208 research outputs found

    Mixing the spacers in azacryptands: effects on halide recognition

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    Replacement of just one spacer in dicopper cryptates drastically alters the cavity's shape, thus affecting halide recognition

    Research into microrganisms in mayonnaise salad obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries"

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    Twenty samples of mayonnaise salads obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries" were analysed for total plate count of mesophilic and psichrophilic bacteria, yeasts and molds, enumeration and isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, the MPN of totally coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci as well as for investigation into the occurrence of Salmonella. It was found, in total counts, of coliform and streptococci, that numbers were high in many samples, showing the occurrence of contamination probably during the handling of the food. All the analysed samples were positive to total coliforms as well as to Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci showing that the food had, at some point, suffered pollution of fecal origi n. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in varying proportions were found in different samples. All the samples were showed to be negative for Salmonella.Em vinte amostras de saladas com maionese foram efetuadas as contagens de bactérias mesófilas e psicrófilas, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, bolores e leveduras, a determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de bactérias coliforme totais de Escherichia coli e de estreptococos fecais, bem como a pesquisa de salmonelas. A contagem de bactérias mesófilas variou de 2,64 x 10(4) a ;&sup3;;3 x 10(7)/g do produto. Quanto às bactérias psicrófilas, as contagens variaram de < 10 a ;&sup3;; 3 x 10(7)/g. Para S. aureus, as contagens oscilaram de < 10² a 4 x 10(5)/g do alimento, enquanto que para B. cereus os números mínimo e máximo foram < 10² e ;&sup3;; 3 x 10(4)/g, respectivamente. Para bolores e leveduras, as contagens variaram de 7,1 x 10² a 3,7 x 10(6)/g. Com relação ao NMP de coliformes totais e estreptococos fecais, os resultados obtidos mostraram-se compreendidos entre < 0,03 e ;&sup3;; 4,3 x 10(5)/g. Quanto ao NMP de E. coli os números mínimo e máximo obtidos foram respectivamente de < 0,03 e ;&sup3;; 2,4 x 10(4)/g de salada com maionese. Tais constatações indicam a ocorrência de contaminação inclusive por microrganismos de origem fecal. Todas as amostras revelaram-se negativas para bactérias do gênero Salmonella

    Thalidomide-dexamethasone as induction therapy before autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and renal insufficiency.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and the toxicity of thalidomide-dexamethasone (Thal-Dex) as induction therapy before autologous peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) with renal insufficiency. The study included 31 patients with a baseline creatinine clearance value ≤50 mL/min, 7 of whom required chronic hemodialysis. Patients received 4 months of Thal-Dex, followed by PBSC collection and subsequent transplantation. After induction, a partial response (PR) or greater was obtained in 23 patients (74%), including 8 (26%) who achieved a very good PR. Renal function improved more frequently in patients achieving a PR or greater (82%, vs 37% in patients achieving less than a PR; P = .04). Twenty-six patients underwent PBSC mobilization; in 17 of these patients (65%), >4 × 10 6 CD34 + cells/kg were collected. Double autologous transplantation was performed in 15 patients, and a single autologous transplantation was performed in 7 patients. After a median of 32 months of follow-up, median event-free survival was 30 months, and median survival was not determined. According to our data, Thal-Dex is effective and safe in patients with newly diagnosed MM and renal insufficiency. Given the relationship between recovery of renal function and response to induction treatment, more intensive Thal + bortezomib regimens could be explored to rescue higher numbers of patients

    Variability of cardiac troponin levels in normal subjects and in patients with cardiovascular diseases: analytical considerations and clinical relevance

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    : In accordance with all the most recent international guidelines, the variation of circulating levels of cardiac troponins I and T, measured with high-sensitivity methods (hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT), should be used for the detection of acute myocardial injury. Recent experimental and clinical evidences have demonstrated that the evaluation of hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT variations is particularly relevant: a) for the differential diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in patients admitted to the Emergency Department (ED); b) for the evaluation of cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing major cardiac or non-cardiac surgery, and in asymptomatic subjects of the general population aged &gt;55&nbsp;years and with&nbsp;co-morbidities; c) for the evaluation of cardiotoxicity caused by administration of some chemotherapy drugs in patients with malignant tumors. The aim of this document is to discuss the fundamental statistical and biological considerations on the intraindividual variability of hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT over time in the same individual. Firstly, it will be discussed in detail as the variations of circulating levels strictly depend not only on the analytical error of the method used but also on the intra-individual variability of the biomarker. Afterwards, the pathophysiological interpretation and the clinical relevance of the determination of the variability of the hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT values ​​ in patients with specific clinical conditions are discussed. Finally, the evaluation over time of the variation in circulating levels of hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT is proposed for a more accurate estimation of cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic subjects from the general population

    Effectiveness and Safety of Transthoracic Ultrasound in Guiding Percutaneous Needle Biopsy in the Lung and Comparison vs. CT Scan in Assessing Morphology of Subpleural Consolidations

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    (1) Background: The aim of this study was to conduct a prospective analysis on the diagnostic accuracy of transthoracic ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle biopsy (TUS-PNB) for the histological assessment of peripheral lung lesions and to assess the performance of transthoracic ultrasound (TUS) examination vs. chest CT (gold standard) in the differentiation between malignant and benign peripheral lung lesions. (2) Methods: A total of 961 consecutive patients with subpleural pulmonary lesions were enrolled. All the patients received a CT scan with contrast; 762 patients underwent TUS-PTNB for suspicion of malignancy, and the remaining 199 enrolled patients underwent only TUS examination as a part of routine follow-up for known non-malignant subpleural consolidations. (3) Results: Among the 762 TUS-guided biopsies, there were 627 (82.28%) malignant lesions, 82 (10.76%) benign lesions, and 53 (6.96%) indeterminate lesions. The overall diagnostic accuracy was 93.04%. The rates of pneumothorax not requiring chest-tube insertion and self-limited hemoptysis were 0.79 and 0.26%, respectively. Patients were divided into two groups based on the benign or malignant nature of the subpleural consolidations. On TUS, both malignant and benign lesions showed mostly irregular margins and a hypoechoic pattern, but no differences were assessed in terms of sonographic margins and pattern between the two groups. There was poor agreement between TUS and chest CT in assessing air bronchograms and necrotic areas. The only finding in the detection of which TUS showed superiority compared to chest-CT was pleural effusion. (4) Conclusions: TUS-PNB was confirmed to be an effective and safe diagnostic method for peripheral pulmonary consolidation, but their sonographic pattern did not allow to rule out a malignant nature. A pre-operative evaluation on CT images, combined with the possibility of performing additional immunohistochemical and cytological investigations and the experience of the medical staff, may improve the diagnostic yield of TUS-guided biopsies

    Validation of the TROPOMI/S5P aerosol layer height using EARLINET lidars

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ability of the Sentinel-5P TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) to derive accurate geometrical features of lofted aerosol layers, selecting the Mediterranean Basin as the study area. Comparisons with ground-based correlative measurements constitute a key component in the validation of passive and active satellite aerosol products. For this purpose, we use ground-based observations from quality-controlled lidar stations reporting to the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). An optimal methodology for validation purposes has been developed and applied using the EARLINET optical profiles and TROPOMI aerosol products, aiming at the in-depth evaluation of the TROPOMI aerosol layer height (ALH) product for the period 2018 to 2022 over the Mediterranean Basin. Seven EARLINET stations were chosen, taking into consideration their proximity to the sea, which provided 63 coincident aerosol cases for the satellite retrievals. In the following, we present the first validation results for the TROPOMI/S5P ALH using the optimized EARLINET lidar products employing the automated validation chain designed for this purpose. The quantitative validation at pixels over the selected EARLINET stations illustrates that the TROPOMI ALH product is consistent with the EARLINET lidar products, with a high correlation coefficient R=0.82 (R=0.51) and a mean bias of -0.51±0.77 km and -2.27±1.17 km over ocean and land, respectively. Overall, it appears that aerosol layer altitudes retrieved from TROPOMI are systematically lower than altitudes from the lidar retrievals. High-albedo scenes, as well as low-aerosol-load scenes, are the most challenging for the TROPOMI retrieval algorithm, and these results testify to the need to further investigate the underlying cause. This work provides a clear indication that the TROPOMI ALH product can under certain conditions achieve the required threshold accuracy and precision requirements of 1 km, especially when only ocean pixels are included in the comparison analysis. Furthermore, we describe and analyse three case studies in detail, one dust and two smoke episodes, in order to illustrate the strengths and limitations of the TROPOMI ALH product and demonstrate the presented validation methodology. The present analysis provides important additions to the existing validation studies that have been performed so far for the TROPOMI S5P ALH product, which were based only on satellite-to-satellite comparisons.</p

    The still under-investigated role of cognitive deficits in PML diagnosis

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    Background: Despite cognitive deficits frequently represent the first clinical manifestations of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) in Natalizumab-treated MS patients, the importance of cognitive deficits in PML diagnosis is still under-investigated. The aim of the current study is to investigate the cognitive deficits at PML diagnosis in a group of Italian patients with PML. Methods: Thirty-four PML patients were included in the study. The demographic and clinical data, the lesion load and localization, and the longitudinal clinical course was compared between patients with (n = 13) and without (n = 15) cognitive deficit upon PML suspicion (the remaining six patients were asymptomatic). Clinical presentation of cognitive symptoms was described in detail. Result: After symptoms detection, the time to diagnosis resulted to be shorter for patients presenting with cognitive than for patients with non cognitive onset (p = 0.03). Within patients with cognitive onset, six patients were presenting with language and/or reading difficulties (46.15%); five patients with memory difficulties (38.4%); three patients with apraxia (23.1%); two patients with disorientation (15.3%); two patients with neglect (15.3%); one patients with object agnosia (7.7%), one patient with perseveration (7.7%) and one patient with dementia (7.7%). Frontal lesions were less frequent (p = 0.03), whereas temporal lesions were slightly more frequent (p = 0.06) in patients with cognitive deficits. The longitudinal PML course seemed to be more severe in cognitive than in non cognitive patients (F = 2.73, p = 0.03), but differences disappeared (F = 1.24, p = 0.29) when balancing for the incidence of immune reconstitution syndrome and for other treatments for PML (steroids, plasma exchange (PLEX) and other therapies (Mefloquine, Mirtazapine, Maraviroc). Conclusion: Cognitive deficits at PML onset manifest with symptoms which are absolutely rare in MS. Their appearance in MS patients should strongly suggest PML. Clinicians should be sensitive to the importance of formal neuropsychological evaluation, with particular focus on executive function, which are not easily detected without a formal assessment