheaper raw materials, lower treatment costs, reducing costs for landfilling) and environmental (saving virgin resources, reducing wastes and lower energy demand and CO2 emissions compared to virgin materials) points-of-view. In this context, the present investigation focused on the design of a classification strategy based on a novel machine learning algorithm combined with optical emissions from LIBS spectral responses to the systematic categorization of refractory residues in 10 different classes. The crucial factor that judges the realistic operation of LIBS to proper sorting of spent refractories is the complex spectral similarity revealed by these materials, usually containing Al2O3, MgO and SiO2 in varying proportions and ZrO in the case of isostatic. By choosing original LIBS emission intensities and intensity ratios pertinent to and involving the most relevant constituent elements (Al, Mg, C ‒through its related-species CN‒, Si and Zr) of various refractory wastes, a decision tree with multiple nodes that decided how to classify inputs was designed and trained. The figure 1 shows the LIBS sensor operating at the UMALASERLAB facilities to the analysis of a refractory sample. The developed strategy has been also validated in the UMALASERLAB using two sets of "blind" samples of refractory residues provided by Sidenor S.L.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Investor sentiment in the theoretical field of behavioural finance

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    Investor sentiment is a research area in the theoretical field of behavioural finance that analyses the sentiment of investors and the way it influences stock market activity. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of publications in this area, which indicates its incremental relevance. To date, there is no consensus on the theoretical structure of behavioural finance nor on the investor sentiment research area. We have used co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence analysis to provide an overview of the structure of investor sentiment. Therefore, this study contributes to defining the theoretical structure of investor sentiment by identifying the foundations of the research area and main journals, references, authors, or keywords, which represent the core of knowledge of this research area. The results obtained suggest that investor sentiment is related to efficient market theory and behavioural finance theories. Furthermore, investor sentiment is a relevant research field, especially since 2014. Advances in computer science or theories based on physics or mathematics can help to better define the influence of investor sentiment on stock markets. This study advances research on investor sentiment within the field of behavioural finance, thus showing its relevance

    Searching for Biosignatures in Mars by LIBS Molecular Signals Discernment

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    In the present study, LIBS analysis of a set of six selected molecules related to organic biosignatures -or their degradation compounds- have been carried out in both simulated Martian atmosphere and air in order to identify and discriminate them on the basis of their molecular emission features. This strategy can reveal insights into how different emission spectral modes react to changes in atmospheric conditions and therefore can help to detect those species which are more sensitive to changes in pressure and composition of the atmosphere. At high laser irradiance, atomization of organic compounds is essentially complete, although at sufficiently delayed integration times, the formation of new molecules by recombination processes can be noticed[1]. Molecular species characteristic of organic emissions such as C2, CN, NH, OH and CH were studied. Results can contribute to establish the optimal conditions for the observation of organic carbon species in laser-induced plasmas and the bases for the ensuing detection of organic biosignatures in analogous geological materials from Mars. Likewise, this research is aimed at providing a tool in the interpretation of LIBS data though the application of adapted data processing algorithms for the identification and discernment of suspected compounds of organic nature[2] [1] T. Delgado, L. García-Gómez, L. M. Cabalín, J. J. Laserna, Investigation on the origin of molecular emissions in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy under Mars-like atmospheric conditions of isotope-labeled compounds of interest in astrobiology, Spectrochim. Acta Part B (2021) 179-106114. [2] T. Delgado, L. García-Gómez, L. M. Cabalín, J. J. Laserna, Detectability and discrimination of biomarker organic precursors in a low pressure CO2 atmosphere by LIBS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2020) 35:1947.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A First Approach to Differences in Continuity of Care Perceived by Immigrants and Natives in the Catalan Public Healthcare System

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    Objective: To compare immigrants' and natives' perceptions of relational, managerial and informational continuity of care and to explore the influence of the length of stay on immigrants' perceptions of continuity. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on a survey of a random sample of 1,500 patients, of which 22% (331) were immigrants. The study area was made up by three healthcare areas of the Catalan healthcare system. To collect data, the CCAENA questionnaire was applied. Multivariate logistic regression models were conducted. Results: Like natives, immigrants perceive high levels of managerial continuity (88.5%) and relational continuity with primary and secondary care physicians (86.7 and 81.8%), and lower levels of informational continuity (59.1%). There were no statistically significant differences in managerial and informational continuity between immigrants and natives. However, immigrants perceive a worse relational continuity with primary care physicians in terms of trust, communication and clinical responsibility. Conversely, immigrants perceive higher relational continuity with secondary care physicians in terms of effective communication and clinical responsibility. Discussion: Similar managerial and informational continuity perceptions seem to point towards a similar treatment of patients, regardless of their immigrant status. However, differences in relational continuity highlight the need for improvements in professionals' skills in treating immigrants' patients

    Caracterización “in-situ” de aerosoles en entornos industriales agresivos mediante libs a distancia

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    Este trabajo se ha centrado en evaluar las posibilidades analíticas de detección “in situ” de aerosoles sólidos generados durante la fabricación de acero, así como en la determinación de su composición elemental, Con este objetivo, se diseñó un analizador LIBS de pulso doble compacto y versátil, capaz de muestrear a distancias de hasta ocho metros y trabajar en estos entornos industriales hostiles. Se investigaron dos modos de interacción entre el rayo láser y las partículas en el aire, denominados, regímenes de láser de pulso único y de pulso doble.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Técnicas láser de excitación y levitación óptica para la identificación de nanopartículas, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. CTQ2014-56058-P