5,795 research outputs found

    Equisingularity classes of birational projections of normal singularities to a plane

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    Given a birational normal extension S of a two-dimensional local regular ring R, we describe all the equisingularity types of the complete ideals J in R whose blowing-up has some point at which the local ring is analytically isomorphic to S. The problem of classifying the germs of such normal surface singularities was already posed by Spivakovsky (Ann. of Math. 1990). This problem has two parts: discrete and continous. The continous part is to some extent equivalent to the problem of the moduli of plane curve singularities, while the main result of this paper solves completely the discrete part.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Development and implantation of a Thesaurus of Manufacturing Engineering terms

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    Present work shows the teaching-learning experience developed in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Malaga. This experience is based on the need to generate a specific glossary of manufacturing engineering terms to be used as a study guide by the students. Eventually, it was decided to make a Thesaurus that would be aimed at a teaching activity. Also, it would take part in the educational innovation project PIE 13-025 of the University of Malaga, within the biennium 2013/2015. The first step consisted of the design of Thesaurus pattern, taking into account the kind of information that it was necessary include in it. Afterward, this pattern would be place on the Virtual Campus and the student would have to complete the information required. Finally, the results obtained in the different applications of this activity would be analyzed and evaluated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Seasonal dynamic factor analysis and bootstrap inference : application to electricity market forecasting

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    Year-ahead forecasting of electricity prices is an important issue in the current context of electricity markets. Nevertheless, only one-day-ahead forecasting is commonly tackled up in previous published works. Moreover, methodology developed for the short-term does not work properly for long-term forecasting. In this paper we provide a seasonal extension of the Non-Stationary Dynamic Factor Analysis, to deal with the interesting problem (both from the economic and engineering point of view) of long term forecasting of electricity prices. Seasonal Dynamic Factor Analysis (SeaDFA) allows to deal with dimensionality reduction in vectors of time series, in such a way that extracts common and specific components. Furthermore, common factors are able to capture not only regular dynamics (stationary or not) but also seasonal one, by means of common factors following a multiplicative seasonal VARIMA(p,d,q)×(P,D,Q)s model. Besides, a bootstrap procedure is proposed to be able to make inference on all the parameters involved in the model. A bootstrap scheme developed for forecasting includes uncertainty due to parameter estimation, allowing to enhance the coverage of forecast confidence intervals. Concerning the innovative and challenging application provided, bootstrap procedure developed allows to calculate not only point forecasts but also forecasting intervals for electricity prices.Dynamic factor analysis, Bootstrap, Forecasting, Confidence intervals

    The Upper Bound Theorem in forging processes: Model of Triangular Rigid Zones on parts with horizontal symmetry

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    The analysis to determine the necessary forces with which to achieve a plastic deformation in metallic materials, in particular, in forging processes and under conditions of plain strain, has been raised over the years through a double approach; on the one hand, by analytical methods that involve a great complexity in their developments but that allow a direct understanding of the parameters that direct these processes. On the other hand, numerical methods, in which, thanks to the enormous development of computer technology, they provide solutions with a high approximation but, in most cases, do not allow to interpret independently the effect of each one of the parameters that come into play. The development of computers relegated analytical methods to the background. An alternative of great interest to apply these methods comes from the study of the Upper Bound Theorem by means of the Triangular Rigid Zones (TRZ) Model. One of the main limitations in the application of this model come from the fact that it is necessary to define a kinematically admissible velocity field and for complex geometric configurations of parts, this field becomes increasingly complicated. A new approach has delimited, from a theoretical perspective, a modular configuration based on a General Module formed by three TRZ that adapts to any geometry of flat surfaces of the part. Another limitation of the Upper Bound Method is the consideration of the plain strain represented by a flat section with double symmetry. Obviously, this imposition only allows to study a limited number of part configurations, which restricts its application in forging processes since the great majority of forged parts do not present geometrically this double symmetry. The present work releases one of these boundary conditions allowing to expand the possibilities of application of this method.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Healthy Universities: Concepts, Dimensions and Approaches for the Construction of Healthy University Environments

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the health paradigms that prevail in the actions of the current university world by specifying the dimensions to guide interventions within the framework of Healthy Universities and by proposing a comprehensive and integrated vision of health for the construction of these interventions. Thus, a systematic review of the main available scientific databases based on an interpretative perspective was carried out. Forty-four articles, published between 2007 and 2018 and related to university environments or some of their stakeholders that included the addressed dimensions of Health: physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual were selected. The results show that this field of study is growing, most studies point to the physical and mental dimension of the students. Few studies were found in the other addressed dimensions for teachers, employees and pensioners. In conclusion, the relevance of the five dimensions was identified; although the least studied were environmental and spiritual, they have great potential for the development of interventions. Healthy universities must articulate the five dimensions with the stakeholders that make up their communities from the holistic and salutogenic approach to overcome the bio-medical trend of current interventions

    Propuesta metodológica para el análisis y evaluación de documentos metrológicos: aplicación al caso de instrumentos comparadores mecánicos en el ámbito español

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    Mediante la presente Tesis se ha desarrollado una metodología que permite realizar, de forma eficiente, el análisis y evaluación de documentación metrológica, garantizando unos niveles adecuados de rigor y eficiencia, y permitiendo su aplicación generalizada a cualquier equipo metrológico. La metodología de análisis se ha implementado de acuerdo a niveles claramente diferenciados, identificándose el grado de cumplimento de un determinado documento, de acuerdo a las expectativas de uso para las cuales se haya elaborado

    Analysis of the Effect of the Surface Inclination Angle on the Roughness of Polymeric Parts Obtained with Fused Filament Fabrication Technology

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    The aim of this work was to conduct a dimensional study, in terms of microgeometry, using parts from an additive manufacturing process with fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology. As in most cases of additive manufacturing processes, curved surfaces were obtained via approximation of planes with different inclinations. The focus of this experimental study was to analyze the surface roughness of curve geometry from surface-roughness measurements of the plane surfaces that generate it. Three relevant manufacturing parameters were considered: layer height, nozzle diameter and material. Taguchi’s experimental design based on the Latin square was applied to optimize the set of specimens used. For the manufactured samples, the surface-roughness parameters Ra (roughness average), Rq (root mean square roughness) and Rz (maximum height) were obtained in eight planes of different inclinations (0° to 90°). The results were analyzed using both a graphical model and an analysis of variance study (ANOVA), demonstrating the dependency relationships among the parameters considered and surface finish. The best surface roughness was reached at 85°, with a global average Ra value of 8.66 µm, increasing the average Ra value from 6.39 µm to 11.57 µm according to the layer height increase or decreasing it slightly, from 8.91 µm to 8.41 µm, in relation to the nozzle diameter increase. On the contrary, the worst surface roughness occurred at 20°, with a global average Ra value of 19.05 µm. Additionally, the theoretical profiles and those from the surface-roughness measurement were found to coincide greatly. Eventually, the eight regression curves from the ANOVA allowed prediction of outputs from future specimens tested under different conditions.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Analysis of the Effect of the Surface Inclination Angle on the Roughness of Polymeric Parts Obtained with Fused Filament Fabrication Technology

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    The aim of this work was to conduct a dimensional study, in terms of microgeometry, using parts from an additive manufacturing process with fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology. As in most cases of additive manufacturing processes, curved surfaces were obtained via approximation of planes with different inclinations. The focus of this experimental study was to analyze the surface roughness of curve geometry from surface-roughness measurements of the plane surfaces that generate it. Three relevant manufacturing parameters were considered: layer height, nozzle diameter and material. Taguchi’s experimental design based on the Latin square was applied to optimize the set of specimens used. For the manufactured samples, the surface-roughness parameters Ra (roughness average), Rq (root mean square roughness) and Rz (maximum height) were obtained in eight planes of different inclinations (0◦ to 90◦). The results were analyzed using both a graphical model and an analysis of variance study (ANOVA), demonstrating the dependency relationships among the parameters considered and surface finish. The best surface roughness was reached at 85◦, with a global average Ra value of 8.66 µm, increasing the average Ra value from 6.39 µm to 11.57 µm according to the layer height increase or decreasing it slightly, from 8.91 µm to 8.41 µm, in relation to the nozzle diameter increase. On the contrary, the worst surface roughness occurred at 20◦, with a global average Ra value of 19.05 µm. Additionally, the theoretical profiles and those from the surface-roughness measurement were found to coincide greatly. Eventually, the eight regression curves from the ANOVA allowed prediction of outputs from future specimens tested under different conditions

    The Upper Bound Theorem in Forging Processes: Model of Triangular Rigid Zones on Parts with Horizontal Symmetry

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    This paper presents the analytical method capacity of the upper bound theorem, under modular approach, to extend its application possibilities. Traditionally, this method has been applied in forging processes, considering plane strain condition and parts with double symmetry configuration. However, in this study, the double symmetry is eliminated by means of a fluency plane whose position comes from the center of mass calculated. The study of the load required to ensure the plastic deformation will be focus on the profile of the part, independently on both sides of the fluence plane, modifying the number and the shape of the modules that form the two halves in which the part is defined. This way, it is possible to calculate the necessary load to cause the plastic deformation, whatever its geometric profile