120 research outputs found

    Ensuring corporate travel compliance : Control vs. commitment strategies

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    Business travel has increased substantially during the past few decades. Business travel costs are one of the main controllable costs in international corporations, and thus companies are imposing stricter policies on corporate travel to create savings and efficiency. For travel management, the current literature suggests two alternative management strategies based on either a control-oriented or a commitment-oriented approach. In this paper we present an in-depth case study that investigates the impact that each type of strategy has on corporate travel policy compliance. Specifically, we investigate how the strategies are executed in a triadic travel supply chain setting, consisting of a corporate travel buyer, a business travel agency and a technology provider. Our findings show that both the control and commitment-based strategies are used in all stages of the travel process. The seminal finding is that the competitiveness and high quality of services provided internally by the buyer in collaboration with the triad members – rather than strict control and monitoring – is essential to travel policy compliance. This finding shows that corporate travel management shares similar perspectives to leisure travel in that service quality is key to securing business. Furthermore, a proactive approach to control via a well-established and reasonable travel policy is needed.© 2015 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial–NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY–NC–ND 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Hyvä, paha alkoholimainonta. Mainonnan lukijoina korkeakouluopiskelijat

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    Tämä tutkimus selvittää korkeakouluopiskelijoiden alkoholimainonnan lukutaitoisuutta kartoittamalla opiskelijoiden asennoitumista alkoholimainontaan ja sen rajoituksiin. Tätä kautta tutkimus sivuaa myös korkeakouluopiskelijoiden alkoholinkäyttöä sekä nimeää muutamia yleisimpiä syitä heidän alkoholinkäytölleen. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 376 Tampereella opiskelevan korkeakouluopiskelijan vastauksesta kyselyyn, joka kartoitti opiskelijoiden alkoholinkäyttötottumuksia ja alkoholiasenteita. Kysely selvitti myös opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä siitä, miten mainonta vaikuttaa heihin itseensä ja miten se vaikuttaa muihin ihmisiin. Tutkimus selvittää korkeakouluopiskelijoiden suhtautumista alkoholimainontaan ja sen rajoituksiin laadullisen asennetutkimuksen ja sisällönanalyysin avulla. Kyselyyn saatuja vastauksia tarkastellaan erittelemällä ja taulukoimalla, mutta myös laadullisesti analysoimalla vastausten sisältöä tarkemmin. Tutkimus osoitti, että korkeakouluopiskelijat nauttivat alkoholia pääsääntöisesti kohtuudella. Yleisimmiksi syiksi alkoholinkäytölle osoittautuivat rentoutuminen ja juhliminen. Alkoholinkäyttöä ei kuitenkaan nähty edellytyksenä rentoutumiselle tai onnistuneille juhlille. Korkeakouluopiskelijat eivät liioin koe olevansa "mainonnan orjia", sillä he eivät usko alkoholimainonnan vaikuttavan omaan alkoholinkulutukseensa tai alkoholiasenteisiinsa. Vastakohtana tälle vastaajat kuitenkin kokivat, että alkoholimainonta vaikuttaa muiden ihmisten alkoholiasenteisiin ja kulutustapoihin. Korkeakouluopiskelijat näyttävän myös olevan ainakin osittain mainonnan lukutaitoisia, sillä heidän voi sanoa omaavan ainakin yhden mainonnan lukutaidon osa-alueen, osa vastaajista omasi niitä enemmänkin. Täysin mainonnan lukutaitoisia he eivät kuitenkaan ole. Osittaista lukutaitoisuutta tukee myös teoria, jonka mukaan kukaan ei voi olla täysin mainonnan lukutaitoinen.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Contribution of forest wood products to negative emissions : historical comparative analysis from 1960 to 2015 in Norway, Sweden and Finland

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    Background: Forests and forest products can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation by stabilizing and even potentially decreasing the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Harvested wood products (HWP) represent a common widespread and cost-efficient opportunity for negative emissions. After harvest, a significant fraction of the wood remains stored in HWPs for a period that can vary from some months to many decades, whereas atmospheric carbon (C) is immediately sequestered by vegetation re-growth. This temporal mismatch between oxidation of HWPs and C uptake by vegetation generates a net sink that lasts over time. The role of temporary carbon storage in forest products has been analysed and debated in the scientific literature, but detailed bottomup studies mapping the fate of harvested materials and quantifying the associated emission profiles at national scales are rare. In this work, we quantify the net CO2 emissions and the temporary carbon storage in forest products in Norway, Sweden and Finland for the period 1960-2015, and investigate their correlation. We use a Chi square probability distribution to model the oxidation rate of C over time in HWPs, taking into consideration specific half-lives of each category of products. We model the forest regrowth and estimate the time-distributed C removal. We also integrate the specific HWP flows with an emission inventory database to quantify the associated life-cycle emissions of fossil CO2, CH4 and N2O. Results: We find that assuming an instantaneous oxidation of HWPs would overestimate emissions of about 1.18 billion t CO2 (cumulative values for the three countries over the period 1960-2015).We also find that about 40 years after 1960, the starting year of our analysis, are sufficient to detect signs of negative emissions. The total amount of net CO2 emissions achieved in 2015 are about -3.8 million t CO2, -27.9 t CO2 and -43.6 t CO2 in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, respectively. Conclusion: We argue for a more explicit accounting of the actual emission rates from HWPs in carbon balance studies and climate impact analysis of forestry systems and products, and a more transparent inclusion of the potential of HWP as negative emissions in perspective studies and scenarios. Simply assuming that all harvested carbon is instantaneously oxidized can lead to large biases and ultimately overlook the benefits of negative emissions of HWPs.Peer reviewe

    Component-resolved diagnosis in selecting patients for yellowjacket venom immunotherapy

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    Background: Venom immunotherapy is effective in preventing systemic allergic reactions (SARs), but the diagnosis of venom allergy is problematic. Objective: To compare the performance of component-resolved diagnosis and conventional tests in patients referred for venom immunotherapy. Methods: We measured serum-specific immunoglobulin E to yellowjacket and honeybee venoms (Ves v 1 and Ves v 5 and Api m 1), cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants, serum basal tryptase (ImmunoCAP, ThermoFisher Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden), and skin prick test reactions in 84 patients referred to receive venom immunotherapy. History of SAR and its severity were evaluated. Results: Of the 78 patients with suspected yellowjacket venom (YJV) allergy, a history of SAR was confirmed in 47 (60%) and 31 (40%) had a non-SAR reaction. The most accurate tests to confirm venom allergy after a SAR were serum-specific immunoglobulin E to yellowjacket whole-venom extract spiked with Ves v 5 (area under the curve 0.87, 95% confidence interval 0.77-0.97, P <.001) and Ves v 5 (area under the curve 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.76-0.96, P <.001). Sensitization to Ves v 1 was infrequent and its area under the curve was low (0.62, 95% confidence interval 0.47-0.76, P = .106). Sensitivity of the YJV skin prick test was 86%, but its specificity was low at 54%. Double sensitization to yellowjacket and honeybee occurred frequently in skin prick tests. Of the patients without a SAR, 26% showed a positive reaction to YJV in any serum test and 46% showed a positive reaction in skin tests. Conclusion: Specific immunoglobulin E to the YJV spiked with Ves v 5 confirmed the allergy after a SAR. A history of SAR should be confirmed before testing, because venom sensitization is frequent in other types of reactions. (C) 2017 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Health-related quality of life after laparoscopic repair of giant paraesophageal hernia : how does recurrence in CT scan compare to clinical success?

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    Background Computed tomography (CT) is widely used in the diagnosis of giant paraesophageal hernias (GPEH) but has not been utilised systematically for follow-up. We performed a cross-sectional observational study to assess mid-term outcomes of elective laparoscopic GPEH repair. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the radiological hernia recurrence rate by CT and to determine its association with current symptoms and quality of life. Methods All non-emergent laparoscopic GPEH repairs between 2010 to 2015 were identified from hospital medical records. Each patient was offered non-contrast CT and sent questionnaires for disease-specific symptoms and health-related quality of life. Results The inclusion criteria were met by 165 patients (74% female, mean age 67 years). Total recurrence rate was 29.3%. Major recurrent hernia (> 5 cm) was revealed by CT in 4 patients (4.3%). Radiological findings did not correlate with symptom-related quality of life. Perioperative mortality occurred in 1 patient (0.6%). Complications were reported in 27 patients (16.4%). Conclusions Successful laparoscopic repair of GPEH requires both expertise and experience. It appears to lead to effective symptom relief with high patient satisfaction. However, small radiological recurrences are common but do not affect postoperative symptom-related patient wellbeing.Peer reviewe

    Maternal asthma is associated with increased risk of perinatal mortality

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    Background Asthma is the most common chronic disease during pregnancy and it may have influence on pregnancy outcome. Objectives Our goal was to assess the association between maternal asthma and the perinatal risks as well as possible effects of asthma medication. Methods The study was based on a nationwide Finnish register-based cohort between the years 1996 and 2012 in the Drug and Pregnancy Database. The register data comprised 962 405 singleton live and stillbirths, 898 333 (93.3%) pregnancies in mothers with neither confirmed asthma nor use of asthma medication (controls), and 26 674 (2.8%) pregnancies with confirmed maternal asthma. 71% of mothers with asthma used asthma medication. The diagnosis of asthma was based on the mothers' right for subsidised medication which is carefully evaluated by strict criteria including pulmonary function testing. Odds ratio was used in comparison. Premature birth (PB), low birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), neonatal death were the main outcome measures. Results Maternal asthma was associated with adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for perinatal mortality 1.24 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.46), preterm birth 1.18 (1.11 to 1.25), low birth weight 1.29 (1.21 to 1.37), fetal growth restriction (SGA) 1.32, (1.24 to 1.40), and asphyxia 1.09 (1.02 to 1.17). Asthma treatment reduced the increased risk of preterm birth aOR 0.85 (95% CI 0.76 to 0.96) but mothers with treated asthma had higher risks of fetal growth restriction (SGA) aOR 1.26 (1.10 to 1.45), and asphyxia aOR 1.37 (1.17 to 1.61) than mothers with untreated asthma. Conclusion Asthma is associated with increased risks of perinatal mortality, preterm birth, low birth weight, fetal growth restriction (SGA), and asphyxia. Asthma treatment reduces the risk of preterm delivery, but it does not seem to reduce other complications such as perinatal mortality.Peer reviewe

    Sixteen-year longitudinal evaluation of blood-based DNA methylation biomarkers for early prediction of Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation (DNAm), an epigenetic mark reflecting both inherited and environmental influences, has shown promise for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) prediction. OBJECTIVE: Testing long-term predictive ability ( \u3e 15 years) of existing DNAm-based epigenetic age acceleration (EAA) measures and identifying novel early blood-based DNAm AD-prediction biomarkers. METHODS: EAA measures calculated from Illumina EPIC data from blood were tested with linear mixed-effects models (LMMs) in a longitudinal case-control sample (50 late-onset AD cases; 51 matched controls) with prospective data up to 16 years before clinical onset, and post-onset follow-up. Novel DNAm biomarkers were generated with epigenome-wide LMMs, and Sparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis applied at pre- (10-16 years), and post-AD-onset time-points. RESULTS: EAA did not differentiate cases from controls during the follow-up time (p \u3e 0.05). Three new DNA biomarkers showed in-sample predictive ability on average 8 years pre-onset, after adjustment for age, sex, and white blood cell proportions (p-values: 0.022- \u3c 0.00001). Our longitudinally-derived panel replicated nominally (p = 0.012) in an external cohort (n = 146 cases, 324 controls). However, its effect size and discriminatory accuracy were limited compared to APOE 4-carriership (OR = 1.38 per 1 SD DNAm score increase versus OR = 13.58 for 4-allele carriage; AUCs = 77.2% versus 87.0%). Literature review showed low overlap (n = 4) across 3275 AD-associated CpGs from 8 published studies, and no overlap with our identified CpGs
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