1,809 research outputs found

    Expressions of Mood in Cinematic Adaptations of Patricia Highsmith’s novels The Price of Salt and The Talented Mr. Ripley

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    The thesis sets out to explore the ways that mood is adapted from Highsmith’s novels The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) and The Price of Salt (1952) to Anthony Minghella’s The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) and Todd Haynes’s Carol (2015), respectively. The aim is to show the diverging ways in which the novels and the films express the quintessential Highsmith story through mood, and to show how these diverging forms of representation affect the overall experience of the stories. The discussion on the relationship between novels and their film adaptations reveals a traditionally ingrained expectation that film adaptations must fulfill a certain degree of fidelity to the novel. This view holds that film adaptation, as an interpreter, is in a form of artistic commitment to literature as the original source. The main goal of the film is then to pass on the literary work into new artistic territory while preserving the core idea and ‘essence’ of the original work. The thesis aims to shift the course of the discussion of adaptation away from the criterion of fidelity toward a discussion of the ways that these two art forms may in fact complement each other by being a part of a dialogical process between a representation and its source material. I argue in my thesis that the concept of mood, as a technique in literature and stylistic device in cinema, is essential in conveying the feeling of a distinct literary and cinematic world in Highsmith’s stories. Secondly, I argue that the aesthetic dimension of the films emphasizes an expression of moods through which the characters and audience can intuitively navigate the films’ meaning and emotional communication

    Interpretative tasks for teacher education to access and develop teachers’ interpretative knowledge

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    This paper forms part of the research project “Teachers Interpretative Knowledge development and its connections with the tasks for teacher education in the scope of Measurement, Algebraic, Geometric and Stochastic Thinking” (404959/2021-0) funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnólogico (CNPq) – Brasil

    A methodological approach to the development of prospective teachers’ interpretative knowledge

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    In this paper, we propose a methodological approach-the SCS cycle-suitable to develop prospective teachers Interpretative Knowledge (IK). In particular, this study focus on a group of 19 prospective secondary teachers attending a mathematics education course in Italy who were given an interpretative task involving measurement of the surface area of a rectangle. Their work on the task followed the SCS cycle and was video recorded and later transcribed. The analysis showed that the SCS cycle supported the development of the prospective teachers' IK, but further work is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the cycle as a way for developing prospective teachers' IK.publishedVersio

    New ventures in the age of digital media technologies – A qualitative study of influencer entrepreneurs

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    Master of Science in Business med spesialisering innen entreprenørskap og innovasjonsledelse, 201

    Diakoners blikk pĂĽ selvmordsforebygging. PĂĽ hvilken mĂĽte forebygger diakoner selvmord og hvordan forestĂĽr de sin selvmordsforebyggende praksis? - Et kvalitativt studie med intervju av diakoner fra Den norske kirke

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    Det er mange som tenker tanken om ü ta livet sitt en eller annen gang i løpet av livet, men som har forsvarsmekanismer som gjør at det kun blir med tanken. Dessverre er det altfor mange som gir tanken større rom og planlegger en slutt pü livet (Lier, 2004, s. 17). Hvert ür er det omlag 600 mennesker i Norge som tar sitt eget liv, mellom 7-10 ganger sü mange forsøker ü gjøre det og det er ukjent hvor mange som i større eller mindre grad har selvmordsatferd (Vrüle, 2018). Selvmord og selvdestruktiv atferd uten døden som utgang, har resultert i ü bli et av Norges mest alvorligste folkehelseproblem. Dette viser at selvmordstematikken er noe som berører mange

    Transfer between hospitals as a predictor of delay in diagnosis and treatment of patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:a register based cohort-study

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    Abstract Background Lung cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnosis in Denmark. Although improved during the last decade, the prognosis of lung cancer is still poor with an overall 5-year survival rate of approximately 12%. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer has been suggested as a potential cause of the poor prognosis and as consequence, fast track cancer care pathways were implemented describing maximum acceptable time thresholds from referral to treatment. In Denmark, patients with lung cancer are often transferred between hospitals with diagnostic facilities to hospitals with treatment facilities during the care pathway. We wanted to investigate whether this organizational set-up influenced the time that patients wait for the diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to uncover the impact of transfer between hospitals on the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Methods We performed a historical prospective cohort study using data from the Danish Lung Cancer Registry (DLCR). All patients diagnosed with primary NSCLC from January 1st 2008 to December 31st 2012 were included. Patients with unresolved pathology and incomplete data on the dates of referral, diagnosis and treatment were excluded. Results A total of 11 273 patients were included for further analyses. Transfer patients waited longer for treatment after the diagnosis, (Hazard ratio (HR) 0.81 (0.68–0.96)) and in total time from referral to treatment (HR 0.84 (0.77–0.92)), than no-transfer patients. Transfer patients had lower odds of being diagnosed (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.82 (0.74–0.94) and treated (OR 0.66 (0.61–0.72) within the acceptable time thresholds described in the care pathway. Conclusion Fast track cancer care pathways were implemented to unify and accelerate the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. We found that the transfer between hospitals during the care pathway might cause delay from diagnosis to treatment as well as in the total time from referral to treatment in patients with Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer. The difference between no-transfer and transfer patients persists after adjusting for known predictors of delay

    Transfer between hospitals as a predictor of delay in diagnosis and treatment of patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:a register based cohort-study

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    Abstract Background Lung cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnosis in Denmark. Although improved during the last decade, the prognosis of lung cancer is still poor with an overall 5-year survival rate of approximately 12%. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer has been suggested as a potential cause of the poor prognosis and as consequence, fast track cancer care pathways were implemented describing maximum acceptable time thresholds from referral to treatment. In Denmark, patients with lung cancer are often transferred between hospitals with diagnostic facilities to hospitals with treatment facilities during the care pathway. We wanted to investigate whether this organizational set-up influenced the time that patients wait for the diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to uncover the impact of transfer between hospitals on the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Methods We performed a historical prospective cohort study using data from the Danish Lung Cancer Registry (DLCR). All patients diagnosed with primary NSCLC from January 1st 2008 to December 31st 2012 were included. Patients with unresolved pathology and incomplete data on the dates of referral, diagnosis and treatment were excluded. Results A total of 11 273 patients were included for further analyses. Transfer patients waited longer for treatment after the diagnosis, (Hazard ratio (HR) 0.81 (0.68–0.96)) and in total time from referral to treatment (HR 0.84 (0.77–0.92)), than no-transfer patients. Transfer patients had lower odds of being diagnosed (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.82 (0.74–0.94) and treated (OR 0.66 (0.61–0.72) within the acceptable time thresholds described in the care pathway. Conclusion Fast track cancer care pathways were implemented to unify and accelerate the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. We found that the transfer between hospitals during the care pathway might cause delay from diagnosis to treatment as well as in the total time from referral to treatment in patients with Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer. The difference between no-transfer and transfer patients persists after adjusting for known predictors of delay

    Fra holdning til handling: det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klĂŚr

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    Det er kjent at klesindustrien er en av verstingene innenfor forurensning. Samtidig som etterspørselen øker, produseres klær i fast fashion med lav kvalitet, men med stor miljøbelastning. Ikke minst avdekkes det brudd av menneskerettigheter på flere av fabrikkene det sys klær på. En av løsningene kan være å kjøpe brukte klær, noe vår forskning spesialiserer seg på, og da særlig det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klær. Ettersom vi omtrent ikke har funnet tidligere forskning på nettopp dette markedet, håper vi at vår bacheloroppgave kan bidra til at flere benytter seg av det. Det vil bidra til sirkulær økonomi, og ikke minst redder det brukbare klær fra å gå i søpla. Ved hjelp av vår forskning, vil vi svare på følgende problemstillinger: - Hvilke holdninger har unge forbrukere til det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klær? - Hvordan påvirker unge forbrukeres holdninger deres atferd i det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klær? For å svare på spørsmålene utarbeidet vi tre hypoteser, og benyttet oss av to studier; en kvalitativ og en kvantitativ. Vi gjennomførte dybdeintervjuer, en spørreundersøkelse for å lage en Multi-Attributt-Holdningsmodell, og til slutt regresjonsanalyser. Vi konkluderer med at to av tre hypoteser ble bekreftet. Våre resultater viser at det er større variasjon i holdninger til det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klær, men gjennomsnittlig er den positiv, på grensen til nøytral. Faktorer som økonomi, tid og krefter, samt identitet og stil spiller inn som bakgrunn til deres holdninger. Ved hjelp av en regresjonsanalyse, kan vi konkludere med at unge forbrukeres holdninger til det digitale bruktmarkedet for mote og klær styrer atferden i markedet med ca ⅓. Det bør også tas i betraktning at det særlig finnes hindringer som fører til at atferd ikke nødvendigvis stemmer overens med holdninger. De med mest positiv holdning, er likevel de som handler mest i dette markedet. Underveis i datainnsamlingen kom det også gode forslag til hvordan det digitale bruktmarkedet kan forbedres. Blant annet retningslinjer til bruk av bilder og video, handlekurv, bedre kategorisering, og større fokus på markedskommunikasjo
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