217 research outputs found

    Viidesluokkalaisten näkemyksiä koulukiusaamisesta

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    Aarnio, Elina, Laaksonen, Maria & Melchy, Outi. Viidesluokkalaisten näkemyksiä koulukiusaamisesta. Lahti, syksy 2009, 72 s, 4 liitettä. Diakoniaammattikorkeakoulu / Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Lahti. Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, terveydenhoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, terveydenhoitaja(AMK). KoulukiusaaminenKoulukiusaaminen on yleinen ongelma koulumaailmassa ja tutkimusten mukaan noin joka kymmenes oppilas on kokenut koulukiusaamista. Koulukiusaaminen voi aiheuttaa kiusatulle pitkäaikaisia ongelmia niin psyykkisesti, sosiaalisesti kuin fyysisestikin. Yhteiskunnallisella tasolla on alettu tiedostaa koulukiusaamisen vakavuus ja sen vuoksi on kehitetty uusia menetelmiä koulukiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisemiseksi ja siihen puuttumiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa erään eteläsuomalaisen alakoulun viidesluokkalaisten näkemyksiä koulukiusaamisesta heidän koulussaan. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin selvittämään koulukiusaamisen yleisyyttä viidesluokkalaisilla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, mitä mieltä viidesluokkalaiset olivat koulukiusaamiseen saatavasta avusta sekä millä keinoilla viidesluokkalaisten mielestä koulukiusaamiseen voisi saada apua. Tavoitteena oli, että tutkimuskoulu voisi hyödyntää tutkimustuloksia arvioidessaan omaa toimintaansa sekä suunnitellessaan koulukiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyä ja auttamiskeinoja. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna kyselynä, joka sisälsi kaksi avointa kysymystä. Tutkimuksen kohdejoukkona olivat tutkimuskoulun viidesluokkalaiset, joita oli yhteensä 78. Kyselyyn osallistui 66 viidesluokkalaista ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui siten 85. Kysely suoritettiin maaliskuussa 2009 tutkimuskoululla. Strukturoitujen kysymysten vastauksista muodostettiin suoria jakaumia ja avointen kysymysten vastaukset luokiteltiin teemoittain. Tutkimustuloksista ilmeni, että vastaajista noin viidennes oli joutunut koulu-kiusatuksi. Lähes puolet oppilaista koki, ettei heidän koulussaan oltu puututtu riittävästi koulukiusaamiseen. Tärkeimpinä keinoina koulukiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä oppilaat toivat esiin yhteisen toiminnan lisäämisen sekä välituntivalvonnan tehostamisen. Lisäksi oppilaat toivoivat nopeaa puuttumista koulukiusaamiseen. Opettajan merkitys koulukiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä ja siihen puuttumisessa korostui oppilaiden vastauksissa. Asiasanat: koulukiusaaminen, ennaltaehkäisy, alakoulu.Bullying is a common problem in the educational realm, and according to stud-ies approximately every tenth student has been bullied. Bullying may cause long term psychological, social and physical effects for the victim. On a societal level general awareness of the gravity of bullying is growing, and therefore new methods have been developed to prevent and counteract bullying. The aim of this study was to map fifth grade students' views on bullying in a primary school in southern Finland. The study was set to find out the frequency of bullying as experienced by fifth grade students. Another objective of the study was to find out what fifth grade students think about the help available to them when dealing with bullying, and how they think they could get help. It was hoped that the participating school could utilise the results when evaluating their practices and when planning the prevention and help for bullying. The research was conducted via semi-structured questionnaires, consisting of two open questions. The target group was 78 fifth grade students of the partici-pating school. 66 students filled the questionnaire, thus giving a response per-centage of 85. The research was conducted in March 2009 at the participating school. From the answers to the structured questions direct distributions were formed and the answers to the open questions were classified thematically. The results showed that approximately one fifth of the participants had been bullied. About half of the students felt that their school had not intervened sufficiently. As the most important means of preventing bullying the students considered increased communal activities, and break-time surveillance. In addition, the students wished for quicker intervention to bullying situations. The significance of teachers in preventing and intervining in bullying were emphasined in the students' responses

    Discourses on educational support in the context of general upper secondary education

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    After basic education, the Finnish educational system divides into separate types of upper secondary schools – general and vocational. Vocational schools have long traditions of educating young people with support needs and arranging special education. General upper secondary schools are instead considered to serve ‘academically orientated’ students, and these schools do not necessarily have established support practices. In this article, we examine how the needs of support are discussed in general upper secondary education, and what kinds of meanings they get in a school’s everyday practices. The article is based on an ethnographic study of educational support, study counselling and societal inclusion. Our analysis highlights the school’s study culture as strongly academic, where diverse support practices are not part of the picture. The current resources shape support as an individual and separate addition to general teaching, even though, according to education policy aims, support should be communal and inclusive.Peer reviewe

    Oma Olivia, activating audiences in content production - Production of media content through audience participation

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    With the development of the internet, media and its formats have started changing. New online media formats have enabled more audience participation in the production of media content, and this has given space for innovation and more co-operative media content production. Oma Olivia is a concept from Olivia magazine that actively seeks to activate its audiences in content production. This thesis examines the production patterns and audience participation in Oma Olivia and two Oma Olivia magazine editions. Through the use of content analysis the thesis examines challenges posted on the Oma Olivia website for the audiences, and the magazine content produced from these challenges. The thesis aims to see where in the production processes are the audiences of Oma Olivia placed and what do they produce. The thesis also uses political economy as its theoretical framework and concentrates on examining how the audience produced content can be seen in relation to commodification and the labor theory of value. Other valuable insights to political economy in this thesis are provided through the examination of the blindspot debate, and its later digital media considerations. The thesis findings from this thesis show that the audiences of the Oma Olivia concept add their own personal opinions and experiences to the topics provided on the Oma Olivia website, and through simple means of interaction add a valuable personal layer to the content of the magazine. The thesis also shows that the Oma Olivia format adds a new pattern to the traditional production patters in the labour theory of value, and produces content within the traditional production cycle. Additionally from the findings it is concluded that the value produced in the audience production may not be measured in economic terms as the process itself does not add direct economical value. This conclusion raises the need for further research into the value production in these concepts as well as the production patterns suggested in this thesis

    Vector Misconceptions in Finnish Matriculation Examination

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    We used a large data set to discover what kind of misconceptions Finnish secondary school students have in elementary vector calculations. The study was based on a data set from the spring 2020 advanced mathematics exam in the Finnish matriculation examination. The data set consisted of answers from 13,284 students who participated in the exam. We focused on a question about vectors and compared the results to another question about equations and inequalities. We analyzed and classified the answers and explain common misconceptions the students had in the exam. Certain typical mistakes included not understanding that the result of a dot product is a scalar, and not a vector, or not understanding the notation for the norm of a vector.We used a large data set to discover what kind of misconceptions Finnish secondary school students have in elementary vector calculations. The study was based on a data set from the spring 2020 advanced mathematics exam in the Finnish matriculation examination. The data set consisted of answers from 13,284 students who participated in the exam. We focused on a question about vectors and compared the results to another question about equations and inequalities. We analyzed and classified the answers and explain common misconceptions the students had in the exam. Certain typical mistakes included not understanding that the result of a dot product is a scalar, and not a vector, or not understanding the notation for the norm of a vector

    Ecological crossovers of sexual signaling in a migratory bird

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    Environmental shifts may induce sudden reversals in the relative quality or sexual attractiveness of mates (ecological crossovers) leading to non-directional sexual selection. Studies on such ecological crossovers induced by environmental shifts during the nonbreeding season are particularly rare. We studied the interactive effects between nonbreeding conditions and a male white wing patch on the breeding success of breeding pairs and the local survival of females in a migratory passerine population over a 32-year period. After dry winters, females paired with large-patched males were more likely to survive than those paired with small-patched males, and vice versa after moist winters. Moreover, after dry winters, large-patched males succeeded in attracting females that laid large clutches, while small-patched males bred with females that laid small clutches, and vice versa after moist winters. This phenomenon led to a difference in fledgling numbers only during years with dry winters and high precipitation during the breeding season. The selection on this male trait and its signaling value to females thus depended on a complex interaction between conditions both at the nonbreeding and breeding grounds. We show that it is important to consider conditions during the nonbreeding season when examining the effects of sexual ornaments on fitness.Peer reviewe

    Presence of foodborne pathogens, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase -producing Enterobacteriaceae, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in slaughtered reindeer in northern Finland and Norway

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    Background: Various food-producing animals were recognized in recent years as healthy carriers of bacterial pathogens causing human illness. In northern Fennoscandia, the husbandry of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) is a traditional livelihood and meat is the main product. This study determined the presence of selected foodborne pathogens, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy semi-domesticated reindeer at slaughter in northern Finland and Norway. Results: All 470 reindeer fecal samples tested negative for Salmonella spp., whereas L. monocytogenes was detected in 3%, Yersinia spp. in 10%, and Shiga toxins genes (stx1 and/or stx2) in 33% of the samples. Listeria monocytogenes isolates belonged to the serotype 1/2a (14/15) and 4b, Yersinia spp. were identified mainly as Y. kristensenii (30/46) and Y. enterocolitica (8/46), and stx2 predominated among the Shiga toxin genes (stx2 alone or in combination with stx1 was found in 25% of the samples). With regard to the frequency and distribution of stx1/stx2, striking differences were evident among the 10 different areas of origin. Hence, reindeer could constitute a reservoir for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), but strain isolation and characterization is required for verification purposes and to assess the potential human pathogenicity of strains. On the other hand, the favorable antibiotic resistance profiles (only 5% of 95 E. coli isolates were resistant to one or more of the tested antibiotics) and the absence of MRSA and ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae (when applying selective methods) suggest only a limited risk of transmission to humans. Conclusions: Healthy semi-domesticated reindeer in northern Finland and Norway can be carriers of certain bacterial foodborne pathogens. Strict compliance with good hygiene practices during any step of slaughter (in particular during dehiding and evisceration) is therefore of central importance to avoid carcass contamination and to prevent foodborne pathogens from entering the food chain.Peer reviewe