25 research outputs found

    The role of social partners in the right of freedom of movement of workers

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    El material que se presenta responde al trabajo de investigación realizado por los representantes de los siete países participantes en el Seminario Internacional, consistente en analizar el papel que están llamados a desempeñar los agentes sociales en la implementación del derecho a la libertad de circulación de trabajadores en la Unión Europea. El citado análisis se ha realizado desde dos perspectivas: el nivel comunitario y el nacional, siendo este último el que ha permitido una mayor profundización respecto de la situación en que se halla la negociación colecitva y los interlocutores sociales respecto de la libertad de circulación de trabajadores.Asociación Italiana de Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of individual patient data

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    Background: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is associated with anaemia-related morbidity, attributable to host, parasite and drug factors. We quantified the haematological response following treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria to identify the factors associated with malarial anaemia. Methods: Individual patient data from eligible antimalarial efficacy studies of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, available through the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network data repository prior to August 2015, were pooled using standardised methodology. The haematological response over time was quantified using a multivariable linear mixed effects model with nonlinear terms for time, and the model was then used to estimate the mean haemoglobin at day of nadir and day 7. Multivariable logistic regression quantified risk factors for moderately severe anaemia (haemoglobin < 7 g/dL) at day 0, day 3 and day 7 as well as a fractional fall ≥ 25% at day 3 and day 7. Results: A total of 70,226 patients, recruited into 200 studies between 1991 and 2013, were included in the analysis: 50,859 (72.4%) enrolled in Africa, 18,451 (26.3%) in Asia and 916 (1.3%) in South America. The median haemoglobin concentration at presentation was 9.9 g/dL (range 5.0–19.7 g/dL) in Africa, 11.6 g/dL (range 5.0–20.0 g/dL) in Asia and 12.3 g/dL (range 6.9–17.9 g/dL) in South America. Moderately severe anaemia (Hb < 7g/dl) was present in 8.4% (4284/50,859) of patients from Africa, 3.3% (606/18,451) from Asia and 0.1% (1/916) from South America. The nadir haemoglobin occurred on day 2 post treatment with a mean fall from baseline of 0.57 g/dL in Africa and 1.13 g/dL in Asia. Independent risk factors for moderately severe anaemia on day 7, in both Africa and Asia, included moderately severe anaemia at baseline (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 16.10 and AOR = 23.00, respectively), young age (age < 1 compared to ≥ 12 years AOR = 12.81 and AOR = 6.79, respectively), high parasitaemia (AOR = 1.78 and AOR = 1.58, respectively) and delayed parasite clearance (AOR = 2.44 and AOR = 2.59, respectively). In Asia, patients treated with an artemisinin-based regimen were at significantly greater risk of moderately severe anaemia on day 7 compared to those treated with a non-artemisinin-based regimen (AOR = 2.06 [95%CI 1.39–3.05], p < 0.001). Conclusions: In patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, the nadir haemoglobin occurs 2 days after starting treatment. Although artemisinin-based treatments increase the rate of parasite clearance, in Asia they are associated with a greater risk of anaemia during recovery


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    Over een week wordt de vierde Joost Zwagerman Essayprijs voor aanstormend essayerend talent uitgereikt. U leest de zes essays die de jury als kanshebbers uit 175 inzendingen selecteerde in het aanstaande nummer van de Nederlandse Boekengids, en natuurlijk hier, op www.nederlandseboekengids.com. Aflevering vier: Maria Kager, met haar essay over borstvoeding en haar verschijning in literatuur

    Comment Dire: A Neurolinguistic Approach to Beckett’s Bilingual Writings

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    Recent studies from the field of neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics suggest that bilinguals and multilinguals are in many ways fundamentally different from monolinguals, a difference that starts with a different cerebral structure for language. This difference will constitute the point of departure for my paper: If multilingual people are intrinsically different from monolingual people, it should follow that multilingual writers must be intrinsically different from monolingual writers. Samuel Beckett’s bilingualism was the governing force of much of his writing and has received ample critical attention. Yet this article will examine a hitherto neglected aspect of this topic: the way Beckett’s bilingualism may have inflected his writing in the first place. It will call on some of the research in neuro- and psycholinguistics to illuminate Beckett’s constant back and forth between English and French and the importance this may have had for his writing as well as to show how Beckett’s bilingual background is organically connected to the writing


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    Over een week wordt de vierde Joost Zwagerman Essayprijs voor aanstormend essayerend talent uitgereikt. U leest de zes essays die de jury als kanshebbers uit 175 inzendingen selecteerde in het aanstaande nummer van de Nederlandse Boekengids, en natuurlijk hier, op www.nederlandseboekengids.com. Aflevering vier: Maria Kager, met haar essay over borstvoeding en haar verschijning in literatuur

    The serial interaction of stress and syncope

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    Many languages respect the generalization that some or all unstressed vowels are deleted. This generalization proves elusive in classic Optimality Theory, however. The source of the problem is classic OT’s parallel evaluation, which requires that the effects of stress assignment and syncope be optimized together. This article argues for a version of OT called Harmonic Serialism, in which the effects of stress assignment and syncope can and must be evaluated sequentially. The results are potentially applicable to other domains where process interaction is best understood in derivational terms